Presenting … The Royal Crown Ballet (Part I) 7 Macros

20 thoughts on “Presenting … The Royal Crown Ballet (Part I) 7 Macros”

    1. More is coming … I am editing Part II today so I can put it on for tomorrow. 🙂 And then I have to go outside to find something else to photograph. LOL Love, Amy


      1. I’m tossing an “idea” around to change the scenery. Hmmm……Yes, I will play. Roxy, I bury my face in your belly, and Tigerlino, I really don’t know if maybe your are telling your human you need a bath. Hmmmm…….:-) PURRRZZZZZZZZZ


    1. Thank you!!! I feel the same way about your work as well!! I have more coming with this series, doing different things with Photoshop. I am having a ball working with my new macro, getting to know it, and what I can do with it.

      I really look forward in getting to know you! And I thank you for the follow! Love, Amy


    1. Thank you, Lumar. Part III is coming tomorrow, the Grand Finale. Whew!!! That was a LOT of work!! Wait until you see what I did with the photos that I am putting on tomorrow. I am learning more on Photoshop, and as I do, I apply. What FUN!!! Love, Amy


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