
71 thoughts on “Snowscapes”

  1. We are getting hit with SOOOO much snow. About the computer glitches…I just got an neighborhood email saying that Google was redoing something and that’s why things were screwed up. I think they’re finished now and my computer worked right away this morning, so I think that’s what the problem was. Should be okay now. Same thing that happened to you happened to me and I had to keep shutting down but now it seems okay. 🙂 Lovely shots.

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    1. Gigi, I’m happy for you that your computer glitches are (hopefully) over. It was sheer frustration what was happening! Glad you enjoyed my snow shots. Snow is melting today … it is now raining. This weather … go figure! LOL 💝


  2. Ha! I’m glad I have all-wheel drive on my SUV, and I’m even gladder that I haven’t had to use it this year. When the snow hit over the weekend, I had nowhere I had to be so I could stay in and wait for the plows to clear the streets and parking lots.

    (PS – the two guys across the street were probably just trying to figure out if they should disappear for coffee before the stuck-in-the-snow lady actually asked for their help.)

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    1. I would like to think there are still gentlemen in this world, CM. Perhaps they were watching strictly for entertainment purposes, yet despite that, I still will think that they would have come to my “rescue” if need be. This weekend was too darn cold for me to go anywhere so I jumped at the chance to get out yesterday. And boy am I glad because today it is raining and all that pretty snow is slowly melting. Have a great day today!! 💖

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    1. Thank you, Hien! All that lovely snow is melting today due to rain. So I went out at the exact perfect time! The weekend was way too cold and yesterday temps were in the 20’s, still cold, but bearable! Hope you are having a good day!!! ☺️


  3. Really nice shots Amy! Nice truck too! Something about snow – we just had a dusting last night, but nice to see things covered a bit – you guys have a lot more than a bit!!! I love walking on a wooden bridge in the woods – love the sound! The lighting has to be tricky because so much is reflected off the snow – especially on a sunny day. Comes with experience! Thanks for getting these to us!! Have a great day! Donna

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    1. Thank you, Donna! Yes we love our Tacoma! Hubby is a DIY’er so this truck does come in handy. And when it comes time to get that manure for my gardens, yep, we use our truck.

      We may have gotten more snow then you but today it is raining, temps in the 40’s, so all that you saw here, is now fading away. I too love the sound of walking on wood. RE: lighting …. yes tricky even when it is overcast. I have got to figure out where best to take my light reading from in order to get the exposure value right. Even with experience I still goof and I still learn. SO glad you enjoyed my snowscapes. You are so very welcome!!! (((HUGS)))!

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    1. LOL, Erika! You wouldn’t believe how I tried to get out of that snow without putting that truck in 4-wheel drive. Why? There are TWO 4-wheel drives and I had forgotten which one hubby told me NEVER to use. Teehee ….. Now I know cuz I used the 4-wheel drive but at the time …. no. Glad you had a laugh. I’m laughing just thinking of me rocking that truck back and forth …. drive, reverse, drive, reverse ….. and still stuck. Hope you are having a great day!! 😁

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      1. OMG, I see. The fear of choosing the wrong one was too big…. haha.
        Thank you, I had a very good day and thanks for sharing this. You are the proof that power women do exist… yeah!

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    1. Those are actually frozen creeks, MM. It’s a really good thing I did capture these snowscapes cuz today it is raining and all that pretty snow is fading away. Much Love to you!! 💝


      1. It’s amazing how the weather is this year here as well. It’s hardly snowed at all and we always used to get so much snow! We are getting the cold and rain which sometimes chills me more than snow! So I’m waiting and watching the weather always to see what to wear outside~ LOL ❤ Much much love to you as well! ❤

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  4. The landscapes always seem to be magical when there is so much snow around Amy. Captured perfectly, especially that road through those evergreens 😀
    I’ll go and have a look at snow one day and see what all the fuss is about 😀

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    1. Not having a clue what snow is like, Mark, as I believe I told you once before, go stick your head in your freezer. You’ll get some idea how cold cold can be. LOL And I thank you kind sir, for the compliment on my snowscapes. Glad to know you enjoyed them! 😁

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      1. Er, not the freezer thanks 😀
        Maybe I’ll wait till it snows here my friend. Somewhere among my current 35C there is a little cool snowflake somewhere 😀
        Or my lovely friend that lives in a more central part of Australia sent me a picture of a thermometer out in the sun that registered a delightful 61.3C. I wonder if it ever does freeze in hell 😀

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  5. I almost enjoy the few opportunities I get to use 4wd. I’m glad you got out without incident. I also see why you stopped. You never know how long the beauty of snow will last. Great photos, Amy.

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    1. Dan, I felt so powerful going through that deep snow without any effort. I can understand why you would enjoy the 4wd. LOL Something was telling me to bring my camera cuz I heard “rain” was in the forecast. What do ya know? The forecasters were right this time. I’ll be. LOL

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    1. Aw, thank you, YellowCable. I have a very real sense of adventure but I do my best to stay safe. Getting stuck in that parking lot I did not foresee and thank goodness I got myself out of it! I LOVE being outside, in all types of weather. When I’m in the house all the time, I crawl the walls. Thank you very much for coming here (again) to enjoy what I do so Love to share. May you have a great evening! ☺️

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    1. As you can see, you are not the only one behind in comments, Takami. (smile) Thank you SO much for enjoying these snowscapes. I love being outdoors in any kind of weather. Hope you are having a great day! 😘

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    1. Yoshimi, I do not ever tire of someone saying how beautiful my photography is. It is so gratifying to know that what I love to share someone is truly enjoying! I’m so glad I decided to bring along my camera because if I had not, these images wouldn’t even exist. Bless you and thank you! 💖

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  6. Hahaha! I had to grin when you said you figured out the 4 wheel drive all by yourself and the men had to just watch you do it. That’s the way to do it 😀 And had they been up to no good, you would have showed them with that 4 wheeler. Nothing you can’t do 😀😀 These images turned out brilliant, and I really like the Evergreen one with the shot a bit off-centre – gives the illusion of a path running long, far and wide out into the distance. Sometimes it really is guess and pick with your lenses as no predicting how the weather can turn out. But you make it work as usual. Hope this month has been great for you, and take care out there in the cold ❤

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    1. No one yet has mentioned the song I posted to make my point of rocking that truck. I laughed SO hard when that song popped into my head. At the time it wasn’t funny as I desperately tried to get out of that snow without 4wheel drive. You see, I had forgotten which 4wheel drive hubby had told me NEVER to use. LOL Thank heavens I chose the right one! As for those guys, it looked to me like they were on a coffee break and because I can read energy, I felt NO threat from them. Ya gotta stop watching the news, Mabel. There are a lot more GOOD people in this world then not.

      Even with the experience I do have, I still do err. Choosing my lens, trying to “guess” what is ahead of me, that is tough. Yes my favorite is the picture of the evergreens lining the driveway. That had a fairy tale feel to it. (smile) This month has been a quiet one, recovering from the loss of one of our babies and the incredible effort I put forth in helping him as he was dying months on end. I lost a total of 8 pounds which I am slowly gaining back. I LOVE being out in the cold. I’ve got the clothes to wear and believe me, I’m toasty warm. Hope you are having a great day!! 😘


      1. I think even if you chosen the wrong 4wheel, you still would have somehow figured it out 🙂 Lol I don’t even watch the news – never can be to careful lol. Fairytale is the perfect way to describe the evergreens lining the driveway. Sorry about your loss and take it easy. Times like these are never easy, and take care. Hugs 😘

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  7. I can’t believe it is raining today, mushing up the 18+ inches of snow we just got…Once nicely mushed now the freezing temps come back to turn the mush into ice! All the snow will crust over making life for the deer challenging…Enough of the weather geoengineering folks! Return our planet safely back to us before you destroy it completely….Glad you got you winter shots AR…Nice! Go out early tomorrow and capture the glinting ice….that should be pretty….Stay warm…Hugs…
    VK ❤

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    1. Hi, VK! The winds are whipping today and it is COLD!! But I still intend to dress very warm, wrap my face in a huge scarf, and go for my “power” walk. Time has arrived for me to get this body back into shape after being a slug, recovering from not only the loss of our Max, but all I did while he was still here with us. Inner Guidance is telling me …. Time’s up!! Now ya gotta move, more then you already have been! LOL No glinting ice here …. but I did manage to get some pretty cool pictures yesterday which you will be seeing soon. Thank you for the link!!! (((HUGS))) 💝💝

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  8. Amy such a delight to get lost in your snow gallery my friend.. I saw a picture on TV the other day of Niagara Falls frozen. Global warming is freezing us first lol .. Sending Huge Hugs and much love dear friend.. I so loved diving into your world..
    Love and Blessings ❤ Keep warm and safe.. ❤

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    1. I’ve been to Niagara Falls when it was frozen, Sue. I have a few posts on my menu of what I saw so if you have the time you know where to find my pictures. I’m thrilled you came by to dive into my world. And what a gorgeous world it is!! I’m in LOVE with my own life! (((HUGS)))! 💞

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      1. I remember them Amy. We went in the year 2000 for our 25th Wedding Anniversary, it was the end of May beginning of June.. loved it. and our amazing trip coast to coast across Canada, And we saw bears, muse, even an eagle, The bears were just coming out of hibernation at the end of May and as we went through a National Park they were close to the road eating dandelions OH for a camera such as yours then LOL.. 😀 Much love dear Amy, and YES the world is BEAUTIFUL.. ❤

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    1. Thank you so much, Joey. This post was not the one I was referring to when I had humor in mind. That’s OK. IF you have time, read Oopsie. It’s one of my stories how blah comes out of my mouth. Teehee …. Hope you had a great weekend! And I bet you are really glad January is almost over! Yippee for you! 😘

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