Going Back (8 IMAGES)

81 thoughts on “Going Back (8 IMAGES)”

      1. I wish I could say I enjoyed … this is really hard work. I do get intense pleasure by being in my gardens and smelling earth. I found a toad in one of my gardens, so I carefully went around him, not wanting to hurt him. He was the cutest little thing. Have a great night, Mor. Another day tomorrow I continue …. xx Amy


  1. I love seeing your kitties. I lost mine in February, so loved enjoyed seeing yours. My gardens are calling to me as well. It’s a busy time of the year. Enjoy your piece of earth! Thank you.


    1. Thank you, Sherrie. These gardens are a lot of work. I will be thinking of you. And I am truly sorry for your loss. I know how my Heart is ripped out of my chest when I loose one of ours. May Peace be yours this day. Love, Amy


    1. Oh, Michael, it is SO good to see you!!! Thank you with the “good luck” because I shall need it. I am approaching number 10 of 17, so I hope to get at least 2 finished today. I have one HUGE one in those that are left, wishing I had about 2 other people to help me with. Thank you for being here. I am indeed honored. Much Love to you this day!!! (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. Sure is, Harold. And I am about all finished with my unanswered comments, closing this iPad, and turning my attention to those gardens. Spring has had a tough time pushing in this year, with so much cool and damp weather in evidence. I have a feeling when the Sun does come out, it will be here to stay so I must be ready with camera in hand when everything blooms at once!!! (((HUGS))) my friend, Amy


    1. Thank you, Amy! I just finished up two more gardens and in a third, dug out the rock border to get out the grass and weeds around the rocks. Then I reset those. It is damp and rainy here, and I seriously ache. I am headed to eat something then go for a nice long hot soak in a bath. Tomorrow, I have two more ahead of me, one quite large. I might only do the large one. I don’t know. I’ll see what tomorrow brings.

      My cats are something and they are truly loved. Hope you are having a good day, my friend!!! Love, Amy


      1. Can’t wait to see photos of your beautiful gardens! 🙂 Thank you for replying my comment while you are busying with your projects! My day goes better when I see ya, Amy 🙂


      2. *tears* Oh, Ame, I feel the same too. This is really hard NOT to talk to you and others that I normally do. I’ve had a tough day, planning on another one tomorrow, and IF I can keep going on Sunday. You made my day better, Luv, really. Thanks for being so patient, and again, I really promise, the wait will be worth it. I have my eye on some things I want to shoot .. maybe tomorrow. It was just too cold and damp for me to lay on the ground today. BIG (((HUGS))) Amy


  2. The kitties are soooo sweet! I admire you for being able to take care of these babies. I tried fostering dogs like my baby and found I just could not handle the pain. You are very strong!! The kitties are fortunate to have found a place with you and your husband. All the best for your gardens! I’ll miss seeing you as often but will look forward to postings on what’s going on in the garden when you get a chance!!


    1. Hi!! I just finished up two more gardens and worked at the rock border of a third. It is really damp and wet here and oh I ache. SO I plan on eating and then taking a nice long hot soak. I must rest away from here for tomorrow again I have to continue. I really do miss the interactions with all of you, but the wait will be worth it. As for my cats, I know it takes a lot of strength and determination to keep going. This is what we have been called to do, and no matter how tough it gets, and it does, we wouldn’t change our lives. These cats are so precious to us, loved in a way that is complete.

      I hope to have the majority of everything completed by Sunday. I hope. I pray my strength to do this remains. And then for next week I can post and TALK again. LOL With all my Love and Gratitude, Amy


    1. I thought of YOU as I did today! LOL I even have one of my little sayings that came about when we talked. Now I have an actual dandelion to photograph!!! Thank you for admiring my babies. They are precious. Beyond words. Thank you, Michelle, and have a really good visit with your Mom this weekend!!! Love, Amy


      1. I hope your gardening was more eventful than ours, lol. It’s been windy and rainy all weekend. We ended up catching up over a glass of wine and admiring the work we didn’t do from the inside, lol. It was good though I haven’t seen her since January so I’m glad we got to reconnect regardless. I did take a picture of a flower that popped up on the side of her shed. I’m not sure what it is, (I’ll post it on my blog later) I’m sure you will though, if you’re interested? 😉


      2. Michelle, I will do my best to get over to you blog. You know I do. I am winding down with the gardening here … still have some to do, but I need a back break. And a knee break. I worked in the rain yesterday and in the middle of a shoot the sky opened up, roared with thunder and down it poured. My hubs opened the door and yelled, “GET IN HERE!” and I just HAD to get what I was shooting. Tee Hee. I was protected more or less out of the rain. I got my shot and then went inside. I am SO glad your Mom and you had a good time. That makes me feel SO good inside, making my Heart smile!!!! Love and (((HUGS))) Amy


      3. Aww thank you so much. Haha, I like the thunder and lighting storms from afar, their amazing to watch. I’m glad you got your shot. 🙂 What kind of camera do you use?


      4. A Canon 50D. It is the lenses that make the difference though. I have two really incredible lenses. And saving up for a third to complete my set. (GRIN) xx


      5. Oooh very nice! I use a Nikon Coolpix I like it for the most part. Was a great camera to use for my photography class in college. =D


      6. I LOVE my Canon. Love it! It is beginning to become my third hand. She and I are really getting to one another. I know her “sweet spot” and oh, yes, I LOVE that sweet spot. I encourage you to do what YOU love, and IF it is photography, go for it, Michelle!!! (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. Thank you, Lora. Did you see all the others? LOL Love, Amy who just finished up two more gardens, heading for a long hot soak and then on the couch with Erik’s book. Ahhhh…….luxury. Tomorrow I turn around and head right back outside to continue. (((HUGS)) Amy


  3. Such lovely children! I have 4. 5 if you count my husband! 🙂 My heart goes out to you as I had a Siamese mix that had an enlarged heart. It went almost from rib to rib. I had to work, and every day drove home at lunch and then when the day was done crying. I wish you the best with this beloved cat! HUGE HUGS! You are in my prayers! Jane


    1. Oh, Jane, thank you SO much. Yes, it is hard to deal with Molly’s condition. We are combining homeopathy and Flax Seed Oil with her meds to see if that can help with her whiskers. I have a suspicion that the meds are actually hurting her liver. Just a tough spot to be in all the way around. I didn’t count my husband in with the “kid count” but I should have. (smile) Love you!!! (((HUGS))) Amy


      1. Thank you, Jane. I am seeing an improvement today! We began a new “regimen” three days ago, Molly only getting these things twice, yet I am seeing an improvement. OH for the JOY!!! (((HUGS))) Amy


  4. All of your babies are precious little beauties! Bless you for taking such good care of them! You’re truly amazing! 🙂 Love and huggies, Roxy & Tigerlino ❤ ❤ ❤


    1. Thank you thank you thank you!!! I LOVE them, you know. I really LOVE them. I really do cry over Molly when I see her struggling and so tired. Then she has her good days, and her eyes are a deep jade green and my heart smiles. The moment she tells me, OK, Mom, I’m ready to go, no matter how hard that is for me to do, I shall. She loves to curl up around my head and dig into my hair. She loves to curl up on my chest when I lay down for a 5 minute nap. She always comes to me when she needs something, tells me, I get it, and I give it to her. She also has such a hard time in the cold weather, doing so much better in the warm and sunny weather. She LOVES going outside when it is warm, and I see her come to life. Thanks for listening. Molly is one of my more serious guys. Now back to my gardens for half an hour, back in to feed my babies and me, and then put my feet up for a while. This is hard work. Whoa!!!! Love, Amy


      1. We’re writing this with tears in our eyes because we’re beyond touched by your words. We can FEEL the love you have for your babies. You’re truly amazing! Bless you! 🙂 ❤ Love, Roxy & Tigerlino ❤


      2. Now I have *tears*. I have paid a high price for what I do with these cats, but I woudln’t change it. They came into our lives because they knew we would care for them, love them, and keep them as healthy as we can. We are in this for the long haul, no matter what. Many people think we are “nuts” for what we do, and some have actually suggested we should put them down so that our lives would be different, and “more normal”. *shaking head* They don’t get it. They just don’t see cats as precious souls as we do. And I know you do too. You don’t know how great it is to know that there are people in this world who love their cats as we do. Thank YOU!!!! Anyways …. finished 2 gardens. Headed to eat something, soak in a long hot bath and for the rest of the day lay on the couch with a good book. I have to again turn around to go back out tomorrow. I HEART you!!!! (((HUGS))) Amy


  5. Blessed are those who help the ones who cannot help themselves. Praying – you know. This post makes me want to wuzzle a cat doggonit! They are beautiful. Gorgeous.


    1. Aren’t they, Susan? For some reason all my calicos decided to be photographed together. I have so many others just as beautiful, but some run and I mean run when they see my camera. They are afraid of it. Yesterday when they were playing, they didn’t see my camera. Tee Hee. And so I PLAYED. LOL (((HUGS))) and hoping you are having a Great Weekend!!! Love, Amy


      1. I shall, Amy Love. I took some pictures of some other wild flowers the other day. I haven’t uploaded them to my computer yet, but they will be processed with beach pictures. Give your babies gentle scritchies behind their ears for me. Love and hugs, Susan


  6. Nice to meet your cats 🙂
    Im glad to hear that you honor her wishes. I still have one cat, age 15 and healthy, but her twin brother died last year of renal failure, natural death, he entered terminal phase and died in my (our) bed next to me and her sister.
    Was really tough but when in terminal phase, I just kept telling him (my expression for him) that it was ok to let go, that it was the best to let go, it was sad cause he wanted to stay.
    Have fun at the gardens, and personally speaking, dont worry if you cant check my stuff.


    1. I am so sorry for your loss. I know how my heart breaks when one of ours goes to the Rainbow. And if you knew the extent of my gardens, you would totally get it how busy I am. Hopefully by Monday I will be back to my normal, going to blogs and the like and TALKING. xx and (((HUGS))) Amy


  7. Lovely cats… I understand when your pet is sick. You do not even know how much the pet feels or needs. I also suspect giving medication could also be a problem.


    1. Molly has to be on medication to live. She has Congestive Heart Failure and without this medication, her lungs fill up with fluid, putting pressure on her heart, and she would die. I suspect that the medication that is keeping her alive is causing her liver problems, so my husband and I are giving her Homeopathy and Flax Seed Oil. I do not like medication, and only one other cat is on medication. All others get Homeopathy and or Herbs. I’ve almost lost Molly once due to her condition, we fought it together, and since then, she has chosen to be here in this realm. You have no idea how often I have wished I can stop giving her medication. And yes I do know how she feels. I “communicate” with my cats and understand them. That is why when Molly or any of my other guys come to me when they need help, I connect to them and they tell me. I feel too much when they are in pain. Communication is possible between human and animal. I do it. I also do it with plants and flowers. They too speak to me. Yes, I am the unusual, yet I am getting braver and braver telling the world here through Petals, how I do communicate with both animals and plants. And how I “see” and “hear” and “feel” just through a conversation with others as well.

      My cats are gorgeous and are very healthy for the life threatening dis-eases they have. My Vet is astounded how healthy they are whenever they go in. I do not give them vaccines either or any other kind of toxic injections. I feed them organic food, moist all meat food, and add plenty of filtered water with their food. I have learned so much over the years taking care of these cats, I could probably write a few books. I just might. You never know.

      You have a great night. Hope you learned something through this conversation. May you Be Blessed. Love, Amy


      1. *tears* Bless you, I really mean it. My babies mean everything to me. I have gone head to head with vets who want to do things and I just say NO! All these medications these animals are getting are killing them. I know more in many ways then medicine does, but yet, I don’t have the “initials” etc … I am an RN and I no longer stand by the medical field much at all. Bodies were not meant to be probed and cut and mutilated and stuffed with chemicals. So much is wrong and man, I am working so hard, with hubs, to try to make it right for the cats we do have in our lives. This world is so messed up. I wish I knew more, I wish I could walk away from these pills and just go natural all the way. What we do know is not enough, and of course, medicine does not agree with how we think healing needs to be. Don’t mind me. I really am weary, and I at times get so frustrated at how barbaric medicine is. How blind this world is in so many ways. I feel so alone sometimes, fighting a battle that is so huge, if I looked at the whole picture I would run screaming. Thank you for saying what you did to me. You have no idea how much it meant. Bless you. Love, Amy


    1. Bless you!!! And I have GOOD news!!! I awoke last night and I saw MOLLY standing on one of my speakers on my dresser. MOLLY??? I have never seen her up and about at night! Yes we are giving her a Homeopathy that is targeting her liver, and yes I am giving her Flax Seed Oil to encourage calcium uptake, BUT I really believe it is MORE then this!!! And here YOU are saying you are sending her Healing Energy, which I understand!!! *tears* Thank you so much! She is going to have a GOOD day today! Oh for the JOY!!!! Love, and (((HUGS))) Amy


  8. aww Amy I miss you and will await your return! 🙂 How adorable are your children? And my prayers and love are with them all especially Molly for her better health 🙂 ❤


    1. Neha, thank you SO much and BLESS you for your prayers. I’m getting ready again to go back out …. I took some photos this morning that IF I can, will post later. No promises. My cats mean the world to us. In fact, Molly is beginning to I THINK respond to what we are giving her. My Heart dances with JOY!!!! xx Amy


  9. I nominated you for the Team Member Readership Award and wanted you to know. I understand if you don’t accept awards or don’t wish to do this. Just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you and for your visits to my blog!


  10. Hands in the earth and furry children waiting at home are the best!! Nature is calling. Heed her call … or you’ll be up to your ears with weeds!
    Val x


    1. I’m heeding the call, Val. I am now on number 13 of 17 gardens. I just got rained out, and wee bit wet but now the sun has come out so I plan on finishing number 13 today. I’m doing it!!!! I am just so into listening to the birds chatter and sing. I’ve missed those birds and now they are here. Loving every moment I can!!! (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. Morris!!! Where have YOU been? *falling off chair* Or has it been a crossed wire on my end? Am I even following you anymore? I’m speechless. WP has this thing where blogs that I follow, suddenly I am not. BUT, Buddy, I have NOT seen you around! I am thrilled to see you!! Now I am checking RIGHT now, if I am still following you. MUAH!!!! Love, Amy


      1. I know, I have been away travelling on a round the world cruise! It was fantastic fun! It is good to hear from you again. Have you and your paw kids been well? Love Morris xx


      2. YOU went around the world? Like YOU were not afraid of the water? My kids are fine. Just really stressed today for all the banging and commotion. We be getting new windows. *I need some catnip to calm down* …. she says as she slides to the floor…..


      3. Yes, I decided that I should be brave and do something exciting and adventurous so I just went for it! I was a scaredy cat at first but then I got used to the water and being on the cruise ship. I was living the life of luxury! Sounds like your house has been chaotic! I hope that you all get some peace soon!


      4. Sweetie, I am about to dive for the couch and not come up for a while. I did a LONG post for tomorrow which about done did me in, and now, I just want to chill. I am SO proud of you for overcoming your fears. And look how you enjoyed yourself. Beautiful! Love, Amy


    1. Yes, awwwwwww. A lot of hard work and I miss talking to my friends. You don’t know how I look forward to the day I can put my feet up and chill for a bit AND chit chat here. I had one day of chit chat ( I think it was two days ago ) and it was glorious. Thanks for the follow!!! I’ll get over to your blog when I can. Promise. Love and (((HUGS))) Amy


      1. I hope you get to do it again soon Amy 🙂 I’ve really made an effort to put more flowers up, so I do hope you like them 🙂


      2. I got there today, Alex. And I left a comment. I’m trying to ease into my normal routine here again. I still am in the Big Mamma and about ready to drop from my efforts. xx Amy


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