Everlasting Life

65 thoughts on “Everlasting Life”

    1. You are welcome, Dan. I will tell Hubby how you enjoyed his black and white pictures. When he does get out his camera, some of what he captures and how he does it is exceptional. He’s very talented but right now it is his guitar that is his main interest. Have a great Sunday today! xo

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  1. Ah Amy, to be blessed with God’s world in your own back yard is a blessing indeed. It would be so magical to just sit and watch as they show their energy in all that they do 😀
    Thank you for sharing your world my friend, it makes my heart smile to feel what you have created, and the magic pictures to go with it 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋

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    1. Yes, Mark, I and the rest of my family are very blessed. I almost included the story how this Paradise came to be. I’ll tell you. Late 80’s we built our home and on the one acre of land where we built, there was naught but scraggly farmland. We decided to leave over one-half to wildlife. One day I walked the entire perimeter and as I did I with 100% conviction, “saw” Sacred Land for the birds. Well, over the years on that wild part of our property, trees and bushes began to grow all on their own. Today we have a mini-forest and it has gotten so thick back there I can barely get back there. Now today we have so much activity and to think we literally began with nothing.
      I’m thrilled you enjoyed my share, dear friend. I hope you soaked up the love and peace so evident in my pictures. I send you much love over the waters. xoxoxo

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      1. And received with much gratitude dear lady, thank you ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋
        Your heart is most certainly giving from the right place Amy, to picture that future and create it has received much love in return by all of Mother with open arms. It is a haven for all who venture there 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋

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      2. To be truthful I was so far away from the place I am in today. When I did that walk around our property it was as though something came over me. I will never forget how I felt that day many years ago. It’s as though what was meant to be made sure I was the vehicle to make sure it happened. xo

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    1. Huge smile on my face, Gigi, reading your words. Not only do I get a kick out of the antics of both chipmunks and squirrels but my fur-kids do as well. I agree that squirrels are adorable. Hope you had a really great Sunday!! xo


  2. I love this series. It’s funny how we react to clouds. We do the same thing to each other on cloud alerts. Mama groundhog is really cute. The bunny and the birds are cute, also. Great hummer portrait. You even got yourself in there playing in the dirt. I’ve been putting new soaker hoses around the roses. I can hardly walk after crawling around under the rose bushes placing the hoses.

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    1. I had you in mind in particular when I took pics of Mama Groundhog, Tim. I could OD on clouds …. I need to look UP more often. I’ve got soaker hoses in that exact garden I was working in. They are a huge PIA to put in! I feel your pain! But oh the pay off is so worth it! I was again in the dirt today finishing up fertilizing my roses. I do have a lot ….. SMILE! I’m so glad you enjoyed this post today! YAY!!

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    1. SOOOOOO very happy you stopped by and enjoyed what my life entails. My husband is a very gifted artist yet his main interest right now is his guitar. When he does get his camera in his hands, he does outstanding work! xo


  3. Love the photos Amy!! Beauty all around. The black and white perspective is very stark in contrast – brought to mind the days when there was just black and white! It’s definitely good for some things – like clouds! Cute rabbit!! Amazing shot of the hummingbird – love them so much! Beautiful garden too – thanks for sharing!! Great story about you and hubby taking the same shots LOL! Much love, Donna

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    1. GRINNING! Thank you, Donna, for this comment. Your words honestly had me grinning. Hubby’s thing is B&W and has been since he was young. He tells me color is my domain. LOL That Hummer …. not a good shot if you ask me. She was just too far away and my ISO had to be cranked in order to get the shutter speed up …. she was really in shadow. I should take pics in color of my gardens. I know I have before and I do believe I’ll do so again. Bless you for the idea. Good to hear you “laughing”. Much love to you!! xo

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    1. You are so very welcome, Brad. Good to see you again here. I know I am very fortunate yet as I was telling a friend here, when we built our home in the 80’s I purposely intended more then half our property be dedicated to the wildlife. And it has and more …… I saw in my “mind’s eye” the future sanctuary that we have today. Powerful! SMILE!! xo

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      1. Aw, friend. This is such great news. We need more GOOD news and I believe it is up to those of us who are living the GOOD LIFE to bring about GOOD news. Much love!! xo

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    1. Yes, Eliza, life is good as long as I stay away from the “drama” in this world. I stay as far away as possible and God bless my Husband who does the shopping. I don’t know how he does it for I know what he is exposed to. xo

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  4. You are right to share what you see around you. To people who live a continent away everything is new and fascinating.
    Your husband’s photograph of the trees in B/W is lovely and his decision to take it in portrait was absolutely the right one.

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    1. John, SO glad you stopped by to witness what my life is like. I deliberately create it to be this way and Hubby is participating more and more in that life as the insanity increases in the world. We are so fortunate to have such beauty around us as well as the peace that goes along with that beauty. I’ll have to tell Hubby what you said. Thank you, John!!


  5. You are indeed fortunate to be surrounded by so much beauty. Such beautiful pictures Amy. ❤️ I love that both you and your husband captured the same clouds but just with a different filter. Great minds obviously!
    Thank you for sharing your beautiful backyard and gorgeous photos. Sending you much love and peace my friend. xx

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    1. Miriam, you are so welcome for this share. My goal is as yours as well, is to show others that truly love overrides fear. And yes when my husband gets his camera out he is spectacular in what he captures. Guitar however is his LOVE for the moment. (smile) Lately, Hubby and I have been more and more in sync with another. Incredible “side effect” of the tumultuous tyrannical times we are living in.
      I’m sending you much love and peace in return. Stay blessed and keep your light shining! Don’t allow the evil in this world to crush your spirit. BIG (((HUGS)))!! xo

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      1. How wonderful that you and your man feel so in sync Amy. There are definitely hidden blessings in this time. Hope he enjoys his guitar and you my friend, keep looking out for that love and beauty. Enjoy. Big big hugs xxxx ❤️🌹

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    1. Thank you, Ali. Yes my husband and I do love one another even when we tend to irk each other. We’ve been together for 36 years and I can honestly say we are now experiencing a closeness as never before. It feels glorious. I love Mother and all She holds dear. I make sure I surround myself with Her as often and best as I can. Much love to you! xo

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  6. Love both pictures of yours and your husband. They are great shot of the cloud and the landscape with it. Glad you show the picture of the mama groundhog. I am with you with her expression. I love it too.

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    1. Thank you, YC! Bless you for stopping by to see what my life is all about. We live simply and cleanly and yes do have a lot of fun. Our Mama Groundhog has now become one of the family! (smile) xo

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    1. Yes, Julie, my husband is quite talented in the art department. For the time being however his main love is guitar which he is teaching himself to play. I have to admit he is getting quite good. I’m proud of him!
      And yes we live in a small corner of the earth I consider to be paradise. Nothing compared size wise to your heaven but still, size really doesn’t matter, does it? We have so much to be grateful for, you and I! Much love to you!! xo


  7. Amy your home is your heavenly paradise… everlasting, nature changing at each turn quite naturally. I can see you big smile sitting relaxed on your bench❤️ just allowing life to be🥰 Thankyou for sharing it does us all good🧚 much love to you x Barbara

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