Reader and Follows

89 thoughts on “Reader and Follows”

    1. Morgan, you are so funny. The best way for me to come to you is when you comment or like one of my posts. That is when I am finally done with Big Mamma. I am not even doing my reader today. I really have to finish up this garden. Wanna come over and play in the dirt with me? Tee Hee Love you! Amy


  1. You have been busy. So glad you were able to bring your baby home. Thought about you while I was away. It was perfect beach weather. Then I had to come home. *sigh*

    I am anxiously awaiting the unveiling of your rose garden.


    1. *sigh* Reality “bites” sometimes, huh, Susan? That is why I am so determined to change reality into Bliss. Ahhh, the beach. LUCKY you!! And yes, Doodles is safe and sound and NOT going out for a while. He seems OK with that. He really got a scare. So did Mom. OK! Off of here I am, and back to Big Mamma. MUAH!!!! And oh, BUSY? You don’t know 3/4’s of it. *eye roll* OMGOSH! xx Amy


  2. Yes, I have been experiencing this for some time. I have followed certain blogs and mysteriously stop following. I have also had comments mysteriously disappear? Rather strange, if you ask me. : )


    1. (((HUGS))) Pocahontas. My trouble is, I follow SO many blogs, that when I am unfollowed, I don’t notice until I go to the site itself. I should have added to this post that the best way for me to get to your blog, is to leave a comment. I use the notifications directly from my webpage, and it has the web address to the person’s blog, taking me directly there. It is all rather strange. We all do our best despite it all, right? Love, Amy


    1. Well, hopefully, WP will fix this problem so that it will stop. I follow many many blogs and at first I don’t notice I have suddenly become unfollowed or they are not in my reader. I noticed last night though and so I had to write about it, alerting everyone to the fact that IF I am not getting to you, I am not doing it on purpose. I really do try to get over to everyone’s blogs. Yes, a big undertaking especially seeing how many are following Petals. I don’t think I have yet to see you, SO the best way for me to come to you when I am back here as usual (after I am finished with this huge garden I am in) is to leave a comment, just a little anything. The notification I use has your web address which takes me right to you. That is what I have begun to do on those who comment and I try to even manage those who like my work. So, now you know. Good. (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. Passion, you are so cool. I do my best, you do your best, and when the time is perfect, I get to the blogs that are intended for me to go to. For now, I go back to this Big Mamma. With Fae and Friends, I’ll hopefully be finished today. xx Amy


  3. Cindy Knoke explained to me that you have to go to Manage my blogs, then check each blog’s settings, by clicking on “Edit”, to see how you’ll be receiving new posts. (Hope I’m right about this, it seems to work.)


  4. I think, though I can’t be certain (I’m still new), that WP has under gone an update or two. I know I subscribe to some via email but I wont see their post on my reader. I also noticed recently that WP keeps logging me out even though I’ve had it set up to keep me logged on. That particular issue seems to have been dealt with though from what I can tell. Anyway, hopefully that might shed some light on the issue. Maybe check your archives too? Have fun in the dirt, I’m going to go play in the sand 😉



    1. For those of us who have been around a little on WP, we call this WP SN(^&^%#*&$%^$*^ and then some! If it is not one thing, it is another thing. We do our best. Go have fun in the sand. I’ll be in dirt. (smiling) Still thinking about the boy thing yesterday. Tee hee ….. (((HUGS))) Amy


      1. Haha I’ve been thinking about a specific boy in general 😉 The beach was wonderful, I’m quite fortunate I live right on the water front so the beach is essential my backyard. 😀 I hope your weekend projects go smoothly and oh, Happy Mother’s Day! ❤ *HUGS*


      2. I would love to pack a suitcase and whiz right on down to come to the beach in your backyard. I am a beach person and to live where I am (shaking head) how did this happen? Thank you for the “Happy Mother’s Day”, Michelle. I don’t have human kids but I sure do have a LOT of 4-footed Angel kids. [GRIN] Love, Amy


  5. I was having the same problem with the Reader so I started following the ones I really like via email. It clogs up my inbox, but I don’t miss any. I’ll be waiting for your return. Good luck.


    1. Thanks, Dan. I was thinking of doing the same thing. I switched to reader style because I was getting overwhelmed by the number of emails in my box per day. Over 100 and then some! I hope this problem clears up because it sounds like I am not alone. I think I may be finishing Big Mamma today. OH LORD! If I drank I would be tonight! LOL (((HUGS))) Amy


  6. Dear Amy, some days ago it happened I was unable to get some of my followed blog in my reader. I’ve solved the issue by clearing the browser cache.
    Have a wonderful weekend 🙂


    1. I’ve done that too, Niko. Perhaps I am due. I’ll do that. Thank you for the reminder!! Hopefully some of this will be solved. Bless you!!! Love, Amy


  7. Take care of your back sweetie. A nice back rub would help…if I was there I could help (have my license). Love you sis ❤


    1. OH! Now you tell me! I will hire a private jet to fly you in!!! I need a massage so bad! I don’t want to think how tight my back is. Grrrrrrrrr ……. Love you! Amy


  8. I have this issue too! People I’m following are all of a sudden “unfollowed”. It also happens where I like something and the like doesn’t show later on. Grr…that really is frustrating as I do take the time to look at posts and comment and like.


    1. Laura, I know it is frustrating. I noticed with some of my comments yesterday where I answered and I KNOW I did from my notifications section, and then when I went to my blog the comment was not there. So I retyped my comment as best I could remember. As if I don’t have enough in my life as it is. I am with you. I do get frustrated as I rely on my reader to get to my blogs I do follow, and I rely on my notifications to have my comments go through. I think I followed one blog three times. Gee, I wonder if I am still following? I follow a lot of people, Laura, and I really do try not only to return their comments on my blog but I go to theirs as well. I encourage communication and interaction, so if I do so, then I must walk it. I understand WP has many MANY blogs, but my question is, why all these glitches? *sigh* If it is not one thing, it really is another.

      Anyways … I am almost finished with Big Mamma, Laura. I’m actually getting dizzy so I came in to sit down. I have to add manure and the finishing touches, mulch. Later this evening I will from the same upstairs window, take the “after” pic. You will see a huge difference. Hope you are having a good weekend, my friend!!!! (((HUGS))) Amy


      1. Yes I also try to comment on others’ blogs. I’ve reduced it a little because it was getting overwhelming but when I take the time, like you do, to comment and like things and then they aren’t there?? Pardon my french but WTF??? lol

        I will look forward to Big Mamma! I’m getting ready for Mother’s Day tomorrow so I should get back to cleaning the house.

        Enjoy the weekend! xoxo


      2. Thanks, Laura. I have a special post I plan to put up for Mother’s Day. And I know about the French. That is exactly how I feel. My time is precious. For real. You have “fun” cleaning and I will finish up the MAMMA! Then I go and find more Treasure (found some already) to go with the morrow’s post. *smile* Love, Amy


      3. WAIT!!!! I just caught something. Hmmm….Tomorrow MOTHER’S day and YOU are cleaning? What’s wrong with THIS picture? I know. I am as guilty as you. Hehehehehehe (((HUGS))) Amy


      4. I’m not a “mother” either, Laura, but I am to many animals. LOL You are lucky you have your Mother to have over. Have a wonderful day with her!!! xx


      1. I know. But I think there is more to the problem then that. A friend emailed last night telling me HEY!! the post you have been waiting for has been up! That post was not in my reader and this woman uses ONE tag. So, we do our best and work with what we have!!! Love, Amy who is DONE! As in BIG MAMMA!


      2. I don’t have a smartphone and what you are saying, I think I will avoid one. OMGOSH, Irene, I got my big garden finished. I am just about ready to drop. I did it!!! xx Amy


  9. Because the Reader is an invention of the devil and I LOATHE it, I never use it. Ever. I receive emails advising me of the posts made by those I follow. Infinitely more reliable, and poster-friendly.


    1. M-R, I have to do some thinking here. I switiched to the reader when I got so overwhelmed by the number of emails I was getting. Now, I am not getting all the blogs I am following in my reader. (holding head in hands) Beyond tired from all the gardening I’ve done and having workmen over putting in new windows, I just right now want to throw my hands up and say I quit. Just the thought of going through all those I follow to switch from reader to email makes me shriek. OK. Enough belly aching. After a good night’s rest, I will be OK. Darn it, M-R, a good friend would come in real handy right now to hug me and let me ball my eyes out. Ach! That would be too easy, now wouldn’t it? I’ll be back to me next week. Love, Amy


      1. You’re doing too much, Miss Pink: you’re exhausted. Yes, you do need to step back and think a bit.
        Why don’t you take a few days off from blogging ? – that way you could catch up with everything and start afresh. I have another blogging friend with the same problem as you – that of being followed by too many people, and he solves it in his own way. If it might be of any help, email me so that I could pass on his email to you. My address is on my site.


  10. I had the same issue as well but it was couple weeks ago. Perhaps WP has hiccup again.. I saved some bloggers websites as fave links as well, so I will be able to check it regularly…


    1. Yes, Indah, this problem seems to come in phases. For a while all seems OK. Then the problems start up again. Hopefully whatever changes WP is going through will end, and these problems will as well. Thank you for your comment! Love, Amy


  11. Yes, a few friends have told me they have not been receiving my blogs via email as before. I have checked the settings and find no issues there. I was not sure what to do about that. Light x


    1. Tara, how kind of you to take the time to post. So there are problems in the email as well. I was considering going through all my blogs to switch from reader to email. In all honesty, so many of us really work hard to put together beautiful posts and then to have this headache to deal with? My opinion it is not right. If you are going to run a business, as WP must obviously is, the least they can do is run it efficiently. Perhaps if those of us who understand energy, intend WP gets their act together, then perhaps we will see change. We can only hope. Bless you! Love, Amy


  12. Same here – so I make sure I get email notifications. I do not trust the reader on my iPad. Looking forward when you post regularly again.


    1. I’ve begun, Patty. I am easing into it. I finished up my Big Mamma garden yesterday and yes, I will post a pic tomorrow. I have 3 small ones to get to plus around my bushes. Whew. Almost there!!!! Love, Amy


      1. I am finding out that is indeed hard work, I am digging up the front to plant some shrubs. A few years ago my husband took down two pine trees and we have been wanting to do this. So I took one giant leap out of my comfort zone and started….I hurt where I never thought I had muscles!! LOL I keep saying it is going to look beautiful when it is all done. 🙂 Can’t wait to see your pictures.


      2. I hope you are not too disappointed, Patty. I was so tired when I took the pic of Big Mamma, it doesn’t look like it came in sharp. Of course, my eyes are so darn blurry from fatigue that it could just be my eyes. I am so strong now that I can lower my entire body slowly down to the ground, using only my toes and my arms for support. Yup, gardening will make you strong. I did not foresee this but I had one rose bush that sank that I had to dig up and reposition. Yes, in Big Mamma. The effort is worth it. When your flowers bloom you will have such JOY in your heart looking at them. I know I do. See you tomorrow, Luv. (((HUGS))) Amy


      3. How true – gardens are so comforting and a great place to reflect and relax! Big Mamma looks great, by the way.


  13. First I am pleased the Big Mamma is now finished and I hope your back pain is now eased.. I really don’t know how you do it. ( I know but we do ) .. 🙂

    As for the WP issues, I had a similar thing happen last year.. But this year its been the notifications of comments that have gone haywire for me.. One dear blogger friend commented upon 3 of my posts and I had not seen them as they didn’t come into the notifications box.. As sometimes I comment back using the comment box or notifications, when new comments came in it obviously sort of buried her older comments.. She thought I had fallen out with her as when she checked upon each post only her comments were unanswered.. So now Before I answer comments on a new blog I have to check visually upon my post none are left out..

    I had to smile though for the amount of people I have left comments upon and got no replies.. Glad I do not lose sleep over that 🙂 … But some obviously do!.. Life has far more important things going on to fall out over comments don’t you think! 🙂

    And I know I miss loads of peoples posts.. as I follow so many.. But out of the 500 plus who follow mine, only a few loyal followers comment regular.. I am just happy some one is reading… 😀

    At the end of the day too.. We are human,.. We can all only do so much.

    Enjoy your rest from Big Mamma! Amy 🙂 Hugs to you xx


    1. I have the same issue with my comments too, Sue. I do my best, and if my comments don’t go through, I also do a visual on my blog. It is extra time, and it makes me grit my teeth. But if one sits back and sees the sheer volume of comments I do daily, hopefully no one gets upset if I miss their comment because it didn’t come through. As you said, life is too short to get upset if someone misses a comment.

      I am catchingn up in my home after crashing from Big Mamma. Never a dull moment for me, my friend. Today, hubs’ mission is to get me another keyboard. Mine is dying. It is what, 6 months old, if that? I understand now why writers use typewriters. Hhehehehehehe Love you! Amy


    1. It is very frustrating, is it not? I do my best to stay organized so that I can get to my friends’ blogs. I follow so many that I don’t notice right away that I am not seeing someone in my reader. I go to their blog, and sure enough, I’ve been unfollowed. No, Luv, it’s not right, and it is no way to run a business. We all just have to do our best to work with what we have. I know I see you in my reader. I still think of that blue dress. (smile) That was an awesome shot!!! Have a Good Day, Hadorable! Love, Amy


  14. I pray you feel better real soon Amy! Another blogger and I were just having this same conversation about the ineptness of the WordPress reader as of late and she is actually having problems commenting on blogs. I noticed this a couple of months ago and thought it was just “me” until recently. Peace, blessings and healing to you! Lilka


    1. We do our best and that is all we can do. I try to get to everyone’s blogs who comes to Petals, yet this goal is almost impossible as so many people do come here. I hope WP improves in the ways that are really letting people down. Good luck on your end!!! Love, Amy


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