
56 thoughts on “Processing”

  1. We are all a work in progress, Amy. 2020 took a toll on us, and it may take years to tally the damage and adjust. Your photos are beautiful. As long as you focus on beauty, I think you will move in the right direction.

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    1. Dan, before I jump into my morning cat routine, I just want to say thank you and God bless you for your kindness. The damage that has been done leaves me some days not recognizing myself at times. Those of us aware of the psychological impact 2020 did to all of us, we are the ones beginning to put back the pieces of us that imploded. I am really touched by your kindness. When I connect with someone like you, I don’t feel as if I live in a land I no longer know. May you have a really great weekend. We’ve gotten 7.5 inches of rain in the past few days so I’m doing my best to stay dry. Now on to my babies …. Later … I’ll be by your place. xo

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  2. Yes, all of us have committed this faukt of jumping to conclusion before making an artempt to finding the complete truth. It is always better to ask than to just assume.
    Beautiful pictures as alwars Amy..
    Stay blessed always 💗

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    1. I see them as learning opportunities, Krish, to improve my understanding and be more compassionate for the other person. IF someone is being flat out nasty, however, I do defend myself and let them know uh uh I don’t tolerate behavior like that. Hope your weekend is a good one for you. Much love to you this day! xo

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  3. Your words and images always reflect back to us who we are dear lady, and just sometimes a part of you is too. Your images always ask ‘what do you think?’, and we will always have an answer. But it isn’t until we don’t have anything to say that we finally see them, and ourselves, for what we truly are…a beauty that can and indeed is, beyond those words ❤️
    But since I’m still working on that bit within me, they are more captures of the beauty that you witness and share with us…so that we will ask ourselves those questions again, and take another step closer to that inner silence 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋

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    1. Aw, Mark, this is such high praise from you. Thank you, dear friend. I am honored and so very touched. We all are works in progress. No one is the exception. I’ve found the deeper we go, the closer we become to living Unconditional Love in all aspects of our lives. Also being a sensitive, I have to discern what is mine and what is the cosmic consciousness. I’m not sure if you understand what I just said. Let me put it this way. The more I stay away from the world, the more I know it is mine and only mine that is within to be worked upon. That Inner Silence is both Golden and at times, truthfully, terrifying. Why? That Inner Silence mirrors everything in us. Everything.
      We are all beautiful as we are in this moment. God loves us just for who we are at all moments. If that is the case and it is, we then should learn how to love ourselves even when we oopsie.
      Hope you are having a great weekend. Sending much love your way!! xo

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      1. Anything that is terrifying is simply because we don’t understand it. Apply that to everything around us, within or without, and you can see that is why we are here. To experience it is to understand it, that is how we break down those walls we have built. But first we have to build them so that we can go through that very process. This world is perfection in every bump, stumble and humbling so that we CAN understand unconditional love. If we don’t know ‘conditional love’ with what would we compare it to and realise in that gradual understanding just where we are within it all. You are doing well kind lady, you are showing us your journey so that we can see ours. When we see such beauty within and literally from what pictures you have taken and how they were achieved, we can see where we are within that and adjust accordingly. Many wish to be like someone else, especially as children, and that is the conditions they place on themselves (and needed), until they realise in all of those experiences within that is not actually them…so they look further and slowly the awakening begins. And the more the awakening is opened, the deeper can be seen within ‘everything’, it is a whole new way of looking at life. Been there the whole time but cannot be seen until we ‘understand us’ and in doing so can finally see with new eyes. Just like you take your images my friend, in the beginning you just went click, click of a lovely image…now you see within it and it glows so much more.
        For that I thank you, a share only an open heart can do ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋

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      2. “Anything that is terrifying is simply because we don’t understand it.”
        Comment …. either that or we just are not yet ready to see something or face something. True? I’m talking of inwardly.
        “This world is perfection in every bump, stumble and humbling so that we CAN understand unconditional love. If we don’t know ‘conditional love’ with what would we compare it to and realise in that gradual understanding just where we are within it all.”
        Comment … Tearing down walls that were built on falsehoods in our self-discovery of who we really are, is so challenging and takes great courage and determination. I fought like a tigress when young when others wanted to fit me in boxes and even then, I was more indoctrinated into falsehoods then I realized. Just today I asked myself if I honestly knew me or am I still under disillusionment? It was then I shook off the seriousness of the moment, jumped off my bed and just slipped into me NOW, this moment and fly with it. I went to the gym today and actually approached a man telling him I didn’t know his name but it was so nice to see a familiar face that I used to see prior to this nightmare. I was just me in that moment and nothing more. Twice I had to tell two different men that um excuse me but don’t steal the machine I am still on please. That said …. people are NOT seeing who or what is around them. Shut down, plugged in, unaware. So I walk among the blind, occasionally speaking to those I know, and shine my light just by being me.
        This heavy stuff ya just gotta leave behind at times so that you can breathe and laugh and rest and play. Right?
        Yes the more we awaken I agree, the more we see life in a new way.
        You give me so much credit for my play and listening to my heart with my images. That’s what it is about me …. I follow my heart and there you have it. What you see is what you get. LOL
        Yes I have an open heart. One that does know vulnerability and does feel pain and joy and love and peace and yes anxiety too. But, in practicing living in the NOW, bring it back to ground zero where Calm resides and the rest takes care of itself.
        Much love to you, dear friend. Good night. (smile) xo

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      3. Fear has always kept us from finding us, we simply don’t want to do ‘terrifying’ which is good as it gives us a chance to work up the courage to take a step into it, and then appreciate what it took to get there. If it was just step 1,2,3 easy as, it would never leave an imprint at all, accepted just like the air we breathe and never give a thought…but if we have to endure hardship and pain it leaves its mark, a very loving one. And you have fought like tigress dear lady, it takes that and more to find that awakening and allow us to see in a different way. That is why many are blind, they just haven’t had the chance yet to step beyond the blindfold that fear is. And we should have compassion for them because we too were once there and appreciate what it has taken for us to step through our fears. They’ll get there, in the meantime their hearts have sunglasses on. One day they will want to take them off and see what all the fuss is we are making with our ‘awakening’ stuff 😀
        Keep shining your light dear lady, it is a guide to others in that darkness just by you being you. And yes, after we go through ‘our stuff’ we do indeed let so much go and begin to breathe truly. Our fears are a load we carry around forever but when we understand them and let them go it is like the world has slid off our shoulders and for the first time we can truly be ourselves, that open heart that has been waiting to be free. Sweet dreams dear lady, may they carry you like a feather 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋

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      4. You have much wisdom, dear friend. And this I will say …. what you see in me is a mirror of what is in you. SMILE!!! I took some time yesterday to reconnect with Mother as my heart directed me to. OH is was magical and today again I intend to find that magic. As for dreams, I don’t remember most of mine yet I know I travel. With an open heart and stepping into the Great Unknown, that is where we find truly Gifts of such magnitude that they leave us vibrating extremely high, merging with the heavens. Have a great day today!! xo

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  4. I loved your beautiful picture. I love the way you are processing your error in judgment. We all make them. The trick is to learn from your mistake. Don’t be so hard on yourself. We’ve all had a bad year.

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    1. Hi, Molly. I don’t consider myself hard on me. I would be if I beat myself up about what I did but I chose to learn from this incident so that I will apply what I learned to a future interaction where I don’t know the full story. As for having had a bad year. Couldn’t agree with you more but boy did I grow and learn in leaps and bounds!!! Have a great weekend!! Much love to you! xo

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  5. We are works in progress and yet perfect in our imperfection. Not everyone has the courage for deep self- reflection, however. Each of us views life through the lens of our individual pasts – patterns we have developed mainly as a way to protect ourselves from being hurt the same way. But eventually those patterns hold us back. It becomes time to adjust the lens, and refocus. And capture deeper realms of beauty.

    Your photos…my heart is singing. ❤️The bunny.😊 Robins are very special to me at the moment, too.

    Sending love and smiles to you, dear Amy.

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    1. Julie, your comment is incredibly wise. I agree that not everyone is able to proceed with deep self-reflection especially about what I wrote about. It took me years (a lot!) to get where I am today. If I had read this years ago, there is no way I would agree or for that matter understand. We all are on our own journeys which means it is up to us when we begin those inward dives. It is only by diving deep where we find Unconditional Love for self and for others. Yes those protective patterns do hold us back yet it is not to say we forget what was done to us when we go beyond them, but rather we learn from those experiences. There has been much where I have suffered at the hands and mouths of others which today I deem as learning opportunities which have given me great growth and strength and yes wisdom too.

      There is real magic happening with me and it shows in my pictures. I’m thrilled they made your heart sing for I know the “energy” struck home with you. May you have much love in your day today, dear friend. xo

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  6. I am going with you parallel in this revelation of there being a whole another truth to the other’s perspective and behavior. While I was living with the conclusion that I am being wronged, I now see there are distinct truths that are 💯 in each of us. I too have humbly retreated to self-admitting that I am a work in progress, there is no way I could have been or seen differently and the same is the true for the other. I used to beat myself up and validate only the other’s view, feel guilty for not seeing better, but no more. I have trained a healthy ego in myself now, I am human and none of us are right or wrong – as long as our heart is aligned in intention of Love. Your pictures are so amazing and I feel the difference yes, it feels like I am actually looking through a filter of emotion, chosen knowingly, as if a glimpse of how I would see reality tainted in emotion – it does appear different from the perception of Truth✨

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    1. Prag, my heart was calling me to connect to Mother yesterday, and so I did. I’m here for a while today.
      When we teach ourselves to see from the other’s perspective that is when we are able to avoid those knee-jerk reactions that tell us we are being “‘wronged”. Now there are times when someone deliberately has the intention of hurting you and when you see that, fully prepare to defend yourself, stand up strongly, and refuse to allow that person to treat you in such a manner. Discernment is needed for it is not easy to separate what is being projected towards you as someone’s woundedness, or what is being thrown at you to hurt you deliberately. It’s a journey, one where we will fail again and again yet with each “fail”, it brings along with it a learning opportunity to grow and gain wisdom. It also takes one to be balanced and when not so, again misinterpretation will happen. All we can do is try try again, and NOT stir up the victim within in which we beat ourselves up. I’ve done that too many times … no more. And when I do find myself going down that road, I stop, sometimes cry, knowing what I did, and then deliberately change the channel in order to gain a different perspective.
      I hope my words founded on a lot of hard work, assist you, dear friend, on your own journey. Sending you so much love and peace. xo

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      1. I hear you. I see and undersatnd this work. I am in the middle of it – getting to know myself and the balance so I am more skillful moving forward. Thank you always for taking the time.

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  7. We’re all works in progress. It’s human to make mistakes. What’s important is that we learn from them and never repeat it. I’m glad you realised what was wrong and took definitive action against it. Beautiful photos, Amy. I’ve missed you. Take care

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    1. Hi, Shweta. I’m back at WP but then I get called in another direction and so the long wait for you. Now I’m here, at least for now. (smile)
      Yes what IS important is that we learn from these opportunities so that we grow in wisdom and in strength of character. It’s not as easy as “to never repeat again”, at least not until the lesson is fully realized and incorporated into our beings. Thank you for the compliment on my photographs. Magic has been happening. So much love to you this day. xo

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  8. We sure are all work in progress dear Amy and we all have to work to our utmost best and understand who we really are. We have a lot to learn if we have to know our Higher Self. I loved these photographs and such beautiful and cute little birdies. Loved your post.

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    1. Knowing our Higher Self, Kamal, is our ultimate goal, or so I “think”. The more I embrace the Higher Road of existence, the more my Higher Self shines through me and around me. My journey has been years worth and still I am a work in progress. God has taught me, however, to love myself in every given moment and so that is what I practice doing.
      So glad you enjoyed my special pictures that align with my words. Sending so much love to you!! May you have a really great day!! xo


      1. I completely agree with your profound words, Amy and this is what our journey needs to be, to know Who Am I. This is a body that we keep on coming in but in reality we are all Pure Consciousness and one with the Oversoul. Lots of love and light to you dear. Take care and stay safe.

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    1. I am humbled indeed, Cathy. I am so grateful to you that your perception of my post brought Gifts of Greatness to your heart. May you stay blessed and loved. BIG (((HUGS)))!! xo


  9. Soothing music and lovely photos, Amy, almost like exquisite paintings. Well, actually they are — by Mother Nature which you’ve been so kind and expertly capable in sharing them with the rest of the world.

    Thanks for your humble offerings also. Yes, none of us are perfect and some days, some times, some people and some experiences we can process more easily than others. It feels as though the world is on edge right now…so many are readily hurt or offended before carefully considering the complete picture. I learned a long time ago everyone is on their own path, their own journey, and on their own time frame. If more people would take time to reflect, as you did, I believe the current culture would be more loving and welcoming rather than angry and controlling. You are one candle shining brightly for others to see a lighted and lighter path. As I remind myself, “Let it begin with me…and you have.” 🙂 Warmest of wishes to you, dear Soul —

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    1. WG, you are the only one who mentioned the music and I thank you. There is so much stress in this world and I’ve been really attempting to make each post a world away from this world. Being understanding of others, especially right now, at times calls for a superhuman effort. Yet as long as we keep trying and to make a difference, then that is the best we can do. I have a motto ….. live by example. I’m far from perfect yet I am so determined to keep on improving myself to show others what Love is. You are absolutely correct …. everything begins with us as individuals. Sending you so much love. xo

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      1. Yes, Amy, there is so much chaotic NOISE (unnecessarily and often deliberately) polluting each day… but each of us does have the choice of what we allow in. You offered soothing music and I am delighted for it. Each of us is trying to find our way and I appreciate the rays of light helping to guide the way. Sadly, some are too drunken with sleep to listen and hear there is a more peaceful way… I can respect their choice to be where they are (as long as they are not trying to harm me). A boomerang of love to you — 🙂

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      2. PS ….. Your sentence on how all of us are trying to find our way …. I don’t think all are. I see too many wrapped up in a bubble without awareness of what is going on around them, shut down and plugged in. Yes I speak of the asleep.

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      3. Ah, correction — “Many” of us are trying to find our way. But, as said, some are too drunken with sleep… (And I might add lazily accept what they are fed without considering it’s not nourishment but actually poison. 😮 Kind of lines up with the mindless eating, fast food obesity crisis…) 😮

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  10. We live and learn and share the good times and move on. Your photos here are beautiful, Amy, thanks for sharing all your summertime friends with us. And blessings to you as you move forward.

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  11. Healers always do the shadow work… It’s not always easy to look inside. Scratch that, it’s never easy to look inside.
    Thank you for sharing your magic with us once again! I love them all but there is something “extra” about the robin standing in the water. It’s my favorite!! Have a beautiful night xoxo

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    1. BINGO!! It’s never easy to look inside, Zia. But those of us who are determined to grow and heal our wounds, we do it.
      You are welcome for my share. I love doing it. I’ve just been so immersed in life and Mother that it is a challenge for me to keep up with the comments. And yes on that Robin. My heart stood still as I stood and watched that Robin. And the way I processed it …. well, my heart did good. (smile) Much love to you!! xo

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  12. This is such beauty, Amy! ❤️❤️
    Yes, we are all a work in progress. Making mistakes, stumbling down, getting back up are parts of us which make us. Take care!

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  13. Great post, Amy. The analogy between processing emotions and photos is perfect. The state of mind we are in while processing the said event, will ultimately lead to different outcomes. And whenever we look back upon an old photo or emotion, we see the differences. Brilliant. Hope all is well, and you are enjoying your autumn.

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