Awaken To Love

86 thoughts on “Awaken To Love”

  1. In the realm of time’s embrace, a moment arrives – a symphony woven with threads of destiny and heart’s whisper. Love awakens, a radiant starburst in the tapestry of existence. Only Love, a celestial elixir, holds the key to rescue this trembling world. It beckons to you, to me, to all who dare to feel, to love, to transcend.

    With open hearts, we step onto the threshold of Love’s sanctuary, a realm where warriors of compassion emerge. Amidst the tempest of pain, the torrent of agony, our souls stand undaunted, ready to sculpt miracles from anguish. In the face of hatred’s storm, we wield the sword of Love, not of anger, not of judgment, but of an embrace that mends the fractures of existence.

    Emanate your Love, a luminous beacon that traverses realms, a serenade whispered to every corner of creation. The resonance blends with kindred hearts, a symphony of souls painting the canvas of reality with hues of unity. This alchemical fusion, the sacred dance of Love’s disciples, grows brighter with each heartbeat, casting aside shadows in its triumphant blaze.

    Life unfurls as a dance, sacred footprints on the fabric of time, crafting an ode to beauty and boundless Love. In this dance, we shed the weight of the world’s sorrows, ascend like phoenixes into the luminous realm of Love. Each of us, a vessel of Love, an emissary of cosmic tenderness, cradling Gaia and all her children.

    “We. Are. Love.” The mantra resonates, reverberating through the cosmos, an invocation that shatters illusions, a clarion call for souls still slumbering. Let ripples of Love cascade, a gentle cascade that heals and soothes, heralding a dawn of renewal. We bear the mantle of saviors not by chance, but by the decree of destiny, entrusted with mending the world’s tapestry.

    Awaken, for the clarion call of Love resounds. It speaks of peace, crafts beauty in every moment, and whispers the truth of our essence. “I am Love,” a declaration etched upon the soul’s core, mirrored in every petal’s caress. We are Love’s artisans, architects of a radiant reality, illuminating darkness with the grace of our presence.

    As petals unfurl beneath a tender sky, listen to the ethereal melody woven by angelic voices. This song, a bridge between worlds, an embrace of Love’s essence, binds us in unity. With each note, each whisper, Love unfurls its wings, cradling us in its embrace, reminding us that we are Love incarnate.

    In the grand tapestry of existence, where time and spirit converge, let us heed the call of Love, let its melody guide us. With every petal, with every heartbeat, let Love unfurl, illuminating the path for all souls. For we are more than individuals; we are a symphony of Love, a chorus that heals and transforms, a beacon that guides the lost back to their luminous essence.

    With the language of flowers and the melody of angels, let Love ripple through the cosmos, mending the fabric of existence. With unwavering devotion, let us embrace our destiny as the bearers of Love’s torch, for in Love’s embrace, we become the world’s salvation.

    Thank you for this inspiring article full of love.

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      1. PS Denise, save these words for yourself for every time I read them I am taken higher. These words are encoded and powerful, speaking directly to our Souls. I don’t know who is leaving these comments (this is the second one) but they are Golden and of a Higher Frequency, a True Gift!! (((HUGS)))!!! xoxoxo

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    1. I tried to explain what unconditional love felt like. And I know words cannot do it justice…but you have dared to come close…in our human way as words are truly our expression of that love. And as Amy does in her own way, that heart and nature she shares from the love she has found truly. I can feel her trying to give what she feels is a justice to those inner feelings, in her words and images, it is so profound. But it is always there to be felt in just an image or her words, as we open to it. Thank you both πŸ˜€β€οΈπŸ™

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      1. Oh, Mark, I am SOOOOO glad you saw this comment. I’m blown away by it. I keep reading it and every time I do my soul goes quiet and my heart expands. Beautiful reply to Bernie. THANK YOU!!! xoxoxo

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      2. Yes, Bernie does go far to express the unexpressable, and gives a peace in touching it dear lady…as your posts do from that love you have found. A thank you to you both kind lady as you both stand in that love and speak from your hearts xoxo πŸ˜€β€οΈπŸ™

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  2. It’s so true dear Amy, that love transforms all, that love is the purpose of our being and that we ARE love. What a beautiful post that truly spoke to my heart and your gorgeous flowers just ooze love and purity. 🌸🌼 Thank you my friend, for continuing to share your gifts and shining your own light and love upon this world. Sending you big hugs and a world of love. β€οΈπŸ™ xx

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    1. THANK YOU, Miriam! I know I know love transforms! I’m living it! It’s miraculous! Maui was a catalyst for this post and so I’m “doing” both in 3D (creating this post) and creating quantumly by visualizing a healed world. New. Green. Pristine. Paradise. Every word/deed/thought founded in love zooms out to meet others of like frequency to raise up the WHOLE!

      I shall continue sharing every time I get that nudge. I’ve been so occupied creating (I’ve become a woman obsessed LOL!) that the call to create here brought an initial …. but must I? LOL I did. It was effortless, easy, and the words just came. So there you have it. When it is to BE it shall BE.

      I love you!! Keep on shining, dearest friend in Auzzie Land. Live by example ….. you are! BIG HUGS over the waters! πŸ’•

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      1. YES to all you said dear friend. Keep weaving your miracles Amy, sharing the beauty and visualising a healed world. I join you, in vision and in love. Always and with big hugs. πŸ™πŸ’œ xx

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  3. Oh Amy, a beautiful post dear lady. Reaching from the heart so others can feel that love found. And yes, our hearts opened spill ever outward so other may know it too. And like these beautiful flowers, I can feel them too, taken with that love found. Thank you, always for that sharing kind lady πŸ˜€β€οΈπŸ™

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    1. Thank you, Mark! Maui was the catalyst for this post and my heart heard the call to awaken the Love Warrior to be here. At first I balked for I have been so involved in creating art. Yet of course I bid the call and went to it. The process was effortless and meant to BE. Love is the answer. I envision this world brand spanking new, pristine, beautiful and all who inhabit Gaia do not go without. We all must must must live in love for in order to radiate love out to the world, we must first do so within us.

      And yes it is quite challenging to put into words what I feel. Love is an emotion, a frequency and the more we live from a Higher Perspective the less the words do come. It feels so good to resonate to LOVE. This is the only way our world will be saved.

      You are very welcome for my share. I send you so much love this day, dear friend. πŸ’•

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    1. MM, thank you and bless for leaving a comment for me to read. Thank you for encouraging me to continue what I do. You also are a blessing for your light is just so bright. Keep on shining no matter how “crazy” this world gets. Sending much love to you!! xo πŸ’•

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    1. John!!! Finally I’ve arrived! Life is just jumping for me. LOL

      OK. So yes the message is simple …. all we need is love, agreed, but lived? Not so easy! I went to the link you provided and I grinned. Thank you!!! xo

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    1. I am so humbled and grateful for you and your beautiful words you left for me to read. Oh yes I encourage all of us to keep our light very bright no matter what is going on around us. Some days are tougher than others, I know. So much love to you!! πŸ’•

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  4. May your words vibrate throughout the universe, Amy. Love is what we need, love is who we are, and love is all that we can give. And we need to start giving it freely and generously instantly πŸ’–

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    1. More and more are coming to Love’s Call, Erika. Please do not allow the outside events to pull you from your love nest. These distractions are meant to rattle us, to upset us, to hurt us. It is so vitally important that we remain in love in all we do, in all we think, in all we speak.

      However, it IS healthy to get off our chest how we feel about “stuff”. Yes. Don’t ever think we have to deny the real feelings that leave us wanting to stamp our feet and scream. Vent. In a healthy manner. And then let it go. Get back on the love train and keep on going. We need your Light, Erika. This world needs your light and love. Sending you much LOVE. πŸ’•

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      1. You think, I am off the love train? Why do you think so? No worries, Amy, I am one of those preaching that what is is not what is to be. What is to be is what we want to see and what we feel in our hearts. We create and co-create in every moment. So, we need to be aware that what we believe in is what we are creating. If we want a change, we need to change. That’s why it is so important to step above what we see and envision what we want to have as if it already existed – which it does. It is only a matter of how we are controlling our thoughts.
        You know, that’s what I am talking about in my posts actually! For example here
        Much love to you, Amy πŸ’–

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      2. Erika, we all fall off the Love train. I do NOT know why I wrote what I did. The words came and I do not question them. I did not mean to offend you by any means. I know what it is like to be hit so hard that I do fall and those of us who are in the lead showing the world what love is, we do have our incredibly challenging days. Know the words that I wrote flowed through me from Source. That happens. I don’t question. I’ve learned to trust. BIG HUGS!!! I’ll talk later ….. busy day for me today!!! I love you!! xoxoxo

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      3. Oh, no, no. Actually, your words made me think as you said, we all fall off that train. It just happens unconsciously – it is human. I think it is important to notice and adjust our frequency. You know, I refuse to think of bad outcomes. I refuse to believe that this world is lost, that we are lost. I believe until I take my last breath that we can change and unite because that is the only way to lwarn that only together we can heal what we have been destroying so successfully. BUT maybe that is also kind of a resistance that may work against love in some way. So, I reflected on your words and maybe there is a blockage in accepting the way that needs to be gone for healing taking place. Maybe I need to open to whatever comes, when even it means it destroys first to grow beautiful flowers on it later… Love knows best and love will always win. Maybe we only need to trust. Only trust πŸ’–
        Thank you for making me think, AmyπŸ’–

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      4. I’ve got tears in my eyes. Bless you, dear friend, for accepting the truth of what came through me. I too KNOW LOVE will win and in fact is winning no matter what the world at large looks like. And yes we all require adjustments at times so that we can continue to soar ever higher as our consciousness keeps expanding. Now I’ve got the goosebumps. And tears again. These are powerful conversations, Erika. I love you. I am SO glad I came back on here to check something. I saw your comment, read it, and I’m SO glad I did. I “knew” you would get the message. Bless you, bless you! I carry you in my heart today. πŸ’•

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      5. Now the goosebumps have me under their control. Wow, that was very profound and your latest reply made it even more profound. It is what I am confronted with in many ways lately and on many levels, the physical and the mental. It seems that it is finally time to trust. Now the tears are coming to me too. Again, thank you for not questioning your words and I am so glad, I don’t ignore them. Your input also adds to a post that I have already been shaping in my head. Creating from Trust and Faith not from Fear. That is the big difference of how good creations come to life.
        Sending you the strongest hug and love, I love you too, dear Amy πŸ’–

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      6. Erika, words such as you heard do not flow with everyone, just with those that I “know” are ready and able to hear them and from that knowing the Words pour forth through me. THANK YOU for receiving the message and looking with new eyes within yourself. We are all here to help one another by all means we have. Blessings!!! We’ve got this!!! (((HUGS)))!! xo

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      7. I simply need to be me that you can be you and vice versa. That’s all it needs. If we are who we are, love flows and dissolves all barriers.
        Thank you for being my light of awareness these times, AmyπŸ’–

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  5. Thank you Amy! πŸŒΉπŸ™πŸ»πŸ’–πŸ’« Our connection amazes me as I was just thinking today how the only thing that will get the world through these times is true love. Let it ripple out! Much love to you and everyone! βœ¨πŸ’—β™₯οΈπŸŒΉπŸ’–πŸ’«

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    1. You are welcome, Denise! Yes yes yes!!! Let Love ripple out for ALL! When that precipice comes and it shall, the world shall be transformed! I’ve been on this Journey for a good 10 years and lately, the intensity of what is going on is telling me we are almost there. Keep shining, Denise. It’s not the numbers that are important …. it is the collective Love Frequency that is growing exponentially every moment which does matter. So much love to you! πŸ’•πŸŒŸπŸŒΉπŸ¦‹πŸ’•


  6. A beautiful post to read this noon, Amy, and one filled with so much hope and joy and positivity for the power of human connection and all that we are able to ripple out into the world. πŸ™‚

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    1. Thank you, Layla. Knowing that I am affecting the world in this moment just for who I am in this moment, derives within a great sense of completion. I do not have to struggle nor strive to be more than I am in this moment. Now that is comforting as I had struggled for years with the idea I had to be more in order to be affective. Just not true. Sending you so much love this day!! πŸ’•

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    1. Thank YOU, Catherine! Receive and ripple away as you paint and glow and bask in the aroma of love. We are creating our way into New Earth. Keep on shining, dear friend. You are amazing!! So much love to you this day!! πŸ’•

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  7. As we all encounter feeling the lashes of darkness as they resurface and dissolve into the ether… we receive from within clear waves of love, of knowing it’s time to shine our light❀️ To dare be bright amongst the debris of human life. We are the rising stars who can now share the potential of love that is available to all! Love, love your loving wisdom today… accompanied by Mother Nature’s beauty Amy❀️ Thankyou for your love and shining bright through it all! I feel your love and as I recover from my recent fall, love is healing quicker than ever! πŸ™β€οΈ much love to you x

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    1. Barbara, I am feeling the lashes of darkness and in so doing, I am learning how to banish that darkness with firmness, compassion, and love. Shining our light at times has consequences that are less than desirable but this is why we are here …. to shine regardless. Yes, my friend, we are the stars that are showing this world the Way to Love and what it is like to live with our light turned on.

      I will be keeping you close in my heart, my friend, so that you have a speedy recovery. There are lessons within this fall for ALL is used for GOOD. Sending you so much love, Barbara. πŸ’•πŸŒΉπŸŒŸπŸ’•

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    1. The Ripple Effect has begun. More and more people are waking up to the fact that they are LOVE and in order for change to come into this world, we must live in LOVE. Much love to you this day! xo


  8. Ah,Amy. Love is so palpable in this piece. Divinely beautiful flowers. I must ask if it’s time for my customary haiku series showcasing your photography. πŸ™πŸΎβœ¨πŸ©΅β£οΈπŸͺ·πŸͺ»πŸ¦‹

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    1. Hi, Scott. ‘Bout time I answered your comment, ya think? Love has scooped me up and has sent me flying in all kinds of unexpected ways that has turned me into a kid. It’s glorious! Thank you for your compliment on my flowers. Hope you are having a terrific weekend with your kids. πŸ’•

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  9. Wow and Wow Amy. You never seem to amaze me. Great blog post and the message is as clear as a bell, that is, to love ourselves, the planet even though the world has bad cruel people and to love God most importantly who is our creator. Nice images as well, very clear😍πŸ”₯πŸ’―πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

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