Brilliance With Failure

51 thoughts on “Brilliance With Failure”

    1. Dee, our babies are loved and it comes clearly across in their direct eye contact with me. As for my Christmas gift x 2, I’m ecstatic! SO glad you stopped by to see my post today. Much love to you! xo

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  1. Beautiful photos Amy and the ones of the cats are amazing 😀
    Good for you to get that discount at your camera.
    I made a post Friday, as you might look at, when you have time and abundance.
    Much love to you ❤

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  2. Great pix AR….Loved the kids sweet and innocent faces! I felt so sorry for Mr. Red Tail being buffeted by wind and snow. Made you want to bring him inside to warm up…Awaiting snow here now. Who knows how much, they don’t seem to have clue…Groan…Hugs your way…VK ❤

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  3. The thing that made Rudolf different became his strength. Sure, the bully reindeers’ approval was conditional, but even conditional approval is a big step for bullies. You could argue the song was not written for the bullies. Anyhow, I love what you’re doing with the software. It must be loads of fun for your creative spirit.

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    1. I really like your interpretation of the Rudolf song, Scott. And I thank you regarding what I am doing with in the editing rooms. Winter tends to be the time I most play in the darkroom. It is SO much fun!


    1. Thank you, Gigi. My three girls are on hospice protocol. They have yet still a lot of life in them. All are on natural means to control anxiety and pain. The side effects from what my Vet offers me for pain are just not acceptable. Have a great day!! xo


  4. That’s nice the big bad storm felt otherwise. The hawk looks cold. What lovely kitties. They look very happy. Your closeups and post processing are beautiful.

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  5. Oh, glad to know I am not the only one that thinks that forecasters are as good as politicians! Lol also, the answer is YES! Enough of Christmas songs, pleeeeease! With me I always start with enthusiasm, but guess you can only take a certain dosage, right?!😉
    Gorgeous photos Amy! ♥️♥️🌺

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    1. I frustrate Hubby so much when I ignore what he tries to tell me about the weather and instead I tell him, I look to the sky, I feel the wind, I watch the animals, and I smell the air to let me know what is what. I also say, “I’ll believe it when I see it.” LOL
      As for those songs …. yiveh! I’ve had enough and thank you for standing up and declaring it so too. I always look forward like you to hearing those songs, but after a couple of weeks, PLEASE no more!
      SO happy you enjoyed my photography. Bless you, Sonia!! Much love to you! xo

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  6. Hey Amy, all those fur babies energy looking good dear lady. Yes they may not be ‘well’ but the balance inside those babies is beautiful. Can I come live with you? With love like that I’d make a hundred years old easy 😂
    And you have some delightful images too my friend, it takes an artist as well as a photographer to create these. You’ve done very well indeed 🙏🏽 💜

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    1. Mark, you “see”. Bless you!! The love that is woven in this house and the care these babies do get, are blaringly evident to those who know what to look for, as you do. Love makes all things possible. I’m proving it!
      Winter is the time my artistic side comes out in force. In Spring and Summer and Fall there is so much to see and so much color that I shoot thousands of pictures with ease. Winter however, I have to really work for what I get and therefore my eyes in the way I see, intensify. As if I need to get any more intense. Ask Hubby. LOL Thank YOU for patting me on the back and saying, well done!! Much love to you, dear friend!! xo

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  7. Beautiful photos again, Amy, and I like how you are experimenting with your pictures. Talking about storms. We have a storm blowing for 3 days now and it will last two more days probably. It is not a snowstorm but a warm south wind that can reach up to 75 mph or more. And it pushes the temperature up. We have been in the mid to upper 60s (F) for 3 days. No white Christmas over here.

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      1. It is so funny. I don’t like the cold and yes, I rather have warm weather like this (don’t tell Greta 🤫) but I learned to enjoy the beautiful side of winter… and that’s when I began to miss it… lol. I remember that winter in Buffalo back in 1998/99… that was a winter!! I am looking forward to your white Christmas pics, Amy. Thank you 💖

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  8. Sweet kitties! ❤
    Watch what you wish for, Amy… a big blow might be right around the corner, ready to inundate the land! 😉 (But I agree, those weather guys hype these storms to get us to 'stay tuned' … I fall for it every time, but can't help myself, they might be right sometimes. 😀 )

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    1. I’m not wishing for anything, Eliza. Believe me. We have enough snow here during the Winter. I was just ragging on the weather guys who rarely seem to get things right. And yes, my babies are sweet and then some. Have a great day today!! xo

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  9. I’m not a bird watcher per se, but I love seeing hawks!

    We constantly get storm threats that NEVER come to fruition. Which is good. But it’s so bothersome to be inundated with constant news …. nonending…… on what might happen.

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  10. Weather forecasts are so histrionic these days. I was just talking about this with my family. It was one of the first things I noticed when I moved back to the US after living overseas for so many years. I stopped going to for info, because it irrited the hell out of me. If there’s a potentially catastrophic disaster somewhere in the world, they’ll put it on the front page. And they name winter storms now. Good grief.

    I had to laugh at your analysis of Rudolph. This is how we get conditioned into toxic behavior from such a young age. Not that I think there’s a conspiracy behind it. It’s just how warped our culture has become.

    A delightfu collection of images, as usual, my dear. ❤️

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    1. Someone who sees as I do! This weather craze is insane! I live in an area known for bad weather, known for snow, yet I hear people talking as if heavy rain is dangerous. When I do, I stand there unbelieving at what I am actually hearing. The weather forecasts are creating unrealistic fear in those who listen to the weather. I look at the clouds, feel the wind, observe the animals and listen to my Inner Guidance. That is how I judge what the day is going to be like. Julie, it is absolutely ridiculous how the tone and the histrionics (well said!) have one purpose in mind …. create FEAR.
      I remember Rudolph’s song as a kid. At that time, I didn’t think anything of the words. Today, however, is a different story. I agree. Our culture certainly is warped and I’m glad that I mostly have nothing to do with it.
      Much love to you!! So glad you stopped by to see my images for the day. Have a great day!! xoxo

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    1. LOVED your comment! I live in an area where people, or at least you would think(!), know how to drive in snow. I was out the other day in blizzard like conditions and saw some on the road who acted as though they have never driven in snow, or one in particular, not caring that you could barely see and drove as if it were sunny and clear. We’re known for snow in Winter. You’d THINK drivers would act accordingly when it is snowing and/or slippery conditions.


    1. Thank you, Donna! All I want snow for is for pictures ….. I’ll take warmth and sun any day. Good for you getting just that! I’m green, if you must know. (smile) Much love to you!! xo


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