Mother’s Artistry, An Eagle, A Sunburn, and Men

94 thoughts on “Mother’s Artistry, An Eagle, A Sunburn, and Men”

  1. Two things, you need to show me where this place is. Just beautiful, I could spend the entire evening there by myself writing. And the second and probably the most important one, are you nuts?!! Letting a man tell you he knows something about sunburns or any type of much of anything really, even if it´s your husband.

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    1. Charlie, in all honesty I did not want to leave this place and I do plan on returning just to sit, write and take pictures. There was MAGIC there, so strong I literally was glued to my seat. I never knew this place even existed until my friend showed me this park, a park I normally do not walk in. As for the Aloe escapade, I won’t do that again in a hurry. LOL I learned the hard way NOT to ask A MAN for assistance when I have sunburn. ❤

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  2. I do understand, that you just enjoyed this amazing and peaceful place Amy, so the sunburning became a reality. I think that men get their ideas from Mars and we do from Venus….. Often we talk different languages…
    Great that you are able to applie the Aloe yourself at your bag. Sunburned skin is so very sensitive. I really hope, that you are feeling better now Amy.
    Much love <3, Irene

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  3. Sorry for your sunburn, Amy. I was disappointed reading your story though. When you said you did yoga, I thought you was applying the aloe with your feet. When you wasn’t….well, it just wasn’t the same 😉

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    1. Now, Richard, I am flexible, I will admit BUT there is a limit to what I can and what I can not do. My feet do not reach to my upper back. Nope. Not anymore that is. LOL (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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  4. Big smiles at the Aloe gel treatment… Lol… 🙂

    And I can imagine your awe-struck moment looking skyward.. But this view is stunning.. Hope your back eases soon.. And you have a wonderful week.. Love and Hugs Amy…
    Sue ❤

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    1. SO glad you smiled at my predicament, Sue. LOL Some Lessons are learned the um hard way, I suppose. 😉 I do plan on going back to this magical place so the whole sunburn experience was absolutely worth it!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


    1. Yes, Erika, this place does seem like a dream and yes, it really felt that way as well. I truly was spellbound and did not wish to leave. I am returning, you can bet on it!!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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  5. Speaking as a man, we don’t really think too far ahead. I also think that we tend not to deal in what we would see as minor details, such as the temperature of whatever we rub into somebody else’s back.

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    1. Thank you, Jodi! Yes I totally agree with you. This is a very very very special place, one I plan on returning to. The only thing I have to remember how to get there because it really is located within a maze of trails. I am bringing my GPS with me when I go next time in hopes it will help me get there. 🙂 I also do agree with you on the subject of men. GRIN! Love, Amy ❤

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  6. I so understand what you are saying about being so hypnotized by the beauty of the eagle and not even wanting to take your eyes off long enough to pick up a camera. It is the same for me as I watch them hunt along the shore line on early morning summer days.
    Your sunburn sounds painful and the experience with the Aloe would have sent me jumping through the ceiling also. I alway shave used vinegar to take away the sting of a sunburn.
    Beautiful photo, so calm and peaceful.
    Have a blessed week.

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    1. Ruth, I am very happy that you viewed this incredible magical place! My sunburn is of no more and yes I have learned a vital Lesson here … do not ask hubby for assistance IF I have sunburn again. LOL May you as well have a very Blessed Week. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


  7. That is a beautiful picture Amy, entirely worth your sunburn. As for smearing Aloe, I don’t like the consistency of stuff like that so I would squirt it on my wife’s back and maybe move it around with my fingertips, making noises that would suggest I was dying. As for where men get ideas – dunno, we just do and they seem like good ones to us.

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    1. I agree with you, Dan, on the beauty of this magical place. As for what you told me about how you go about applying something like Aloe to your wife’s back … you put me in spiels of laughter. I do not think the majority of men were born with too much COMMON SENSE. That is where we women come in handy … with our hunches and intuition and you know, how we just KNOW. LOL Have a great day!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


    1. I agree with you, cuz, about this magical place, one I have every intention of returning to. I just have to remember how to get there so I am bringing my GPS with me. I traveled down many a trail and by the time I arrived at this stunning place, I had no idea which direction was what. Hopefully when I return I will see the Bald Eagle (or 2) and I will have my camera ready!!! YAY! Love, Amy ❤


  8. So funny! Yes, many do tend to be heavy handed and yikes for that sunburn!! So glad you got an excellent picture out of the whole experience though and thank you to your friend Christine who urged you to take the chance on this one!

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    1. Soooooo happy you saw this, Marissa. I am going back IF I can find this place. You would not believe the trails I took to get there. I’m taking my GPS with me in hopes it will help steer me in the right direction. And no, no more help from hubby, thank you very much. LOL Love, Amy ❤


      1. The problem is the trails twist and turn and then you come to an intersection having to decide which direction to go. There are MILES of trails. I THINK I have a general idea of where this creek is. Besides on my GPS it will show it and while I walk I will watch ME walk on the GPS towards the creek. No brainer. LOL ❤


  9. You know not all men are like that Amy… Some men just slap it on your back, even it out with a rolling pin, and stick you in the oven for 30 minutes or until tender and juicy. First I would lite some insence. Then I’d put on some mood music to relax you: like maybe Led Zepplin 4… And then I’d splap it on! LOL! Next time use sunscreen! Men…

    The picture is so surreal Amy! Have you ever thought of entering contests so maybe National Geographic can have a look at you? You’ve got talent kid! I really think you could sell these with the right web-site!

    OH God! My mouth hurts so much, it goes right up into my ear, temple, and actually brings on a headache too! Just two more days ’till I get my teeth cleaned! Just two more days! OH God… Oh God!!!

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    1. Now it is only ONE more day until you get your teeth cleaned. Have you ever heard of a toothbrush? Just askin’. And I do thank you for the very nice compliment, Darrell. Now I have too many responsibilities in life to add more to it. The time will come when I will want lots of things to do to fill my pain in my Heart when my babies are gone, so until then, I just keep on Loving what I do. 🙂 (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


      1. Ever hear of an electric toothbrush? I still have all of my tooth! LOL! I have periodontal disease from all my years smoking pot, drinking tea, and smoking cigarettes, and hardly ever brushing.

        For three years now, I’ve been brushing twice a day, using a teeny tiny brush to pull plaque out from between my teeth… I use Colgate enamal repair toothpaste and Crest Pro mouth wash, and get regular cleanings at the Dentist. I have zero cavities, a nice, yellow smile, and I’ve saved my teeth in the nick of time…

        Funny how people never seem to react until they’re standing on the edge of a press-a-piss! LOL! I’m actually a very healthy person, except that I’m dead… Answer your question? Can’t you get more babies? Mustn’t be sad! Must we? Kisses: xOx

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    1. Thank you, Kathy. I’m just now finishing up on these comments, if you can believe that. Just so busy ….. *sigh* …. My sunburn is no more. Magical Aloe, even COLD, works. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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    1. Nico, you made me laugh!!!! PLEASE warm up the Aloe with your hands before you put it on your poor wife’s back. That feels like ICE believe me when there is sunburn involved. LOL Love, Amy ❤

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    1. Julie, in all seriousness I am going back there to this magical place. I was spellbound and really really did not wish to leave. I just could not get my fill of drink of the stunning Beauty there. And as for you laughing … GOOD!!! I have a huge grin on my face knowing I made you laugh! Tee hee …. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


  10. haha … i am sorry to hear about your cold treatment mishap, it’s hilarious the way you wrote about it,
    admittedly, i have encountered similar situations before when asked to assist my spouse in times of need, alas, what started out as something well thought out and well intended (read practical) ended up otherwise, one of the idiosyncrasies of men’s left-sided brain at work.
    regards, ken

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    1. Oh, Ken, I am laughing SO hard reading what you wrote, knowing I gave you a good laugh!!! Hhehehehe Lesson learned the hard way, believe me. Men. Gee. You’d think we women would rub off of you guys just a wee bit. LOL (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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    1. OH! I am laughing that you laughed!! Good!!! Never again will hubby put Aloe on my sunburn. Yes I am all better now … just very very busy catching up on my dirty home. Almost my entire summer was spent bringing two of my cats back to a state of well being. I am SO happy you saw this gorgeous image, Amanda. This is my special place, one in which I will go back to many times. I’ll be over to your Blog when I can to see your latest post. 🙂 Love, Amy ❤

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      1. Sorry for my late reply, Amy. It was late when I read this, so I thought I’d reply when I had woken up and feeling ‘funky fresh!’ …well, maybe not ‘funky fresh’ but …feeling normal at least! These summer holidays 😁

        Talking of dirty homes. Mine needs a good old sort out too. I’ve decided there is absolutely no point while the kids are at home undoing all my hard work! Argh!

        I am happy I got to see your peaceful place, too. What a gem! It’s nice to have those special places we like to go, where we let all our worries fly free and absorb the beauty all around us. You’ve done well this summer, considering the circumstances. Bringing your cats back to health couldn’t have been easy, and how you’ve kept up all your work on petals… I’ll never know! Keep doing what you’re doing and visiting your special place – it’s doing wonders 🙂 Much love 💗

        Ps: my latest post is a bit ‘ranty’ – there’s your warning! I’m one ‘worn out’ mum! 😁


    1. Like a beautiful painting …. oh yes, Amy!!! I so agree. This is going to be my “special spot”. I was spellbound, not wanting to leave, and if it had not been for a last minute decision regarding which direction to walk, I would not have seen this. I honestly cannot get this scene from my mind, nor can I stop the “feeling” I obtained while there. Total magic. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


    1. Oh, Raewyn, you SEE the magic this place holds!!! I am going back there, let me tell you. I had no idea this place even existed until Saturday and it is within 5 miles of my home. Imagine that!!! Love, Amy ❤


    1. Sunburn is healed, Randall, thank you. And thank you for your very kind words. The credit truly goes to Mother. I only captured Her Beauty …. She created it. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


  11. A stunning picture, Mother’s artistry at its best! Sorry for your sunburn, and I know exactly what you mean with the so called “right” way…I’ve been there 😀 Much love, Tiny

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    1. SOOOOO glad you enjoyed this post, Tiny, and you have my every empathy for experiencing what I did. Men honestly do NOT think things out first even though they mean well. LOL Love, Amy ❤

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  12. Well, while my husband can be very “man-y” at times he is very different in so many respects. He actually understands this horror for himself so is very sensitive about warming up anything that gets put on the skin, especially a sunburn. 🙂

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  13. Amy Rose, this is a gorgeous shot…. and you are gorgeous.
    After your comments on my blog post “Off to the Theater in Paths of Color”, I made sure I checked out your pic in the footer.
    You are soooo beautiful.
    I understand how easy it is to throw on what we feel is easy and comfy, especially when we have something like gardening, hiking…. or wandering around in alleys.
    Many times when I go out, I dress in the least worn of my fave pieces – tights, a loose top and a pair of hot sneaks. Never underestimate the hip fashion appeal of sneakers.
    The icing is a gorgeous scarf… carelessly worn, tied somewhere unexpected or carefully allocated.
    For you, i see beautiful floral scarves! It’s the accent that will pull the inner & outer beauty altogether.
    I dream that your beautiful pics of flowers would be on scarves! I would surely wear them!
    Many Hugs and much love to my very wonderful friend out here in space. -Resa xoxo

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    1. Bless you, Resa, for this awesome comment. I would have made you proud yesterday for I took my time to get dressed for an “ordinary” appt. I wore a white tank top with edging of lace that dipped down low enough to see the tattoo over my left breast and over that a see though flowing wide sleeved turquoise from India made top studded with sequences on neckline and criss crossed as well over bodice. On my legs white tight pants. On my feet turquoise sandals. Diamonds studded my ears as well as worn as a necklace around my neck. Yup, I have some unique clothes. I could groan because about a year ago I threw away a lot of my sexier clothes thinking I was too old for them. Now? How I want them back! I don’t even know where to go shopping any more. I used to do a lot of shopping at Fredericks for sexy under things and over as well. I like lace and leather and shiny, and just flowy, yet tight in areas, low cut sexy (have I said that already?) clothing. I know how to look sexy in sneaks too. Yep, accessorize. Scarves … know all about them. You’ve got me seriously reassessing my closets, myself, and more. I used to dress so HOT but as I got older and the relationship I’m in faded to dust, the sexy flew away. NOW? I’ve gotten myelf feeling sexy again and YES I want to dress it. You should see how I dress for Yoga. LOL Black, slick and low cut. I just realized what thread this is on. Hehehehehe And since I have nothing to be ashamed of because I am sexy, I’m not erasing this comment. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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      1. ((Hugs}} to you Amy! I love everything you said here! Sure sounds like you know what you are doing.
        I’m older now, and I have to remind myself that I am just as gorgeous as I always was.
        Youth beauty fades like a single fabulous rose, but real beauty, style and inner passion remain as an entire bush that gives many precious blooms.
        I hope that made sense.xoxoxo

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      2. Wow, Resa, your words are phenomenal. It makes total sense to me, you have my word on that! Yes I have seen my youth fade, yet truthfully I see a softness, an inner glow that was not there in my earlier years now on my face. I too am aging gracefully. I no longer am able to wear 3 inch spikes and I will no longer bare my stomach. Instead of skin tight across hips and butt, I still do but now in layers to camouflage so to speak. I still like tight yet, now appreciate the stretch tight and flowy look as well, to bring out my best features. I won’t wear short shorts anymore. I won’t wear bikinis any more. I still like sexy but in a mature fashion. I wish I could wear my hair long again but with age my hair has thinned and on me long hair no longer compliments my face. I know what looks silly on me and I know what still looks sexy on me. I still like to combine patterns and colors and fabrics that are unique to combine. I just plain like different, have never gone for what is in style, just dressing how I wished to dressed. Yes I miss the days I was comfortable in heels and plunging necklines and “no rolls”. LOL I am laughing as I write this. Heck, I’m a lot softer all over, let’s face it. hehehehehe If I can’t be honest about it, who can? Oh, Resa, I’m blushing and I am laughing. Tee hee …. I can still blush, what do you know? THANK YOU!!!! ❤


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