Intricate Patterns (2 IMAGES)

75 thoughts on “Intricate Patterns (2 IMAGES)”

    1. Carol, as I stood upon this spot to photograph this, I was just mesmerized by the lacy patterns of the tree branches. The lighting and background were both perfect in order for them to be seen to their advantage. I stood there for a long time just allowing my spirit to drink in huge gulps of what lay before me. Emotions stirred within which I am not able to put into words. The forest spoke to me that day as I felt those branches and I becoming ONE. I didn’t want to walk away from this spot. I’m glad the trees spoke to you as well. Love, Amy ❤

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      1. I LOVE that term, Olga!!! OH MY GOSH! That sums up exactly what I experience! How amazing! Here I am struggling to put into words what I experience and two simple words sum it up!! Wow! Forest bathing …. that is powerful!!! Thank YOU for sharing this!! Love, Amy ❤

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    1. Hopefully soon, Van. We have a little snow on the ground right now but it is raining so that will be gone soon. Fascinating these branches were …. imagine them covered in snow. Goosebumps!!! I know exactly where this spot is, and yes I do plan on going back to this very spot when it does snow. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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    1. Hmmmmm ….. Um, well, gee ….. Speedy Erika. LOL I actually stated on this post that this is not the same photo. Tee hee …. Now I know you just zoomed on by. That’s OK. I do the same thing … IF you knew how many blogs I follow. The days that I can enjoy others’ work fully is such a JOY. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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  1. I’m loving the patterns these small branches make. I can see them so much more clearly in the top picture. Kind of spooky. I can only guess what is going on in the second one. It looks like an underwater scene.

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    1. What you see as spooky I saw as lacy. I was fascinated by the patterns these branches made. I stood for a long time here, just looking, just allowing my spirit to drink deeply. The second image again I was just playing. It is meant to represent our magnificence of who we are. Love, Amy ❤

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      1. It is??? Get out! I LOVE lace and leather together. What does that make me? I just love a touch of lace. Is it the patterns that fascinate me? I don’t know …


      2. Hehehehehe …. I don’t admit that to many peeps. Now that I have um aged with grace, the leather looks dumb on me. I can no longer pull off wearing black as I once could. It now looks too heavy on me. I used to LOVE black!!! *sigh* The perils of aging. …..


    1. Wow, Natalie!!! When I stood on the spot to photograph this I got the goosebumps! What was before me drew me in like a magnet and my spirit just became so still. I actually started shaking at one point and the emotions that flooded my inner awareness were so powerful yet I am unable to describe. I am so happy you too can feel the power behind this image and the words that were given me to share with you. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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      1. I react the same way, Natalie. I feel such an intense Connection with God, with All That Is, with Mother … with EVERYTHING that rooted to the spot, my stomach seems to drop out from under me, my Heart just about is lodged in my throat, my breath becomes so quiet, and the tears fall. Powerful Connections I have been experiencing lately!!! ❤

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    1. I stood on the spot I photographed this for a long time, Dan. The emotions this scene evoked in me I cannot even put into words. What this image does not convey due to all the leaves on the ground, is that I was standing atop a ravine, and this ravine is quite deep. If you look closely there is a stream towards the bottom left that does give this image some sense of how high I was standing in relation to the whole picture. I’m glad you enjoyed. I’ve begun to really “see” this forest and what I am seeing, brings such deep quiet to my spirit. Love, Amy >3

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    1. Yes there is, Andy. Unfortunately, you cannot get the feel of how high I was actually standing nor how deep this ravine actually is. Those beautiful leaves camouflaged the depth. Glad you enjoyed! Love, Amy ❤

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      1. I’m working on the FAITH bit, Barbara, that has been badly shaken these past few years. I see it as my express elevator from basement to top floor. I actually feel the energy within my core rise as I concentrate on getting back into LOVE and FAITH and staying there. And then the energy I focus upon I command to stay in Heart and 3rd eye. THAT is how I stay Connected!! ❤

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    1. This forest has really been speaking to me. Yet for days now, my spirit has been very quiet needing space from the forest. When I hear the CALL I shall go again. I know exactly where this spot is so when it snows I shall return to see what it looks like. There are many spots I want to see when it snows. (smile) Figure, I am SO ready for snow and here we are having such funny weather. It has to happen sooner or later. LOL Love, Amy ❤

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      1. Glad that the forest is speaking to you! I think you will get your wish soon with the snow. Heard the storm we had is headed east. Heard the official account for Oshkosh was 10.5. Snow-blower worked great this afternoon! Love, Kathy

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      2. All I can saw WE ARE READY! I look out my window right now to drink in GREEN while I still can but once that snow begins to fall I have a feeling it just won’t stop. Today seems a brighter day, the gray lifting a bit, and I really want to explore a trail that was brought to my attention that has waterfalls. And of course I will be bringing my equipment. 🙂 ❤

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  2. fantastic! Amy I totally get how enchanted and peace filled you must have felt that day. once in a while it does happen and it is magical. amazing. I’m glad you shared! the network of connecting branches, in harmony, has such a powerful message 🙂

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    1. Thank you for understanding this message, Debi. It’s not easy I admit to wrap our heads around how we really are a beautiful tapestry … but even acknowledging the truth of this is a huge step in our own empowerment. I am so happy you enjoyed this post. May it continue to Bless you! Love, Amy ❤


    1. Thank you, Lynz!!! Yes I do wish we could actually see our own designs of who we are. And how those designs extend to interconnect with All That Is. Talk about thought provoking!! My sister says I ask too many questions and I seek too much …. hence I go in circles. Yet by going in circles I create a path that goes deeper, wider, one that changes my Perspective on Life as I grow, and one that enables me to empower myself in more and more ways. At least that is how I see it. 🙂 (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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  3. These two photographs match your words so beautifully ~ “If we could but see the Intricate Patterns that comprise our Lives, our breath would catch, our eyes light up …”
    You’ve described the beauty of the energy of the universe ~ the quantum world. Wish you a great day Amy ~ and a year for you to create as the best ever.

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