The Mystery (3 IMAGES)

43 thoughts on “The Mystery (3 IMAGES)”

  1. Hi Amy,

    pictures are wonderful. I love that expression ” the evidence of Life”. Indeed, that is real evidence of life.Nature is full of life. Life always tends to develop, as we can see from your pictures.Man becomes dissatisfied when he ignore this fact.Life in us, tends to develop, and we must always to develop.Just like plants !

    Thank you Amy

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    1. Very insightful and thought-provoking comment, Ben. Thank you for adding onto my words your thoughts. Awesome! The evidence of life, no matter where one looks, is so very clear, if only we would just stop to see. May you have a great day today. Much Love to you! 💕🦋💕


    1. Rob, thank you for the awesome comment! I love this time of year watching before my stunned eyes New Growth appear. I am so happy you came here to share with me my excitement in seeing this sure sign of spring. It has been so darn cold here yet these plants, bless them, insist upon growing. Much Love to you this day! 💕🦋💕


  2. Hi Amy 🙂 Thank you for the images of new growth and the wonderful poem! ❤ The plant kingdom is still sleeping here which makes seeing the green in your photos all the more appreciated. 🙂 Love and blessings and happy gardening to you. ❤ ❤ ❤

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    1. Dearest Sarah, you are so very welcome. I totally understand how long the wait can seem to be when searching for signs of spring. Soon very soon, you yourself will see the signs that I am seeing right now. Much Love and many blessings to you as well! 💕🦋💕

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    1. Thank you, Dan! These small beginnings are so encouraging to me because winter just will not let go, darn it! These cold winds are brutal and they hurt. Thank goodness for the sun! It’s warmth is penetrating the earth waking up those that slumber deep. 🤗

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  3. Wow….You are ahead of us on spring AR…Just now our snow has begun to melt….I’m still waiting for crocus! New growth for plants and new growth for us….Yay spring!!!! Thanks….VK ❤

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    1. Ah, but spring is just so slow this year compared to last year, VK. These northerly weather fronts and these winds are just battling with spring every which way! It was half way warm enough for me to be on the ground yesterday but today? No way! You are so welcome for sharing with you my signs of spring! I’m glad I was able to give you a little HOPE. Much Love to you! 🦋

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  4. Such clarity!! If photo 3 is cropped from 2 and looks as bright and sharp as it does – wow – what a great shot! Mother is always a great inspiration for us humans!! Much love to you!! Donna

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    1. Aw, thanks, Donna! Before I press that shutter button I make very sure the image is perfectly in focus and the composition is exactly as I want it to be. Not easy when I’m laying on the ground or when I am in a low squat shooting in manual focus. So thank you again, I really appreciate your compliment! Much Love to you!! 💝

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  5. Lovely! I got some photos on Easter Sunday of crocus in bloom at my sister-in-laws but they are not great photos. I will post them anyway on my other blog in the next day or two. Thank you for all the enthusiasm and hard work you put into your photography!

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    1. Frazzled, don’t shoot yourself in the foot even before you do something. At least you tried and did your best! My first attempts with my camera when looking back were not very good, yet I posted those images. I kept shooting, practicing, learning, and getting better and better. I look forward to seeing what you shot! And you are welcome for what I do. You couldn’t pay me enough to get on that wet cold ground today however. (wink) Yesterday totally different story!! Much Love to you! 💞


    1. Wow, Prag! Thank you! What a comment! I just knew I had to make a post like this one because so many of us are still experiencing cold and nasty weather. I saw my chance yesterday to get on the ground in my gardens and I took it. Don’t ask me where those words came from … lately this brain has been so on overload but yet those incredible words came with ease. I am SO happy you came on by to see me today!! Bless you, dear friend! 🤗

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      1. My comment came from the same place of easy flow beyond thought as your own words Amy 🙂 I guess we are in a matching frequency. I am always so happy to be in your garden through your posts!

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    1. LOL Nope no one has again pulled into our driveway to see if I am OK, Mark. I went for it yesterday seeing the opportunity come for me to actually get down on that ground. I am stunned to see so much small growth despite these really cold temperatures. And as for me zooming …. hmmmm ….. I know I’m getting bolder in approaching people to talk to them. And when I smile they smile in return. Nice!! SO happy you enjoyed this post today! 😘

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      1. It is my very favorite flower I. The world. I have an heirloom one from my grandma and I just told hubby I’d like to give a clipping to each of my kids to put in their yards as they both just bought new houses. Those little sprouts are one of my favorite sights. 💕

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      2. Oh, Jodi, what a lovely thing to do for your kids. I know how much I enjoy my Bleeding Heart. I made sure I planted her in a place where she is protected up against the foundation of our house. 💞

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  6. Such beautiful capture of amazing nature. I am always surprised at how nature rejuvenates itself from winter to spring and then to have leaves fall or turn brown in fall to ready itself for winter. Good photos and for me, it made me realized the miracle of life, naturally and on its own, at its own time! Beautiful and thanks for the share Amy.

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    1. I am amazed as well, Garfield, how what looks “dead” comes back to life every Spring. Life IS a miracle … if we only see. Sounds like you do! I say good for you!! 💝


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