Something Called Respect

114 thoughts on “Something Called Respect”

  1. Dear Amy, your words are so true “No one has the right to insist you do as they do. No one has the right either, to tell you they know what is best for you. Your Journey is your own.” I know this all too well. Like you, I can’t watch the news but will simply walk away when confronted with it. And I very rarely now engage with those who think differently. I live in my truth, walk in my power and observe those around me who think differently without judgment, well mostly anyway. Fuelling the divide is not something I do, rather I focus on the love. Thank you for this beautiful message my friend and your exquisite pictures which truly embody love, peace and compassion. Much love and hugs to you. xxx🙏💚🌹

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    1. Miriam, this post was created from out of a situation that had me reeling, it was so brutal in intensity. My journey, or that of it that I do talk about, if others don’t respect, time to say goodbye to that person. As for the news …. I do have some happy reflections about that. Since I said something about it, I haven’t seen news on when I go to the gym. There also was a sign that I knew to be “illegal” to have showing and I said something about that too. That sign is now gone. It may not mean much to some, but what I do, no matter how big or how small, I always strive to act from my Highest Good and to speak Truth.

      I am learning to walk among those who are so shut down and “plugged in” without judging them. I just feel sadness that these people are so far removed from reality. I don’t associate with only those whose views are mine. There too I am learning how to get along with others whose perspectives differ from mine. All that matters is that I remain walking in calm and in love no matter what. Easier said then done some days. When I am called out or targeted, let me tell you, I will stand up for myself in spades letting the other know you have just crossed the line with me. We all have the right to defend ourselves when we come under “attack”.

      I wonder if those who come here know how difficult it is for me to always show the Higher Way. These energies have had me so upside down inside out at times all I have wanted to do is crawl in bed and not get out. However, I keep going doing my very best to choose love, peace, and compassion when I feel as though the rug has been pulled out from under me.

      I really hope things settle down soon in Aussie Land. I’ve been thinking about you. I really hope you are OK. Sending so much love to you, dear friend. xoxoxo

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  2. As always, a beautiful collection of photos. Thanks for the wonderful flowers of summer! Good words in the post as well. Your example about the TV in the gym is excellent – as is the way you handled it. Yep – you accepted the response, walked away, and adjusted. A reaction of arguing or demanding demonstrates selfishness. Oh … yes – the world is a mess. Question: Has there ever been a time when it wasn’t?

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    1. You are welcome, Frank. And thank you about my words. All of us have to begin to come to some middle ground without compromising ourselves. This division is strangling all of us. And in my humble opinion, the world is in the worst shape I’ve ever seen. Have a great weekend!! xo

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  3. I’m just starting to watermark the photos I feature on my blog. Kindly let me know how you’re doing this on your lovely, nicely-taken photos. They go a long way to plant your message in our hearts, by the way. Thanks you.

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  4. Respect is very important indeed and when married to kindness, the world would be a much better place indeed. I’m glad with the way you handled that problem in the gym. Thank you for this inspiring post and for the beautiful flowers ❤️

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  5. Ah dear lady, these times are truly digging up those bits inside us to test our hearts. Needed…or we would not see what is there 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋
    Just a thought…if these are in your garden, may I come over and camp in your back yard? I thought heaven was ‘up there’? 😂 🤣

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    1. Indeed, Mark, these times are something else and then some!! Some days I would just love to burrow in my bed and not come out. I must admit, however, I’ve done a massive amount of growing in the past what(?) 15 months or so. Growth under great pressure is Golden! (think diamond) As for my property, truly I say to you, it is heaven on earth. Anytime come on over and you will see such magic for now the fireflies are lighting up all over the place. That by the way is my next challenge. I would LOVE to photograph fireflies at night. At least I will try!! Have a great weekend and much love to you! xo

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  6. The present situation as it is has added to the stress…why add more by getting into avoidable arguments which won’t lead anywhere…respect for self and for the others makes life more peaceful and calm…I have a right on my beliefs so have they on theirs…we can all find a middle ground if we want…
    Beautiful pictures as always…so relaxing for the mind and soothing to the eyes.
    Stay blessed always Amy,

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    1. Arguments and reacting with negative behavior is never the answer. They will always make matters worse. Krish, this world desperately is in need of healing yet if all of us do not put effort forth, that healing will only take longer to happen. It’s high time people embraced different and acted kindly towards others. Thank you on my pictures. You stay blessed as well. So much love to you this day! xo

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    1. Rob, I hear you loud and clear. ALL media I ignore now and rely only on my Inner Guidance and the “signs” I receive. Yes there is Truth and some of it I “know” but for now I just stick my nose in my present moment and do all I can to make this world a better place. So much love to you!! xo

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  7. No one can be everybody’s darling and doesn’t need to. But it has nothing to do with showing respect anyway. Respect is accepting a person the way they, knowing that it is their pre-condition to become the person they are meant to become. If we learn to respect everybody’s individual being and path, while at the same welcoming the differences, this world can be one. But, it needs everyone to respect and accept!

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    1. Respect is sadly lacking in this world, Erika. When I don’t receive respect I will be the first to say something, do something, to come to my defense. One time it was just a look and for the rest of my workout the person who I looked at with a message attached kept looking at me in a way I knew he was thinking. Good! This world is in such desperate need of healing and it is up to each of us to do our parts. We are exactly on the same page …. everyone needs to practice respect not only for humanity but for this planet as well. Have a great weekend and sending much love to you!! xo

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      1. You say it, Amy! Respect is needed on all ends. And the less respect we see, the more we need to show. It is not easy at all because we fall so quickly into that defense mode (which is ok), but even that we need to make respectfully. It is like practicing what we want others to do. Yes, definitely on the same page 😊 Thank you, Amy, and you have a wonderful weekend as well 💖

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    1. Thank you, Kamal. Thank you! I like the way you extend the respect to every being on this Earth. I so agree with you! My gardens are paradise this year. Bless you and may your weekend be a truly great one. Much love to you! xo

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      1. You are always welcome dear Amy and this whole Universe is nothing but us so why not extend Love to Us as well as the Universe that is so beautifully given to us by God to live in. Bless you too and have a superb weekend. Take care and stay safe dear.

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    1. Thank you, Marina. If all of us practiced respect each and every day, the world will be changed for the better. The more we do walk with respect for all on this Earth, the Higher our frequency rises and that too affects all around us. Sending you much love and peace this day. xo

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    1. Thank you, Dan, ever so much, and I mean it!! You have given me confirmation about more then one thing and right now I could just fly if I had wings!! Oh yes it is high time people respected each other!! Good for you for not tolerating disrespect in your life. I recently said goodbye to one friend and I’m almost ready to do so with a sister. Gotta think on that one …. I don’t do anything unless I see from all angles and have understanding down solid. Have a great 4th weekend!!! Here is to liberty and freedom!!! xo

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  8. The more you distance yourself from propaganda the more offensive and disturbing it becomes when you are subjected to it. So many are addicted to the poison. I admire you for taking a stand, a gentle, respectful one. Not many are capable of that. Sending you love dear Amy.💕

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    1. Julie, I’ve actually gotten to a place that the propaganda bounces off of me. Now IF hubby has it in our home, I will not ask but tell him to shut it off. I’ve really been attempting to walk everywhere I go with naught but love and peace in my heart. Yes I did say something about the news at the gym for I strongly feel it has no place in a gym. But I wasn’t about to stand there and argue. People have to come to their own conclusions about this propaganda, yes even my husband.
      The good news …. since I said something at the gym, I’ve not seen news. AND I said something about an “illegal” sign they had sitting on the counter where you check in and again I said something and received a wise-butt answer. The next time I came in, the sign was gone. So yes it does pay off to speak Truth, just not offensively. I have found that when a person speaks truth harshly, the other person’s hackles are raised and digs in even more. It’s a reverse psychology thing I do. (smile)
      Sending you so much love and peace today. Oh, one other thing. There still are people that I would love to lunge at but I’m working on healing those aspects in myself that set me off. I’ve been treated very harshly by some in these past months and when I do cross paths with them again, my goal is to do so calmly. That will get them to think, yes(?) cuz they know what they have done to me.
      Anyways …. have a great weekend. I have to make sure my “vet” stays strong and calm. Fireworks are a horror for him. Love you, dear friend. xoxoxo

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      1. Agreed. I’ve been working on that for over 30 years. I remember a time I asked a “professional” …. “what do I do with my anger?” No answer was forthcoming. So from there on out, I made it my goal to consciously work on my anger and I have. I’m still a work in progress as we all are.
        Happy belated 4th. I’m glad the fireworks are over. (((HUGS)))!! xo

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  9. Thank you for posting such beautiful images and telling it like it is about today’s world. These days I sometimes get yelled at or see people getting yelled at by new tyrants with cruel, despotic faces who enjoy their newfound powers that they say are derived from SCIENCE.

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    1. Hien, I will not get into confrontations. However, if someone invades my private space and is intentionally harmful towards me, OH I will stand up for myself and I have so many times in these past months. I’ve shockingly seen such despots bullying others and even me and when it happens, my blood does boil. No one has the right to be cruel to another and some day these people will SEE and KNOW how their past actions do catch up to them.
      I’m educated in medical science and what is being told to the public regarding science is unfounded and untrue. Some day that too will be known to have been propaganda just to get people to stay in fear.
      Anyways …. I do what I can to bring Love along with me wherever I go. My actions and words of late I’ve seen for myself do have positive results. And these words and actions are not based on negativity. Just the opposite. Calm, peace, and how I walk says, I am confident that no matter how you act, I will not loose my peace. Hang in there. I hope my words somehow encouraged you. This world can be a very tough place to interact with. Rays of hope here and there I’ve seen so Love is gaining strength. Have a great weekend.

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  10. What you said about respect is 100% true. I wouldn’t argue with a single word. We are far too eager to allocate people to the various stereotypes we all have stored in our brains, but in actual fact, very few people indeed will live up to their stereotype if we take the care to listen to what they have to say.

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    1. I so agree with you, John. We have been “programmed” to judge others and it is high time we put that aside to accept others for who they are. We so need unification and peace. I’ve been going to the gym of late and most who are around me, are plugged in listening to their own private music really unaware of what or who is around them. Those I do interact with, I do so with respect. My ways of being are not necessarily someone else’s to which I say, if we do maintain an open attitude and are willing to accept the other along as that other is not doing us any personal harm, these stereotypes would melt away. Sending many blessings your way and hope you have a really great weekend.

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  11. So many are finding it difficult to find that middle ground Amy. In my daily life I see so many being triggered as they cling to their own belief systems unwilling to bend to see another’s point of view. And so instead of bending, they snap.. and I am witnessing so many friendships, and families being torn this way..
    Learning to discern and perceive another’s perspective often means we have to look from the other side of the fence… Which in todays world I am afraid is often hard to do for many.. For the respect you speak of, also needs to come from within… A respect of self, which I find is lacking in lots of people…
    I was spoken to recently in a visit to a Dentists via the nurse at the door as if I were a six year old child.. Being ordered about… And because I challenged the status quo her feathers got ruffled straight away. While I was being honest and respectful.. She then became angry and challenging..
    So the middle ground is a two way thing…
    We can step up to ask respect, and expect to be respected… and visa versa.. … Which is why we are seeing such conflict at the moment.. Because many are stuck within their Ego’s of I am right… You are wrong.. No compromise… So division… Such is the energetics at the moment as we are shifting within our vibrational frequencies of harmonics… We are learning to harmonise, but we do that through being able to see our differences… And within that acceptance we grow and mature..

    As for your beautiful flowers Amy they are absolutely gorgeous… You always manage to captivate such a magical quality about them.. And your heaven on earth truly is within Natures beauty..
    Walk in Beauty always Amy..
    And keep bringing us that joy within the beauty of Mother nature.. 🙏💚💛💚🙏

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    1. Thank you, Sue, for adding your valuable insights and thoughts to this post. All we have charge of is ourselves and no matter how the other person acts except for attack or violence of any kind, we keep walking in love KNOWING that our example somehow will be noted. I’ve seen positive change after the incidences where I spoke my truth. You never know what will happen. I’ve seen time and time again a change occur that leaves me astounded.
      I have magic unfolding on our property this year. I’m about to go about on adventures soon to other places of magic where I know I will find evidence of New Earth.
      Sending you much love and peace this day! Many blessings!! xoxo

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    1. Thank you, Brad! Finding a middle ground in every aspect of our lives is so vitally important right now so that we as a people and a nation can become unified. Much love to you this day!! xo

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      1. Brad, I would like to think I am living by example. I squirm thinking I’m a leader but I suppose you could say I am. OK. I’ll accept it. I am a leader by example. There. I found my middle ground. SMILE! xo

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  12. Beautiful flowers and words Amy, thank goodness for you and all open hearts who understand how we can help others by just being around them shining our light, inspiring them quietly to awaken. I came across the word reverence a few years back which means to always honour yourself and another.

    Glad you are feeling like going out even a little more! People need to see us, to feel our energy and help them heal! Although like yourself I’ve become quite a recluse😍 Sending you much love Amy❤️

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    1. Hi, Barbara!! I’m not a recluse, just live a very quiet life. Last year all my social arenas were taken from me so right now I’m building those back up. I go about my way very quietly for now I have a very keen sense of energy. I stay grounded, calm, and walk in love and self-respect wherever I go. I know those of us who are sensitives struggle to experience the harsh energies that are evident in our world but when we keep walking in love, we have this bubble around us that allows us to become ducks with water flowing off of us.
      Reverence …. I really like that word. That is how I live my life in every way I can. The Connection I have with Mother has become even more powerful and Sacred all because I esteem Her as Reverent.
      It’s time, dear friend, to have the world see our light. There is so much Protection for us now …. feel it, know it, own it. It radiates from our own hearts and connects to that of Source Who is in all of life. I encourage you to show your light. Much love and many blessings to you!! xo

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      1. Ah you are really in your divine element… yes a quiet life which we’ve all had to endure for a very good reason, to get to know ourself! Sorry the word recluse came to mind, which I indeed felt like❤️
        Like yourself we have began to venture out but in Spain it’s still very terrifying with the mask and I live in such paradise I enjoy o the max. Saying this, we are planning to go stay and look after my mum in England AND that’s a whole other dragonion island❤️ sending love🥰

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      2. Barbara, I am so sorry you in Spain are still dealing with this mask issue. Yes it is terrifying I agree. For over a year we had to deal with it and even though I have 4 medical exemptions no one except my Chiropractor honored those exemptions. Hang in there for to have the freedom again to CHOOSE a mask or no mask IS liberty. These dragonion measures let us pray those days are nearing an end!!! Sending so much love and peace to you! (((HUGS)))!! xo

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  13. Such beauty in your garden, Amy — thank you for sharing it! I don’t know why exactly, but my own flowers seem to look brighter and happier this year. Perhaps they, too, needed a break like the one COVID offered us.

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    1. Debbie, there is magic and wonder about these days, if we have eyes to see it. Thank you for stopping by to enjoy what I so love to share. Much love and peace to you this day! xo

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    1. Michele, when I hear words such as yours, they bring with them so much encouragement for me to keep doing what I am in my life. I just will not look at the “bigger” picture but I will focus on what I do have the ability to change for the better in my realm of life. I have a good understand of what is occurring in the world, believe me, but it is my choice to only have my eyes on what I know I can effect for the sake of Love. I like Eckart Tolle and have the greatest respect for him. Keep on shining and don’t ever give up that LOVE truly will win and our Earth is actually moving right now to a better world. Much love to you this day! xo

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      1. We are very much on the same page. I had to adopt the same plan -do what I can do. There is a lot of things to be troubled about sadly. We are better off to take to the woods and bask in sunlight and open air. . .than to worry. Go well, my friend. love Michele

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      2. You’ve got it, Michele. And with those happiness vibes you feel while out in the woods, that energy combines with the “happy” in the world, making it stronger. Keep on shining, and continue making your music in your own special way. You wait!! This world truly is changing for the better!! (((HUGS)))!! xo

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  14. Dear Amy, if people will not care only about themselves but people around them, then everything will be just fine. Unfortunately, nowadays a lot of people behave with the main rule: “I don’t care.”

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    1. It matters not to me how others act, Alexander, for I will act caringly and with respect. I really understand the frustration of running into people who have the attitude they don’t care, especially when it comes to business. I boycott those businesses who show little respect towards me or if they do not have integrity. That is how this world changes ….. especially in business for money really talks. May you have a really peaceful day today. xo

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  15. Your photos are so lovely, Amy. Truly, they are a balm to the spirit. Interesting to also note how so many of them are vibrant and open — quite a comparison to our world today. 🙂

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    1. Thank you, WG. I’m finding open and vibrant “flowers” here and there in the human world. What I know and see that is around me, is manifesting in the world. Have a great day today! xo

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  16. Beautifully written. You have captured the philosophy we should all be following now. We can only control our own thoughts, words and actions. Acknowledging how difficult that is should make us understand how difficult it is for everyone else to do so as well. We need just accept that there are reasons for other’s behavior and leave it at that.

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    1. Thank you for your tremendously powerful comment. It is very challenging indeed to be watchful of our own thoughts, actions and words. If someone however, crosses a line with me, I will defend myself and speaking plainly, let that other person know I do not tolerate behavior towards me such as was displayed. At times a jab comes so fast and is so unexpected, that I do not act as kindly as I would normally. There is a lot to this respect subject for it really takes two in order for mutual respect to be present. And it takes a lot of practice to honor the other person no matter what.


  17. This is pure wisdom, Amy. It’s very true that no one has any right to tell you what you should be doing. I am intimately connected to this idea. I remember committing a mistake wherein immaturely I had forced someone to beleive that my actions are justified and theirs are not. A guilt which still stays. But it’s beautiful how life has taught me this lesson over the years! No, noone is responsible for what you do in your life except you and never give the remote to your decisions in the hands of anyone! Hugs and wishes, Amy! It’s beautiful!!🤗❤️

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    1. Dishita, of late especially, events of yesterdays come back to me and I can see how badly I acted and my first reflex is to feel terrible about it. I shed some tears and my gut feels like I got punched and then I manually change the direction of my thoughts telling me I am not today who I was then. I am learning to forgive myself knowing that life is a growing process and at that time I was not nearly where I am today. I encourage you to forgive yourself, learn the lesson, and apply that lesson in your present now. Then you will be able to move on.
      I’m so happy that you stopped by to read this post and that you got so much from out of it. Big hugs and wishes right back to you!!! Much love your way! xo


      1. This feels so relatable Amy! I am glad you overcame your fears and chose yourself over all else. It takes strength I am sure, but you are stronger! And this gives me a hope that I will cope up with my experiences too! Soon, someday!
        XO XO

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      2. Never stop trying, dear friend. Just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and know you can change. Just to give you an idea how set we all are in our ways …. hubby bought a new electric toothbrush for us. Out of HABIT, I grabbed the one I had been using for years using and didn’t realize what I was doing until I had that toothbrush in my mouth. Be patient and gentle with yourself. We all go through these processes. I know first hand how challenging it is to change something that has been engrained within us over a long period of time. You can however, do whatever you set your mind to do. BIG (((HUGS)))!!! xo


  18. This post means much to me personally. Respect starts at home I feel, with us learning we are worthy of respect and how to set boundaries in relationships where we are not respected. Only then do we really understand what it is and learn to take it outside ourselves to the way we relate to others.

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    1. All change begins with self, you are absolutely correct. If we do not respect ourselves, it is not possible to respect others. Setting boundaries is another area that is not easy especially if we come from a history which did not teach us healthy boundaries. I’m really glad you related to this post. I’ve had to learn how to respect myself, set up healthy boundaries, all in order to extend respect to others. Yet, if anyone crosses “the line” with me, I will defend myself. Much love to you this day!! xo

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  19. Those photographs truly are healing energy!! And your post is so resonant with my current life waves. The words to the wise are very perfect as I recently found it painful to stand up to myself and walk away, to accept that it will take time and patience for some hearts to open. It is a tough lesson to realize not to expect the same as ourselves from others, sometimes distance and boundaries are required even at the cost of being misunderstood. The only parameter that I am counting on is how peaceful and unregretful I feel for choosing to respect myself over other’s comfort. I am much better now at allowing them to hurt through their own healing, as there is no way I can do it for them. Trusting that silent blessings and love reach.

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    1. Your comment in of itself has so much wisdom, for when we realize we are not responsible for how others feel, act, or think, we are free to let go so that they are able to figure out their own journey. I too have recently done this very thing with several people in my life and at the same time changing my responses and practicing unconditional love. Respect really starts with ourselves. Loving self was once upon a time in my life taught to me as being selfish, which is the furthest thing from the truth. Prag, it’s a process, one that has you up and down, inside and out, until you’ve got one change made in order to move on. And then something else crops up so that you can learn even more what it takes to understand respect. Brava to you for undertaking this journey, for it is far from easy. Much love to you! xo

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    1. Your words, especially after I saw your videos, have put tears in my eyes. What a beautiful Soul you are. Your poetry and your dancing touch me in a way I am unable to put into words. And what you see in me, touches me deeply. Bless you for being you. Much love to you! xo

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  20. Gorgeous flowers…very soothing to mind, body and spirit. I’d rather be with my furbaby and momma nature than humans these days. I don’t see things getting better…sadly.

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