The Grey Zone

51 thoughts on “The Grey Zone”

  1. “Grey Zone” is a great term for what you described. Everyone has them. Everyone has been in them. Everyone handles them in a different way. But your story went to the next level of what to do about them because sometimes we need others to tell us – to bring it to our attention. Cheers to you doing that. I can see how some people will right the ship while others it may be temporary because being in the grey zone is natural to them – it is just how they are wired. Nonetheless, cheers to your compassion for this person.

    Meanwhile, I can see how your images fit your words. On the other hand, these image are one thing that the grey zone isn’t – BEAUTIFUL.

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    1. Frank, I decided to answer you as quickly as possible for your words hold much truth. I really thank you for saying I described quite adequately what the grey zone is. I also agree with you many people tend to stay in this grey zone, existing, not alive nor dead, for that is their comfort zone. They choose not to see with open eyes but only that which is immediately in their space. That is just who they are yet I do not give up on them …. I extend love and truth and by example live as I do. IF they “wake up” great. Yet again it is their choice.

      My perspective is quite unique and when presented with a phase in my life that feels uncomfortable I know it is time for me to dive inwardly. Of course there are always signs to do so as in “triggers”. Do I enjoy these phases? No. Yet I know in order to grow, I have to do the work. And I do. I am eliminating those triggers one by one, and yes I attest it can be done.

      Another thank you on my images. This post proves that I insist on finding Beauty even in those places there truly is not, IF I so choose to believe that. Sending you much love to you this day. I will be over when I can …. life for me has been jumping! LOL I used to be so orderly here and very quick to respond. Today? I get here when I can. LOL xoxoxo


  2. Dear Amy, grey is such an in between state and to find peace amongst the turmoil takes a lot of inner work. To forgive and find love amidst the dull, the hurt and the harsh takes an open heart and eyes that see, beyond the current veil. You’re doing just fine my friend. Thank you for sharing not just your gifts of nature but your authentic self. I’m sending you so much love and giant warm hugs of friendship across the ocean. May this coming year bring you miracles and magic, bright colour and a world of love. xx 💗🙏

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    1. Hello, dear Miriam. I am very familiar with the inner work, for I would not be who I am today without it. I am guided to share what I experience and why to encourage and hopefully get others to “think”. Some I know don’t even read what I write but go immediately to the images …. that’s OK. That just shows they are on their own journey’s path and are not ready for the deep dives.

      Thank you so much for the hugs, love and friendship. All are so precious to me! I face you to say what you said to me …. “May this coming year bring YOU miracles and magic, bright colour and a world of love.” And so it IS for the both of us! YES! I do love you!! xoxoxo

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    1. Thank you, Tim! No we no longer have the snow. It’s all melted and we’ve had lots of rain in its place. Gloom. Grey. Rain. Grey. Rain. Rain. Gloom. Today I see the sun trying to peek out. OH FOR THE JOY!! LOL

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    1. Yes, Kamal, AGAIN I have come to peace with myself. I’m not certain that this is the last round of inner healing, for life is a journey, is it not? Yet for now heaven on earth has been maintained and cherished. Even when I go through these healing phases, I KNOW heaven on earth is here even if I am unable to “feel” that.

      Sending you much love and peace this day!! Thank you for being you!. xoxo


  3. This is wonderful Amy 💐🙏🏼💖 Facing reality and diving into understanding the gray zone, with an open and vulnerable heart is the most important work of our lives. We see beyond the stories and conditioning and begin to touch into the souls of others. We see their wounds. We must heal ourselves first before we can continue on this path. The next step is to be okay with having wounded souls around us and not get pulled into their story and wounded ness… or jumping in to rescue them. We can guide and support so they see the reality for themselves. This is what you have done my freind. 💕

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    1. Thank you, Val! I’ve been walking this path for many years yet the deeper I go inwardly the more profound the outer experience becomes. I am just so in awe of not only the process but of myself for courageously committing to such a huge undertaking.

      Oh yes everywhere I look I see wounded souls. I reach out to them in love when I am moved to do so, yet as I do know they are responsible for their own journey. I see my love as a form of therapy to assist them on their way. At least that is my Intention.

      I’m thrilled to know you understand for that means you’ve done the work as well and probably still are. Bless you for your courage and your stamina!!! I applaud you with all my heart! Sending you much love this day!! xoxox

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      1. Ahh yes. We do the work together, and in our own way, knowing it ultimately connects us all in a new understanding of Love and Source.
        Keep exploring and shining 💐🙏💖

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  4. Grey is essential, as the art of B&W photography points out and in color also but is hidden by the color images. Enjoy the rest and beauty the elimination of all distractions and garishness. Grey is a very peaceful place of immense subtleness.

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    1. David, I will keep your words in mind and ponder them. Oh yes grey is an essential color, I agree. But, to be submerged in that color both in my life and weather-wise for weeks unending, that is a bit too much. Hence, this post that I wrote. And why. Much GOOD came out of it, yes, yet the process was a tough one.


      1. I’m sorry you are going thru the grey period. it is difficult from personal experience. This is my first COVID free day in 10 days and along with that an incredible rainy weeks here in Sacramento, it has been tough at times. I have found the foundation of all spiritual work to be acceptance and surrender to each and every moment without labeling it good or bad. Freeing ourselves from this duality is Peace. Looking at your photos I was filled with the peace that a lack of extremes in the color pallet very restful. I do appreciate your sharing your journey. Peace and Blessings

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      2. Aw, David! So many are struggling right now. So sorry to hear you’ve been ill. Will keep you in my heart. I’m also so happy my photos gave you peace. The experience of that day was a toss between rough waves and then sheltered peace as Mother reached out to bring solace. The weather here as well has been very grey, rainy and snowy. We are craving sunshine! Many blessings!!

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      3. PS I highly recommend if you are not already for you to take a liquid Vita D3 + K2 supplement and tripling the amount stated on the label. I have medical knowledge behind me, and I know there is no danger of overdoing on D3. I believe in preventive care and have gotten together for myself a regimen I have put together. It works!!! Sending healing energy your way …. SMILE!! xoxo


  5. Ah dear Amy, I feel for such a wondrous journey. Hard yes, strength yes, courage yes, and a love untold as each layer is uncovered. And yes we do hover in our safety zone, it is the place of no danger. But love…love wants us to be unconditional so those ‘conditions’ we bind ourselves in are forever nudged, attracting as only love can do, those things that will ask us to ask ourselves…are we happy. A nice long email would be delightful…but with what would we then appreciate in finding ourselves. Nothing is ever shown in its worth or appreciation unless we step beyond that grey safety zone and challenge ourselves. You have been challenged well dear lady, in so many ways so that you can even appreciate the grey zone, even your images show that challenge as you go beyond this world and appreciate what mother shows you. That is trust, that is love. Thank you for showing and sharing yours dear lady, in from the cold of your heart, now feeling the warmth regardless where you are. A great post dear lady, thank you for sharing your journey ❤️🙏🏽

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    1. Dearest Mark, I understand about those safety zones and when I see my husband in them, I accept but at the same time stand my ground on the outside speaking truth and being me. Being a Vet he has OCD. We’ve actually gotten to the place when he goes overboard, I call him on it, and we laugh. That wouldn’t happen if I am constantly fighting him about his OCD. No, acceptance is the way and by doing that, he slowly rises out of his safety zone. It’s so cool to see.

      When I attract a trigger it is a Gift from the Universe once again signaling time for me to go inward. More healing is required at this time. And so I do. I love your sentence, “nothing is ever shown in its worth or appreciation unless we step beyond the grey safety zone and challenge ourselves.” But what do you DO when the Universe deliberately puts you in the grey zone? LOL I did exactly as described in this post …. dove inward.

      Oh yes I do appreciate the grey zone and see the beauty. On the day I took those pictures I honestly couldn’t connect to the beauty I saw due to the commotion going on still inwardly. Yet my faith that in seeing that beauty Mother would assist me stood its worth for it was only a few days later the huge breakthrough happened with myself. You are welcome for the share, Mark. Spirit has changed directives with me and instead of posting the wisdom quotes I used to post, now it is stories from my life that show what love is and how it is done.

      I send you so much love and peace this day!!! Take this Gift I send you with a grateful heart and ripple it outward. Share it. Celebrate in it. Dance with it. Or whatever!! 🤣 xoxoxo

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      1. Amy, I think of those many people who have been in the wars and what it leaves behind. I would not give my worst enemy anything like that. I only ever felt it a few times but for the ones I knew, and I only touched it, I did not live it, I honestly do not know how they go beyond it. But those inner and outer scars will leave something no other human can understand, it takes them to a place inside…and a lifetime to come back. Almost like a shock, well it is a shock, leaving the heart ajar from the body. Their views and this world seemingly testing everything they do. OCD is their path to try to bring that balance, and come home from it. May he too find that inner love my friend, and the peace and love he deserves ❤️🙏🏽
        And those triggers, they too find us don’t they. You would think they are magnetized…with love that is 😀 And dear lady, only you would see the beauty in a grey zone, and show it to us in your pictures. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to open our eyes dear lady…and set us free. Thank you for sharing your path, your journey, and the photographs to prove it 🤣 And I will indeed share what you have opened our eyes with dear lady, you always give a splash in our ponds xoxo 🤣❤️🙏🏽

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      2. I accept the mission to open eyes IF those who are ready are ready to do so, do, Mark. How you made me smile and then laugh! Seems to me Spirit is now guiding me to SHOW all the wisdom and such that I’ve posted over the years by sharing MY life and how I live. It’s an honor, believe me, and very humbling that my simple life can be used for the GOOD of all. And re: hubby …. he’s made great strides. For him to laugh when I call him on going overboard on the OCD and NOT fall into anger, tells me oh yes he’s come a long way!! I’m proud of him. He has the Silver Medal for bravery yet what that 18 year old CHILD was subjected to, crushed him and broke his soul in tiny pieces. Those pieces are coming together with the assistance of our cats and his wife. LOVE truly wins, my friend. Tears in my eyes at the moment …. I don’t write about this on account my husband reads my posts and I think it would embarrass him if I wrote about this. BUT he doesn’t read the comments …. and so I write now to you what I have been guided to write. BIG SMILES!!! xoxoxo

        PS Many splashes ahead ….. always with me! 😂

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      3. Take a bow Amy, it is indeed a humbling experience to see us truly within it all. Acceptance is a big journey, we have fought it for so long…but this mission will save all of mankind, by saving ourselves, and giving out what we have found. A treasure trove dear lady, in heart and mind xoxo 😀❤️🙏🏽

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    2. Mark, my comment literally disappeared on your latest post. I feel so tired at this moment and am unable to rewrite another response. Know how deeply I am moved about the story and what you wrote. I will try again tomorrow. xoxoxo

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      1. Oh dear lady, a few have had the same problem. It is so upsetting when you open so fully and express something from so deep…and bang, into the ether it goes. I’ve hunted through to see if its in spam or anywhere else for that matter. I’m so sorry. All I can say is maybe it was for you too, to really open and express something to ‘feel’ it as you put pen to paper. WordPress is truly beginning to frustrate so many, I’m thinking of getting my carrier pigeons back out, at least they come home. Thank you my friend, we touched hearts in this journey…that is all that truly matters and allows a little more freedom on this path. For that I thank you xoxo ❤️🙏🏽

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      2. Yes WP is being a doozy and at times very very frustrating. Again I will try tomorrow, Mark. I really wanted you to read my reaction. OK. I’m off of here. Very tired this evening and I’ve yet to do before I hit the pillow. I do love you, dear friend. Your heart is massive and you are glowing! xoxox

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  6. Absolutely beautiful photographs of weather that we just don’t experience any more. And keep your eyes open for interesting animal footprints, although I suppose that many animals are hibernating at this time.

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    1. Apologies for the late response, John. I somehow jumped over your comment. I thank you for the compliment on my photography. We have no more snow for it has all melted so hence I’m unable to look for animal prints at the moment. Hope you are having a great weekend!!! xoxo

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  7. Grey Zone is a perfect term. What a story, Amy. Those who have left us with sadness and broken hearts must feel our pain. I had not thought of it that way before. When we believe and carry love, perhaps that’s the door for them to open and break the chain.


  8. Dear Amy,

    I am so glad to hear that you have broken free from that particular chain. The gray zone seems never- ending when we are wandering in it, seeking answers. Just when we think we have figured it out, another trigger rears up.

    It’s funny, just before I first read this a few mornings ago, I had just felt a shift in myself and I finally understood what it means to “level up”. Really level up. The work seems eternal, but it is worth it. And those who have the guts to dive deep are entitled to be in awe of themselves. Congratulations on your freedom. You so deserve it! So much love to you, Amy. 💖

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    1. Here I sit, sipping my morning coffee, blinking tears of JOY in my eyes. Julie, I couldn’t be happier for you! You understand what it takes to “beam up” and stay there for you have done the grueling inward work in order to make clear for YOU the way to freedom. I congratulate YOU in your freedom! I know what I’ve been through and because of it, I cherish the Deep Peace now radiating within my Soul. I don’t know about you but I would not trade that for anything the 3D world offers.

      Sending you so much love and peace this day!! I love you, Julie! xoxoxox


  9. You have labeled this the ‘grey zone’ and it is such a perfect description. It is difficult to see beauty, light, ourselves in such a world ~ and you show how compassion is where it starts. Peace and the ability to see greatness around us is where we can bring the color of happiness to the grey days we all have. Wishing you a happy and healthy ’23, Amy.

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