Pockets Of Hope

96 thoughts on “Pockets Of Hope”

  1. It’s like we aren’t given the freedom of choice anymore. Well, except THAT choice, which has not been altered during COVID. Beautiful photos of all that is life affirming and free during the summer of lemmings, 2020. Keep on being you, Amy❤️🌹

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    1. Hi, Rob. I’ve made up my mind only those places that uphold kindness and respect by treating people like humans instead of dangers I will give my business to. I refuse to subject myself to the insanity that is out there. It thrills me knowing that others have chosen to walk in love, not in fear. As for our freedom of choice, I’m intending even though “the powers at be” are violating those freedoms, I’m still making my own choices despite them. Me being me …. huh …. that’s all I know to be. LOL Hope you have a really great weekend! Sending you much love and hugs!! xoxoxo

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  2. Man that is some washer Amy, 31.5 years has to be a record. I hope you gave it a good sendoff? 😂 🤣
    And to celebrate you show us some very beautiful flowers dear lady, how could we not be full of joy to see these. Your garden must be almost paradise itself 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋
    And I cheated, I couldn’t bare that agony of shuffling among the sterilized rows so I have become a digital library reader online. And no, it loses it magic…the smell of a digital tablet just doesn’t have that book smell or flutter of pages. And if you fall asleep reading and drop it, it costs a lot to replace. Books are built to bounce 😂 🤣

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    1. Mark, when we first bought that washer, it pooped out after the first six months of using it. Hubby, being the journeyman machine repair person that he is, repaired my washer, saying that the factory never set it up properly. So I really have my hubby to thank for giving me a long relationship with my washer. Today he is installing my new one.
      And as for my library that I normally go to, I am SOOOO relieved that the “energy” is not caustic like the other one I had gone to. I am not an e-book reader. There is nothing like holding a book, smelling a book and getting lost in the wonders of said book.
      My gardens are mostly in the in-between stages right now, perfect for me to get to them to do major trim work which is badly needed. Between the heat and the rain, I’ve got a mini jungle theme going on in places. My roses “were” gorgeous and I am crossing fingers the second round are more so. I looked closely just yesterday at them and insects are attacking my rose bushes so pruning is being done today. I sprayed them last evening in an attempt to kill those insects before they kill my rose bushes. Insects this year have been brutal.
      Anyways, I am so happy that you commented, Mark. And it is good to see those laughing faces …. hoping that you are in a good place. Don’t give up on the libraries. I encourage you to find one where love flows. Have a great weekend and a beautiful day!! Much love to you!! xo

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    1. The stories I am hearing how no one was prepared for what happened and how manufacturing is so far behind. We got so lucky that the place where we bought our washer, they allowed us to buy their floor model. Thank goodness because otherwise we would have had to wait 3 weeks if not more. I have a huge load of laundry that is sopping wet in one of our sanity sinks from when our washer died yesterday. I must do at least one load of laundry today! Everyone is doing their best, Dan, some better then others and still some others taking advantage of this time in history acting like the militia. (think grocery store) I am SO concerned that no one will ever recover from such a setback as we all have experienced. I pray that businesses get back to normal and soon. There are many still here NOT open and I don’t know how they are going to survive such a long absence of income. Hope you have a great weekend. xo

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  3. Hi Amy! Wonderful adventure and so happy your library was human-friendly! I have to confess though, I found it challenging reading your story because I kept being pulled into the wondrous photos of your beautiful garden!! Absolutely gorgeous and so alive!! Sorry to hear that your old washer packed up – they don’t make them like they used to, but at least you found a replacement!! My motto is let go and let God – it works!! Much love and have a great weekend!! Donna

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    1. Donna, yes this was an adventure of sorts which thank goodness had a happy ending. Sorry for the distraction my flowers created. Even me when I was editing kept gazing at them. Gorgeous just gorgeous. My roses are for the most part in the in-between stage preparing for round 2, and yesterday I noted that the insects were voraciously attacking so I sprayed them. I have yet to prune those stems that had been attacked … hopefully tomorrow will do so. Oh yes my gardens are very alive with so many birds and critters about.
      Washer …. we bought a Speed Queen, commercial brand, and it is supposed to last a good 15-20 years. We’ll see. Only time will tell. I thank God we did find a replacement because when my washer died it died with a load of laundry in it, water and all. It was mandatory I do that load today! I absolutely agree about letting go and letting God. Yes it does work. Much love to you as well and may your weekend be wonderful!!! (((HUGS)))!! xo

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  4. How wonderful Amy! I’m so glad you were able to rekindle your love affair with reading but especially that you were given that gift of care and compassion at your local library. Yes, hope is alive and so is the human spirit and connection. We just need to choose where we focus our attention. Loved your post and RIP to your washer too. Cycles of change in every area of life!! 😊 Big hugs and lots of love from me. xxxx ❤️

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    1. Miriam, take this encouragement into your life and know really know, there is a growing kindness and compassion movement that is truly evident. People are more willing to connect now, to talk to one another now, and since we all have been under this tyranny, we KNOW what the other is feeling. Many good things are coming from this. Thank you for coming on over to read this post. I wish I could do more for you ….. Big hugs and lots of love!!! xoxoxoxoxo


    1. Thank you, Gigi. My roses are in-between now gearing up for round two or roses. I had to spray them last evening seeing how insects have attacked and this weekend I have every intention of pruning the damage off that these insects inflicted. Perhaps another round of fertilizer I will apply as well. Hope you are having a really great weekend!! xo


  5. Amy, I recently had a strange church experience. The usher said the pews would be thoroughly cleaned after we sat on them! and seated us every other aisle. I left before the service was over, it just wasn’t the same. (not my church, a church I was visiting), but still made me realize, when my church opened, this is what it would be like. Wow! What a difference. I did feel some humanity yesterday at Trader Joe’s where people are relaxing more and singing into their masks! to the music being piped in. That was sweet. It’s those little moments of connection where you notice some things getting back to normal, even with a mask. It feels harshest when you come back to a place you loved, and it’s looking at you as 1 big germ! Instead of welcoming you. I think once the library is open a little longer, hopefully they’ll figure out how to do this better, and people will relax if they don’t get sick, and everyone will feel more at home. You’ll have to see. In the meantime, I’m happy going out in nature, where people are mostly friendly, especially on my block. And that’s something that’s better than before the pandemic. People that are strangers greet each other warmly, and that’s become a gift. It’s like they appreciate each other more. Beautiful flowers by the way! Just love ’em.

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    1. Oh, Linda, how sad that churches are doing what they are. What happened to separation of church and state? These measures that are being taken are just so extreme and an insult to humanity at large. What an awesome experience at Trader Joe’s. Thank you for telling me. I actually have a huge smile on my face imagining people singing. If they can sing in Trader Joe’s why not church? Churches here do not allow singing. Just shaking my head in disgust.
      I thank goodness the library I usually frequent was NORMAL except for the masks. I am so relieved that the energy in this place was nothing in comparison to the other library!
      I’ve begun questioning people why they look at me with fear in their eyes? Really? We’ve always had microbes in the air and nothing soon is going to change that. So why be nasty or hurtful towards each other?
      I’m mostly out in Nature just like you, Linda.
      And yes, strangers are so eager now (some not all) to talk, to share, to smile, to say hello and ask how I am doing. It’s wonderful! That change and many more I have witnessed are coming out of this mess. Humans have begun to remember they are humans who need social contact and touch.
      Thank you for stopping by and leaving this comment. I pray that over time, many things will settle down and people will just stop being so darn fear-filled. God is not about fear. Just the opposite in fact. He’s all about love.
      May you have a glorious weekend!! Bless you! xoxoxo

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  6. I used to work at the downtown Buffalo library & I stopped going years ago because it’s a depressing place, for a variety of reasons …. the coffee shop on the first floor … the loud music they play there … the destruction of the children’s room … the destruction of the entire second floor, which was where most of the science & technology books were … & the fact that I can’t find anything I want to read. I have to “request” these books & that costs me 25 cents per book. While that’s not a lot of money, it does add up. & most of the books I want to read, the library doesn’t even own anymore … they’ve sold them long ago. No … I won’t be going to a Buffalo & Erie County Library anytime soon & it has nothing to do with the coronavirus.

    I buy books from either Thriftbooks.com or Abebooks.com. If I absolutely cannot find what I want from either of these booksellers, I go to Amazon but I try not to buy from Amazon at all … Jeff Bezos doesn’t need my money. Or anyone else’s.

    There used to be so many lovely little branch libraries in the city of Buffalo & all over Erie County & they’ve been closed for one reason or another. I truly loved working for BECPL back in the day … but that was a long time ago. & everything changes.

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    1. I don’t know where you live, but I highly recommend Julia Boyer Reinstein Library. https://librarytechnology.org/library/10317.
      I’ve always had the best of luck there and not only that, the environment is so warm and loving. Not all libraries are the same as I found out through my journey. I am so so grateful for this library and for the people who work there. I consider myself so lucky to have this library in my life. I almost fell to my knees in gratitude when I first walked in, feeling as though I had come HOME. Much love to you this day! xo


  7. How splendid, Amy that atleast you could enter your old library and enjoy reading books again. They give us so much satisfaction we could be reading for hours together and that too you picked up such a Joyful book to read. Happy reading and your flowers of beauty are stupendous. Have a wonderful day.

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    1. I love reading, Kamal, and to have that ability back to have my mind focus in a good book is a joy like no other! I am having a wonderful day, thank you! My gardens this year have been splendid indeed, giving me such intense color and beauty! May your day have been full of smiles and joy! Much love to you!! xo


      1. This is so beautiful to hear and that our nature too supports us when we truly take care with our love. Same here Amy I too love reading books and going to libraries but here too all our libraries are closed. 😊😊😊😊😊

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    1. Thank you, Tim. I would agree with you that my roses are gorgeous. They need some TLC right now so that round 2 of roses is as good if not better then round 1. Hope you are having a great weekend! xo

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  8. The new norms…some are going o overboard implementing ..
    Getting used to a new environment is not easy…
    But yes a human got to be treated like a human…
    Reading can only be indulged in a conducive environment ..

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    1. I refuse to acknowledge anything having to do with the “new norms” that media is cramming down people’s throats. NO! As for the confusion that is all over the place, is it any wonder? Look at the massive amount of conflicting information (misinformation) we are receiving and not only that the conflicting actions of those very ones who are mandating this that and the other. They do not even follow what they are saying for us to do. The fear is horrible and it is SO gratifying that people with the ability to think things through, are acting within love and respect and not fear despite the tyranny that is being forced upon humankind. Those places of businesses who radiate light will find their businesses booming while those who are implementing fear will find themselves without customers or very few. I am following my heart and in so doing, I’m finding the nicest people who refuse to allow anyone to destroy their humanity. Many blessings are coming from this tragedy. Many. And I rejoice. I am SO grateful for the library that I normally go to! Bless them for adhering to decency and their humanity. Our world is in such need of hope, of rays of light, of knowing that this darkness will not destroy us. People are waking up to the truth and are doing something about it. Krish, I encourage you to find those nuggets of hope and grab on! xo


      1. Yes..there is a ‘ misinformation’ overload ..people and even institutions are trying to mislead common people ….selling stories…selling fear ..
        Yes are others who are spreading awareness….who are instilling confidence ..helping people get back to normal ways of life…
        But we cannot deny that Covid 19 has brought in a change…a change which will stay for long…
        It has also brought along opportunities…to change for better… opportunity to explore own mind. .
        Fortunately my personal life has mot been affected by the virus…for me life goes on as routine ..so may be i may not be able to exactly empathize with people whose life has been affected…yes lives have been affected. .people have lost their source of incomes ….when we are thinking and finding ways to realise our hobbies..there are others who are spending sleepless nights trying to figure out new ways to generate income…to get food..

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      2. I agree our lives have changed due to present day circumstances. That I am not denying. I just will not cave into what those of fear are screaming at us to “sell” as the new normal. I am so happy for you that you have not been effected, believe me. Basically my life hasn’t either except I have not been able to do my very important PT since March, which I am improvising for as best as I can. Our gyms are not yet open which effects so many lives. My friend owns her own hair salon and while she had to close she was forced to take loans out to put food on her table for herself and her family. I see so many places yet deserted and my heart just cries out to those who are struggling to stay afloat, stay sane, and to hopefully get their businesses running again when they can. Others (too many) have gone belly up unable to continue. So many small businesses are bankrupt while Walmart and Target were allowed to stay open this entire time. Thank you for seeing those “pockets” of people who are aware and who doing their best to make a difference. I know I am in my everyday life and on this blog of mine. I think we are going to see many new inventions, many new ways of doing business, many new businesses when people begin to pull themselves together. The soul shattering shocks all of us have had will effect us for the rest of our lives. I know I myself have jumped at a noise I did not expect, something I did not do before. If I did not have God in my life and kept strong in my faith, I would have fallen a long time ago to fear. I believe we are going to come out of this on the other side and it will be with God, not fear. Those who stubbornly cling to fear, will not mingle with those of us who are under God’s mantle. Again, their choice.
        I cherish this conversation. Thank you! May you receive many Blessings for blessing me today!! (((HUGS)))!! xo


  9. I could literally feel what you meant with the different energy in your library. It warmed my heart too.
    Oh, and those flowers, Amy! There are so many I have in my garden too. Beautiful! I enjoy my garden so much more and appreciate it even more than I already did. I am living in a paradise and don’t need to go far for rejuvenating and enjoying nature to the fullest. We have canceled our vacation to Greece and I am very relieved. This will come again but this time we will explore more of our beautiful neighbor country, Switzerland.

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    1. Oh what a beautiful compliment, Erika, telling me you could literally feel the different energy from each library. I was SO relieved to not only be back in the one I go to, but as well knowing those who manage and work at this library, are not living in fear. And yes the flowers this year I have cherished more so then any other year. From out of all this mess I have come to cherish life so much more. I am so happy for you that you are living in paradise too. And very smart canceling your trip to Greece right now. So much is so uncertain and unstable. You are so lucky to be able to explore Switzerland! May your weekend be filled with gifts and smiles and so much love!! Bless you!! xo

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      1. Thank you so much, Amy! I believe that relaxed atmosphere at the library which takes away the energy of fear helps to strengthen the Immun system (while fear weakens). Of course, we all need to stick to the measures but without fear.
        I will post some photos of my garden in the coming weeks. It is still in the beginning of its growth since we remodeled it completely this year but it is a paradise anyway indeed.
        Thank you, Amy, and you have a blessed and beautiful weekend too. 💖😃💖

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      2. Exactly, Erika. Fear weakens the immune system and especially now it is vitally important to surround ourselves as best we can with light and with love. It is not possible for me not to be affected and at times the fear still creeps in, and I know my stress needs to come down. I don’t go out often but when I do I am very selective as to where I do go. Thank goodness for my husband who does the majority of the shopping.
        I look forward to seeing pictures of your gardens. I haven’t been blogging as much as I used to so if I am not online when you post, please drop me a link here at my blog. Have a beautiful Sunday!! Keep on shining and smiling and spread your light!! xo

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      3. You know, and that is what I think is important: finding ways to keep the fear as low as possible. You found ways and the strong and fearless vibes you send out are of healing for everyone.
        Ok, Amy, thank youI will do that with pleasure. You keep your happy heart shining too, dear friend 🌞💖🌞

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      4. God bless you, Erika!! I needed to hear these words right now. A commenter turned my lovely post into a war zone and accused me of being political. I was intending ONLY to give people HOPE. (((HUGS)))!! xo

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      5. I am very sorry to hear that Amy. But I can confirm that I have not understood it any different than as a hope-giving post. Thank your for being a light here on WordPress, dear friend 💖


  10. The richness of these images! I feel like I’ve been enveloped in petals, the best hug ever.
    Those rare, random compassionate connections are so precious right now. One thing about masks is that the eyes are the focus. After a nightmarish day at work yesterday morning where I saw mostly glares, I caught a look of such compassion from one lady. One whom, based on her high-maintenance outer appearance, I’d never expect to care. I so needed it.
    Happy reading, Amy! I’m reading a book called “The Hidden Life of Trees” which is a book about how trees communicate with each other. It’s giving me an even deeper connection to my forest.

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    1. LOL@Julie! You are just so cute sometimes! Me giving you the best hug ever through my petals. Cool! These incidences of compassion and a willingness to socialize are becoming more and more common, thank goodness! I’ve committed myself to only go to places that are operating on the Law of love. I refuse to give my business to people who are in fear and who treat me like a germ. I’ve always made eye contact which in the past have made some uncomfortable. I love these connections that I am witnessing as the love blossoms that is meant to. And I am so happy for you that you are reading a good book too. There is nothing like getting lost in a book. I am SO relieved I am able to focus and read again.
      Forest …. It’s been so hot here I’ve not been in one for a while. Can’t remember the last time I had a camera in my hands. Hopefully with the rain we are getting today things will cool off some here. May your weekend be filled with peace and wonder and Connection. Much love to you, dear friend!! xo

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    1. Oh, Eliza, I am so sorry to hear this. The joy I am receiving just from browsing …. I pray your libraries are open soon and that your experience there will be a pleasant one. My gardens have been spectacular this year. Right now, however, most are in the in-between stages which require from me TLC. Have a great Sunday!! xo

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  11. “Fortunately my personal life has not been affected by the virus” is one of the comments above . Here in the UK almost 50,000 people’s lives have been affected by Covid-19. They are dead.
    Masks stop the disease spreading. Gloves stop the disease spreading. Plastic shields stop the disease spreading. Hand sanitizers stop the disease spreading.
    This is not a political issue. It is simple science. And if you care for your neighbour, you will do all of these simple things to keep him safe. And he or she will do the same for you.

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    1. JOHN, THIS IS NOT A POLITICAL POST. How on earth did you arrive at and conclude that this is a political post? This is a post about HOPE and nothing more. My God! We all need HOPE right now! The link I provided is from the CDC warning the public about certain brands of hand sanitizers that contain toxic ingredients. If you had clicked on it, you would have discovered this fact for yourself. As for science, no one can agree on anything leaving us all with massive amounts of misinformation, and not only that, it is not science making the rules but those who are in seats of power who are.
      The person who told me her life was not effected, that is HER story and I am glad for her. Please do not look unkindly upon her for the experience she is having. We all are doing are best to get through this nightmare. All of us.

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  12. Oh Amy, I relate to your appreciation of feeling loving energy! Me too! AND so glad you found out you hadn’t lost your joy for reading… although you’ll find as we align more and more with love, we become more choosy about what we read❤️ AND your washer… what a gift she was. Thankyou as always for sharing your beauty🥰 much love💃🏼

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    1. You are absolutely correct in that as my energy becomes purer and higher, my taste in reading material I will be even more selective in. Perhaps that is why it took me so long to find some good books. As for my washer, Barbara, …. oh yes blessing indeed! How incredible “flow” is when one’s life is in that flow. Much love to you!! xo

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  13. Your Garden flowers are beautiful Amy you have captured their magic… As for the magic of the world… We dear friend have to stay within our hearts and hope the rest will catch up with our perspectives on life , love and fears..
    Many are caught between a rock and a hard place within their view points right now… And my own experience within my first hair appointment in four months, was of a similar kind.. Sterile and Emotionally charged, driven by the narrative of division..
    Having to give my details fill out a government form, and apart from being sprayed with hairspray at the end, I felt like a bug myself, about to be sprayed with disinfectant as each thing was wiped down as my disposable apron was binned…. Sigh…
    The world is not going to change anytime soon Amy…
    So Keep those Pockets of Hope my dear friend… We need them…
    Much love and Mega Hugs your way my friend.. ❤
    And Like you, I have not been travelling in WP as often, or sat on my computer… The Garden is my priority and Sleep! Lol As I travel the World of Dreams.. 🙂

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    1. My gardens were beautiful, Sue. Now they are in remission so to speak and getting ready to flower again. So to help them I am doing whatever it takes to get them there.
      I am staying in my own world as best I can. The world at large is a very unfriendly place right now yet I am meeting some truly bright lights out there. I had one conversation today in fact where I admitted I believe most people do not take conversation for granted any more, and the woman agreed with me adamantly.
      SO sorry to hear about your hair ordeal. OMG! Talk about going to extremes. But thank goodness you got yours done. How awful however to witness two people almost coming to blows with one another. How upsetting and how truly juvenile! People are SO divided! And it is scary!
      I was just told by hubby our Christopher Columbus statue in our downtown has been taken down. My mouth just dropped open. What? WHY? For the love of God, this BLM is SO out of control and our government is allowing it to continue. What in the world does Columbus have to do with this movement is totally beyond me. Nothing makes sense, Sue. Nothing.
      I am sending you so much love and so many hugs. I honestly don’t know where this is all headed but if it were not for my home, my family and the little piece of Paradis we have, I wouldn’t be here today. I know. I have peace and I walk unafraid. BIG HUGS!!! xoxoxoxo

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      1. Its not just your statues Amy… They have taken some prominent statues down here in the UK also.
        A few weeks ago Pensioners stood to defend the taking down of the statue in Poole Quay, As it was thought it may be a target… The statue was a monument to Robert Baden-Powell the founder of the Scouts movement… But locals stood firm.. To stop its removal…. The article was in the Express.co.uk. Under BadenPowell Statue: Where one woman said Quote from the article.. ” One local woman told Sky News: “It’s history, isn’t it? Are they going to take the Coliseum and Pyramids down next?”..
        Stay in your peace bubble Amy.. Much love my friend ❤

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      2. As I told hubby you cannot erase history. You cannot rewrite history. History is what is. And thank goodness for people standing strong. We need more strong people NOW! Much love, dear friend!! xo

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      3. I am seeing it in people of all ages, Sue. My mouth just for example, doesn’t quit these days. I’m stunned at times what I hear myself saying. I am NOT playing games in any way in any form any longer. I’m staying quiet however when I see others who need to SEE on their own …. my discerning has gotten extremely sensitive and very strong. WE, THE PEOPLE will come to our rescue. I am seeing very bright lights walking among us and those who are awake 100%. What a joy to behold! I have faith in humanity! xoxoxo

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    2. PS I am watching Lori right now and it makes perfect sense what I’ve been going through. Just told hubby today I’ve been so nauseous and today a bad smell coming off of me yet I cannot source it. Hmmmm ….. letting go finally!

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      1. Yes…. She makes a lot of sense in many things she says Amy… And this is happening in the collective, and people have no idea why they are feeling as they do.. We have done years of our shadow work in resolving our past traumas… Yet still we get some aspect still surfacing we had no idea we were carrying… People in general have no clue to the Historic karma they carry within them or the past life wounds or childhood hidden hurts…. So its going to get rough for many, including us, if we do not realise and let go, Accept and learn that all of it has to be purged out… ❤

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      2. I’ve been through these purges before, Sue, and I know from past experiences that when they are over, how wonderful I feel. I’ve had so much trauma inflicted upon me, done so many things that hurt and betrayed others, and even though I am walking on the Higher Path, these layers are deep that need to be cleansed. I’ve gotten to the point that when I feel like this, I just take it easy. Been there. Thank you for sharing that video. Perfect timing for me! SMILE!! xo

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    1. I love Cosmos too, Alexander. They brighten up my gardens with yellow stars of light. And how touching they remind you of your Grandmother. I’m smiling knowing I gave you this gift today. xo

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  14. Thank you Amy for sharing these beautiful images and words that offer us pockets of hope. flowers and books always soothe my soul. Our library is somewhat like your first one so I simply go to get my books and leave as quickly as possible. I like your choice to only support places that walk in love. I hope more people and places make that choice.

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    1. You are so very welcome, Brad. Thank YOU for leaving such a warm and loving comment. I am so so sorry to hear about your library. I know what I went through and I know I was not able to find one good book there. I am doing all I can to give my business to those places grounded in light. I can feel it the moment I walk in the door or not even …. when I drive into the parking lot. That harsh dark hurts and those whose energy is alike they can frequent those places that emit the same vibration. Others like myself will seek out those places of light. Everyone has too much pain in their hearts …. and those who are aware do not wish to add to that pain. Hope you are having a truly great Sunday! Bless you and much love!! xo

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  15. Oh Amy…I feel your pain! My library is only doing curbside pick ups and I cannot wait until I can go inside! I am lucky that I have my favorite librarians that stop out to my car and chat which makes my heart full <3. Do you use the Libby app? There is a book by Sue Monk Kidd that I know you will love called The Book of Longings…it's different but interesting. I am a little past halfway and emotionally attached to Anna and her aunt. I love the Libby app, it's similar to audible only free. Thank you for sharing your beautiful pictures! Magical as always…have a beautiful day my friend, Zia

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    1. Oh, Zia, I really am so sorry! I know how excited I was when I finally got back to my library. I pray soon yours will be open. Thank goodness you can at least talk to your favorite librarians. Bless you for seeing the blessings and not the dark. Much love to you!! xo

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    1. I pray the very same thing! I am doing my very best to live life to the fullest without being pulled into the world’s drama. My flowers “were” beautiful. Waiting now for round two!! Have a great day and much love to you!! xo


  16. You are such a beautiful soul with so much pure energy. Keep shining your light 🌹💕

    Hope, Faith and Courage can take us through any and every challenge 🙏

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    1. God bless you, Ashok, for giving me such a high compliment as you have here. I am humbled. I am honored. It has not been easy to shine my light as I am so on those days I require rest, I do. I refuse to bend my knee to evil, to fear, to the dark. I walk with God and with God there is no fear. I agree that with Hope, Faith, and Courage, we can get through anything. I know many of us are doing just that!! (((HUGS))) xo

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  17. Such magnificent flower images, Amy. I’m so happy that your regular library came through for you in the end. It’s so difficult for places to open up again, and I’m sure everyone is doing their best to make us feel safe again. We’re living through an unprecedented time and the most important thing to me is that we survive to tell the tale. xxx

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    1. Thank you, Sylvia, regarding my flowers. I’m in the in-between stage right now waiting for round two to happen. As for my library, I had tears in my eyes when I walked in. What a relief to see that the militia type atmosphere at the other library was not evident in my library. For the JOY! I am surviving, dear friend, and doing everything I know of to continue with preventative nutrients that boost my immune system. I AM strong! You too shall survive!! I just know it. Much love to you!! xo

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    1. Thank you, Andrea. We all need to be uplifted, comforted, and encouraged. The extensive traumas we all received and still are, must be countered with peace, beauty, love, and stillness. Much love to you!! xo

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  18. Thanks for sharing your experience of two different libraries. It reminds me of how each place has its own unique energy, which we all contribute to. My library is still curbside pick up, I look forward to the day I can browse once again. Happy reading, Amy! Many blessings, Lisa

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    1. You are welcome, Lisa. I hope for your sake your library opens soon. I know personally how much pleasure I get just from browsing. I am reading some really good books, finally. Thank you! Many blessings to you in return! xo

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  19. Beautiful photos and reconciliation with your reading. Not all is terrible at this time. Reflection and restoration is good avenues to see the things that really matter in this life that is fleeting! thanks for sharing

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    1. WE have much more then hope, Seli. We have our own power in which to choose how to live life. We have our faith to stand on in order to stand separate from the insanity in the world today. We have love to give and to share. We have a means now given to us to create a new life, one that is so much better then what we had before pandemonium arrived. We see corruption every which way especially in our governments, and we have the power to see that corruption does not continue. If we just embraced our own power and walked with Divinity and educated ourselves how to free this world of evil, we’ve got a lot to look forward to.


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