Ribbons And Curls

63 thoughts on “Ribbons And Curls”

    1. Are you serious, Dan? Oh, that is too funny!!! We must have the same brain wave length or something. It does look like someone did the scissor trick of curling a ribbon with this flower, doesn’t it? LOL Have a great day today!!! Love, Amy ❤

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  1. Oh wow, it really does look like one of those bows you would put on a gift box and then, you know, how the curl the ribbons with scissors. It’s amazing what can be found in nature. Love the green/yellow hues too!

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    1. SO happy you enjoyed this one, Marissa. I couldn’t resist writing what I did. This flower just oozed sex to me, as She boldly declared to me! Have a great Monday!! Love, Amy ❤


    1. I know!! I am SO glad I photographed this when I did because now the Japanese Beetles are here and I am having a really tough time with them leaving this beauty alone. When I use the organic spray, it marks this flower. Really I am just SO relieved I was able to capture Her when I did. Love, Amy ❤


  2. Oh my Amy, this looks like it’s ready to be placed on a package, I suppose it was actually, since you’ve gifted this little piece of beauty to us.. hugs to ya gal… take care from Laura

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    1. GRIN!!! I may be gray around the edges, but I still got it!!! LOL I had a “feeling” you would like the verse that goes with this sexy thing. OO-LA-LA! Hehehehehehe ❤

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      1. I’m edgy around the grey, myself ))))))))))))))))))))
        I have to stay away from French, I get confused and suddenly a certain Maid appears and I can’t tell her not to stay.
        Silly language when you’re mute.

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      2. French? I have enough problems with English to be understood at times, much less another language. 🙂 And I see you’ve written some books today for me. Miss me? LOL ❤

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      3. I tried to catch up from last week, weekend was filled with company, family and loads of Grands and their cousins. Plentiful fun, laughter, smiles and Love abundantly ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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    1. Thank you SO much, my friend. This gorgeous flower really and truly spoke these words to me. That is why they match perfectly. Love, Amy ❤


    1. Oh, Val, lately my passionate Heart is exploding!!! My work lately has turned to sensuous. A different beat for me, yet all along this has been an aspect of me, just not shown or seen much at Petals. I want to play of late, just allowing the emotions from my Heart to transcend into my hands as I edit. Same holds true of my photography. I’ve gone much deeper lately. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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      1. Thank you, Val. *tears* Lately my Heart is just overwhelming me at the intensity of feelings it has been experiencing. I’ve been doing a lot of “healing” lately and layers have been coming off. I have to adjust to the depth of feeling that I now am reeling with, so raw and so very very powerful. I have let tears fall recently because as a child, these feelings were annihilated, and to have them return, is pure JOY. I have a post coming, my friend, that is really deep, and in fact, I have a disclaimer on it saying please some of the words I have used may be triggers for those who have suffered or are suffering any type of abuse. It has been an extremely emotional week for me. I thank you SO much for listening to me. Bless you, Val, from the bottom of my Heart. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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    1. Anytime, Lisa!!! As I told someone else, I may be grey around the edges, but I still have “those feelings”. So glad you appreciated my sexy rhymes. I may be doing more in the future. LOL (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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