Remembering the Beginning

12 thoughts on “Remembering the Beginning”

  1. Beautiful pics! Even the “misses.” The one where the warbler has its wings by its side while in flight seems otherworldly… or at least to defy physics 💜 it!

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    1. Thank you, Tim! I’m glad you stopped by. I commented on your charging gadgets post but I did not see my comment and you usually answer what I wrote. Could very possibly be I ended in spam again. Or yet. Or something.

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  2. Oh Amy, these warbler photos are magnificent! How lucky for you to have them visit you in the spring and how skillful of you to capture these. I can give you a little help with the identification. The yellow warbler is in photos #5 and 12. Photo #2 looks like your blue jay to me with his crest down? Palm warbler in photos #1, 7, 8 and 15. And all the rest look like male or female yellow-rumped warblers. Thanks for the spring delights.


  3. These are beautiful, really stunning images Amy! I just lol be being able to see them so close. It helps me appreciate their beauty and delicate nature.


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