Peek-A-Boo ICU (8 IMAGES)

85 thoughts on “Peek-A-Boo ICU (8 IMAGES)”

    1. Mark, *slap forehead* I spelled the name wrong. Perhaps you have an idea how um tired I am? Grrrrrrrr…….Can’t do anything about the photo but I can spell it right on my post. Thanks, Mark! Love, Amy


    1. Bless you, Dan. I have pulled out a cheap 75-300mm lens, and I have been using it. So many birds frequent our backyard so with your encouragement I shall get more. My ultra challenge is capturing the Hummingbirds. Have a great day! Love, Amy


      1. Good luck with the Hummingbirds. My wife has tried for years to get pictures of the random Goldfinches that visit. They move so fast and so often.


      2. Tell me! There are times though these Hummers really drink deeply from the bird feeder I have hanging, so maybe with Lady Luck sitting on my shoulder, and with T lounging in my garden, some quiet evening, I’ll be able to get a picture of one. I really need a fast lens, and the lens I am using is not. So, a LOT of luck is going to come in handy with this!! xx


      1. Yes I know. (sigh) I have to stop doing that. I’m learning as I go and here, Laura, when I DO look back, the improvement in less then one year, that I see in my work, is amazing. So I guess I will give myself some slack. (((HUGS))) Amy


      2. I see the same thing with mine and I think that’s all we can ask of ourselves. We are constantly learning and improving. That’s what matters!


      3. You are absolutely right, Laura. We all have to shush that inner critic. The pics of the lilac, cat, robin, Oriole, and Mrs. Ducky, were taken with my cheap 75-300mm lens. No nothing. And it sticks with slow zoom and has a slow focus. Yep, Lady Luck was sitting on my shoulder, and yep, if I can get images like this with a cheap lens, wait until I get my “wish” lens. So as of today, I will stop coming down on me. I want you to do the same. Deal? (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. OH!!! Susan, you made my day! Honest! That bird kept peeking around the feeder at me, and I snapped away, hoping I would get at least ONE good shot. Since I have been “singing” to him, he is getting more seeable. So perhaps he will let me photograph his full self. Now that would be awesome! (((HUGS))) Amy [challenge day with hubs]


      1. You sing to him? I sing to the birds when I am out on a walk. Mockingbirds, cardinals, whip will’s widows – they sing back. Great fun!


      2. I try to mimic his song. The stinker went and changed his tune a few times on me, making it more complex. I stopped at one point and said out loud, NO FAIR! You made it so hard for me to repeat that! Yep, I sing with the birds. Love, Amy


    1. [GRINNING] That one was pretty cool, huh, Sreejith? I shot that with ONE hand, because the other is holding the Alyssium. Thank you SO much!!!! Love, Amy


  1. Wow, Wow. Really nice, all. 8^). And don’t apologize for your “learning” process. People with good eyes (and hearts) make the learning journey fun. I know i try to do so, lol. Your pictures need no apologies.


    1. Thank you and Bless you!!! Some in the photo world would poo poo a photo like that, and you know, I am not about to do that to myself. To bring that bird into focus required a lot of concentration on my part, for he really knew how to blend in. When I figured out how to lighten the background, I again used the sharpening tool (NOT sharpen) to again bring that bird into better focus and in so doing, the background began to break up a bit (because of the cropping). I sighed and said at the most I got that bird so that others can easily see it. I really thank you for your encouragement. It really means a lot to me. (((HUGS))) Amy


      1. You are quite welcome. What you said really spoke to my own concerns about my photography and poetry. I want what I do to be the best I can make it, but that can become perfectionism, and perfectionism is legalism.

        I have to let go of perfectionism every day, or I’ll never get anything done – good or not!


      2. Perfectly said. My goal is to have my work known it is from my Heart. Yes, I have talent, but I refuse to get on that gangplank, with the rules on how photographs must be. At times I slide towards that gangplank, and that is when I stop myself. I’ve always been outside of the box. I am not going to start now by jumping into one. I was beginning to slide when I was editing that photo, just not happy with the results. I came down too hard on me. I won’t do that again. Or at least I shall try. (smile) Love, Amy


  2. Beautiful photos! Oh, and TT is really cute! šŸ™‚
    Have a PURRFECT weekend, dear Mom BonZo! šŸ™‚
    Love, Roxy & Tigerlino ā¤

    P.S. The duck looks yummy… just saying… šŸ˜‰


    1. Sorry, Mrs. Ducky is off limits. I am very Mamm Bearish with her. Just sayin. And I do thank you for the compliments. They mean a lot. Love, Mom BonZo (still very busy in gardens)


  3. Gorgeous photos Amy!! You have such a talent with that camera of yours. I have to tell you that I thought of you last night and may even create a post on this to salute you (hubby taking amazing pics dependant). My neighbour has five newborn birds in her little bird house. My two little girls & I watched in awe as their parents brought them food & stood guard. When the girls walked up closer to get a better look, the babies would open their beaks in anticipation of a meal! It is such an inspiring time of year to witness the cycle of life and all the beauty it fosters! Blessing to you sweet thing!!


    1. OH, Lisa, I am so grateful and so touched by your comment. Life as it unfolds is so exciting to watch, isn’t it? How exciting that little babies have been born and you are watching them, as well as your daughters. What a lesson for your two girls on how Sacred life is, and how hard Mommy Bird works to feed her babies. Bless you!!! With Love, Amy


    2. Lisa, I have been thinking about what you said here so I just popped on real quick to say this: I hope you create that post that you have in mind, and however I inspired you, I am very very humbled that I did so. May what you have in mind to do, Be Blessed and go effortlessly. May the Spirit of Magic, which I feel whenever I photograph, be felt by you. May what you plan on doing be touched and guided by the Divine, and the finished product so beautiful your eyes will bug out. (smile) I really look forward to seeing this post. IF I don’t make it over to your blog when it is posted, PLEASE drop me a comment here so I can go see and comment. OK? Honey, these gardens have got me wiped out. Seriously tired. I am taking the weekend off from blogging, so IF you post over the weekend, let me know Monday. Thank you. Love, Amy


      1. You are the sweetest. I am working on it..slowly… Life is hectic in a beautiful way in my life right now. Thank you so much for the encouragement Amy! Enjoy the weekend technology break!


    1. Sue, I would love to have you in my gardens. They again have started to become magical. When winter comes, it looks like nothing is here, then spring you see a little life, and now, and OH the feeling is back … OH wowow! I have buds on my Roses and my Peonies are ready to flower IF the sun ever decides to stay out. Can you tell I am excited? I’m working with three lenses. You are in for a treat, let me tell you!!! (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. Margaret-Rose, I almost fell off my chair when I read your words. Knowing what a top-notch Stillman your husband was, this compliment means more to me then you can possibly know. I am deeply touched and very honored. I have not been around much these past few days, being eye ball deep in gardens. I am right at the moment, with the assistance of hubs, putting up stakes and supports for my Peonies. This year upon raining, these babies are not going to fall down. Of course, I will be getting pics!!! We are on the last one so I have to go!!! Love you! (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. Our property has become Sacred Grounds, Linda. Wait until you see the other visitors that came last evening. That post will probably be going up on Monday. A cat, coon, deer, and Mr. and Mrs. Ducky. So precious. I made sure I sprayed my flowers and Roses last evening to deter the deer from eating them. All is well! (smile) Love, Amy


    1. Thank you, Mom! I’ve got more coming! I just came back from shooting waterfalls, and I had a bunch of visitors in our backyard last evening. Lots more flowers, oh BOY! Do I ever! Hope all is well your way and you feel good. Love, Amy


    1. Happy Sunday, DellaAnna!!! You are in a for a delicious treat this coming week. I’ve spent time this weekend getting photos from unique places. OH! I am having SO much fun! I wonder where I will go today? Love, Amy


      1. I missed you too! I have been busy in my garden! It sure does feel good getting my hands in the dirt, talking to my plants, and seeing how they do! I hope that you are doing well too! Love – J


      2. Oh thank goodness that is all it is. Yes, it does feel wonderful to be in my gardens. I have all of the hard work out of the way, and now I have camera ready for action. Oh, just wait until tomorrow. I have two posts, one of my Peonies just beginning to open. And that is just ONE of my Peonies. I’m like a kid in a candy shop!! Love, Amy


      3. I’m photographing them plant by plant. Today’s post is Clematis. I am SO glad I photographed these flowers when I did, because as of today all those petals are on the ground. This plant was not healthy when I bought her, and I am hoping I can bring her back to health. LOVE will do that you know, along with all the right nutrition and good sunlight. (((HUGS))) Amy


      4. Clematis once settled into a spot will do very well! Make sure that you talk to all of your plants. They do respond to a soft gentle voice. I like to tell mine how well they will do when I prune them, or aerate the soil…or just stop by to say hello. Sounds crazy but I just saw an entire study on Discovery.


      5. No, Jane, it does not sound crazy. I just stopped by to see her today, and yep, all those gorgeous petals have fallen. I spoke to her, asking her what is wrong, and that I am here to do everything I can to make her happy. Her leaves look like something got splashed on her and shocked her. So I am going to lavish her with LOVE. I gave her lots of good horse manure and also plant food. Lots of sunshine as well. I planted her right against our brick so place, nutrients and LOVE all are happening! My lilacs are doing weird things things year, like dropping some of the branches especially on one, and I noticed some areas hardly with any flowers. I am asking them what is wrong. Huge amount of foiliage this year and they are huge. My Roses look SO good this year compared to last and my Peonies, OH, Jane, wait unitl Thursday’s post. You will understand. They are outstanding this year. I AM IN LOVE. Can you tell??? LOL LOVE, Amy


      6. Yes! Be careful with the horse manure. A fellow grower told me that it has to be decayed and blended with other organic matter otherwise it is too acidic for the plants. On another note, I am moving my trumpet vine today to a sunnier spot and will be replacing is with…..wahoo! A wisteria! I love wisteria! The nursery only had white and they were 10′ tall. I went back to Home Depot, where I seen a number of them and got the lovely lavender blue one that is maybe 5′ tall. I am excited!


      7. Way to go, Jane!!!! I have my own compost in our backyard. I collect the manure in the Fall/late Summer, and let it lay all Winter. By the time I use it, it is light as a feather. My Roses LOVE the manure, just love it. My other plants seem to as well. I don’t have a wisteria. Now you have me going here, because I just found a new nursery. Oh-OH! The owner is a writer, and has 9 published books. I think I found a kindred spirit. And I am woo-HOOing myself!!!! Love, Amy


      8. It sure is a beautiful plant! Planted it yesterday and talked to it as I carefully arranged the vines around the fencing. Hugs chica!


    1. Aw, Hadorable, thank you SO much. Keep an eye out for either Thursday or Friday (MAYBE Saturday) for my Peonies that have begun to bloom. I am literally speechless at their beauty! Love, Amy


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