The Eternal Flame (5 Images) Part 2 of 3

103 thoughts on “The Eternal Flame (5 Images) Part 2 of 3”

    1. Rita, my Martial Arts training, even though it was years ago, went into play. I just know how to go with a fall and not fight it. I also fell as if in slow motion so either the saying is true when you are experiencing an accident time slows down, or Angels were bracing me for a full impact with body against rock. All I know I really did not get hurt other then get soaking wet, ending up freezing. I’m tough. What can I say? And when I make my mind up to do something, I do it! LOL Love you!!! ❤

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    1. I’m glad I got out safely as well, Alok. All the troubles when I now look at them, were worth the beauty I saw and the captures I was able to get. I’m happy you are enjoying this photo shoot. ❤

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  1. I don’t know, it is kind of cool and it rests behind the water falls like that. It is kind of puny though. I guess if it was any bigger it might do damage??? Anyway, glad you weren’t seriously injured. That’s dedication for sure! Be careful out there!

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    1. If you had looked at the link I had provided, Marissa, you would have seen that this flame looks a lot bigger then when I saw it. All I know it was not what I expected to say the least. Now that I have got my hiking legs a lot stronger, I don’t plan on falling again. That was just too scary! And yes when I make up my mind to do something, I do it! 🙂 ❤


  2. Wow Amy for some pictures and I’m so happy to hear, that you were not more hurt than so. I haven’t seen or heard about this Eternal Flame before and I find it very interesting and beautiful, even so tiny.
    The photos here are amazing and I would love to see the area for real.
    Much love ❤ Irene

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    1. The Eternal Flame is known world wide, Irene. People from all over the world come see this because it is mind boggling how this gas from over 1,000 feet down has come to the surface and keeps burning. The area itself is so wild, so primal, yet if those creek waters are high, the way in is very wet and very slippery. I don’t know if you took a look at any of the links I provided but there is a lot of information about this flame, the trail itself, and more pictures of the Eternal Flame as well. I’m so glad you are enjoying this series. ❤

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  3. I’m almost speechless!!! But of course you know how impossible that is for me lol. What a story Amy. That methane flame is so unique! I never knew there was such a thing. Oh and I’m glad you were “too quiet” so that hubby wondered where you were. 🙂 Thanks for sharing your story and I’m glad you’re both safe ‘n sound!

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    1. LOL You speechless? I highly doubt it. 😉 Yes this photo shoot was quite the education, Laura. I learned real quick what NOT to do and to bring everything with me even if I don’t think I’ll use those items, This place is fascinating if you read the link I provided how this gas comes from a shifting of the tetonic plates over 1,000 feet underground. And yes when hubby finally turned around I felt massive relief because I really needed a hand up. One more part to this series is coming. When? I don’t know. I still have yet to edit 4 more images and put the post together. I’m also still opening gardens, on number 11 soon headed to 12, so with all that yet still going on, I’ll have to play this by ear.
      I really want to make a date with you for LR, but not until my gardens are finished. I found out that “el Capitan” which is my computer, Apple took out from the OS components that enabled my camera to be seen in Bridge CC. I am so darn tooting angry right now it’s not funny. No one told me when I bought this computer! Darn it!


      1. Yes speechless!!! Well, sorta. 😉 I did read the link and it was fascinating! I’ve never heard of this before. Really amazing. I’ll look forward to post #4! It’s a shame your camera profile is not in OSX. I’m surprised. But honestly, once you use LR, you will prefer it. I was very resistant to the change but once I made it, I wondered why I didn’t sooner!

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      2. Laura, it’s just that it has taken me a long time to develop a system on how to organize my photographs and the thought of doing something new puts such anxiety in my stomach. I have too much in my life now …. I have to get these gardens open and then from there, rest a bit and then think about learning a new system. *sigh*

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      3. Thanks for understanding, Laura. I’m just seemingly having so many technical problems with ALL my equipment … not my camera … phone, iPad, laptop. GRRRRRRR …..

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    1. Your welcome, Amy! Yes it was a miracle I did not get hurt. As I was just saying, that was my wake up call. I will not be hiking on treacherous trails any more. IF I had known how difficult this one was I don’t think I would have gone. Glad you are enjoying this!! ❤


  4. Amy the perfection of you photography is beyond comparison. Please, please, be careful. When I imagine how badly this could have turned out my blood runs cold. Bless for wanting to catch the best shots which you always do but your health is worth more than anything else!
    Hugs! ❤

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    1. Holly, I honestly did not know what I was getting myself in for. And that is the truth. If I had known what I do today I don’t think I would have gone. My leg muscles still weak from the chiropractic adjustment over one month ago, were really shaky that day. Since then those muscles have gotten stronger, but still, I will not go back. A fall at my age is serious. Younger people don’t get it but I am post Menopausal, and you just don’t mess around. I’m beyond that point. Yes my photography is outstanding and still more to come, so all in all, I did profit. I won’t be risking injuiries like that again, believe me. That was a wake up call. ❤

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      1. You are so smart to abandoned any plans that are too risky Amy. You don’t have anythng to prove anymore, your photography is superb, the meekest flower falls regal in your lens. Take it easy from now on 😀 ❤

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      2. You just put tears in my eyse and a huge lump in my throat. Thank you, thank you for you kind words. I will be hiking over the summer because I LOVE it, but I will make sure it will be on trails that are not extremely dangerous. Nope. Not going there. I have to contend with an aspect of myself that still is saying I have to prove myself. That I will be working on, I promise. ❤ ❤ ❤

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      3. I love hiking, the excercise is good for us and wonderful shots can be caught on a hiking trail…you need not climb the waterfall dear Amy , much love to you!!xx

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  5. Oh Amy what beautiful pictures. Loved reading about the Eternal Flame and also looked at the map showing how far you went on the trail. The flame might have been small but it sure is mighty to travel to the surface. Very interesting. So glad that you weren’t hurt and that hubby saw you and helped. That last picture with the long exposure is especially breathtaking. Hugs and much Love, Amy!!!!! ❤

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    1. Thank you, Kathy, for taking your time with this post. I put a lot of work into it. I’m so glad I did not get hurt either, believe me. From now on when I go hiking it will be on dry ground, no creeks. I’m not willing to take a chance like that again. Youth is no longer on my side so a fall like that could have been disastrous. If I had gotten seriously hurt I would have had to be helicoptered out. I thank God I was only wet and muddy. As for these pictures and the others I didn’t show, now I can say I have them. (smile) Hope you are having a good day!!! ❤

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      1. I could see you put a lot into the post and the links added useful information. I hear you that youth is not on our side but we do pretty damn good 🙂 Still breathing a sigh of relief that you weren’t injured. Had a good day today and thanks for asking. Will look forward to the future post when you have time. Forgot to mention the plants are doing real well!!! Hugs <

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      2. I agree we do pretty darn good. In fact, Kathy, I am doing better then some young people today. So many youngsters are so out of shape and overweight that it is shocking. I am singing God’s praises to this day that I was not hurt in that fall. Angels truly were with me that day! SO glad your plants are doing well. I’m just about to go out to be with mine! Finishing up garden number 11 and hopefully get number 12 done. Today!! Part 3 to this series is still to complete and I’m unsure if it will be for tomorrow. Just one person here doing the best she can. 🙂 Have a great day, dear friend!! ❤

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      3. I have seen that too with some young people especially when we lived in IL. Up here they seem to be working more and so much more polite. Enjoy your gardens and there is always next week for the post. Hugs ❤

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    1. LOL I’m just determined, Carol, and SO glad I am in halfway decent shape. When you do Yoga thousands of times the postures just come to you naturally without thought. That and my Martial Arts training taught me how to relax when falling and to go with it. Both probably saved me from serious injuries. I’ll keep on, yet I am not going to be hiking in shale creeks again. When wet shale is like ice. ❤

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    1. Raewyn, I don’t plan on repeating this trek anytime soon. I’m not about to risk injury as I did during this trip. Yes I obtained some gorgeous images, but it is not worth a broken hip or leg. I’m glad you enjoyed these images. I will be putting the entire series on my main menu at the top of my blog for anyone to see who has missed out on these posts. A once in a lifetime achievement. I’m glad it’s over. ❤


  6. You have had quite an adventure, Amy. Lucky you to have yoga training. I am also glad you weren’t hurt. And you know what? If none of this would have not happened maybe that photo does not have the value that it has now. I hope you can understand my bad English.
    Anyway, I like the scenery and, of course, the Eternal Flame.
    xoxo ❤

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    1. Yes, Monica, the training I do have I have never been so grateful for. In a situation as in my fall you want to just rely on reflex in order to break the fall as best as possible. And oh yes I treasure these pictures that I did get because they came at a very high price. I understand you very well! ❤

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  7. What an experience. Glad you are all right. I expect if we had had normal April rainfall, the falls would have been more spectacular, but you would have got even wetter! Silver lining. 🙂
    I wonder who discovered the methane and how was it lit? by man or lightning, how else? It is a curiosity! I’ve never seen anything like it.

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    1. I”m not sure who discovered this, Eliza, but Geologists have been trying to figure out just why this keep burning. One of the links that I provided explains how a team of Geologists in 2012 came up with a movement in the tetonic plates that allowed gas to escape from over 1,000 feet underground. You would think that the water from the falls would put the flame out but it does not. I’m so glad I did see this. It’s a mystery and I suppose will remain one. Some of the pictures I have seen of this flame it has looked bigger so maybe sometimes it is depending on how much of the methane gas is being released. The mysteries of Mother are endless!!! ❤

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    1. Thank you, Jodi, and yes I am very glad I am OK as well. It could have been so much worse. My Angels were looking out after me on that day!! ❤


  8. Sometimes, I worry about you, girl! What were you thinking? Anyway, hope you are not really hurt since I think you may not want to tell us much here. We all love you so much and we enjoy your photographs but YOU are the important part in this equation! Smiles, Robin

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    1. I AM OK, Honey!!! A bit sore here and there but nothing major, I promise you! I also promise you no more hiking in creeks. I honestly did not know what I was getting myself in for. If I had known, I don’t think I would have gone. Please PLEASE don’t worry. I’ve been using lineament on those muscles that took the brunt of the fall and all is good. I am in shape and I am strong, dear friend. How do you think I am able to carry a pack back that weights about 25 pounds? No joke, I am strong. That day though due to a Chriorpractic adjustement I was still experiencing weak muscles in my legs because I had not used them properly in years. Little by little those muscles are gaining strength. I’ll be over in the morning to see. Good night, dear friend!!! ❤

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      1. You don’t have to visit until you get through the weekend, Amy. I imagine you will spend time with husband and you will have a visit possibly with other family members.
        Enjoy a break from blogs by having a Happy Mother’s Day. I pre-scheduled my Saturday and Sunday posts. You can see them Monday. Remember, less comments=less work for me to do! 😉
        The granddaughter who slept in the grass may come visit, right? ❤

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    1. I am being careful, and yet I really did not know what I was getting myself in for. No more creeks for me. My feet will be on dry land when I hike from now on. Puddles OK. But now creeks. ❤

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  9. I am late getting to this Amy. I am so sorry that you fell. I know that feeling, as if it’s happening in slow motion. I’m glad your weren’t seriously hurt. The flame is pretty cool, even if it is small. I’m glad you got a chance to capture it. These were beautiful photos (and you paid a high price for them). I look forward to the next episode.

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    1. Yes, Dan, I did pay a high price for this series of photos. I did learn though what NOT to do, and to bring ALL my equipment with me even IF I think I will not be using it. I also will be hiking on DRY land from now on. No more creeks. That slate is like ice when wet. I seriously got lucky with this fall. I won’t tempt fate again. Thank you SO much for coming here to see these images. I have one more set of images that I am working on now. I hope to have those up on Saturady. I’ll be over to ring your bell tomorrow. It’s late, long day, and I’m beat a’roney. 🙂 ❤

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  10. I’m glad you’re not hurt ( not hurt, right?), And this is an amazing phenomenon to capture! I half expect to find that some enterprising local has run up a gas pipeline to behind the flowing waters….:D

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    1. I am OK. A bit sore here and there, but nothing compared to what this could have been. This is an actual natural phenomenon, Doc. Geologists in 2013 studied this flame and determined that approximately 400 meters below the surface tetonic activity shifted and thus is allowing methane gas to escape to the surface. I find it fascinating that this flame does not go out due to the water falling over the falls and in front of this flame. It was seriously cool to be there. Even though I was soaking wet and cold I was still riveted. 🙂

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      1. I figured the methane escaping would be a possible cause but that doesn’t detract from the grandeur of the sight. Thank you for sharing it with us Amy Rose! 🙂

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  11. Wow Amy, great pics, that eternal flame is something if not as big as you would have liked it to be. I hope you didn’t have any more falls – you were so lucky not to have broken anything.

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    1. Yes, Karen, I was lucky not to have broken anything if you really stop to think about it. This body is not as flexible as it was in younger years. Thank goodness for the training I do have which proves to me in an incident like I experienced, I will react automatically. That truly sets my mind at ease because I have questioned if I will remember what to do in an emergent situation. Hope you are having a great day!!! ❤

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    1. Part 3 will show without any doubt what I went through to get to the Eternal Flame. Never again, Tiny, even if what I was was mind boggling. This body is not getting younger, if you know what I mean, and if I had known what I was getting into, I would not have gone. I’m adventurous yes, but no longer young and foolish. BIG difference! I have some truly amazing pictures to be able to go back to and say, “Wow! I really did it!” Glad you are enjoying! ❤


  12. That was a story! The pictures you captured are really worth not based on the subject (I like the “Eternal Flame”) but the story about the experience you had too. Amazing!

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    1. I am OK, Shrimp. That soaking went to my chest so I did contend with a bit of an inflammatory process but that is well under control with Homeopathy. I can say I’ve been to the Eternal Flame but once is enough, thank you! I wish your human a Happy Mother’s Day!! Love you, MB

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  13. Hi Amy! Amazing pics! Had no idea places like this existed. Just amazing! Hope you are feeling better after falling. I fell last weekend in the driveway. Ha! Got foot tangled in new sandal. So one does not have to travel far to fall. Hmmm is there meaning in that?! I am still bruised and feeling it. That was me hitting concrete twice now in under two years. Love as always Aimes! Stay spry! 💖😊❤️

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    1. Falling can occur anywhere. I hope you are OK!!! I’m so glad you came on by to see my once in a lifetime achievement. I am not repeating this photoshoot. Nope. I’ve done it. 🙂 ❤


      1. I sprained my wrist and hand and sore up and down my back, but I’ll be wiser now. Ha! Those shoes went in the trash. Very glad I got to see your shoot too! Like you I would say, “been there and done that”! 😉 Blessings to you Aimes! And heal well my friend!

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      2. YOU take care, Denise! Yes I was sore my entire right side of my body for a while but thank goodness, no sprains or breaks. Blessings to you, dear friend. Part 3 of this story should be up Monday. 🙂 ❤


      1. LOL Sorry, Linda!! I’ve had my head in my gardens trying to get them done and just got SO pooped I couldn’t even finish editing my images for Part 3. There won’t be a lot of writing but the pictures will be worth the wait. Hopefully Tuesday they will be up. If I am lucky, Monday!! I also after the fall …. about 5 days later … began to feel it. The muscle aches and due to getting soaked in 50 degrees (chilly) wrestled with a chest thingie. I AM OK. Truly. In fact, I’m out in garden #12 of 18 just trying to get motivated. I’ll be SO glad when this is over with! I also clicked some flowers for next week’s posts. So, yeah, you could say I’ve been rather busy …. LOL. And I haven’t even started what I do with my cats right now.
        Anyways …. Today hubby took me to a store to get orienteering maps for 3 local parks to take with me to go on the hiking trails, and I for the life of me cannot even read them! Oh my! I will now have to get a magnifying glass to wear around my neck so I can make out the darn things! SO much on these maps and I am clueless how to read them. I’ll figure it out as I go. I hope. GRIN!!! Back out I go! Just came in to give my cats snackies and I really want to get this number 12 done!! Thanks for stopping by!!! I’ve been starving for conversation, as you can see. ROFLMAO!!!! You can only do so much talking to gardens. 🙂 ❤


    1. As you now know part 3 has yet to come, Linda! I thank you that you truly enjoyed my story and my photographs. The wait will be worth it, I promise you for the third set in the series. And I am correcting myself about my gardens. I just finished number 13! I think it is supposed to really rain tonight maybe tomorrow so I promise I will be working on part 3 just for you! When it is published I will make sure I personally deliver the link over to your blog so you know it is published. Bless you for understanding!!! 🙂 ❤ ❤ ❤


  14. Oh, wow! I have no words. It’s jaw dropping experience and so worth it. Thank you for sharing your amazing journey to the Eternal Flame. I’m glad you didn’t hurt yourself on the fall. It’s a miracle and praise God for it. Can’t wait for Part 3. Blessings Amy. ❤ 🙂

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    1. You are so welcome!!! I can honestly say this is one adventure I will not be repeating any time soon. Yes the photographs are stunning, yet the journey itself was at times very dangerous. It is a miracle I was not hurt in that fall!! ❤


  15. Oh Amy.. I could almost feel the cold of your fall.. I had never heard about the Eternal Flame before your post Amy, So I am pleased about the link so I can learn more.. And it is wonderful to think of it burning all of this time even if it is tiny.. 🙂 You captured it beautifully.. Thank you for all the effort and hard work you both went through to get photo’s.. Wonderful Thank you ❤

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