
82 thoughts on “Waiting”

    1. Yes, Monica, at least I know I learn from Mother. So many times I look to Her for answers, for signs, for clues. Hope your Monday is treating you well! Thank you for your comment, my friend. It means a lot. Love, Amy ❤

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    1. You are welcome, Ashley. You are not alone, for others have stated here today that they too needed this Message that I myself needed. BIG (((HUGS))) and hang in there!!! A Golden Shore is approaching! Love, Amy ❤

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  1. Wonderful Message you have shared with this brave heart of the wonderful golden crocus.. Most of mine are purple 🙂 And within its heart is also the most sacred of stamens.. Saffron.. Precious too with its Golden heart..

    Thank you for looking inside the heart of that Crocus Amy and showing us all despite all the odds we can grow and Bloom and shine out by opening our own hearts to just Be the best we can be..

    Love and Hugs Amy
    Sue xxx

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    1. This Message applies to my Life as I rallied with illness and challenges that just did not stop. This Crocus encouraged me in days I felt nothing but emptiness and despair. Most of my Crocuses are purple as well, with some white along with the bright orange/yellow. When we open our Hearts to Love, we become vulnerable and authentic. To do this in a world that pounds at us to conform, to be other then who we are, to shut down emotionally, is heroic for anyone to undertake. The other day at my Chiropractor’s office, I was still in a fog from my high fevers and acted so unlike me, that I just ended up laughing at myself. The Chiropractor in turn “got it” and said, “Amy, you are exactly where you need to be.” Nice. No judgment. Just understanding. 🙂

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    1. I have several, Neihtn. This is too early and to think of what is to come … I hope things balance out a bit before the really warm weather gets here. Nature is really confused!! ❤


  2. Amy, Thank you EVER So Much for this today. I Needed these words, This Reassurance. I am definitely in the midst of a season of waiting and just had to reaffirm my Faith this morning that all would be well…so The Spirit spoke through you to me confirming. Thank You for being that Beautiful instrument of Peace for my Soul!! ❤

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    1. You are putting tears in my eyes, Morgan. This Message was for me and now I know it is for others. You are the second person who clarified that this Message encouraged them today. Waiting is not easy especially when you feel empty and full of dread. Bless you for reaching out to take the time and tell me how I touched you today. I’m really teary eyed. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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      1. SMILING!!! Tears gone! We inspire each other, Morgan. You have NO idea how you touched me today as a “sign” to keep going with what I am doing. I was contemplating on quitting this blogging, feeling at the time just so discouraged. When someone like you comes along to tell me that my work is getting through, that is all I need to hear to keep on following my Heart. BLESS you!!! ❤

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      2. Isn’t the Spirit Beautiful?!? 🙂 Im so glad you will be continuing. Your photography is simply breathtaking and your words are ever Inspiring. Don’t let the enemy LIE to you and tell you that your contribution doesn’t matter or make a difference. When you hear that…its Because It DOES and the powers of Darkness are trying to stop you. Bless YOU Amsgirl!! 🙂

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      3. *jaw drops* I JUST had this conversation with my sister! No lie! We both were feeling as if nothing we have done even matters. We just stopped for a moment and said, WAIT!!! That doesn’t sound like God, now does it???? Yes, Mor, I’ve been hit with lies and hate and illness and hard brick walls. Then yesterday I broke through and found my zone my Peace once again! I did not want to leave, did not want to step from this zone, OH just wanted to stay forever! Now to bring that feeling with me in my every NOW. I feel now I’m back on track and those lies I stomp upon and say GO AWAY! It’s been a very very tough journey, dear friend. I BELIEVE the way ahead is getting clearer!! YAY!!!! ❤

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      4. PS IF you have time, I am posting a second post today to start showing pictures of the MAGIC I found yesterday, where I broke through. God is good, and what I was given yesterday after such a long torturous path was a Gift I will not forget for a very long time. Wow!


    1. Yes, She is, Susan. I just saw Her today and yesterday’s courageous attempt to unfurl is it. She is now drooping and ready to go HOME. Another yellow Crocus has popped up right next to Her to make sure the Light keeps on shining! 🙂

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      1. All journeys though they may differ do eventually lead to the same place ….. HOME. Ah, you’ve got the poet in me rising and bubbling today, my friend. 🙂 ❤

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    1. You guys are going to have me balling in another minute!! Carol, I am covered in goosebumps right now and really having trouble seeing what I am typing. I’ve been through such a hard phase and this Crocus so encouraged me and then the “Message” came. I am touched to my core that my post today assisted you as it did me. I pray all of us who are in a difficult place, come to the Shores of Peace and Solace again. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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  3. Oh what a beautiful crocus and such determination. Your words really touched especially ” believe in yourself and know that you truly have the Strength within yourself to not be destroyed by the challenges in Life.” So glad that I got the email again 🙂 Much Love and Big Hugs ❤

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    1. So many have said this post really touched them today, Kathy. What a beautiful way to begin a week! WE together are encouraging each other to keep on, even when the going gets tough. I hope your dinner with Craig was everything you had wished for and more. I’m glad you got my email today too! 🙂 ❤

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      1. Yes, I noticed the other comments saying how it touched them. Joined together we are a powerful team. Yes, the dinner out was nice. Good weekend overall! Crossing my fingers as far as WP 🙂

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      2. Keeping fingers crossed here too, Kath! Have a great day! I think I will stick my head in our refrigerator to clean it! I saw something and OH now I must clean clean clean! I feel SO good feeling SO strong! YAY! And then after that I go for a walk. Yep, a good day it is!!! ❤

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      3. There is always something that needs attending! It was floors here the other day. It’s currently snowing here but I know in a few days it will probably melt. Enjoy yourself!!

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    1. Melissa, may you find Solace and Encouragement and Light here at Petals that shall assist you on your own Life Journey. It pleases me greatly that you have chosen to follow me. Thank you! Love, Amy ❤

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  4. A beautiful shot ~ matched with beautiful words. There is always the moment in life where a moments arrives to “…gives rise to opportunity for you to courageously show all your True Colors.”

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