Dance of Life (12 IMAGES)

[Yes, this is the SPECIAL one I promised. You talk about straight from my HEART? You will understand when you read it and view it. With Love, Amy]


04 24 14_0907_1
When I was a mere child
of only five years of age

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Thank YOU!

I thank you ALL from the bottom of my heart for your cooperation with me today. I am deeply moved that you are exercising control and NOT commenting. Oh, yes, it is hard on me as well, because I really do miss you. Bless your Hearts! I just wrote a poem the Flower Faeries whispered … Continue reading Thank YOU!


[Busy in gardens today. I would be so grateful if you were easy on the comments. I do MISS you!]


04 14 14_0172
New Life New Life!!!
What Joy What Joy!!!

Continue reading “NEW LIFE!!! (3 IMAGES)”

Lady Love (7 IMAGES)

04 12 14_0165
Lady Love, true of my Heart
You honor me with Your New Life.

Continue reading “Lady Love (7 IMAGES)”

SNAP!! (5 Images)

Have any of you wondered what a Maple Tree bud looks like as it first begins to come back to Life? Well I wondered yesterday and so I prepared my macro lense, went into our basement to get a step ladder, and went out to look. I found treasure. I could NOT believe my eyes. Every day I view many photoblogs and I have yet to see what I photographed. You will be amazed. Amazingly awe amazed.

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Pitter Patter

 Listening to the pitter patter
of raindrops on my windowpane,
I slip quietly into the Moment
where we are but One Name.

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You Shall See Your Beloved Again (7 Images)

*This poem may evoke deep emotions.*

Truth be known

IMG_3400 copyDeath is no more.

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