Hold Strong

121 thoughts on “Hold Strong”

    1. Thank you, Frank. I AM holding strong. That opening image is the beginning of more from where that came from that I am planning on showing as I continue my Fall series. May your day be truly peaceful and loving. xo

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  1. I know that feeling Amy, that sense of dark despair when it all feels senseless, overwhelming and utterly despairing. But, like you, I also know not to get stuck in it and to rise above the narratives and lies we’re fed. We’ve all gone through so much this year but coming back to our core, staying centred in love and focusing on the light and our own truth is so important now. Thanks for showing us that it’s possible to rise above all the BS and hold strong in our beliefs. Love WILL win!! Has won, we just have to wait it out. Wonderful post my friend. Sending big hugs and much love your way. xx ❤️

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    1. This year has been something else, Miriam. We seem to go from one crisis, one drama, one right after the other. If we don’t ground and center we are in huge trouble. It is vital for our own wellbeing to stay strong in our convictions and the way we live our lives. I’m only sharing truthfully what occurred with me when panic overtook me. Dear Lord! Staying centered as life whirls around not only for me in my personal life but also in the outer world, has shown me I am capable of staying strong. This year has squeezed out of me so many fears I did not know ever existed and it has formed in me a strength as well that I never knew existed either. A birth is occurring right now, a birth that leads to a new way of living. Love has everything to do with that new way. I send you my love and pray peace comforts your soul amidst the horrors that are being revealed. Bless you, dear friend. Bless you!! (((HUGS))) xo

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  2. If I may quote Nick Lowe (as performed by Elvis Costello):

    And as I walk on through troubled times
    My spirit gets so downhearted sometimes
    So where are the strong and who are the trusted?
    And where is the harmony, sweet harmony?

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    1. Wow! The lyrics are perfect in regards to what is happening today. Just goes to prove that this dark has been around for a long time. It’s just not “lately” that it is being seen. It’s just now in full force. Thank you, Rob, for sending this to me. Really meant a lot. Much love to you! xo

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  3. Once again it looks like we are on the wave frequency! I just posted Peace…be Still. about remembering what I know and to breathe. it is real and the struggle is real. We are human so some emotions will erupt, but we also have the power of choice. knockdown, but we get to decide to get up or at least reach up. Thank you for sharing this honest and transparent testimony! I will also make note, we are more blessed than we are hurt. Mercy in the front and grace in the back! a little small light is enough to invade darkness. A little candle to light a room. your light Amy is shining. And you a dear Rose will remain a Rose…

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    1. Your post really moved me and it is an honor to know you. Peace yes is the answer. Love yes is the answer. No mater what the illusion looks like, we can still choose love or hate, peace or fear. Oh yes anyone who is human would be affected by what is transpiring. The raw terror I felt shook my Soul. Yet it is tantamount we get out of that fear as fast as possible and stay out. I love what you said, “Mercy in the front and grace in the back.” Beautiful!! And yes a little small light WILL invade the darkness. Keep sending out love to the world as I will. Shine on, bright One! God bless you for your part in the Love Movement. xoxoxoxo

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      1. Appreciation for appreciation, We shall not only survive, but we shall thrive… With the light of God, paving the way for others. So yes we shall continue to shine on and move forward in Love! blessings. Thanks for keeping me lifted up, I am honored to know you as well!

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      2. Hold strong and stay strong. God’s got this. We’ve been living in extraordinary times that are all leading to a new world. But first the enemy must be uprooted. Have a great weekend!! xo

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  4. Thank you for this post. There is a great spiritual battle going on right b.now. It’s hard not to get sucked under bu all bad. Just remember He thst is in you is greater than he who is on the world. grwat

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    1. You are so very welcome! Bless you for understanding that there truly is a spiritual battle going on. And yes I agree with you it is not east NOT to get sucked into the garbage all around. God is the only reason I AM standing strong and tall. Without Him I wouldn’t be alive today. Much love to you! xo


    1. You are welcome, Amy. My advice is just to stay in your own world as much as you can and don’t watch the news. The chaos and confusion they are creating right now is maddening. Stay strong. This too shall pass!! (((HUGS)))!! xo

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    1. Yes it is, Tim, and I’m staying as far away from it as I possibly can. I’ve got enough in MY life, thank you! The first photo is a cropped from the larger image. The picture (2nd one) is a “teaser” of all other images from this park that will soon be coming. I had a lot of fun editing it to what I wanted it to look like. Have a great day today!! xo

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  5. Also love the images… I am on your wavelength too. I had a powerful dream last night. Really indescribable. Omniscience. Black hole. I fell to my knees in humility and humanness. I had questioned God and was put starkly in my place. The answers that came were not what I had expected at all. Only thoughts/answers that came were descriptions in single words of physical human acts such: eat, pee, etc. expressing the actions of natural functions. Only as I write this now does it begin to come back to me. ❤️🦋🌀🙏

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    1. Sheila, bless you for sharing your dream. Wow!! That black void to me is the world “out there” right now. In order to survive this insanity, we must stay in the NOW moment and live our lives as we normally would, calmly and in love. The basics such as eat, pee etc …. and keep doing what we love to do. We have to stay away from the news in all ways for they are so intent on creating fear, chaos, confusion. Please write down your dream and keep reminding yourself God truly spoke to you in a dream. Take the Message and live it. God bless you! Stay strong. Stay safe. Stay in love and peace. (((HUGS)))!! xoxo

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    1. God bless you, Dan, for the encouraging words. I’ve just got today to get through and then clear sailing. We are taking our Sassy in to the Vet …. our hand was forced. In order to keep ordering the supplies I use, at least one of our cats must be seen every year. Sassy, 16, is having issues so she is the one going. Yes my heart is pounding and no this is not a good time for our family. We still have yet to fully heal over the death of our Cookie. Please ask MiMi and MuMu to send good vibes our way and to Sassy. Thanks, Dan!! And you are so right about the beauty in this world. THAT is what I focus on!! xo

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      1. Dan, we’ve gone and come back. I was allowed in for I refused to allow Sassy to be alone. The vet and I spoke for a long time, she seemingly glad to interact with a pet parent in a “normal” setting. Overall it went well. Sassy is very upset and will need a lot of TLC to reassure her she is safe. Thank the girls for helping us. Headbumps and purrs ……. Sassy and Mom xoxoxo

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  6. I can well imagine your thoughts and can relate to the whole process – bringing in the light of Love. Whenever I find myself engulfed by darkness is chant a composition of Paramahansa Yogananda- God, God, God and I come back to the center of my peace.

    Stay blessed Amy. And keep shining your light 😊🌹🤗

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  7. Amy, the spiritual battles and forces are here too, in my country. It is only the power of God that holds us sane. I am so happy you rose above it all and are standing tall now. Keep on in the light. Much love from Ghana. 🙂

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    1. Celestine, BIG (((HUGS)))!! What is transpiring now will tear to you pieces! If it were not for God, I would not be sane either. God bless you in your faith as you stand strong against the evil that has one purpose and that is to destroy. God is more powerful then this evil and we both know this. Stay standing strong and fill your life with what you love to do. You keep on shining too!! I’m proud of you for not bending your knee to evil. Much love and peace to you this day!! xoxoxo

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  8. Awesome Amy!!! Hold the line!!! I have been experiencing something similar. It’s important to honor those lows, I’ve felt doubt and it’s not comfortable at all. I had to acknowledge it as it was swimming around in the background, always there playing up. Once seen and observed it had less power. So many changes, so many really dark forces throwing it all at us – hard to navigate. And as you – remaining in the higher energy timeline – breathing, it all works. Thanks so much for sharing yourself and what you have been experiencing. It’s important for others to know. Much love to you!! Donna

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    1. Aw, thank you, Donna!! High praise coming from you! I AM holding the line darn it, and I know you are too! The lows are tough to navigate but in order to get to smooth sailing again we must. You are so right …. once the doubts and fears are seen and observed they have less power. Yes there have been too many changes back to back without letup. Our heads just swirl with them all and if you don’t hold the line you get sucked up and spit out in pieces. You are welcome for the share, dear friend. One of my intentions with this post was to let others know they are not alone in what they are feeling and experiencing and yes it is possible to step wayyyyyy back and become centered again. Thank goodness!! Much love to you!! xo

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  9. Dear Amy nothing will blow your light out anymore… you more than likely felt the despair from the entire world and your body/mind thought it was you giving up for a moment! We must all remember we are the light, the love that is bringing about change. Patience is called for, as the Human surrenders more to their Divine self, trusting every move. It is unfolding most perfectly❤️🥰 love to you Amy❤️

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    1. Barbara, no nothing will blow my light out and I mean nothing. But what I felt and experienced was from the bowels of hell itself. I have NEVER felt such utter despair and terror and emptiness! I thought I was going to loose my mind. God in His great mercy the very next day rescued me and blocked me from all those dark energies. I never want to experience that again. Never. I trust in the Divine for light to manifest to reveal the despicable evil that has threatened to destroy our country. I have faith and I AM holding strong. Yes it IS unfolding perfectly. I KNOW this to be true. Bless you for your digital hug I felt. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. When truth is revealed so many SO many will be shocked to their Soul. Much love to you, dear friend. xoxoxo

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  10. I was anxious myself this week. I haven’t felt like that in a long time. Keeping my focus on God helps me and knowing He is in control. God bless.

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    1. Sandy, the shock to my body and mind and soul is something I never wish to experience again when I felt the extreme low vibrations caused by this election! The ONLY way to keep above this insanity is by focusing on God, on beauty, on love. That is how I have created my life over many years and no one or no-thing will change that! God bless you. Stay strong in the Lord and in the power of His might!! xo

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    1. Karla, coming from you that is a high compliment. I am touched and I have a huge lump in my throat. I’ve worked too hard and too long for this world to take from me my peace, my center, my love which are all founded in God. My faith is strong!! These extraordinary times have indeed made my faith even stronger. Love, hugs and prayers right back at you! Have a glorious weekend!! xo

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      1. Your comments humble me. God knows how hard you’ve worked on your journey! I understand completely how you feel. I admire your faith and yes, don’t let anything steal your peace! Enjoy this beautiful life, even in the storms~hold tight to faith just as you’re doing! I love how we can support one another though this wonderful community. Be blessed and safe! Love and hugs xoxo Karla

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    1. Yes, John I am very familiar with the saying, “Love, conquers all.” No matter what the political environment is, nothing will stop me from loving in the manner I do. No worries, here. SMILE! xo

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  11. I found I was doing that the first two days of the election. I hardly ever listen to news anymore, but I did these two days and I was feeling the same things, it was not a good feeling. It was a reminder to me that we are surrounded by evil, evil is always out there is one form or another. But what it does is consumes one if they even crack the door open just a little bit. And when that happens it takes me away from our Father. I have lived on this earth for almost 60 years and I have taken care of myself just fine. I do not need a government to tell me what to do or how to do it. I follow the laws of our Father. Government is their own entity, pride, greed and money will do that. The story of Solomon always comes to mind, he had everything yet he had nothing. Gold is worth more in the heart than in the hand. Stay strong in His love Amy,

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    1. Dearest Sandra, I don’t know about you, but after feeling that incredible deep panic and confusion, I was exhausted. How people live in that environment is beyond me! There is a reason why the both of us have been instructed to keep our eyes and ears and hearts on God and God only. This world is insane! We both cracked the door open to darkness and what we both felt was hell itself. Years ago, my life was in ashes, with everything that I identified as me gone. That is when God loudly told me to ONLY listen to His Voice and not man’s and that is when He showed me how to rebuild my life founded on love. I’ve done that for over a decade, perhaps going on two, and in that time frame, I’ve created a beautiful life, one that has NOTHING to do with the world. I encourage you to get centered once again and to surround yourself with the Love of the Father. Only He is both of ours Source of how we live our life. Money means nothing to me, dear friend, only that it supplies the needs of myself and my family. I am very fortunate to have a husband who worked very hard all his life as I did, in order for us to not have to struggle in our retirement ages. Yes gold is worth so much more in the heart for when we have gold in our heart, we attract more gold to us effortlessly. I AM strong in the Lord and the power of His might. And so are you! I send you BIG (((HUGS))) and my love!! xoxoxoxo

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      1. Amen Amy, we are as you are. We worked hard despite the set backs of life and now enjoy retirement in the arms of creation. What a gift life is when your heart is free. Have a wonderful weekend Amy.

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    1. I AM standing in my truth, Mark. Thank you! This week has been seriously stressful. I’m disengaged and stand on FAITH that God truly has His Hand on the mess that is happening here in the USA. Nothing will deter me or stop me from loving the way I do. BIG (((HUGS)))!! xo

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    1. The exact same for me, Colleen. To live in anger and hatred is exhausting, and to be truthful I don’t know how anyone does it. I refuse to live that way and have for many a long year! Here is to the light!!! Amen!! Much love to you today! xo

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  12. I understand the feeling of slipping into a deep hole and thoughts of emptiness. But, dark hole will give way and light will shine through. Stay strong and hold on to your loved ones. xo

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    1. LeeAnn, just hold on. Truth shall be revealed. Keep your eyes on God. If you focus on the absolute insanity that is going on now you will get all chewed up. My faith I AM standing on and I will not step down. We are not a nation of fraud and corruption. If anything the connection with God is stronger then ever. Sending you much love!!! No matter what happens in the world, my relationship with God and my Inner Guidance no one will take from me! (((HUGS))) xoxo

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  13. That is such precious honesty in your sharing. Fear often comes in such massive waves, knocking us down breathless and weak in limbs. The mind gains momentum of the wave. There is no way out but through. And on the other side of it all wait the ocean of Love that we get to immerse in again. So amazing you found your ground and that ocean again. Those pictures such magnificent gifts to my eyes – you keep bringing these wonders through it all.

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    1. What is the point in life if we are not open and honest? If I have learned anything through these intense times, is that dishonesty never pays off.
      Fear ….. Prag ….. that comes I admit and there are times my anxiety is so high I can barely breathe. I do all I know how to get back to calm and I do! We all are human and not to admit we are not afraid at all, I find that hard to believe. Yes as you say on the other side is an ocean of love and that is my every intention of going every day.
      I am taking some time off from here for I have done a massive push back of the dark for months and now need me time. I saw your comment yesterday and today I made sure I answered you. Bless you and stay healthy and strong and safe. Sending much love and peace to you!!! xo

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      1. Take good care of yourself my noble friend. Will wait for your return whenever it is best for you.
        P.S. I am being inspired to uncover more levels of honesty myself, and your words are a contribution. Much Love.

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  14. Well said Amy🌹. I felt the shift on Thursday too. It’s hard to stay positive when that’s all anyone wants to talk about at work. ( at work, they see mostly what we see) I’m amazed that so many don’t see what is happening… how is that possible? How can they not feel it? It’s overwhelming for sure. All we can do is continue to shine….love is always the answer. At least that’s what I tell myself when fear creeps in. Hang in there my friend and continue to shine bright.😘 xoxo Zia

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    1. Zia, the “stress” of what is happening is effecting me and it is taking everything to keep my eyes on God and MY LIFE. Love IS always the answer and in our present circumstances, I believe with all my heart that LOVE will have the victory. Don’t loose faith, hope, and just no matter what it takes, stay high in love. I’ve been given SIGNS that when I publish my next post, will blow your mind. Sometimes when I see things in the natural world the “meaning” isn’t known right away. Well, today I received another sign this one in our backyard, and as I watched the dominos fell into place. God’s got this, dear friend. Keep breathing and believing and please do not stop praying. Sending you so much love!!! BIG (((HUGS)))!!! xoxoxoxo

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  15. “The Lord God is my strength, and he makes my feet like roes’ feet, guiding me on my high places.”
    (Habakkuk 3:19)
    👆whenever i get weary, this verse gives me strength.
    And what a beautiful and sincere post. God bless you

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  16. Sorry I haven’t been able to respond so quickly but your pics and wisdom are so gorgeous hon and your words are so beautiful omg❣️And inspirational!!! I’ve just been kinda in a rut it’s getting closer to V day and I’m definitely doing it cause it’s who and what I’ve always been and the way that my body’s developed I couldn’t ask for more or be disappointed at all I’m so proud and happy at the same time but there’s a few people that really make things hard but I’m really not caring about that I’m doing the best thing for me 💁🏻‍♀️❣️(Big Hugs) xoxo ❣️

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  17. Amazing story. I can relate to your thoughts. So well written. Let your inner light shine brighter.

    Wish you the best. Have a lovely day 😄

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  18. Now is a time when we need principle more than ever. Principle is something you can hang onto as an anchor to your soul when emotions try to sweep you away. Personally, I find myself watching less and less of the TV news, but reading more and more of the Good News.

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    1. I live my life upon principal and no I do not compromise. Some don’t like it, yet that is because this world teaches lying and cheating and greed are all right in order to get whatever you want. Not me! My Source for Inspiration is multi-faceted which keeps me empowered to keep standing and holding strong. Have a great weekend! xo


  19. I always enjoy a visit here!
    Amy, your beloved forest is absolutely stunning. The photos I saw of her all dressed in autumn, sun or clouds her light above are some of the richest I’ve ever seen.
    A few flowers, a few birds and some of your words….. my day is wonderful!

    Also, I want you to know that I have been chipping away at the body of the Art Gown. I sew by hand… needle in, needle out, needle in, needle out….. so it is a very meditative process. I love it!
    Over the last couple of weeks, I have been trying out different ways of making flowers.
    Although it’s inspired by gardens and your beautiful photography, I’m not actually building a garden. Also, I have to use up fabrics I have. The point is to NOT go buy new stuff, but use up what no one wants. So, it becomes an abstract beauty. I finally liked a flower I made, yesterday. I made another this morning. This is it! I have my flower technique, and am thrilled with what has evolved.
    Happily working away, an hour or 2 a day!

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    1. Thank you for the visit, Resa. It is always a pleasure to see you here. As for the gown … I am SO SO happy you figured out how to make the flowers. Diligence, determination …. patience …. always win out. Can’t wait to see. Keep sewing …. it is Zen. (smile) Much love to you! xoxo

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  20. dear and divine Amy ,
    We are mixture of Time Body and Timeless Soul and our Mind is a bridge between Body and Soul which is between left brain of time body and right brain of timeless soul .

    Brain is a powerful tool so understanding it with science one can be blissful all the time understanding all emotions including fear .

    I will be writing from my experience how brain and mind be our friend in my Enlightenment 360 , series .

    you are welcome to contact me to understand scientifically about brain to enjoy freedom of Mind .
    In 1984 , gone through many such experiences before divine illuminated my life and Wrote ” OWN ZERO ” . and from 1984 till today have blissful happiness.

    Atom has nucleus with Energy Zero what we term as Nectar or eternity so in time of fear or anxiety just take your conscious to your belly button , the center of your being and let body breath naturally .

    If you like to talk to me will share you my mobile number .

    God is always guides every human , have trust , you are a beautiful soul and human .

    love all.

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    1. Ram, a unfortunately have to graciously decline your offer. I am on a course of action right now that I will not deter from. I am touched and very very honored you asked me what you did. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. xo

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  21. I felt your breath Amy… And you are right, this is a Spiritual Battle… Light and Dark… And I know also those overwhelming feelings that come in waves to swamp us and drown us in our own reasoning… Where panic sets in, and our shoulders sag with the weight of what we came here to achieve, as doubt sets in..
    The negative waves, the constant bombardment of the phycological war-fare thrown to deliberately lower our vibrational field…
    But you know Amy… The LIGHT is here… This period of time is transforming from DARK TO LIGHT.. But there are those who need to see the Dark and those who need to release it, which needs bringing to the surface to expose it to the light..
    You know Amy, every good seed, first needs to be planted in the dark in order for it to grow..
    Humanity is now emerging out of that darkness, reaching up for the Light…
    And those proton belts of light waves are here and will amplify, so keep focused.. I know you are dear friend…
    We are all pushing back up through Mother… At one with her, and we know LOVE has already won..
    Sending HUGE hugs dearest friend… We are here together for this moment in time…
    WE ARE STRONG!…. ❤ ❤ ❤

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    1. Sue, so many will not look at the Truth and have their heads buried in the sand. I totally get it. The shock and the horror of what is actually going on is extremely difficult to see. As an Empath it is especially difficult for me to see, yet I am learning how to put a shield around myself. In order to be effective when I PRAY I must know what is going on. As someone said, we are getting 10 years worth of news within one year. It will probably take at least 10 years for us to fully comprehend the totality of what is happening. A firehose as I call it of information is pouring in, and we still don’t have the full picture.
      I love your analogy about the seed. So true. Only we gardeners understand that. New Growth actually begins in the dark. Yes, true. The MOST important part of Growth is roots for without roots, it is impossible to have Growth.
      I’ve been pushing back so hard, dear friend, and there are days I can barely stand. Today I am finally going out to my fav forest to drink in those rays and peace and healing. This “warrior” is taking time off. SO difficult to do …. my schedule is crazy right now.
      Sending you huge HUGS as well!! Yes LOVE has won but first all the cess must be swept away. And so it is! Much love to you on this most glorious day!! xo

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    1. I say good for you. These times we are living in right now are truly difficult to say the least. Fear will kill you and steal your thinking ability as well. I like you will not fear for with God in my heart, I know I am safe. Much love to you! xo


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