Deep Cuts

68 thoughts on “Deep Cuts”

  1. Your heart has many scars dear lady, each painful one leaving its mark so that you can see. Your sun has indeed come out for you and is a beautiful thing to witness, just like those lovely flowers so glorious at the top. Now that, like yours, is a beauty all its own 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋

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    1. You speak truth, Mark. In time this scar will produce beauty. I know it. For now however, I will nurture me. Despite the pouring rain today my inner sun is shining. Bless you, dear friend. xo

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    1. Thank you, Rob. People’s recent behaviors just don’t stop shocking me, especially those you just don’t see coming with the betrayal. I’m better for this experience and now I’m relieved I do not have to be around these people again. How sad that so many have fallen to fear. How sad. Much love to you!! xo

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      1. So true. So many have fallen to the mob. Here’s the opening paragraph from Douglas Murray’s book “The Madness of Crowds” :

        “We are going through a great crowd derangement. In public and in private, both online and off, people are behaving in ways that are increasingly irrational, feverish, herd-like and simply unpleasant. The daily news cycle is filled with the consequences. Yet while we see the symptoms everywhere, we do not see the causes.”

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      2. Sounds like a book I could get my nose in, Rob. Thank you for sharing what you did. It is exactly as Douglas Murray describes what is occurring now. Meanwhile, those of us who do not give in to the herd mentality, how do we exist? That is what I am contending with now.

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  2. I’m so sorry that you had to go through that, Amy. But I’m glad you’re in better place now. Sometimes though the cuts are deep, it’s better to cut off some people from your life. True friends are hard to come by and it’s always better to unmask ones who are just posing as true friends. Hang in there. Have a great day!

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    1. Thank you, Shweta. As each day unfolds, I see more blessings from out of this ordeal. I refuse to allow those in my personal circle who base their life from fear. My true friends stood by me as I went through the tears and the pain. A huge blessing from out of these troubled times is seeing people who they really are, and not what they wish others to see. Thank you so much for your kindness and compassion. Both I cherish. Bless you! xo


  3. Beautiful put Amy. I have no doubt you would come out stronger and more caring when all this is over. May God give us all wisdom to act righteously.
    Love and blessings

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    1. God bless you, Ashok. These “cuts” are so difficult for me yet ultimately, they are for my Higher Good. Going through the process, that is where I cling to God the tightest in order to bring understanding and healing to my mind and heart. Yes, may God give us all the wisdom to act righteously AND may our example be a shining light onto the world. Love and blessings to you!! xo

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  4. These past few months have been illuminating, in often painful ways. We truly are seeing people’s true selves, even while physical identities are obscured. It is time to find the tribe that supports us the most. Sending love, dear Amy.💖

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    1. Yes these past few months have been very illuminating, Julie. In a way it is only a confirmation for me that my “feelings” are true. I sensed the true essence of those two people many years ago, just however not seeing it until last week. How sad that so many are caving in to the dark, the dark that each one of us is capable of falling into that exists in our very selves. Many on the other hand, are finding their ” high tribe” which brings such relief to me. Many blessings came from out of this painful experience. Much love to you!! (((HUGS)))!! xo

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  5. It makes me sad to read this. During these difficult times we need to help and support each other not hurt and alienate each other. I’m not going to say I can imagine what you have endured, but I can tell the trials and tribulations have been so very difficult for you. However, I can tell you are a tough woman who can be beaten down only to a point, but never completely broken. While the scars may always remain, you are victorious in your resilience and choosing to cling to the bright side, allowing your manifold beauty to shine through the darkness. Hold fast. Stay steady. Rock on. The kitties and I send you love, hugs, purrs, and kitty kisses.

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    1. Tim, what I see before my eyes is that compassion, kindness, and empathy are being squeezed out of you. This [to me] is beautiful! I have not had the easiest of lives, yet I tend to have a very sensitive nature so that when I get punched from out of the blue, I take it hard. I’ve for many years insisted my life be founded in love and that is not about to change any time soon. There was such a blessing in all this …. being shown the truth in regards to people I considered my friends, I discovered they had been living a lie. My choice as a result is to walk away from those whose foundation is fear. Why? Fear is contagious!!
      Thank you SO much for the love, hugs, purrs and kitty kisses. I am really touched!! (((HUGS)))!! xo

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    1. You are welcome, Catherine. BIG HUGS coming your way for when you told me you can relate, I know how painful your heart has been at times. Ultimately we are now seeing the true faces of those around us. Much love to you! xo

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    1. Thank you, Kamal. This truthfully was not my first post which was written from the wounded child’s perspective. I chose instead to write from the victor’s stance and the wisdom that I gained through this painful experience. Another thank you for understanding why I chose the flower I did for my words. Bless for being a part of my life and being witness to the growth that is occurring in my life. Much love to you! xo


      1. You are welcome always dear Amy and I too am so happy to be a part of your life and nice to be friends with you who are such a lovely and beautiful person. Love and light to you too. Happy day 🙏🙏🙏🙏🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷

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  6. Dearest Amy, it is often those deepest cuts that sever us from being held to ransom. And I am sorry you went through yet more pain.. But it sometimes is the only way those lessons come to us, to enable us to cut clean of those whose energies are no longer similar to our own…
    The World at large now is hurting, wounding itself over and over, in the emotional circles of repeated victim-hood. While many are subservient, who bow down not questioning, so as not to rock the boat, While at the opposite end of the scale there are those too who now are finding their power, not always in a loving way, but whose new found power of controlling others is enjoying their own ego ride..
    I think we need the middle ground… I like you Amy, stand in my own power. I stand in that power of Love and knowing my own sovereign rights as a human being…
    Knowing what we think we create, and once we separate ourselves from those energies of others than no longer serve our higher purpose, but honour our own integrity, because at the end of the day, the only thing we can master is ourselves.. Our own inner environment, and when we have learnt to master that.. Then our outer environment will follow…
    God works in mysterious ways Amy… And the world is purging out so much right now… And its more important than ever to have true friends who understand and stand with us when we need them most…
    Sending continued love and support Amy… And I look forward to the flowers..
    Much love dear Amy ❤

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    1. It is in those deepest cuts that we find our biggest freedoms, Sue. Oh yes it takes so much out of us to go through the process as you well know, yet, the outcome when it does come brings with it profound joy and satisfaction that we rose to the challenge to help ourselves.
      Too many pounded by fear and watching those who inflict dictatorship upon the world, have in turn copied that behavior in order to cope with their level of fear the is threatening to kill their soul. What they don’t understand is that by selling themselves to fear, only death will be evident in their lives until they realize fear is not the answer but love and integrity and righteousness are. They will only create hell for themselves until hopefully one day they are so engulfed in agony they finally submit to defeat, crumble, and then allow God to rebuild them according to the Divine Order. These times are for those who do not know how to stand strong for themselves or who know who they are. Hopefully many backbones will strengthen and many hearts will be set right. I know where you and I stand and because we did do the hard work in order to be where we are today, we know how to stand tall and know how to maintain order in a world that has gone mad with chaos and violence. YES!! This is the time to learn how to be our own masters. I so agree!
      I may not have many “true friends” but this I do know …. the friends I do have are true and for that I am so deeply grateful, knowing these friendships are blessings in my life. You know I consider you a friend, a true one, Sue, and for this I am humbled and honored. God bless you for standing by me and honoring yourself and those who walk with you. WE are the light that has come into this world! Much love to you!! XO

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      1. Such truth in your words Amy, I have to remind myself often, that while we are all on this Earth journey, not all are on the same path.
        Or are the at the same level of awareness. I send those misguided souls, love.
        While others whom have chosen their darker paths, from choice, will one day have the mirror held up in front of them to see themselves for who they are.
        All we can do is be responsible for ourselves, our own actions, thoughts and deeds. And I know I can live with myself, quite comfortably.
        Many thanks for your lovely response Amy ❤️, speak soon and much love returned.💖🥰

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      2. “All we can do is be responsible for ourselves, our own actions, thoughts and deeds. And I know I can live with myself, quite comfortably.”
        AGREED!!! Bless you, Sue!! xo

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  7. Hi Amy! First of all – what a beautiful photo, so clear and simple, colorful and gentle. I love it. You speak much truth dear friend. These times are pushing us beyond where we have gone before and bringing up very old wounds. Sounds like you are diving right in there and allowing the hurt, pain and betrayal to surface for healing. You are stronger because of it. Have you ever heard that it takes as much heat and pressure to unforge a wound as it did to make it. Sometimes I remember this and realize – aha – that’s why this is so intense! I love your coined phrase – I say: take the first step and the rest (God) will be revealed. Awesome!! All good and I’m happy to hear you are taking care of you and your recent cut. Much love to you!! Donna

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    1. Donna! OH I am so happy to see you here. You understand where these words came from and what had to be achieved before they could be written. Thank you by the way for being there in the process when I fell apart. Yes I am stronger because of what I went through and not only that, knowing I do not have to face these people again brings such relief to me. Finding out they really were not my friends at all was devastating, yet I’d rather be devastated then lied to. Funny how extreme stress brings out in many of us our worse natures.
      You telling me about it taking as much heat and pressure to heal a wound as it did to make it, is the first I heard that. That sentence right there confirms again this is another wound straight from my childhood, a childhood where I was not taught how to socialize or how to make friends. I’ve learned that for myself over the years. So the loss of people thinking they were friends, oh yes goes so so very deep. I even had a nightmare this morning upon wakening which mirrored so many of the emotions I experienced within this lesson. Release. What sweet agony!
      And how cool you have a familiar phrase as I do about taking the first step. No surprise there. Walking blindly …. done that been there so many times. (smile)
      Much love to you, dear friend. I so appreciate you and am just so touched we have become good friends. Bless you and those you love!! (((HUGS))) xo

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  8. What can I say, Amy? Other than that Mother Nature will never abandon you, and I know you take great comfort from her and from all the beauty around you. I’m sorry that you’ve been betrayed by “friends”, but maybe they weren’t really friends after all. As one who’s struggling through her own dark phase at the moment, I think sometimes all you can do is let go and move on. Hopefully, this time next year everyone will be feeling stronger and more in control of their own lives. Hugs.

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    1. Aw, CM, bless you! No these people were not real friends. Not at all. I’d rather be hurt as I was then to continue the lie that I was cared for by these people. We all are going through dark times, dear friend, for that is the purpose of these extremely “ungodly” times. So many old wounds that were hidden within me have bubbled up to the surface and even though it is so painful to face these wounds and then to do the process to let them go, I am the better person for them. I pray that this time next year some semblance of normalcy has returned. I am in control of my life … I refuse to allow anyone to take that from me. This is the time to understand we and only we are the masters of ourselves. Much love and peace to you. Hang on. If you ever need a friend, you know where I am. (((HUGS))) xo

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  9. This is a great insight about our nature and dislike changes. It is hard to keep up or be mindful when change occur to us. This is a good reminder of the nature that changes are part of it too.

    Gorgeous picture as well!

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    1. Thank you, YC. None of us are fond of changes. And the deepest changes are those that hurt the most. I’m really glad you both enjoyed this post and related to it. That tells me you are doing the work that needs to be done in order for you to embrace who you really are. Good for you!! And thank you on my picture. xo

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    1. What an incredibly beautiful statement to make, Eliza. Thank you! It does seem there is a theme in my life where I insist on returning to the light after being plunged deep within doing shadow work. May your day be blessed!! xo

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    1. It’s just not advice as I see it, Jude, but a rendering how I approached a situation coming to the realization the truth behind the hurt. And so I shared with the intention that what I learned and why, could be helpful to others. May you have a beautiful day today! Much love to you! xo

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  10. Everyday your inspiration moves up another notch. We learn so much from life and the things it throws at us. You have always given me the impression of being a person who has taken her punches, and you remain standing.

    Motivating post.

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    1. Thank you, Drew, so much! Oh yes I have known my share of punches, believe you me, yet I’ve learned I’d rather stand tall then be thrown down and stay there. I decided a while ago I would share what I am learning, not from the victim but rather from the victor, with the intention that those who read my words would um think (smile), and apply my wisdom to their lives. Good to see you again! KNOW you have been on my heart a lot and I am just so relieved to see your precious gravatar once again. Much love to you and WELCOME BACK!! xo

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  11. Dear Amy,
    I agree that deep cuts and adversary experiences are catalysts for change.
    I am a very positive person, and do learn from trying experiences. Yet, every once in awhile, I go through something that I’ve been through before, in a different way, with a different person, but the lesson learned is a repeat.
    It seems to me a small part of life is relearning something I already know, only now I know it better.
    OMG, your flower pictures are phenomenal. You take the best pictures and I look forward to more flowers. The new Art Gown is about 75-80% done. It’s been a bit of a slow one, as my creative energies have been hither and yon. Nonetheless, after weeks of sewing sequins, one by one, needle in, needle out, (very Zen and relaxing), I am feeling the home stretch is very close.
    I’m sew excited for my next Art Gown! Your flowers are so exciting, it’s no wonder I will do an Art Gown inspired by that beauty!
    JOY Fielding!!! I’ve read almost all her books. She is my hubby’s 1st cousin. She is my cousin-in-law! I adore her! I hope the book was good. xoxoxo

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    1. The cuts, Resa, just get deeper and deeper as we dig out that cess that no longer serves us well. Thank you on my flowers …. more I posted today. (smile) I understand what you are saying about applying yourself to what you love to do. I’ve been struggling myself, believe me! As for JOY Fielding, LOL. What a small world. I won’t forget for a long time that it was one of her books that I finally again connected to my JOY of reading. I’m so relieved that my ability to dive into a good book was not permanently damaged by the shock of current events. Take good care and sending much love your way!! (((HUGS)))!! xo

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  12. I think I know of what you speak Amy and my heart feels but I also sense how resilient you are. Change is never easy and it seems these days that it’s all around us, those challenges and situations that are often so confronting. But if faced in truth and integrity as you do then, yes we grow and ultimately thrive. Keep shining my friend and take good care. xx 💕✨🌸

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    1. Human beings, especially as we age gracefully get set in our ways. (smile) So yes change is not easy and then the new takes some getting used to. One thing is for sure I’ve done more inner work and more healing in the past months then I have total in all the years I’ve been traveling on the healing journey. You keep shining too!! Sending much love and peace to you this day!! xo

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  13. Ah Amy I feel with you as our mind and bodies go through such emptying and cleansing! We are so fragile (beautiful photo) and it’s a wonderful we can come through these times… again and again. Until all within and around us aligns up to our future presence of being love incarnate… that attracts new friends to us. Sending you big hugs as I know the delicate feeling of being ripped apart literally! Take care, rest and I look forward to more beautiful flowers❤️

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    1. Yes, Barbara, we are fragile and to go through these very painful experiences are so draining and devastating. Yet I’d rather be devastated then not see the truth. In that devastation state that is where healing takes place IF we allow it to. Or we can allow it to fester which I will NOT do!
      I AM attracting a group of “new” which is a wonderful feeling indeed. Most people yet are so filled with fear and inaction and pain that to find those who SEE is such a huge gift to me. Thank you for the hugs and I’m so sorry you understand the “ripping apart literally” experience. That sucks yet as I said it does give rise to growth and healing. Much much love and peace to you, dear friend!! xo

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  14. Very inspirational words dear soooooo amazing❣️ and such gorgeous colors on the flowers 🌸 I got a phone call yesterday from my mom yesterday and ended up at the lake sitting in the sun 🌞 in my bikini 👙 with my mom,sister and some gf’s another girls day 👯‍♀️It was amazing I truly feel like one of the girls 👩🏻Thanks for being wise and inspirational babe ((BIGHUGS)) xox StacyAnne 💁🏻‍♀️❣️

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    1. SOOOOOO happy your Mom is accepting you, Stacy Anne. I knew she would! She loves you no matter what. Oh for the JOY!! You are one of the girls!! SMILE!! xoxoxo


  15. I’ve heard it said we make one good friend every seven years. For me this does seem to be true, however even some of these no longer exist because I changed for the better, thank God, and they did not like the newer me. But I realise the season for them is over and thank God for the lessons learnt. God has given me much to do so visiting with friends is not always possible, but I do keep up with the friends who understand the change and am very thankful for them.

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    1. Caroline, I’ve had similar experiences. I don’t want people who pull me down or drain me. And if others cannot accept me for who I am, I’d prefer them not to be in my life either as a friend. I agree with you … there are always lessons to be learned. That is life. You just keep doing what your heart tells you to do and you will be fine. BIG SMILE!! xo


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