70 thoughts on “COLOR”

    1. I find it fascinating how everyone interprets something differently. I didn’t think this picture is eerie at all but yet you do. It’s different from my norm, that much I will admit. Yeah. I am so desperate for color right now it’s not funny so this is what I ended up doing. Thank you for viewing this post today and I hope you really have a wonderful day! Much Love to you, Susan Marie! 💖🌹💖

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    1. My husband is honest to a fault, Ben. He doesn’t, however, stop to think how his words, while well-meaning may inflict hurt. I know by now how he is so I just shrugged the matter off. What is art to one person is garbage to the next. It’s all in the perspective. 😉

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    1. PS. Just to give you an example how powerful our thoughts are …. As I was driving over to my Chiropractor’s office, I very soft “thought” said …. It really would be nice to have something happen to write about on my blog … Voila! A story happened! And as soon as that thought appeared it disappeared, floating rapidly away. I’m becoming more aware of my thoughts … tricky at best. 😎

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      1. That my dear friend is spirit speaking to you. Any time you have those subtle but very relevant thoughts come through, that is your spirit/higher self/God ‘chatting’. We keep putting them all down to ‘oh, wasn’t that amazing’ and just forget about it, but your awareness has reached a new level Amy after all you have been through, so now you will begin to ‘feel’ the difference. You were aware of how powerful it was, so you now know that subtle difference. In the beginning it gives a very beautiful feeling within, an inner smile I call it, so that you ‘know’ where it has come from, a signature if you will 😀
        And then I went looking for it and got in the way thinking it was coming through with this or that. It isn’t until you ‘let it go’ that it will flow much more smoothly. And yes, I will put something ‘out there’ to spirit and just let it go. I’ve got to a point that spirit can pass something on and if I think I know better, and fall on my face, spirit will laugh. And I don’t mean a laughter I can hear in my head but that ‘knowing’ like your story and the feeling of a laughter within it 😀
        After what you have felt, you will know. Enjoy the journey 😀

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      2. Yes, it really was like an inner smile, Mark. As softly as that thought came it left and I didn’t even think twice more about it. This whole experience was so delightful from finish to end. I’ve also had two dreams now, each showing me that two of our cats required special attention, for they each were showing symptoms. These dreams were right on, alerting me before I “knew” in real time that either one of them required special help. Both received that help today. I was shown a third cat as well … yet I’m still unsure of the meaning of what I was shown. If I didn’t know better, Rocky is assisting me through these dreams. This has never before happened to me. I usually don’t dream much yet lately that has changed. What an incredible Journey!
        (smiling) I deliberately have begun putting out to Spirit some things, and as I let go those thoughts are immediately forgotten. So weird that something so important to me would just poof go. How cool this is!!! 💖💖💖

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      3. It is very subtle Amy and takes a bit to get used to, like anything else we do. But it is your own personal guide Amy, and done with a love like no other. Mind you, I’ve had spirit ask me to do something of which I didn’t believe or dug my feet in…and was shown the error of my ways and the truth within it, which was for my or others own good. Even though some things can be difficult they are most certainly done with a truth, a love for us in whatever it may be ❤ 😀

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      4. Right now what am I getting from Spirit is all good and believe me I’ll take it with deepest gratitude. I’ve had so many years of difficult experiences and lessons that I am more than ready for good times to roll on. This is better truly wonderful conversation, Mark. Thank you! 😙

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    1. Andy, I was dumbfounded. I just stood there just not believing I said what I did. As for my Chiropractor, he didn’t flinch. LOL He knows me well, and good for him not getting embarrassed either. Have a great day, dear friend! 💖

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    1. 😂😂😂 I know right? Oh my goodness! SO happy you got a good laugh on me. Lately I’ve been laughing so much, usually at my expense. Tee hee …. Have a great day today and laugh much! 😂😂😂

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  1. Loved this Amy and it made me smile. I also call my pooch Harry ‘sweetheart’ so I totally get how it slipped out of your mouth. It’s good to laugh, even if it’s at our own expense. 🙂 Love the photo too, very surreal and moody. Big hugs to you xo 💖

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    1. Good to know you got a chuckle on me, Miriam! I have many cats so I am always saying “love words” to them. Good thing my Chiropractor knows me and did not get embarrassed. LOL Have a great day today! 🌸

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  2. I think the doctor’s proper response should have been, “Hello, Sugar” in keeping with the lightness of the situation and acknowledging your distraction. Then you wouldn’t have felt a need to call back and explain. But either way, I’m sure everyone had a nice chuckle over it.

    Photo editing is fun. I still use the program that came with my last camera, which basically does the same stuff. It even has a psychedelic setting! Mostly, though, I just use it to enhance color or provide crispness to what would otherwise be very bland photos.

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    1. It was in the way I explained laughing so hard that hopefully I gave him even a harder laugh, CM. I know it really was in the back of my mind why in the world I did what I did and I’m glad I finally understood the reason why. My mind works like that… Wanting to know the reason why. As for photo editing yes it is fun and I had a blast doing what I did to this Photograph. If some don’t like it that is their prerogative and that is okay. I hope you are having a good day today. Much Love to you! 💖🌹💖

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  3. Lol! Did chiropractor give you a good discount for such an endearing greeting! But I totally get you as I say the same things to our neighborhood stray cat and my inanimate furball Garfield too. It is to me, “mummy language”😂😂

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    1. No, Garfield, he did not give me a discount. The laugh was more than enough compensation! I am just so glad you got a laugh on me today! Laughter just feels so darn good especially when it just keeps on going! Believe you me, I LOVE to laugh! Much Love to you this day! 💖🌹💖

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  4. Hi Amy 🙂 That is a funny story!! 🙂 Amy was in happy land. 🙂 I hope you do your stretches and get limbered up. It is an interesting photo. It is fun to play around in Photoshop to see what comes up with things are switched around. Love and blessings and wishes for warm weather for you. ❤ ❤ ❤

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    1. I’ve had some really good laughs this week, Sarah, and they felt SO good! I LOVE to laugh and when I do, the world is just so bright and right. SO glad you enjoyed this post … it is a bit different from my norm. The weather here is getting a bit warmer but now it is raining. That’s OK. Rain brings flowers!! Much Love to you and many Blessings. 💖💖💖

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  5. My God, how I enjoy those relieving cracks at the chiropractor… lol. I hope that was the last time it snowed at your area before next winter! Have a great day, Amy. You know, you are a sweetheart 😉

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    1. I feel so much better after I see my very Gifted Chiropractor. As for snow I am crossing every finger and toe I can hoping we have seen the last of it. Me, a sweetheart? Ya makin’ me blush. LOL 😎

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    1. I am just now going through my comments “knowing” I missed answering some and sure enough you were one of them! Oops! Yes I do have a great sense of humor and I love love love it when I can put a funny spin on life. And there are also as well times when the darnedest things do happen to me. As you well know from reading some of my posts. LOL Have a lovely weekend, dear Prag!! Much Love to you! 💝

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  6. Amy, nothing is wrong you said. At least you did not harm your chiropractor. But the funny things happen sometime with no our intentions.
    From the other side your husband’s words about the picture shouldn’t harm you. His opinion is honest. I appreciate that kind of opinions because they help to see at myself by the others eyes and to understand if I am right or wrong in different kind of situations, actions etc. I do not like when people who are important for me are indifferent.
    The picture is nice and provoke to turn on the imagination!

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    1. Oh hubby didn’t upset me, Alexander. I am very used to his bluntness. And thank you on the picture … it’s not my norm, definitely but different is nice now and then. I’m with you regarding people. I feel the same way. Have a great weekend!! 💖

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      1. Thank you, Amy. Unfortunately, we have nasty weather this weekend: freezing rain, snow pallets, fog. Actually, all pleasant things you could imagine. It is nice to stay home beside the fireplace.

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      2. Nasty weather here too, Alexander! I’m so done with this …. so I am reading a book and hopefully get another post up tomorrow. That one consists of what I found in my gardens. 😘

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  7. Oh my goodness – I can so relate! I backed some zucchini cake for the neighbors at Christmas. I was delivering one across the street and Bob, my new neighbor took the cake and was very grateful asking if this was some kind of American custom (I live in the UK now) – I said, well I’m not sure but I have done this for my neighbors in the past. He was smiling and told me to stop by for drinks on Christmas – “Thanks Bob, love you!” came out of my mouth – he then said, caught up in the moment “love…you…” we kind of knew what happened but it was like getting caught up in just being happy – and out it came! Oh well, ain’t no harm done, just a funny story now!! Much love to you!! Donna

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    1. OH MY GOSH your story is hysterical!!! Yes those words just come flying out at times, don’t they? When I’m happy to see someone I use endearing words. My Chiropractor was a really good sport and he knew I meant nothing by what I said. Much Love to you too!! 💝

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  8. If my mother saw you twice, she had some name for you that wasn’t the one you were given at birth. No explanations ever offered – none seemed to be necessary. I hope you get some warmer weather, so you can go outside and play.

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    1. LOL Someone else is running behind besides me. Another commenter pointed out if I lived in the Deep South it would be no biggie calling someone Sweetheart. Yep, good ole’ Southern charm. The weather was getting warmer but now we are supposed to get an ice storm. OMG! Unbelievable! I managed to crawl on the ground yesterday to get New Growth pics and to get bird pictures too from our backyard. From what I saw, I must put up more feeders. Have a great weekend, Dan!! 😎

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  9. Great story Miss Twinkletoes … oops! that just came out my keyboard! I thought I’d check this particular Color-ful post b/c it was my birthday – 62 years young! I’ve had a few visits to the Chiro myself – but thankfully not for iron-rod back!

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    1. You are just too cute. Twinkletoes! LOL No I don’t have iron-rod back either, although IF the surgeons had their way, I would. No way! I’m doing things MY WAY! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Mine is coming up in a few days. Another Taurus, imagine that! 😉

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      1. Sounds like a Frank Sinatra song … “I did it MY WAY” – that would be my Mother’s mantra – a feisty German single parent – she passed away at age 90 a few years ago. However, my mantra is hopefully – “I did it God’s Way” – but there’s always a tricky inward battle going on that often ends in doing things My Way. But God is patient with me. And Happy Birthday!

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      2. Something else we do have in common, Michael. My Mom was German as well. Not single though later divorced when I was in my 20’s. And I KNOW all about God’s Way, believe you me. I have good intentions to do it His Way but my human nature tends to get in the way at times. Yes, thank goodness God is patient! Thank you on the Happy Birthday. I still am having trouble wrapping my head around how old I am. I remember looking at my Mom when she was about 30 and I thought to myself not me, I’ll never get that old. Now look at me! LOL 😉

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