Mother’s Humor

4 thoughts on “Mother’s Humor”

    1. OH, Bri, I have a post with one of my cats as the “Star” that will get you giggling as well. I am waiting for a bit to post it. The signs I am seeing, and what I am doing and what others are saying and what my cats are doing, all have me laughing until I have stitiches in my side. Hehehehehehe

      MUAH! Yes, here we go laughing all the way! Oh what FUN it is to laugh!

      LOVE, Amy


      1. Later in the evening I’ll post my “star”……..Today I create another one called “Testing, Testing. This is Only a Test”. GRIN

        Hugs, Smooches, and LOVE all the way, Baby! Amy


What we think and write and say become our reality ....