Creative Contemplation

69 thoughts on “Creative Contemplation”

    1. Thank you, Dan!!! I had a lot of fun with these images. I think my favorite is the black and white one too …. that also has another filter on top of the B&W, one I’ve not used before. I was stunned with the results!! Have a great day!!

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    1. Third one is my favorite too, Frank. I experimented with “new” and I was so pleased by the outcome. Grey has been replaced by sunshine today so yes I am going out with my cameras. Yesterday was so heavy!!

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  1. Yesterday I sat down at the computer and began perusing my reader, which I hadn’t done with any consistency for a while, and all of a sudden I heard the Lord utter a few words. When I heard them I thought He was getting ready to kick me back into the gear of posting, so I started writing just those few words. As I sat and pondered them, I wanted to make sure that this wasn’t me wanting to post, rather I wanted to ensure that it was the Lord’s urging…

    Amy, I saved the draft, and left it alone. All day yesterday my mind fell on those few words, but I felt deep inside that it wasn’t for me to post, at least for now..

    Well, as soon as I logged onto WP this morning, this is the first message that I see, and the words that the Lord spoke to me on yesterday, came upon me like a flood….

    I share these few words concerning God overseeing, ordaining, and orchestrating the seasons in our lives and their plethora of purposes…

    God uses
    the winter’s rest
    to bring us the spring’s best….

    “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven…….Ecclesiastes 3:1

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    1. Thank you so much, Sylvia, regarding the content of this post! The phrase you used here, “let sleeping dogs lie”, is the exact phrase I was going to write. I however, thought the one I used was a little bit more diplomatic. IF some of my family read this post, they probably would have been offended being compared to dogs. That is how they would have interpreted it. Happy New Year to you!! Bless you for your well wishes and I wish for you the very same!! Much love to you! xo

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    1. Happy New Year to you, dear Rob! Thank you on my pictures. I had so much fun creating what you saw. RE: family. There is so much hate and dissension in my family, that honestly I do not wish to connect to that energy. Family does not necessarily need to be “blood family”. Thank you for understanding!! Much love to you! xo


  2. Beautiful what you made of those pictures, Amy! Each one is shining in a particular magic way. Let’s see what the new year brings. I would not mind a little break from emotional, stressful, and nerve-wracking periods either. Happy New Year, Amy 💖

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    1. Aw, thank you so much, Erika!! I had so much fun editing these as with curiosity and what my guidance was saying, I tried this and that. Crossing fingers that for the both of us, the emotional stuff is behind us. 2019 was a whopper! Happy New Year to you, dear friend!! xoxoxoxoxoxo

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  3. My favorite is the black and white picture. I love your images.

    Pot stirring, in reflection, has never worked well for me either.

    And I hope the day isn’t grey for you! Ours is, but I love a grey day. We are heading out for another hike. 🙂

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    1. I’m partial to that black and white one, too, Colleen. I spent a long time for that image to look exactly as I felt inside.

      Pot stirring …. never did me any good. I tried so hard years ago to get along, and today, I just will not disrespect myself or my family dealing with people who put me down or who just will not accept the life I have chosen. No. T’is better this way …. they are who they are and I am who I am. Oil and water do not mix well. Just saying …

      Glorious sunshine today and BOY did I get incredible pictures. The light was perfect!! I was wowing out loud. Those will be coming soon …. That hike got me pooped … long story …. briefly >>>> LIFE. LOL

      Hope you had a great hike!! xoxoxo

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  4. Beautiful photos as usual Amy and I like the way, as you have played with them 😀
    About your letters to the family, I would also choose not to send them. You don’t need more troubles or challenges with your bio family.
    Real friends are sometimes more family than the other, the only difference is, that we chose them for ourselves in this life.
    Much love to you ❤

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    1. Thank you, Irene! I had SO much fun! I love creating, just like you. I get lost in the creation process as the world around me slowly fades away.
      Letter …. Bless you for understanding. Too much water under the bridge, so to say. I have one sister who I am in contact with, and we both have really worked hard at having an open and honest relationship. I love her dearly!
      As for real friends …. I agree. Sometimes they are more family then bio family.
      Much love to you!!! xoxoxoxoxo

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  5. Amy – Every one of those photos looks like an oil painting! The 12-15 one with the brown trees and gray stream against the blue sky with the wispy clouds would look beautiful in a frame and hung up somewhere, possibly over a fireplace. Excellent work.

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    1. Oh wow, CM, thank you! I really put forth effort into each of these images, fine tuning them until they matched exactly with the emotions I was feeling. They also for real spoke to me. I have SO many pictures that could be up on the wall …. my house would be a museum. I am so touched and very humbled that you paid me such a high compliment. Bless you, dear friend!! xo

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  6. Just follow your heart dear lady, even though its sometimes bumpy it will always bring light. Maybe not for photo’s but your heart will appreciate this light, it allows us to see in the shadows 😀
    May your New Year have much light 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦘 🦋

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    1. I always follow my heart, Mark. That is what I know to do. It feels glorious not to be swayed by others, not to be told what to do (and when I am I am quick to inform that person *he* has not right to tell me what to do), and as for my dreams I aspire to even when the mundane buries me.
      I hit a perfect! day yesterday! The light was phenomenal and the pictures I took will reflect that light. I was in awe what I saw and felt. I walked in Paradise. Today we are back to grey. *sigh*
      I hope you are OK and far away from those fires, dear friend. I saw on the news the other night just how many fires are in Australia and had to walk away when I saw how many wildlife are endangered. My heart just broke.
      Thank you for your well wishes for the New Year. If yesterday is a sign about the LIGHT, this year will be great!! xoxoxoxo

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      1. I was in the thick of it when the fires started a couple of months ago. The smoke was that bad that I could barely see beyond 50 or 60 metres and had ash falling on my balcony. Thankfully I’m at the edge of a lake and it was buffering me from the actual fires, but there were many that lost a lot. Now all around where I live is burnt out. Thankfully it can’t burn twice 😀
        Currently down south they are losing hundreds of homes and because of the large areas that are being burnt (up until mid December it was over 7 million acres) there is a large loss of wildlife, it will take some time to rebuild it back up again. A lot of people don’t realise that a lot of the Australian forests actually require a fire to set seeds for new growth, it is part of a natural process…just not this bad. Even the indigenous people controlled fires for new growth, it was a part of their survival. It reduced the severity of them and always allowed that new growth and replenishing of nature in a much more controlled way.
        We are used to our bush fire seasons over here but because of how dry it is from the drought and the very bad policies to stop burn off’s in the winter months it has been particularly bad.
        But we are a resourceful lot and many have helped in many different ways from the heart. Your lovely energy is received with the love it is given kind lady, thank you 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋 🦘

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  7. Happy New Year Amy! Lovely photos and great messages to go with them. I, too and finding the grey to be getting old here – months and months of it. I had a recent escape to the sun and it felt amazing! Didn’t realize how much I was missing it. Anyway, we do what we can – I have one of those SAD lamps – it really helps! One foot in front of the other!! Much love, Donna

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    1. Happy New Year, Donna!! Thank you for again supporting what I do here. I so appreciate you!
      Yes the grey wears me down. I feel so much better with the sun shining. I caught a perfect day yesterday, the light being so captivating I was wowing out loud. Those pictures will be coming soon. I also find that my creativity comes to the forefront the most in these grey months. I looked so deeply and so intensely that when I came home from my outing yesterday, my eyes were so blurry! The wonder of age …. need I say more?
      I have a SAD lamp. Unfortunately you have to sit with this thing shining on your face for about 1/2 hour. I had hoped just to turn it on for ALL of us in this house to benefit from it. If you have a better one or something else, I’m very interested!! Even my teeth have lost their brightness …. again from lack of sun. Grrrrr ……
      Much love to you!!! xoxoxoxoxo

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  8. Great Pix AR….Well done! Glad you found your way forward despite the weather. Love the fuzzy trees 🙂 Hope the babies and you guys are well and all set for a jolly good new year! Cause it’s going to be good. Stay warm and dry over there. Hopefully the weather will cooperate soon. Getting mostly ice/snow mix over here these days. Yuk! Hard to shovel ice! Be well, stay trim and loose and may all you dreams come true…..Hugs…VK ❤

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    1. Thank you, VK! Thank you! Yesterday was gorgeous here …. blue blue blue!! I have so many pictures of BLUE that it will be tough to decide which ones to post here.
      I agree. This year is GOOD. All the way through and through!!
      Weather for this time of year warm yet that darn grey just insists on hanging around. Yesterday however, was the exception. Sigh. Paradise!!
      For the both of us may our dreams manifest themselves throughout this New Year. My dreams began to manifest in December. YES!! Big HUGS!! xoxo

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  9. Sometimes Amy, Silence is Golden.. both within Nature and with our siblings.. Two of my own have not spoken in over 20 years now.. I send them love via the Etheric Field.. For I know the bitterness they would only bring… So I agree with you Amy… sometimes its best to keep our own council.. Hold that love within our hearts.. and hope they one day will find it in theirs..

    Loved your photos and words my dear friend… And I have a gut feeling while we may see many things which may disturb our peace of mind.. That this year is going to be pivotal in bringing about those changes which will have many more opening their hearts..

    Much love my dear friend.. Happy Weekend to you ❤

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    1. Sue, in our years journeying on our unique paths, we both have gained wisdom. Both of us have created our lives according to how we want, and to willingly bring chaos and heavy energy into that coveted and very hard won world, is just not tolerated by either one of us. I’m sorry to hear about the division in your family, for I know that well. Yet like you, I’m just not willing anymore to allow those who have chosen not to change to live according to love, into my innermost circle. No. I have healthy boundaries and those remain. The death of a young man that I witnessed provoked deep emotions within me and that is from the state I told everyone here I was going to write letters to my siblings. When rationale thought followed I changed my mind. And in so doing, I’m much relieved!

      I have the same “gut feeling”, Sue. At all costs we have to maintain our peace and stay grounded in Mother. Actions speak a whole lot louder then words and when those around us see us peacefully go about our daily lives with a smile on our face, perhaps this shall get them thinking. If not, (shrug), not my problem.

      Much love to you in return! Bless you and your family!! xoxoxoxo

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      1. My thoughts exactly Amy… We need to keep our own centre of balance with the peace we hold within.. It has taken us many years to get to this stage in our journey, and I detach more and more from the negative energies which are being projected, both in the World and within closer circles.. And I smile at both of us, for just how far we have journeyed along our road.. And I feel nothing but that warm space of peace and contentment knowing we have followed our intuitive selves to bring us to this point..
        Much love my beautiful friend.. Have a wonderful peaceful Sunday.. ❤

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      2. You as well have a wonderful and peaceful Sunday, Sue. Peace for me has arrived in this New Year. My Soul feels it. 2019 was difficult, explosive, and so very painful. I will do nothing to detract from this state I am now experiencing. It’s truly heaven on earth!! xo

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  10. Such sublime winter images. Love the icy waters in the monochrome forest. Wishing you a coming year and decade filled with magic and miracles, dear Amy.

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    1. And a Happy New Year to you. I’m uncertain as to who you are but it is delightful to read the words “I love you so much.” May you have a great Sunday!! xo


    1. Apologies for missing this comment, Stephanae. Bless you for confirming for me that I did make the correct decision for me. I always listen to my heart, regardless of what has transpired prior. Much love to you!! xo

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    1. Bless you, Julie, for both stopping by to leave a comment and for understanding. It’s very unusual for me not to go through with something I say I will do. However ….. I listened to my Inner Guidance when my emotions calmed down. Yes it is best to leave things alone sometimes. This is one of those times. Much love to you!! xo

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