Just Sayin’

229 thoughts on “Just Sayin’”

    1. Barbara, it is NEVER too late to start. I am over 55 years of age, and I did not start until I was in my 50’s. I waited years and I am talking years for someone to finally choose to live life, and that didn’t happen. I formed my life around this person. One day, I just said, no more, and began to focus on myself. Now look at me. Oh yes, this person is NOT happy about what is happening, but 30 years were his for the taking, and he pushed me away. Now, I am ME. ME. I was NOT taught this but had to learn it myself. If I can do it, so can you. Don’t give up! WHEN you begin to live life for YOU, be prepared that there will be resistance from those who “love you”. Change is scary for all of us. Just know this. (((HUGS))) Amy


  1. That was a nice read. Thank you. Sticking to your dreams isn’t easy, is it?,Sometimes, you have to hurt people, Sometimes, they hate you for the choices you made. And sometimes you’re entirely alone. So much so that you can’t help but wonder if you’re doing the right thing. If you can find a compromise that you can live with happily, I’d say you’re lucky. But I agree with you. No one is to blame but you if you breath your last with unfulfilled dreams.


    1. Boy are your words true. I have some in my life who act like they hate me at times because I have the courage to find my dreams and to follow them. I push against resistance and I won’t stop. If others would just accept the fact that I am changing, all would be good. Fear rears up saying, “OH OH I see change!” and for heavens sake, change is seen as scary. Even for me. I have to rise above my own fears in order to move forward. Very challenging, but SO worth it.

      Thank you for your comment. Very wise words!!! (((HUGS))) Amy


  2. Hear, hear! I wish more people thought like that. You hear so much about ‘peer pressure’ but I don’t believe in peer pressure – I only believe in doing what I think I should myself and generally don’t take input from others on the subject.. I pretty much do whatever I want to so long as I don’t impace negatively on anyone else unnecessarily. More people need to get up and start living their lives – really living them!

    Nice bike 🙂 Makes my little Suzuki TS185 look very puny! 😉


    1. Hi, Carol!!! So good to hear another woman living her life the way she wants. You bring JOY to my heart!!!! As for our bike, we no longer have it, but oh did we enjoy her while we had her. (((HUGS))) Amy


  3. Good point… No one has any right to tell me I should be writing about vampires! YAY! 😀
    I’m really overjoyed that this is the case. Vampires, contrary to popular culture, freak me out.


  4. I guess I heard you 🙂 Would I even dare to voice an opinion?
    I love a bit of passion. Many thanks for the follow, Amy. I hope it all goes the way you want.


  5. I love that your bold photo so perfectly matches your bold words. The touch of lace in your leather chaps seems a perfect metaphor for the sweet and the sassy. You go, girl!


    1. That set is now getting ready for a new owner, another who is sweet and sassy. I no longer ride and it is time for me to with pride and honor, hand a part of my heritage to someone I love. Love, Amy


  6. “I tell all of you, this is MY LIFE and you have NO RIGHT to tell me what YOU want me to do. Period. End of discussion.” I agree and I like the photo. I need a long bike ride .


    1. Go have one for me, John. My patience are at end with some people right now. I would love to still have our bike. Go fly with the wind and stay safe!! (((HUGS))) Amy


  7. I thought that I saw your picture by a Hog, then could not find it. Just a Hog riding gal who likes cats and flowers.


      1. Yes, I read the about and a few other bits. Someday I might ask for more of the story.


      2. (smile) It’s a long story, one that most if they heard, would have trouble believing. I think I’ve lived about 9 lives at least this life.


      3. I know. At this point of of my life, I feel more cat then human at times from spending so much time with them. I’ve learned so much from this species alone, a knowledge that transcends 3D. I’ve even come to walk like a cat … very lightly and with purpose. (smile)


      4. Today in Dubrovnik I saw kittens in high grass. They must have been feral. They disappeared into even higher grass, and the grass shook, so I hope the cat mother was there to nurse them. Tomorrow, I return to the USA.


      5. One of my dreams, Ron, was to travel and to be a photo journalist. That didn’t happen, because the dream appeared too far down my time line. Perhaps next life I will do just that. Perhps this life has been about preparation … discipline, being one’s own boss and not quitting no matter what, taking outstanding photos by seeing things in a way others do not. I sure do practice writing for in a matter of less of then six months, I wore a keyboard out for my iPad. Now I know why writers use typewriters. Maybe next life I’ll have my own Hog and travel wherever I want, write what I want, photograph anything I want, and love everyone I want. What a dream … to fall in Love with the entire World and to bring that Love to my readers. I have such a silly huge smile on my face as I write this to you. xx Amy


      6. Ron, this is just who I am, and in what I say, I really want you to see what you see in me, in yourself. It’s there. I guarantee it. A little self appreciation and Love goes a long way. (smile) Peace.


  8. Amy just saw this post and I get why we connect like we have already!
    I am joyfully laughing. I am so glad I saw this post and that our paths have crossed. 😛


    1. Hehehehehehehehehe And then some! OH, I am WAY passed the time of my life, I roll over and play dead. No one has any right to tell me how to live my life, or tell me who I am. I know who I am. That is all that matters. People LOVE to see the tiny little sliver in another’s eye while all along they have a plank in their own eye. Tee hee …… I am thrilled you enjoyed this! I KNEW you would! High 5!!!! Love, Amy


  9. Every now and then I run across a human that makes me think there’s hope fur the human race yet- you’re one of those humans. GO GIRL! *(shall I deliver an industrial strength hairball to someone)?*


    1. My riding days are over, at least for right now. Perhaps if someone I TRUST comes along, I will ride again!!!! Have a great ride!!! Love, Amy


      1. I have a bike, learned how because of my ex and not trusting dying young at his hands…I ride with the hubs most of the time….have a great day.


  10. Amy, I love the message, and I love the picture! I used to ride Harleys many years ago, I absolutely loved it. Your pictures are so beautiful, I am really enjoying your site so far. So glad our paths have crossed.
    Love and hugs, always follow your dreams!
    Mary Michelle

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    1. Mary, I no longer ride like you, and I am very humbled that someone with so much talent is enjoying my work. I still want to come over to see more of your site. I think I will right now! If I don’t, I won’t. Busy life ….. *eye roll* and then some! Love, Amy


      1. Sweetie- you are just as talented, and as passionate! I totally understand the busy lifestyle part, and yet us artistic warriors fight through! 🙂
        Keep fighting!
        Live and hugs!

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    1. If you do not make your own happiness, surely no one else will. As with anything, happiness begins with self. 🙂 I’m in my gardens today, planting perrenials and annuals. Now to feed my cats, give meds, and then back outside to continue with the planting. I must come up with Plan B because I only managed to get two plants in the ground over 1/2 hour. IF you knew how many more I must plant, you would understand my need to quicken the process. LOL Have a wonderful weekend. Love, Amy ❤

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  11. LOVE the photo! And the writing. Wow. Sure glad I met you. I’m going to have a long browse, and do a mini marathon. So don’t feel obligated to look at or respond – it’s just me liking what I see! xo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My Heart sings knowing you have enjoyed my work. You are welcome to Petals any time. I don’t even know what all is on my own blog, I just have SO much. LOL Talk to you soon!!! Love, Amy ❤


      1. That is what I thought you meant. LOL That pic was in 2006. We no longer ride and I actually gave that gorgeous leather set to a friend. When I began to feel fear on the highways, I said that’s it. No more. And I meant it. Now I fly by other means …. mainly my camera. 🙂 ❤

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