Scales Of Justice

91 thoughts on “Scales Of Justice”

  1. There was a programme called “Scales of Justice” went to air in Australia years ago. It looked at corruption in New South Wales, well known as one of the most corrupt States in Oz. It looked at corruption from a new police recruit through to a top politician, each episode rising in the rank of those corrupted. It actually blew the lid on real-life events and the police union went spare, threatened to boycott the Australian Broadcasting Commission, yada, yada, yada. But it was powerful television, shone the spotlight on some individuals and was ground-breaking. So yeah, your photo portrays – decades later – the light shone on the murk in public life in one Australian State. Brilliant photo and brilliant TV series.

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  2. This photo deserves much more time that I have right now. The first thing that came to mind was the pillar of fire that kept the Israelites going in the right direction. That would make a stunning wall on the right room.

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    1. I’m so thrilled this photo got your attention as it did, Susan. I know it did mine, when I saw this rainbow just standing straight up above the cloud line. It was an amazing sight to see, and for me to have been able to capture it, an honor indeed!!! ❤

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      1. LOL I took that picture to send to my Mom and sister because my hair decided to be curly! It’s been looking so good lately since I changed hair products and salon. I felt giggly that day too!! It’s nice to have my hair longer. I can do things with it and wake up each morning not really knowing what my hair will be doing. LOL

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  3. One can only hope.
    You know, Amy, I know we rarely talk about music and I’m going to guess you’re not really familiar with the heavy rock stuff I like, but there’s an artist named Dio, well, he’s dead now, which is sad. He died when he was in his 60’s of cancer and he was one of my favorite artists when I was growing up. Just really got me through adolescence and all that. Anyway, he wrote a beautiful song called Rainbow in the Dark, and Amy, that’s exactly what this is.

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    1. Your comment put tears in my eyes because I know how much music means to you and for you to relate my image to a song you Love, means so much to me. Thank you, Marissa. Seeing this rainbow on the day I did had my mouth hanging wide open as my eyes could hardly believe what I was seeing. I had to work fast because this rainbow dissolved quickly. I really got lucky on the composition of this image. SO happy you enjoyed! ❤


      1. It was very lovely and so touching, really Amy. Thank you. When my daughter was about 6, we were listening to the song Rainbow in the Dark and she said “If that guy Dio was still alive, I would thank him for writing the best song ever.”

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      2. I listened. What a powerful song even though it is not my type of music. The way it is sung and the lyrics really spoke to me. See? I stepped beyond my comfort zone and I am still alive, imagine that! I can see why you and your daughter are so taken away by this song! Now I won’t be able to get that tune out of my head. 🙂

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    1. These words are bringing me much comfort today, Van. I am slowly recovering from a very virulent flue and with the high temperatures came flashbacks of horrendous black moments of my Life. They tortured and almost sent me over the edge. As I lay there delirious these words came to me, and I clung to them along with prayer so I would not loose it. I hope they bring comfort to you. I will be over in a bit. I am moving quite slow today, my friend, just still so weak. ❤

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      1. I’m moving at a snail’s pace, Val. Today I am eating a lot of small meals to try to gain the weight I lost back on. Just so weak and woozy. Butt kicker this is! Wouldn’t wish this on my worse enemy, if I had one. 🙂

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    1. Dan, between feeling so ill and being so pee ode that this year of all years I am SOOOOO prepared for SNOW and have been waiting waiting waiting, and now that it is here, I am not going anywhere. My temps were so high I was hallucinating and for so long I lost 5 pounds. Now I am just so weak and trying to do my nomal daily things, which I am not succeeding too well at. I cannot believe this is happening, not now! I NEVER get sick. Grrrrrrr …… Really! Darn darn darn!!! Crossing fingers I will feel up to going for a short photo shoot in a few days IF this snow is still here. *sighs* …..

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      1. Still snowing here, Dan, though it is slowing down. I’m still too weak and woozy to even attempt to do a photo shoot. I’m going to eat, snack, eat, snack, eat, snack all day in hopes in gaining some weight back, I MAY be able to get outside tomorrow. I don’t want to relapse. This truly has been one very terrible flu and now I understand why the aged die from the flu. Hubs saw on on world news 2 nights ago that there is a very virulent flu going around. Gee, I picked the lucky lottery number and got it! That’s one reason why I do not do not do not like going to my GP’s office as I did last week. Hmmm … Strange both hubs and I went there and within 48 hours both of us ill.

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      2. The doctor’s office seems to be second only to a hospital as the best place to contract the flu. Do take care when you venture out. Sometimes, you feel fine, but the stamina just isn’t there to back up your plans.

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      3. I know it, Dan. I have the best intentions, and then wham, must get horizontal. If I didn’t have to go to the GP’s office believe me I would not. Let’s see what today brings. I’m making sure I have lots of carbs today. I was smart when I had the fever. I never stopped drinking water. And now today food! 🙂

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  4. Very beautiful post, dear Amy 😀 Great new profile photo of you, I really like it.
    I were close to email you today, long time without posting. How are you, the beauties and your mother?
    Much love to all of you ❤ Irene

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    1. Today is day 6. And I am reeling. I’ve never had such a high fever as an adult for such a long sustained time either. I don’t have the fever any more but just so weak. Shocked me to my core because I do not get sick, Alexander. I have a few more things to do, and then back to bed I go.

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      1. Most deservedly welcome, heading back home later today, time to get away from metropolis traffic and snow and ice and crazy people who think they can drive normal in winter storms. You put your life on the line everyday snow day around DC and Baltimore………………………Why I live in the middle of nowhere in Parkersville, TN ……. quiet, serene, it doesn’t even show up on Google and I wub it………………………
        👀 ♥ * ͜ * ♥ 👀 👀 ♥ * ͜ * ♥ 👀
        Pain means nerve endings work, right? Itching is also a sign, right?
        I’ll get more practice with left handed joystick controls on my Old Fart Runabout chair, safer than roads here, indeed.
        ᕙ(💓▿💓)ᕗ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ᕙ(💓▿💓)ᕗ

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      2. Firstly, you Southerners have NO clue how to drive in slush, snow, or ice. We who live with it get used to it so what you consider hazardous driving, we consider normal. Tee hee … Although I will admit SOME idiots do drive unsafely, usually the young hot rods or those “men” who think they own the road. *clearing throat* Just sayin’.
        And yes pain/itching means nerves are working. How my Heart goes out to you with both ailments!
        You’ll never be so happy to see DRY ashphalt. LOL Now you know basically how I feel when I no longer have to hike in the white stuff but again see and feel real road under my feet. 🙂

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      3. I’m pretty sure the pile up in northern Pennsylvania didn’t involve “Rednecks” or Southerners. BTW I was born in Midwestern part of West Germany, just got stuck in the Southern US by being a vote-less child…..( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Little town, known by beer enthusiasts, Bitburg, home of Bitburger Pils(Pilsener) Hospital in the day long ago was 1 block away from brewery. Now I live a short hop from Jack Daniels distillery, I can take a 4 wheeler through the woods if the roads are undriveable, after all, my biggest fear is Running oUt of JD#7 and Stroh 160 rum. I keep a stock, after all both will burn in a lamp or cook water. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Clint Eastwood’s character Dirty Harry described perfectly why I hate driving in big cities, wet, snow or even dry: So many damn fools, so few bullets.

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      4. George, wanna share what you are taking? I haven’t heard you this “happy” in a LONG time. You are too much. I suggest again you write a book. Not too sure how that would work right now so why don’t you wait until your hand hears? Of course you would make sure you are near a JD distillery. You honestly would not want to run out, not you! I like you stay as far away from cities as I possibly can, same reason. 🙂

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      5. Remember, there’s always a choking hazard possibility when I write about BB and the Clan.

        PSA: You’ve been warned, further reading assumes that you have taken personal responsibility for your reactions to the contents therein and hold Parker and Associates, PLLC, save harmless for any possible side effects from continuing this process.

        ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

        There’s something to be said to be across the “hollows” from the Daniels’ family, Charlie and Jack. 👀 ♥ * ͜ * ♥ 👀
        I think the “drug” of choice may be BB, or as one of my sons called her the other day, PPPBB
        Pistol Packing Petite Biker Babeorite
        I thought she was going to take his head off until she got close and started smiling and laughing while putting the cuffs away, looked like female David taking on Goliath.
        so funny. I’ll stick to BB. I don’t want her to lose the keys the next time she helps me into the Joint Pressure Reliever…………………………..(͡• 🔥͜ʖ🔥 ͡•)


      6. I saw fear the other day, when the cars around us saw this petite figure decked out in pink driving a Mercedes 21 passenger bus………………………….. Too bad I didn’t have real video camera when she started giving “hand signals: as the Girlies called them……………………….. they haven’t learned that particular “dialect” their Mom told them……………………………………….. I almost died from choking back deep sounds from inside that don’t resemble a voice but just grumblings………………………..

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      7. YOu had me laughing SO hard I went into a coughing fit! Petite, pink, and hand signals do not smoothly correlate. The picture you painted had me squealing and gasping for air! I can just imagine your reaction as you shook helplessly with laughter. What DO those doctors have you on? You sound mighty happy for having all you have just been through! Those Girlies did get quite the education, did they not? LOL Oh my! Now how are you going to undo that sign language? Kids latch on and do NOT let go of those sort of things. Hope by now you are safe and sound back home and staying out of trouble.

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      8. You can’t imagine how hard it is to still have laugh reflex and nothing but air and choking comes out
        AND I have to remember to NOT SLAP my hands on my legs or chest(from personal experience, neither were meant to be pummeled with a cast, especially one reinforced with alloy rods. We got safely home late last night, clear skies flying, made it ideal. It sure was good to be back in my recliner and fireplace. Good thing it’s built for Kiddies and/or BB. She was too tired to drive back into town after reading stories to Kiddies and then sorting them into their own beds. I am happy and blessed, I’m trying to hold off taking anything unless absolutely necessary. AND trying to not SelfHarm by forgetting what I shouldn’t doooo with that arm and hand. I’ll have to sleep upright, bc, normally I tuck that hand under my pillow, not going to happen, I also use that hand to push myself up when I change positions, so lots of changes, but worth it I sure hope………..Daughter says I’m pushing the 6M$ mark on what our military&government has laid out for me since I was born. Good thing I’m not subject to any kind of “death panels” they want to disguise as “quality and dignity of life decision aids” for old Vets.
        Trouble, moi????????????????????????????
        ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (͡• 🔥͜ʖ🔥 ͡•) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


  5. your words reflect the promise you captured in your photograph…
    Beautiful Amy…simply beautiful, the words resonate with me and I love the photograph
    Take Care…You Matter…

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    1. Thank you, Emma!!! I just went for a brief walk which was a super human effort for me to do! Time to get this body moving again, even though this body still shouts COUCH! Now I know I really am on the mend!!! ❤

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  6. Absolutely amazing dear Amy.. as are your inspired words.. so true.. May all fear be changed to Love.. and may those who Wound look to those whom they have hurt ……
    Oh and I meant to say.. Love your New Image here of yourself on your logo 🙂 Delightful 🙂 as your eyes sparkle with Light 🙂 xxx


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