Way Of Life

104 thoughts on “Way Of Life”

      1. Oh boy! You see, I went out on a limb there and just failed miserably! Geez, I don’t even know a rose from a carnation! I don’t know, the petals just seemed a bit too frilly for a rose.

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      2. Ah, you would be surprised by how some of my Roses look. LOL BIG HINT so you don’t faux pas next time. I don’t grow carnations. LOL 😉 ❤


      3. Marissa, IF you do, I will laugh and have you laughing as well. GRIN!!! I Love you just for who you are!!! Got it??? LOL


    1. This Rose is right outside my living room window, Erika. She has be entranced. I’ve gotten Her in a few different ways before she looses her blooms. She is just SO gorgeous!!! I am SO happy She touched your Soul as She does mine. (((HUGS))) Amy <4

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      1. BINGO! I am so proud of you for learning what you came here to learn, Lisa. So many don’t. 😦 I applaud you, my friend!! You have a glorious weekend, free of the oxygen mask!! Freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! ❤

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    1. She is right outside my living room window, Andy. She is a beauty!!! She has entranced me totally. I’ve gotten Her in several different shots so you will be seeing more of Her. 🙂 Oh yes, she is spellbinding!!!! ❤

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      1. You put tears in my eyes, Andy. Can you feel just how much I LOVE my flowers and they me? They glow, and I mean they glow. Just in passing our home, it truly looks like something transported from the fairies. I am in awe.

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    1. Van, the magic that is in my gardens, the magic that is happening with my camera, the magic that is happening in my Heart …. I honestly don’t know what is happening, but this I do know. IT IS INCREDIBLE! Some MEN were here yesterday cleaning out the drainage ditch that runs parallel to the street, and they both commented on how beautiful our home and gardens are. MEN? Yes, men! 🙂 I hope you have a great weekend, my friend!!!! Love, Amy ❤

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      1. I think it is supposed to rain here too. I have a good book so I will be A-OK. That and I have to contact Adobe because the latest download won’t go through for LR. I’ve been through this before and their service is excellent. I will get help. I hope it doesn’t rain too hard because so many of my flowers will come down. 😦 There is a flood warning …. DARN!

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    1. Everything OK, Kathy? Are you all settled in by now? Have your recouped from the move? I hope you decide to do something FUN this weekend. You and Craig really deserve it!!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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      1. Everything is fine, Amy. Mostly settled in with just a few odd ball boxes left. Less tired also and trying to get in the mood to blog. Going fishing this Saturday which should be fun. Hugs back and much love ❤

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      2. I’m planning on having a fun weekend as well, Kathy! It’s supposed to rain here tonight (AGAIN!) very heavily (flood warnings) so I HOPE tomorrow will be clear. I HOPE. Either way, I will have FUN somehow! 🙂

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    1. I know, Eliza. I am continuously staring at this Rose that is just right outside my living room window. I was out again early this morning taking pics of this Rose bush. Just mind blowing!!! Hope you have a great weekend!!! Love, Amy ❤


    1. Thank you, Tiny!! What more perfect Rose to represent Love, right? Even MEN are commenting on my gardens this year, my friend. I told hubby it’s not only what they are seeing, but they may not know it, they are feeling the LOVE that is just oozing from my gardens. 🙂 Way cool, my friend!! Have yourself a great weekend!! Love, Amy ❤


    1. Me too, Amy!!! I really have no words adequate enough to describe how this Rose effects me. She is out of this world gorgeous in every way. She lives right in the garden outside my living room window. What a fortunate woman I am!!! Love, Amy ❤


    1. Sneha, you say the most unbelievablly beautiful words in your comments. You are refreshing and bring great humbleness to me. Bless you, my friend. I am so glad we have met each other. The honor is all mine. Love, Amy ❤

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      1. Yes, Michael, I do. And with it comes SEEING both Light and Dark. This is the main reason why I am so focused on Beauty for it saves my sanity, literally. If I did not have my photography and cats, I honestly would not be able to handle what is transpiring in this world and in people today. ❤

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      2. My flowers too, Michael, heal my Heart and Soul when it becomes so world weary. In fact, a Rose I posted not long ago, I fell to the ground in front of, breaking down in huge sobs …. letting go of so much pain. And when the winters come I have thousands of pictures of my flowers to gaze at to keep my Centered and Well. Peace, my friend. All is GOOD!!! ❤

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      1. What a memorable catch up Amy… Your photographing skills have taken on a new lease of life.. Amazing were those roses All, the red velvet, the pink with rain drops.. the water fall… just ALL so fabulous.. Sending Hugs and Love your way.. Sue xxxx

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      2. I’m pouring my emotions into my work right now, Sue. Bless you for seeing the change in both myself and my work!! And thank YOU for the healing sent to Molly. This can still go either way … the not knowing is just so difficult, and watching her breathe, hoping that something will really kick in, twists my Heart something awful. Love you!!!! ❤

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  1. Your photo snd meesage were so sweet, Amy! Love should be what everyone is able to feel and that is my wish: no more sadness, loneliness or war in the world. Beatles sang it, “Love, love, love… all we need is love.”

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    1. I feel the same way, Robin. There are days I get so discouraged because it just does not seem what I do even makes a dent. Bless you for encouraging me today!!! Love, Amy ❤


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