No Tricks

83 thoughts on “No Tricks”

    1. Thank you, Neihtn. And all this from a woman who surgeons told in 2004 would be paralyzed and in a wheelchair if said woman did not have more back surgeries. Yes, this was a huge victory in more ways then one. I am so proud of myself for my determination to bring this body back to health and strength MY WAY!!! SO glad you enjoyed this post!!! Thank you, my friend. Love, Amy ❤

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    1. I am in tears, Irene. I just received your package today and I cannot believe the extras you gave to me. I have the rose bracelet on, the anklet on, and one of your earrings on right now. I have yet to listen to the CD so I have that to look forward to. Thank you SO much!! Your work is awesome. The pictures do not do them justice. I can “feel” you through the jewelry I now wear. And I have SO many choices now!!! I feel like a kid in a candy shop!!!
      I am SO happy you enjoyed this post. I agree. This IS amazing! When I first saw it my jaw dropped. Wow!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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      1. It will not play. It says there is no file. Irene, you have done SO much as it is, please don’t go to any more lengths or spend any more money on shipping. It’s OK. Really. You tried, you did your best, and so it is. 🙂
        Sending my Love to you this beautiful day!!! Love, Amy ❤

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      2. Amy, thank you for telling me. I did this video CD very fast, to be sure that I could send it fast, so I forgot to check it first, which is my mistake. I know, that you will love to see these videos, so I will make a new one for you in the weekend and send in next week. It is not expensive Amy.
        Wish you a wonderful day.
        Much love ❤

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      3. Hi Amy. I have now made a new CD with 3 videos for you and I checked it, it is working :-D, at least this time.
        Please forgive that I’m not professional to record videos.
        Much love ❤ Irene

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    1. Hi, Kathy! I haven’t talked to you in about forever! Thank you so much for your kind words and I am so glad you enjoyed this. How the ligth refracted/reflected off the water totally blew me away. It looks like it is actually standing on the water, like a crown. I hope everything is going well in your life!!!! Love, and (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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      1. I know it does seems like forever. I knew you so needed time to recooperate! Yes, love the reflection in your picture. Things are going really good. We opened our website a month ago and getting slow but steady orders. Hugs my friend and much Love ❤

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    1. Scott, I’ve put in a good 15 years of shooting, and I am still learning. I myself am stunned sometimes at what I can do with a camera. (smile) I just was so tickled by your comment!! You honestly made my day! It has been one very tough road for me lately. You brought fresh air to me. Thank YOU!!! (((HUGS)) Amy ❤

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      1. I’m glad I brightened your day. It’s only fair, as your comments about my book gave me a nice lift a couple of weeks ago. It’s only because you have such a wonderful talent that I am able to return some of that lift to you.

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  1. From only you could I believe the words you say when you promise there were no effects used. This is magic, one again!! I’m sorry that you have been having such a trying month. My thoughts are with you. Of course I miss you on the blogosphere but totally get it. Sometimes things are so overwhelming it’s just too much to think about blogging.

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    1. OH, Marissa!!! Bless you for commenting!!! I even went over to see you, believe it or not! It has been so hectic but things are finally settingling down. As for this image, I honestly had to pick my chin from off the floor when I saw what I captured. Wow!! There were BLUE dragonflies fluttering on the water all about, so I KNEW there was magic and I caught it. How exciting is that??? What Mother allows me to do amazes me!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


  2. You work hard for these Amy and it shows. Beautiful! I am sometimes surprised by what the camera captures vs. what I see, but usually it’s because what I see is better looking. This is stunning.

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    1. With comments like these, Dan, I could climb Mt. Everest for images. Yes that trip was challenging and very hot and at times dangerous, but what I captured was pure magic. There were blue dragonflies flitting about and that to me is a sure sign of magic. Thank YOU for your encouragement and support of my work, especially at this time in my Life. Bless you, Dan!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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    1. OH, thank YOU so much, Maniparna!! I am SO happy you enjoyed this today!!! And yes, for a woman who is “supposed” to be paralyzed and in a wheelchair, I’d say I am doing pretty darn good!!! LOL It feels SO good to be strong and healthy!! It has been over 22 years in the making!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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    1. This determined woman is once again going on a photo shoot today (that is the plan at least!) and this time I will be only bringing my camera +lens in its carrying case instead of the whole back pack, and my tripod in its case. I want to hike further upstream of where I shot this image to see what else I can find.
      Yes, Molly is holding her own. I’ve yet to cut back on her allopathic meds. I want her heart stronger before I do that. Instead of loathing these pills, I am sending LOVE to them before I give them to Molly. 🙂
      I am so happy you liked this post!!! Thank you, Sneha!!! Bless you for who you are and ALL you have done for me!!! I do Love you! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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  3. Yes, some shots are difficult to get to. But that’s part of the adventure and excitment photography offers. And living on the edge for a moment beats an eternity of bordom hands down! I’m pleased you’re working on time lapse shots of water. Try trees swaying in the wind, espesially in a row, and they will smoothly melt into the sky! It looks so sureal!

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    1. I’m going again today to this very creek to see what else I can find, Darrell. The conditions are perfect for it …. bright sunshine will be filtering through the heavy canopy of leaves. I will be slathered with insect repellent and having my equipment (lighter load this time) and with my knee pads so that when I kneel on the shale in the creek, my knees will have something soft to kneel on. GRIN!!!! I am on another adventure today!!!! Love, Amy ❤


      1. Sounds like you’ve been bitten by some other kind of bug. Bug spray isn’t good for you… Why don’t you buy one of those suits with the mosquito net hood? Toxic chemicals won’t enter your body, and you’ll save on a lot of cash in the long run :O)


      2. I use all natural bug repellent with oil of catnip in it. I kid you not!!! LOL I have to put it on outside otherwise my cats go nuts!!! Hehehehe


      3. LOL! Giggle factor: 8/10… I once got my Ex. to make me a shirt with materal that was very colorful: it had palm trees and flowers and parots all over it. Anyway, I could never where it because whenever I did, bees chased me!

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  4. Such a stunning shot. And I loved reading how you went about getting the shot – I was holding my breath right up to the end and wondering if any part of your or your equipment sunk underwater. Your persistence paid off and you are very skilled at photography. Never quit and you just may go far 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am not a quitter, Mabel, that is for sure about me. I was holding my breath when I was assembling my camera equipment, believe me!!! Again I return to this creek today where I know I will find more Treasure. I will have a lighter load this time so that I have more mobility to walk on the slippery wet shale. You have a wonderful day today!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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    1. Thank YOU!!!! I am returning today to this creek to find more Treasure. I will be hiking further upstream with only a 16 pound weight on me …. that is my camera/lens + tripod! My equipment is seriously heavy yet I think I can manage better on the slippery shale with this lighter load. 🙂 ❤ Love, Amy ❤


  5. Such a magical capture Amy.. And you must have been astonished with your results and labouring with backpack and wading water.. Beautiful in every sense..
    Sending you Love and I think you deserve a rest don’t you?? Take care Amy and enjoy your weekend.. Love and Hugs… Sue xxx ❤

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  6. You worked really hard for this glorious image, Amy! What an adventure. But at the end the result is magical! Have a wonderful weekend, I hope you get some rest after a taxing time. Much love, Tiny ❤

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    1. Please forgive me for this late reply, Tiny. I really don’t know if I am coming or going of late what with all I have been through (and still going through) with Molly, Karma, Prinny, Rocky ….. + all the others we care for. Things are finally calming down which means I drop. Yes I am having a glorious weekend! I am getting much needed rest AND getting some truly phenomenal photos of clouds, rainbows (THREE today!), flowers …. rose buds I haven’t seen in over 2 years, and waterfalls (little ones) that again magic happened. I don’t know what to post when I do post …. SO many incredible photos one after the other lately … all leaving my jaw dropping!!!
      Hope YOU are having a great weekend and it is drying out for you and the salt marsh! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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    1. You are SO welcome, David! I am so happy you enjoyed these. More magic is coming after I recover from the major healing journey I have been on with some of our beloved cats. Hope you are having a really good weekend! Love, Amy ❤


    1. SMILING!!!! And I have more as well!! Lately I have been given magic magic magic just literally dropped in my lap. OH the feeling of absolute wonder and JOY … so embraced by me after so many months of turmoil and incredible hard work. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!!! Love, Amy ❤

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  7. This guy at a bar offers this other guy a beer, and the other guy says: ‘No, thanks anyway…’ But then his Mother interups and says: ‘Go ahead and buy him one. He’d slurp it through a soiled diaper, if it were for free!


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