Dandy Delectable Delight

99 thoughts on “Dandy Delectable Delight”

  1. Beautiful shot. I know how difficult it is to photograph ants. … You have to reverse the logic: the Universe has a surprise for you and tells you in advance that an opportunity is coming … you see, it is not a thought, but something else translated into a thought … (it has happened to me before … several times)

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    1. Bert, you understand!! Amazing phenomenon! I am very tuned in to “signs” from Nature, and when I saw those ants, “something” in me registered “yes, this is it”. But those ants were moving so fast, no way would I be able to get one clearly. And then the ant on the dandelion not moving. I really believe when we are in our zone, we can create just about anything with the assistance of the Universe. Thank YOU, Bert, for your feedback. It’s nice to know I am not the only one who thinks the way I do. (smile) Have a wonderful day! Love, Amy ❤

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      1. … to me ‘these happenings’ are announced as ‘… what would happen if … ‘, and then it happens, granting that little extra time to react …

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      2. Exactly. I do it all the time with parking lots. I just “know” there will be a good parking space for me, and there always is. If we “trust” in Flow, our Life truly becomes magical. (smile)

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  2. This little fellow put the pedal to the metal on the petal, but paused to pose for you! Great capture, Amy! Have a wonderful week in your gardens. Love, Tiny

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    1. I am almost finished with these gardens, Tiny, which means I will be able to blog again. Thank goodness! I have been going through blog withdrawal!!! LOL (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


  3. Ha! That little ant sure loves the spotlight, huh? Amazing how you brought this little being to life! The others are probably in the background grumbling and working hard thinking “(Insert name of ant here) sure is vain!!”

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    1. Marissa, honestly, if you ever watched how fast ants move, this ant just wasn’t acting “normally”. It was if though my thoughts were heard and this ant elected to pose for me. What I am seeing, what is happening, what I am capturing … friend, I have walked into heaven!!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


    1. Lisa, thank YOU for noticing! My photography has taken a huge turn. I am stunned by all that is unfolding. Happily my Heart does sing knowing YOU are enjoying my creations. I look so forward to getting back to blogging soon!!! Love, Amy ❤

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    1. You really made my day, Amy! Thank you! I have ONE more garden to do today and then I start my Mother Garden. OH, the end is now in sight!
      And yes, I really have stepped into another world. Love, Amy ❤

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    1. Thank YOU, Linda, SO much for these delicious words of yours. Things like this happen to me more often then people know because I really don’t “talk” about it. Most people just don’t understand that there is a real connection between all living things. And when we discover the “zone”, truly all things are possible. We are just seeing the tip of the iceberg, at least, I know I am. 🙂 It is SO good to see you on WP!!! Hope all is well your way. I look SO forward to blogging soon when my gardens are at last finished. This year reopening my gardens, has been a real test of endurance for me. Whew!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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    1. Thank you, Gigi!!! Happy warm days and flowers to you too, and may the freezing be a long LONG time away!!! I do so look forward to getting back into blogging when these gardens are finished! It looks to me as if you are in Venice. Am I right? If so, wow, and lucky you!!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


    1. Mother is spectacular, Dilip, in ways that most people don’t even see. I am Blessed to be able to have the ability and the time to bring to Petals aspects of Mother that leave one in awe of Her. At least they do me!!! Love, Amy ❤

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    1. Kathy, I know!! This is what makes this image SO surreal! That and how my lens was able to pick up aspects of a dandalion I have NEVER seen before! I really feel as if I have walked into Heaven, my friend. It is such an honor to bring to Petals what I am discovering! Love, Amy ❤

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      1. Amy, just read the post and I am so touched. It really is a transition and I know that the tiredness will slowly go away. Loving our new home and the beautiful lakes. Thanks for thinking of me ❤ HUGS and much LOVE<3

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  4. Oh Mom Bonzo!! 😺 THANK YOU FUR MY LOVELY SURPRISE!! Such a lovely, sunny, delicious flower – and EXTRA PROTEIN too!!😹

    I am amazed at your skill! Your photos really need to be hanging in a gallery someplace so more people can see them and drool over them -(Uh- I meant, ADMIRE them- yeah… That’s it)! 😹

    I love you Mom Bonzo!💙 💚

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    1. OH, Shrimp, I am just SO happy you came to get your treat. I know how my KATS Love to chase anything that moves, and when I saw those moving ants, I thought of you. Then the ant that did not move … that was absolutely just for YOU. As for my images in a gallery … yes, this too will come. For now, I practice, and bring everyone here at Petals, Magic from Mother. I LOVE you more, Shrimp! (((HUGS))) Mom BonZo ❤ ❤ ❤ 💞🐭💖🌸💗🌻🌟🌷🐋

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      1. I really have missed you too, my friend!! Hopefully by the end of this week, I will be finished with these gardens and I can start talking again. MOL! Keep me in your Purrayers, because I have some days I feel soooooooo weary. I LOVE LOVE LOVE you!!!! (((HUGS))) Mom BonZo ❤

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      2. PS When I am finished for the day I will go on my laptop to go over to say thank you for the reblog. My iPad won’t let me come over to your blog for some reason. 😦 But I will!!!

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  5. Look at the size of that ant!! Are you OK? LOL! WOWOWOWOW! Do you have as little contrast as you can’t get, because it will bring out more detail in the ant :O)

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    1. Yes I am OK. LOL This was a very difficult shot to get. FYI My position was very low to the ground and I had to twist because there was a single dandelion leaf between my camera and the ant. My hands were shaking as was my body. I didn’t have the time to get my tripod and set everything up to get a really clear shot. I did my best, Darrell. I played around with contrast and this was the absolute best I could come up with. My knowledge with LR is still very limited so to just adjust the ant itself, I would have loved to do, but I didn’t know how to. I also don’t have the time to study as I am so busy in my gardens. I think this image is dreamy and allows the imagination to play. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


      1. That particularly black ant can be selected using your magic wand in Photoshop, or most any respectable graphics program. I had to get down in the mud to get my crumby macros, coming up soon… You did a fantastic job! I home you’re never attacked by a swarm of killer crickets, or get tighed up by some very clever worms. Always spray the ground with Lysol before you lie down! (Free advice from a real Germophobe :O)

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      2. You always make me smile. I would Love if you could come over to tutor me in PS and LR. My prob right now is TIME. But when I have time I would LOVE to have you over, for perhaps a cuppa of something, and brain food? Oh and about Lysol. Must stay away from that stuff. It is poison to cats and those I have a lot of. LOL Tied up by clever worms ….. hmmmm …. now that I have had my plenty of earthworms, I will most like dream of worms tonight. Thank you so much, friend! Germs? Man, IF you lived in my Life you wouldn’t be very happy. Um furget the invite over. I don’t think you would do very well with cats in my house. Well, you could tutor me under one of my Maple Trees. Gee, I don’t know about that either. Deer and rabbits and coons, and mice oh MY and perhaps Mr. and Mrs. Duck would have walked all over where we would sit. Oh you see my backyard does get some pretty heavy traffic. LOL Scratch the idea of the tutor. *sigh* I will just have to learn myself. I’m not doing half bad so far. I’ll have to read about the magic wand. Honest. I don’t even know about that. Hehehehehehe ❤


      3. I’ll tell what i can do. I can stand on one side of Niagra Falls, with my Walkie Talkie, and you could stand on the other with yours… Or if you can cross over to the canadian side. We can always go dutch at mc Donalds… Hehehehehe!

        If you dream of worms, do what I do in my dreams: turn them into noodles! Salad man! Right off! Farm out! Hang noose! OK?

        I had coons as pets. There were four babies and a mother living just over my badroom window. The Landlord captured the mother in a cage and set it free way up north…

        So I reached inside with an oven mit, and pulled out four babies… I wrote a post about it somewhere. I used to carry having long hair, and carrying my favorite: ‘Rocky’ on my shoulder everywhere I went. He attracted people to me like a magnet, as always does my playing and singing, so I’ve met a lot of people throughout my life… And I can share with you one great experience filled lesson from that. Don’t go out :O)

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  6. I think the ant could feel your wishes, Amy Rose, read your energy, if you will. Why can’t there by that sort of synergy between living things?

    Hey, that’s great news on the near completion of your gardens! I just know they are going to be outstanding this year, my cuz to the west. ❤

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    1. Dearest cuz, I truly believe there really is communication between all living things. When I first looked at ants (in a different location) my thoughts, or my energy were known, and an ant posed, just for me (in another location). Now the odds of an ant just laying on a teeny tiny leaf of a dandalion, not moving, is out of this Universe. I was in my zone, and when we all are in our zone, what can be created goes beyond what the human mind can honestly grasp. I’ve seen it, and every time these things happen, I’m flabbergasted!
      And I really thank you for the congrats. These gardens have been a true test of my endurance. I KNOW I will be finished by the end of this week. When I am, I will be taking pics and putting a gallery together so all of you can see how my gardens glow because of your Love! (((HUGS))) cuz from the west ❤


    1. Van, you are making me laugh! That is exactly how I feel when I see the talent on WP. WOW just doesn’t seem to describe what I see. LOL I too run into “what else can I say?” So you are not alone!!! Have a Blessed day, my friend! Love, Amy ❤

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  7. This is fabulous! All of your photographs are gorgeous though…I really enjoy looking at them and your descriptions. I can feel you excitement. Smiles.


    1. Dilip, this I really do know, and oh, does it make my Heart so heavy at times. May those of us who see the damage, may what we do, how we live our Lives, affect those around us, and in so doing, bring about change. Our Planet is really suffering. Love, Amy ❤


    1. So far I have lost one ground rose bush, and a maybe on one rose bush. My Lavender bushes look iffy too, but I have yet to investigate. All others are flourishing and in fact, some flowers seem to be glowing. I know. Go figure. Right?


    1. There are worlds within worlds. Amazing ant. I have another story about ants which some if not most will say, “no way!” Yes, way! And the uncle …. hmmmm … I found him today. LOL


What we think and write and say become our reality ....