Peace Can Be Yours

72 thoughts on “Peace Can Be Yours”

  1. My dear Amy!
    What a stunning series. All your photos are amazing, I’ve used all of my English expressions 🙂
    Thank you for sharing the beauty. I really needed to see this today.


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    1. Dearest Takami, my Heart feels so special right now knowing how my photography was able to bring you Beauty and Peace. Many it seem, are going through rough passages, including myself. Just hang on and know this too shall cease soon. Much Love to you and (((HUGS)))!!!🌟🌟🌟

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  2. Unbelievable Amy, some of those bird shots are incredible. I think I can see an image of you taking the shot in the reflection of that Cedar Waxwing’s eye you were that close 😀
    Take a bow, they are all absolute magic dear lady ❤

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    1. Oh yes, Mark, that one Cedar Waxwing was very close to me, posing for a long time. I was stunned, to be frank with you. And some of the other birds …. honestly? I know I walked into Heaven! Much Love to you this day!! 🌟🌟🌟

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    1. Thank you, Scott. I wouldn’t play in that water. I just found out that chemicals were put in it to kill some kind of sucker fish. These chemicals are also killing “other” then sucker fish. To say the least, I am far from happy about this.


  3. Your photos took my breath away, Amy! Especially the Waxwings. I love how the leaves give the background a lemony-lime hue. The wait was worth it,

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    1. Thank you, Kathy! I’m so pleased you came by to see this post. I have every intention of returning to this heavenly place today after being housebound for days due to (again) heavy rains. That Waxwing was so close to me and actually posed for me. I was so stunned that he allowed me the privilege to be so close! May your have Peace gently wrapped around you all this day long! Much Love to you!! 🌹🌹🌹

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    1. Aw, thank you, Holly, so so much! As you can plainly see, I’ve been getting my share of Heaven from Mother which I just had to share. I was going to go out with my camera today, but again (SIGH) it is clouding over. This rain is unrelenting this year and the grey ….. Lord help all of us who live in this area!! Thank goodness for the colors I found! Much Love to you!! 💜💜😘

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      1. Thank you, Holly. This Spring has been so disappointing and so difficult to keep my spirits up. I LOVED your latest post. I was sighing all the way through it. LUCKY YOU!

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  4. Really lovely Amy. Looks like you have found Heaven on Earth in that beautiful scenery. Love the photos of birds and flowers – beautiful work. My motto has been “peace” lately and bringing peace into every aspect of my life – so thanks for the confirmation with today’s post!!! Much love and peace be with you too!! Love, Donna

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    1. Yes, Donna, I have Heaven on Earth. Now if the weather would just cooperate. Rain and grey. I cannot shoot with dark clouds using a low ISO and high shutter speed. I hear the sun is scheduled to be seen tomorrow so you bet I will be out in a forest with my camera. And you are so welcome about the confirmation. I too have been working on “peace” and “Loving Compassion”. Much Love and Peace to you, dear friend. 🦋🦋🦋

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  5. This is such a wonderful way of participating, Amy. What better way is there to “express”. Awesome! Thank you for combining the challenge with your personal expression we love and appreciate so much.💖

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    1. THANK YOU, Erika! My two quotes were inspired by your post, believe it or not. I’ve really been thinking about Peace and Loving Compassion and then, the words just seemed to take a life of their own. I’m so happy you came by to enjoy this show of Heaven on Earth that I am sharing here. Much Love to you!! 💜💜💜

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      1. You are a channel, Amy. And that is why you can bring the little miracles to our awareness which makes us understand how big they actually are. Thank you 💖

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      2. Erika, when I read your words, I got the goosebumps. I honestly don’t know how this “Gift” of mine works, but I just know it does. Bless you for seeing what I am showing are Miracles. Think about it. I have to be in the exact place at the exact time and then have Mother allow me entrance into Her world for these things I am showing to happen. Even the flowers are reaching me differently. I am floored!! Pinch me! Thank you so much for these words. I won’t forget them!! (((HGUS)))!! 💞💞💞

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      3. You are simply open to whatever nature radiates. You don’t expect or demand… you simply accept it gratefully.
        Yes, keep those words vividly in your heart, Amy. Thank you for being here with us and sharing your gift 💖

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    1. Linda, believe me, this is perhaps one of the worst Springs I have ever seen here. All it has done is rain or when it doesn’t it is heavy grey. I can count on my fingers how many days of sun we have had the entire Spring Season. And you bet I’ve been out in that sun with my camera taking full advantage, shooting like a mad woman! I have become SO fascinated with birds. Just wow!! Much Love to you!🌟🌟🌟

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      1. I’ve never seen so much rain here. My gardens still are not fully opened. Never have I been this late in getting them finished. I just cannot get to them. And then, because of all the rain, both the insects and the deer have been atrocious. I’m with you. How I pray this rain stops!!!


    1. Apologies for the late reply, Sonia. I just haven’t been able to get here. I thank you so much for your compliment about what I LOVE to do. And Bless you for saying may both Peace and Wonder stay with me. (((HUGS)))!!!💜💜💜

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  6. They are all soooo beautiful! I’m particularly fond of the candytufts, the unopened peonies, and the cedar waxwing. You got so close to him, I can see his textures! O_O Wonderful!

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