Own Who You are

91 thoughts on “Own Who You are”

    1. Thank you, Ananda. I will not be molded by others, nor will I listen to the “unscientific nonsense” spewed by so many just to instill fear. I’ve been through more hells in my personal life and I’m not about to allow this world to create a hell just to control me. I shall continue living my life according to me and I encourage all to do the same. May you have a glorious weekend. Bless you!! Much love to you! xo

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  1. Very well said GF❣️❣️❣️❣️ You go girl I completely agree with you and support you completely and am on board myself I’ve not worn a mask in quite some time it doesn’t agree with my makeup 💄 lol 😂 I really never felt or believed it would be helpful or do anyone any good anyway🤷🏻‍♀️❣️Amazing pics hon so very gorgeous ❣️❣️ Thanks for being truthful and inspirational and sharing sending lots of love 💕 and hugs xox 💖💖

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    1. Thank you, StacyAnn! I’ve been through too much in my life to bend my will to fear. I won’t do it. I walk in truth and in love not fear. My flowers I’m so happy you saw and enjoyed! Sending you so much love and joy this weekend!!! (((HUGS)))!! xo

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    1. Thank you! All of us deserve to be who we are, not what others want us to be. It’s a journey, one that took me many years to arrive at. May you have a really great weekend!! Many blessings! xo

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  2. Hey Amy. This is a splendid post and gorgeous photography. I’d like to use this in one of my posts next week with the usual crediting. Lemme know if it’s okay.🌷❤️

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    1. Good morning, Jude. Thank you so much for your words of encouragement to me. Of course you may use this post. To help annihilate the energy of fear in this world, oh yes please feel free to use it. May you have a glorious weekend!! Much love to you! xo

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  3. So many people have lost all sense of perspective and reality. Our cottonwoods are a bit scratchy when O hug them. You have a beautiful bunch of crocus. We have a few starting to show themselves.

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    1. Morning, Tim!! I was born with a lot of common sense and because I am educated in medicine, I understand a lot more then most people. Yet, to allow others to instill fear in you is so so wrong. When people don’t have a solid knowing of who they are and how the immune system works, they are easy to manipulate.
      Trees ….. I avoid some to hug just for the reason you stated. LOL My crocuses are going to be leaving soon and my daffodils are about to open. I’m seeing a lot of buds everywhere so I will be investigating. May you have a really great weekend!! Enjoy it!!! Laugh and live passionately!! (SMILE!) xo

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  4. “I walk in truth and in love not fear.” Beautifully said as is this beautiful post. I’m reminded of the lily of the field, and the bird of the air. 🙂

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    1. Thank you, Mary Jo. Isn’t it time that the fear that has been purposely generated go away? However, all of us need to do that for ourselves. I have walked away from fear a long time ago and have managed to carefully walk through this mine field of insanity found in today’s world, with love refusing to allow anyone to change me in any way. I really hope that young woman is thinking about what I said and how I acted. I shall continue to walk with no fear as an example that this is how we were meant to live. I am free to be me, just like the lily of the field and the bird of the air. Much love to you!! Have a great weekend!!! xo

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    1. Good morning, Dan. Karma was too funny. The moment I began pushing my wheelbarrow away, she made sure she made a fresh new pile of her poop right where I was digging. I told her “No, Karma, not there ….. now I’ll have to push your fresh stuff aside to get to the seasoned stuff.” She looked at me like …. yeah right. LOL We all need to stay strong in these very strange times. Hope you have a great weekend. It turned chilly here. I’m sure Maddie is not too happy with that IF it’s the same your way. xo

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      1. She’s just trying to help, Amy. Maddie is happy to walk in the cooler weather. I’m just glad it has been in the upper 30s and low 40s when we leave. Much better than 25. We sit, either in the sun or the shade, depending on how how she is. I just go where the dog tells me.

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  5. Yes…
    ‘Being you’ is what matters ..the emotions good or bad flow from our own stare of being..if we feel good everything and every being around looks beautiful…
    Lovely pictures Amy..
    Stay blessed 🙏😇

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    1. It is vitally important especially now, Krish, to have a very solid understanding of who we are. If not, we will not be able to stand strong. May your weekend be grand and thank you for looking at the wonders found in my gardens. Much love to you! xo

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  6. I am always awed by your photos Amy. They are brilliant and are a testament to all your hard work and dedication to your gardens!! It’s a wonderful thing living without fear. Most people don’t understand what that is. Once you have the truth – it’s so much easier!! Have a great weekend! Much love, Donna

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    1. Ah, to see with the eyes of a child is such a Gift, Donna!! Truly glorious, isn’t it? When I get down on that ground and look at what is before me, I’m in awe. I am so moved by your words …. Bless you! I agree it is a wonderful thing to live without fear. I’ve faced death more times then most to which I have learned, death is something to look forward to, leaving this heavy and limited body behind. Most today are so obsessed with death and disease they cannot think straight. You continue walking the Way of the Brave and Free, Donna. I pray your example is seen by many which in turn sparks in them something, anything that begins the journey back HOME ….. to self. As for truth, that is where our Inner Beacon comes into play for if we relied solely on man for truth, we’d truly be confused. You have a great weekend too!!! BIG (((HUGS)))!! xo

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    1. Thank you, Kamal. It is the only way to own ourselves if we so do wish to have a happy and contented life. Thank you on the flowers. My Daffodils are just opening now and I see lots of buds on so much. My neighbor’s mini daffodils are up. I just may take my camera today and take some pictures. SMILE Sending so much love to you this day!! xo

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      1. You are always welcome dear Amy. We all have to live a beautiful life free from any negativity. Your daffodils are too good so nice to see beauty growing in them. Awesome. Happy Sunday 😊😊😊😊😊😊

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    1. Thank you, Diana. I am just so determined that this absolutely crazy world will not bring me down, nor dictate to me who to be or what to do. I am strong and I am unafraid of living fully. I’m also very relieved I did get the pictures I did because my crocuses are returning to Mother’s Arms. You stay blessed as well. Sending you much love today!! xo

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  7. In the end, it is always the person that limits themselves – not the others. If I am afraid of hugging a tree because I could be seen, it is ME deciding not to do it. So, why limit me to others who don’t even understand what I am doing? What could be the first that happens? That they continue not to understand. You will encourage a few here for sure, Amy!

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    1. Erika, you are so correct. It is we ourselves who limit ourselves, and no one else. I was not ashamed or embarrassed to be seen hugging a tree. Oh no! That tree called to me and not for one second did I hesitate. If I get people to THINK, then this is a very good thing indeed. There is a lack of thinking in today’s world which is sorely needed. I’m always thinking …. you can attribute that to my cats for the most part. Sending you so much love this day!! xo

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      1. Yes, I like that: Let’s get people to thinking and inspire them to sometimes stop thinking and start perceiving! Much love to you too and have a great day, Amy!

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  8. These are magical dear Amy, you can feel them calling out to the sun after being asleep for so long. I must admit though, so many come through so fast, you’ve only just begun your spring. You must talk to them and encourage their journey dear lady, they are beautiful 😀
    Oh, and say hello and give a hug to Karma for me. Especially for being the deliverer of said fertilizer 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋 😂 🤣

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    1. At this time of year, Mark, once those flowers come I find myself running between them and the migratory birds that I am thrilled to find and capture. Yesterday I did not stop all day, slept like a log last night, and today will take it easy. Fast approaching is the time I run so I relax now when I can. As for Karma …. another story. I went for a walk yesterday and coming home I saw Karma out in her pasture. I went over to “talk” to her and when she had her nose in my face, she snorted right onto my face. To say the least I got slobbered ….. LOL. I wiped my face off and put my face to hers again waiting for her soft deep throated neighs as I saw laughter in her eyes. Oh she very well knew what she did. She is something else!!! Have a great day!! Much love to you! xo

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      1. Oh Amy, you’ve made me laugh so hard, I needed that. Karma is something else. In fact, if she isn’t an oversized fur baby I don’t know what is lol 😂 🤣
        Just the way to start my day, thank you kind lady. Love and light coming your way too xo 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋

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      2. I’ll give you another laugh. Today I snorted in Karma’s face and she looked at me as if to say, “Are you kidding me? That’s it? My nostrils are a LOT bigger then yours!” In other words I basically got nowhere. LOL

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      3. Lol 😂 🤣 Oh Amy, I am visualizing that as we speak, I have tears running down my face. The personality she has is amazing. I’ll burst into laughter as I’m walking down the street today and everyone will think I’ve lost it…but we know differently dear lady. Life is indeed full of such magic my friend. Have a great day 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋 😂 🤣

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  9. Those exquisite flowers made my heart bloom with inner joy, a first after it had taken a hit quite low this week. Your words have pumped new life in my being as I find myself newly being me, tender and walking baby steps. I am now ready for this conviction that nobody would ever have the power but myself for how I choose to be. I claim my cheerful unapologetic blooming just like these flowers do. Your post was perfect timing for me dear Amy and as always I receive to the fullest from it.

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    1. Prag, this journey all of us have been on is far from easy. We all have our good, bad, and then some iffy days. It takes practice acting like you and not how you have been conditioned to behave. There are times I act so freely and spontaneously that when others see, they honestly do not know how to react. Good. We are all walking towards a New World that is about to be revealed so keep practicing acting as you every day, every moment. You are fortunate you are learning this now, for the energies are creating the opportunities for you to grow rapidly. I learned over years worth of stumble and bumble and still there are times I stumble. Always listen to your heart for it will not ever lead you wrong. You will know when you do or say or think something that is not lined up for your highest good because your Inner Guidance will not leave you alone until you rectify whatever it is that rubs your Golden Heart wrong. Be gentle with yourself …. remember no matter where you are on your journey, you are loved by Higher Source, that which I call God, Spirit, Mother. Thank you for receiving the message. I am the conduit to deliver the message and it is up to you to receive it. Sending you so much love and peace this day!! (((HUGS)))!! xo

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  10. Splendid photos of the crocuses, Amy, and I am blown away by your boundless energy and productivity! Did you accomplish all of that in one day? 🙂

    With regard to taking on fear or faith, I’ve recently had a similar experience when sharing with a dear friend that I’ve begun dining out and enjoy it to the max. She is adamant about masks and wears an N-95 even when we walk together on a trail. I respect her “personal” choice even if it’s not mine… Sadly, though, I can see my news has made her fearful to be in my company now because she is focusing on the fear of another new strain and wondering if I’ve exposed myself to it (and therefore, her as well). While I would hope it will not hinder our friendship, I respect her choice and, of course, would be saddened by her decision. But, living life feels so darned good I am not willing to succumb to fear.

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    1. I accomplish this and much more most days, WG. I know how to use my time very wisely. I am staying in love and have stopped even talking about the truth of what is what. I’m done. I know what I know and live how I live. Tell your friend there are MANY states now opening and dropping the mask mandate. IF there truly was something to be afraid of, why would they open? WP, I am just refusing to buy into the lies and manipulations and if people still want to believe that masks work even after the mask mandate is dropped (and it will be), that is on them and that is their choice. How sad this woman lives in fear. It is natural for viruses to mutate and change. It is the Organic Law of Nature. We have trillions of viruses and bacterias in our bodies right now and our immune system was made in such a way to accept new viruses in order to keep our immune system strong. If people would do a little bit of research, their fear would decrease rapidly.

      Live live live freely and without fear. There is nothing to be afraid of, not even death itself. Sending you much love today!! xo

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      1. I felt the wave of love, Amy. Thank you!

        Yes, I too have stopped trying to convince anyone and find it sad they choose to live in fear. The masks are also producing their own set of health issues. So, as with life, I do what feels right to me. (I only pray those rights will not be taken away…and I suppose if I allow it, that would be my fear.) 🙂 Savor the garden! Love to you —

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      2. Thank you for the reminder and encouragement, Amy. It is those snippets of concern requesting my participation that periodically turn my attention to the current discord. I do think America is in its current state due to apathy and people too willing to give their individual power and rights away to government. Even though I don’t watch mainstream propaganda, I’ve always believed it is my duty to stand up and speak out. I’ve now altered my prayers to ask for a most benevolent outcome… 🙂 So glad it’s Spring and breathing new life… xo 🙂

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      3. WG, the most powerful way to effect others is how you act. As in my story about the tree hugging, I do whatever I want to do no matter who is around and my words as directed by my heart come flowing as well. It matters not to me if I am believed or liked. From the reaction I received from that young woman, I know I made an impression, hopefully one she still is thinking about. NO ONE will take my rights from me. Period. I will not allow it. Government works for me not the other way around.

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      4. Thanks for sharing, Amy. This is why I stand up for what I believe in. I could not live any other way. Unfortunately, I do not see legislators working “for the people.” I think that died long ago. We may pay their salaries, pensions and benefits, but most are in it for the power and deals they can cut for themselves. There are very few in it “for the people.” The less government in our lives the better. ☯

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  11. Amy your crocus’s are a delight Amy, as are you words…. Words which reflect my own heart, as I nurture myself in nature and trust my own body, my own immune system… And fear nothing, For Nature holds the remedies, not chemicals or manmade structures that want to interfere with Natures Creation..
    Nature I know will always bounce back… And we are part of Nature…. I trust implicitly and have faith that we have all been given a great opportunity within the last twelve months to seek our inner paths… And many have now chosen which path to walk…
    I walk in Beauty, and I walk with No Fear in my heart…

    Loved your post dear friend….. ❤

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    1. I trust implicitly as you do, Sue. Oh yes Mother always balances Herself and She knows I’m right there with Her. Mother Herself holds the keys to the Kingdom of which the likes none of which have ever been seen which soon shall be evident. We’ve gone through so many hells, done so much growing, all to come to a place nothing will deter us or our right to BE. I walk with you, no fear, focused on Beauty. We both know Mother’s Way, called the Organic Law of Nature, is the way intended to live by. Sending you so much love this day, my Sister of Light. BIG (((HUGS)))!!! xo

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      1. Love the Earths Way… Organic Law… And may we soon all return to Natural Common Law of the land too… 🙂
        Sending You much love and we are kindred sisters who have met for a reason.. ❤

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  12. Such beautiful harbingers of Spring — thank you, Amy, for sharing your gorgeous crocuses! I wish you’d been able to encourage that woman to hug that tree. I bet she’d have been surprised at how good that felt!

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    1. Not wishing to get into arguments or debates, I make sure I word my messages in the form I do. Even so, I’ve lost a lot of followers who over the years have enjoyed my blog. When the truth comes out, and it will, those who fell for the coolaid will be in shock. I’ve seen through the ruse yet not many want to know. For you see, I’m not an “expert” according to the world. I only have my Inner Guidance which does not lie yet others do not accept. That’s OK. All that is about to change. You and I both know the truth and time will come when all will. Until then I live my life according to me. And I do not care what others think. Sending you much love this day!! xo

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      1. You go girl and I think you’re 💯% correct and are telling the truth 10 times over and there’s many more who think the same believe me the whole United States 🇺🇸 was red and they cheated only a simpleton could not see the truth in my opinion!! But it’ll all come out if our great country is not bankrupt before it happens or our freedoms are taken away!

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      2. Oh it’s going to happen, dear GF. You mark my words. Until that time however, I refuse to waste my time arguing or debating with those who think I am in the wrong. Nope. Not going there. And I will speak my mind in the way my heart directs me to. Bless you for responding to this comment, StacyAnne. So appreciate your support. So many will not say anything or are so blind to the truth. Hang on for things are about to change for the better. Evil had to be seen for those who “thought” we who stand on the Constitution were correct to do so. When truth breaks free, even those of us who are awake will be shocked. Just keep on being you by not allowing anyone to tell you how to live or who to be. You rock!! xo

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      3. I’m definitely gonna keep living my life GF and I know in my heart 💜 what the truth is and what happened and is happening you have my total support and thanks for yours as well hon keep up the inspiration xox 💖💖❣️

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      4. I feel the same. Anything I write that is even mildly controversial is never liked. It’s almost as if people are afraid to take a stand by even hitting the ‘like’ button.

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      5. That is on them. They have to learn how to rise above fear, dear friend. Fear has been pounded into society yet there are those of us who through life experiences, have learned not to fear fear. I’m one of them. I’ve also learned how to critically think and refuse to allow anyone to take that from me. Keep on shining your light and speaking your truth. A time is coming that those who have been hijacked into fear will know truth for what it is and they will in turn want to find the oases of peace and of love, which we represent. Be very aware of energy, and do not allow anyone to zap your energy. You are here to speak truth and to guide, not to take upon yourself others’ troubles. They have to figure things out for themselves. Fear destroys. Not this woman!!! xo

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      6. I’m afraid because of fear many will be irrevocably changed by their decisions. Thanks so much…you keep shining too.

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      7. Ah, but who are we to know for what purpose those people are on earth for? We don’t. And that is exactly how I am no longer being pulled into the drama of horror of what is going on. xo

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  13. Beautiful pictures Amy! I can totally visualize you hugging that tree…more people should hug trees and talk to plants, I think it would make the world a better place. People are disconnected right now and I fear it will be worse after the mass vaccinations. I never know if it’s time to start looking for Mother Abigail or not? (The Stand reference, in case you didn’t read it) I’m glad you are standing in your truth and not letting fear dictate your life. Stay strong my friend! xoxo

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    1. Zia, whoever is telling you there will be mass vaccinations, is wrong. Stop listening to this source. Rise above fear ….. Face Everything And Rise. I continue to walk in truth and harmony and love and no one or nothing will take that from me. I will NOT bend my knee to fear or evil! God has got His hand on the country and soon, God is about to step in. No one knows when so it is up to those of us who have remained true to Love to walk that love out every day. Until then, rise above the fear and stop listening to those who have every intention instilling fear in you so they can control you. I am strong! I haven’t come this far to be destroyed!! Sending you much love!!! xoxoxo

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  14. Thankyou for the beautiful crocus photos Amy and love hugging trees too… especially now as there are not so many who want to hug! Love your words of wisdom, so important to forge our path forward in all trust❤️ harmony on earth here we come🥰 much love❤️

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    1. These crazy rules are just that CRAZY. I will not be deterred nor will I allow anyone to tell me my knowing is wrong. I live how God meant me to live and I will not stop doing so. I am creating as I am living. I know it. Oh yes harmony on this earth = heaven on earth. Much love to you! xo

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  15. We do need to own ourselves, for sure, and our love for ourselves and all others. Your flower photos are just amazing. They remind me of my mom, who died in May from Covid. I miss her like the dickens, but flowers and rainbows and cardinals show me her presence.

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    1. Pam, I was not aware you Mom passed. I am so very sorry. There is a lot about Mother Nature that reminds me of my own Mom and I’m happy for you that She does the very same for you. Sending you much love and big hugs!!! xo

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    1. Thank you thank you thank you, Lorrie!!! Peace truly is here to stay. How people are reacting to me lately is either or ….. great love and respect or great ignorance and fear. I don’t care anymore about those who fear me for they will not stop me from being me ever! I encourage everyone to discover who they are and to not ever allow anyone to take that from them. I’m on a mission to abolish fear, that spirit which has destroyed so much of our society and our world. It feels glorious to go about MY life as how I wish it to be, ignoring man’s cruelty and tyranny glowing with love everywhere I go. Much love to you!!! xo


      1. I can feel it too, Amy. For so many years I hid who I really was mainly because people did not understand me. I tried hard to FEEL okay about that but I didn’t really get IT! Just the other day I showed a friend my blog…and Twitter…etc…and she was like “Is this a joke?” In the past that would have wounded me because it would have hurt that she didn’t see the real me. But it didn’t bother me because I am so sure of who I am that I don’t need assurance from anyone! The next day my friend tried to be excited and was trying to show her daughter my blog. I’m certain she went home that first night and read more. And the other part of this is that I have had my blog for 7 years and there are still people I know whom I have not told about it. In the past I wanted to keep it for me…and I didn’t want others opinions like the one I got from my friend. Now, I am so certain of who I am that I don’t care who has an opinion!!
        Sorry…that was a lot of blabbing 😉😉
        Hope you enJOY this day…every day!!! Much love!!!

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      2. Hiding days are over for the brave and courageous and for those of us who are saying no to the narrative. WE all deserve to live in freedom and in the way we desire, and that is exactly what I have been doing! You show the world who you are and believe me, you will never look back. It is the most liberating feeling in all the world!! xo

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  16. I love the beautiful photos of the divinity expressed through flowers and I was so pleased to see the resonance in someone who engages and connects to the magical energy that trees contain. I do toning with try heart space on 200 year old trees and it is an elixir for the optimal life force of any human being willing to engage such a practice. Thanks for your great content and have a lovely day! -Bex 🧘🏽‍♂️

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    1. Thank you, Bex. Good to know there are those who are on the same wave-length as I am. That just right there brings great comfort to me. We planted all our trees from seedlings and believe me, 32 years later, the power and energy that is felt keeps me returning to hug them again and again. I woke up very early this morning saying to myself ….. OH I must hug one of our trees today. I need it!!! Sending you much love this day! xo


What we think and write and say become our reality ....