Break Free

84 thoughts on “Break Free”

    1. Yes I do know what spin art is, Marissa. In fact, I was looking at this image and trying to remember what I did. LOL I did it a good while ago and really? I have NO idea what I did. I just know I like it. Hehehehehe


    1. LOL Ya never know with me, Erika. As I told someone else, I really must start writing down what I do because I have NO idea how I obtained these results. I did this image months ago. Hope you are having a great weekend. 🙂

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      1. Haha, that sounds like me when I finally find out something new on my computer…. no idea how I got there but it worked… lol! My weekend has been well so far. Wish you a lovely one too, dear Amy 💖

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      2. Thank you, Erika!! I’m working through a few more comments before I start my morning routine with my cats and plan on getting me out of here to go for my 5.5 mile walk in Chestnut Ridge Park, the first time I am doing this since I was so ill. I feel so excited and really psyched because I AM DOING THIS!!! 🙂 🙂 ❤

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      3. It truly sounds exciting when I am reading your words. And I am very happy for you that you are doing it today! I am sure you will let us be part of your walk in your posts! Sending you a huge hug, dear Amy 😘 😘

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  1. Wonderful prose and a delightful photo, Amy. I never would have guessed the swirls came from those beautiful white flowers! I hope all is well with you and yours. I’ve been away for some time and am trying to get back into the swing of it all. I haven’t actually succeeded yet! Big hugs to you! 😀

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    1. Dearest Linda, so much has been happening in my life that I have had one heck of a time blogging. I’m not up to 100% and right now, I don’t want to be. Blogging takes a lot of time, effort, and energy, and to keep that pace up week after week, is tough. I’m seeking Direction as to what to do. I’m in between phases right now and not sure where to steer my boat. 🙂 Really good to see you!!! Know you are not alone in the struggle to get back in the swing of things. It seems every time I do get into my rhythm, life comes along and WHAM! At least lately. 🙂 Love to you!!!! ❤


  2. This may sound cynical and I don’t mean it to be. But I think when we pass over to be with God, only then our shackles will be broken. It’s something I look forward to. I’m not in a hurry to get there, but it’s something I think of often as the most beautiful thing in the world!

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    1. Laura, I’ve been really thinking about what you said here. I ask you, “For what Purpose under Heaven are we even here?” From my own life, I know I have broken shackles, dysfunctional patterns given to me as a child. I’ve been given opportunities on this plane of existence to CHANGE those things I can change, accept those things in my life that seem stuck to me like glue, and then there is wisdom to know what I can change and what truly is beyond me. The more I work on myself, to find my True Beauty, the more of ME I see. This is what this post is all about today. ❤

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      1. I’m glad you’ve found your purpose and it’s a good question to ask. I have similar shackles. I should’ve said that it’s that we are free from human shackles and are finally home where we came from. Thanks for sharing what the post was intended for. I really appreciate it. 🙂

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      2. You are welcome, Laura. Believe me, there are times no matter what I have done, it still feels as if I’m shackled. Life is certainly not what I in any way expected, yet, have I learned? Have I grown? Yes on both counts to which I say that the progress I have made is truly tremendous seeing how bad my childhood was. (((HUGS))), my friend. I also had a NDE experience, and take my word for it, you will not even want to be here. How I look forward to the time I am finally free to go HOME. 🙂 ❤ ❤ ❤


    1. Thank you, Dan! It is rather cool, isn’t it? LOL I’m scratching my head trying to figure out how I did this and guess what? I don’t know. I made this months ago. I really NEED to write down how I do these things! LOL ❤

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    1. Thanks, Kathy!!! I’m really not sure where I will be heading next, just trying to “fake it until I make it”. Life can really be confusing sometimes. And getting back up on my horse has been very challenging!!!! Hope you are having a good weekend!!! Love (((HUGS))) Love, Amy ❤

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      1. I agree about life being confusing at times. Take your time as this flu sounds like it really hit you hard. Today is our 11 yr anniversary of being together. The temp hit 50 out and we are going out to dinner. So yes a good weekend. Love you too ❤

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    1. Thank you, Robin!!! And thank you for the movie recommendations. I truly enjoyed them! Turns out I had watched 42 before, but it is so darn good, I watched it again! I so love a good movie to watch!!! 🙂 ❤


  3. Such an uplifting poem, Amy. Isn’t it wonderful when we learn to listen our selves and do what we want to do 😀 There will be others around us who will doubt us and express that to our faces, and that can bring us down. But at the end of the day, we have a choice to move forwards and bring out that shining light within us.

    That is such a wonderful image, wonderful work there. It feels like I’m looking down into a world where many ideas are spinning all around me, and I want to chase them all ❤

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    1. Mabel, whether you know it or not, your words above were exactly what my hurting heart needed to hear tonight. Someone I know, really says hurtful things and that person from out of empty of heart, projected vileness in my direction. Any time this happens, I have to pick myself up and say this is not about me, in reality, and to shake this energy off. So, you assisted me to do just that and I am so very grateful to you. Bless you, my friend.
      I also just came through a very dry period regarding my photography and just today broke through and felt the “Presence” once again. So I today can relate to your words again, in that I have all these swirlings inside of me and yes I want to chase them all. 🙂 Love, Amy ❤


      1. Words can only shake our bones. It is the love of the heart and keeps us steady and standing. Sometimes there are some around us who haven’t found their way. We can only do so much. Stay strong ❤

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      2. I’m learning that MY reaction and MY understanding makes all the world of a difference. Someone who hurts another is only acting upon hurt that they themselves have within. Just this morning I said, “I am learning to NOT allow anyone to steal my JOY.” I am staying strong, my friend!!! You stay strong too!! ❤

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