This, That, And The Other

75 thoughts on “This, That, And The Other”

  1. first let me agree with you on medical professionals……….do your own research, so many of them cannot think outside of the box.
    I hate it when my husband and I fight over silly things……….but, it does happen and it is exhausting. I hope he has recovered from the bag incident.
    Your photos are beautiful as always. My favorite is of the bare forest with a carpet of leaves. It is as if they dropped so the trees could lay down their “red carpet” for your arrival! 🙂
    I hope today is being kind to you………

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    1. Yes, we all must educate ourselves regarding OUR health! As for hubby …. I did not fight with him, Wendi. I more or less ignore his “moods” until he is ready to again be sociable. I’ve learned there is no sense in getting morose and letting him ruin a perfectly good day. (smile) You’re also right when I do get pulled into a “fight” it is exhausting. It’s just not worth it! SO happy you enjoyed my gallery. Oh yes that forest shot is exquisite. Much love to you on this beautiful Monday! xo

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      1. God bless you for taking control over your health and encouraging others to do the same. And you are right, it is just not worth the fight most of the time.
        I get my thyroid labs, along with other stuff, tomorrow……praying for the best!

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  2. I’ll bet you could shrug 140 pounds. You should have asked the young man to spot you. But then again… I can imagine the pumpkin seed kerfuffle. Doctors are normally not nutritionists, but they will usually know something about foods’ affect on a particular condition. But you have to do a lot of your own medical research these days, and carefully weed out all the miss-information out there. At least you have a GP. I have to use my oncologist and rheumatologist as GPs. Wonderful photos.

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    1. Timothy, I know my limits but I thank you for the vote of confidence regarding shrugging that amount of weight. I’m sorry to hear about your predicament without having a GP. I hope your two doctors are good ones. I’ve had to learn to educate myself because I have been very hurt by medicine to the point I died and had a NDE on one occasion due to a misdiagnose. I tend to fall in a lot of grey areas …. my body is just SO different from most, therefore I’ve learned to help myself. SO glad you enjoyed my photos. May you have a great day!!! xo

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      1. It’s really tough when you’re outside the norm. I have been that way since birth. It’s a wonder that, between my wild youth and all the medical issues throughout my life, I’m still alive. You sound like the same wonder.

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      2. Yes I am. I can relate exactly to what you described as your life. I’ve always been outside of the “box”. A wild youth yep! And now chronic conditions that I’ve had to learn how to deal with. Medicine doesn’t seem to have answers except for medication (to an extent I take) and/or surgery which I won’t do. I applaud your efforts!! I know how difficult it is to figure things out on your own!! Good for you!

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    1. I’m so happy you enjoyed my gallery! Oh yes that deer family had my attention for a long time! Bless you for understanding how imperative it is that we educate ourselves as to what our bodies require to stay healthy. That is our responsibility. May your day be filled with love! xo

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  3. He he he, I would love to have seen both you and the young man in the gym, while all this happened, Amy 😀
    Beautiful photos and the deer’s win today.
    We need to educate ourselves about our own health Amy, otherwise we risk to become more sick.
    Much love to you ❤

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    1. Aren’t those deer gorgeous, Irene? I stood a long time just watching them. I couldn’t agree more with you about educating ourselves regarding our health. I know you’ve been through so much and still are, so what we can do to help ourselves is imperatively important. Much love to you! xo

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    1. Try finding a doctor today who will acknowledge that you know more about nutrition then he or she does, Henrietta. I work so hard with my diet, years worth of research and trial and error. I’ve yet to hear a doctor tell me I know what I am doing. I’m happy for YOU that you actually had that experience!!


  4. Oh, doctors…I nod and bite my tongue, and then do what I want. Thankfully, I rearely have to go, except for the obligatory physicals. I love the forest images, especially since I need to stay out of mine until next month because it’s rifle season. I have a hunter orange hat, but am still wary. 😳

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    1. Julie, I thank you. I’ve had this thing where I think my doctor would be happy for me that I am making such huge strides in my health with what I am doing for me. No. From now on, bless you, I will keep my mouth shut, nod my head, and when I leave, do what I have been doing regardless of what was said in the office. I have to go to my GP but if I did not have the health issues I do, believe me, I would not.
      As for being wary out in the forest, you never can be too careful. I go walking in Parks where hunting is not allowed. I won’t go anywhere near a forest in hunting season that isn’t contained in a park.

      Hope you have a great day! And thank you for leading me in the way of keeping my mouth shut. (smile) I’ll practice. LOL

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  5. I joined in laughing naturally while reading 😄Perhaps I overread it or it is me not understanding the context… but what is an “American Diet”? The first thing that came to my mind was “eating only burgers, fries, and steaks”… lol!

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    1. Funny but hamburgers, fries and a coke came to mind regarding the American diet. Considering how many different cultures there are in this country, to classify the American diet as only ONE, blows my mind. I am trying to be diplomatic so this I will say …. this doctor crossed a line that she should not have walking into territory she is not qualified to walk in. Nutrition is a huge arena and much much study is required in order to be a licensed nutritionist. I know for myself how much effort I have put into understanding what to eat and what not to eat and why, and let me tell you, it is a huge and very confusing subject. And I am glad you had some laughs too with this post. Laughter is what all of us need! Hope you had a great day today!! Much love to you! xo

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      1. When there is an American restaurant over here it is basically a Steakhous or big in burgers… lol. I wasn’t serious about it, Amy. But it sounded funny. If you had said an Austrian diet, I would have thought of apple strudel and Wiener Schnitzel… lol!
        Nutrition is more complex than ever today. And since there are so many people reacting to this or that or don’t respond to this or that it has become a science indeed!
        Have a lovely day, Amy 💖

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      2. THANK YOU for acknowledging the fact of how many people are reacting to so many foods. I just had a conversation with a man today in my fav forest who was probably 10 years older then me and he too is seeing how bad food has gotten. I think back on the days when food tasted good! No longer true. This man gave an example of Cheerios. His grandson eats them and he thinking they were the same, tasted them and couldn’t believe how they tasted like cardboard.
        My day was a rough one as I prayed for the family of that young boy and trying to come back into my calm zone. I’m getting there, my friend. xo

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      3. You said this man was 10 years older than you. I remember that my grandmother said too that food doesn’t taste like anything anymore. She started saying that from an age close to 70 on. That was subjectively right because she must have lost her taste over the years. She put tons of salt into every dish. I have to say that food was full of flavor when she said it tastes like paper or water. And I have noticed that with many more people from a certain age on. I think this is really depending.
        But getting back to reactin to food. It is not only the different people but also the same person who reacts differently to food over time, also depending on the changing hormones, diseases, …
        Sending you calming vibes, Amy. I can only imagine how this must have you in its grip still 💖

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      4. I’m still deeply shaken, Erika. Bless you for your kindness. As for food, my ideas differ from yours. With all the GMO’s and the lack of nutrients in the soils, the foods really are not what they once used to be like. Here in the states, more and more people, young and older, are having problems with asthma and allergies. If you really dig, you’ll realize that plastic is in everything we breathe, eat, and drink. That’s only for starters. xoxoxo

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      5. Oh, definitely, Amy! There is a lot in our food which is not supposed to be there. I just saw a report regarding microplastic and it is more than shocking that you can find thenthousands of tones of microplastic in a quart of arctic snow, of fresh water, or in the deepest places of the ocean. Certainly, this and all the chemicals used in our food have a huge influence regarding the taste. Also, different products appear like they taste the same. I just mentioned that the fading taste at a higher age has a big affect and confuses the taste in addition to it.
        Sending you big hugs and I hope that you can find some peace soon, dear Amy💖


  6. Well, you do look super fit young lady, what do you expect. Next minute he’ll ask you out…then what will you do lol 😂
    Great shots my friend, and all the animals let you get close because of that ‘young’ energy 😀

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    1. If anyone asks me out, Mark, I’ll politely turn him down being married and all, and I’d probably laugh so hard there too that I’d have to use my inhaler. LOL
      I’m so happy you enjoyed my gallery. SMILE

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    1. Tee hee ….. Things like this happen to Hubby all the time cuz he is always rushing. Can’t tell him though …. I’m too close. So I keep my mouth shut and HOPE that some day the man will figure things out for himself. I’ve yet to find one pumpkin seed! But, I’ve not moved the fridge either. LOL Have a great day, Colleen!! xo

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      1. He makes his own problems sometimes. Just saying …. If I had been home those seeds probably would have gotten swept up. As for my day …. great conversation and a walk in my fav park. What more could I have asked for? (smile) xo

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  7. Good for you Amy! I have found that most doctors won’t think outside the box, they just want to give you meds. My next step might be a functional medicine doctor, I hear they try and get to the root of the problem. I’m blood tested out this year lol. I will just be extra careful of the food I eat until I decide my next move.
    You are always a beautiful inspiration and your pictures are stunning! Have a Happy Thanksgiving 🦃

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    1. Please keep me updated about a functional medicine doctor. I’ve never heard of one. I’ve designed my entire diet myself. Basically I eat relatively the same foods every day but until I know my allergies are under control, that is how it shall remain.
      Bless you for your kindness, Zia. You have a Happy Thanksgiving as well!! Much love to you! xo


      1. I do the same thing with my food. How many days in a row can you bring the same breakfast and lunch to work? I don’t know the days but it has been months and months. It makes eating out very difficult, I’m sorry you are having food issues too. We’ll eventually figure out the root…I hope. ❤

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  8. Hey Amy! Your post today was like reading The Reader’s Digest with lots of lovely photos! The stories in the Reader’s Digest are awesome. They are everyday, honest accounts of living life and all the wonderfully-quirky things that can happen. It’s about life. Your posts are about life. I really enjoy them! Much love! Donna

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    1. Oh wow! Reader’s Digest! I haven’t thought about that magazine in a long time. I used to read it all the time, Donna! Funny how you related this post to that magazine. How cool and boy do I thank you ….. I take that as a huge compliment! My posts are yes about life yet when read with a “higher mind” hold nuggets of truth about how to live on the Higher Path. Or at least I try. (smile) When I fall, I write about that too. No one is perfect, and that includes me! I’m thrilled you enjoy coming here to read my posts. Bless you for encouraging me!! Much love to you! xo

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    1. Project that thought when you want to look thinner. I honestly couldn’t believe how that young man really thought I could lift all that weight. I walk proud, strong, and I know my energy is strong as well. That is probably what he was picking up on. (smile)


  9. Thanks for the this-and-that collection of chuckles. I can see all those seeds. Oh my … but when I used a sealable bag, I check it to make sure – but that’s me. Going up to those fitness machines and seeing the last weight used — what? Who would do that? I’m not even close! Enjoy your kelp. … and you can probably have my share.

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    1. Frank, I would have sworn up and down that bag was resealed. You know how you can feel the “catch” when the resealable tab connects? I felt that! Now I’m going to have to check by gently pulling on the seal to make absolutely 100% sure it is closed.
      The gym …. there are many idiotas who do not follow gym protocol by which I mean two things that come to mind immediately ….. take off the free weights on the machine you are using after you are finished and, do not walk in front of a person using the mirror to check form. You have no idea how many times I’ve said something to those who get in between me and the mirror. That mirror is a must so that I make sure my form is right on.
      Kelp ….. mine comes in capsules. Easy peasy. LOL Have a great day!!

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      1. Oh well … chalk it up as a learning experience because I know you’ll check future bags better. Here’s one of the things that get me at the gym … the machine is for a workout – but a place to sit to rest, talk, check email, or any other pathetic excuse.

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      2. Yep know all about that too. Aggravating! I’ve also noticed how many don’t know or want to work in with someone. Example …. I wanted to do the exact same thing a young man was doing on the cables. I asked how many sets he had left, and his reply …. as many as I want. I wasn’t about to ask him if I could work in with him so I said thank you and walked away. The gym is just not what it used to be ….

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      3. Ugh … Side note: I was on a treadmill today (about 30 mins in of 60) … and power outage occurred. Treadmill stopped, so I moved to the weight machines … 20 minutes later, still no power. The place was emptying.

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  10. You probably know more about nutrition than your GP. A great quote is, “Doctors are trained, not educated.” It’s hard to find a doc who is open to methods other than their training. As you say, no one is in charge of your body, but you.
    Great photos, per usual. 🙂
    Have a great Thanksgiving, Amy. We have much to be thankful for. ❤

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    1. Thank you for the support, Eliza. I’m not bragging but I do know more about nutrition then my GP. I’ve been researching and studying for years, and even with that, my knowledge base is continually changing. From now on, what I know stays with me and I will not be “sharing” with my GP with hope she would be interested. Nope. I’m done banging my head against a brick wall.
      You have a great Thanksgiving as well!! We certainly do have so much to be thankful for! We take much in our lives for granted when millions of people go without the bare necessities every single day. Much love to you! xo

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  11. Pity about your husband’s reaction to the punkin seeds and the thyroid troubles, but my, aren’t those photos LOVELY?
    I don’t know what I can shrug, but I bet you can do more than you think 😉

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    1. Joey, Hubby has a tough time with any kind of stress. He lives with PTSD from Nam. He has gotten better, believe you me, yet anything out of the ordinary (OCD) can set him off. I’m the one who repairs the damage, am the peace maker, the one who attempts to “control” the degree of the upset.
      I’m plugging away regarding my thyroid troubles. I’m crossing my fingers by the time I get retested, the numbers will be much better and the nodes will have decreased in size.
      Thank you on my photography. I put my heart into each and every one!
      I have to be very careful regarding how much I lift or press or curl or whatever due to my back. I know my limits and listen to my guidance. If I was in a different space, I would have at least tried to shrug that weight. For now, however, no.
      Happy Thanksgiving, Joey! Much love to you! xo

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  12. Hi Amy, I am a very indoor kind of person and I love all your photos. The Doe looks so cute and vulnerable. You are right about not blindly following doctors. We know our bodies better. Hope your day is going well. Going to take a look at the other beauty tips in your link:) xo

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    1. Bless you for stopping by and I’m really glad you did to see what I love to show you when I’m out and about with my camera. If we don’t know our bodies, who does? Good for you going to the beauty tip page. There are lots of goodies!! Happy Thanksgiving!!! xo


  13. Hi Amy! I hope you enjoyed your holiday yesterday. I have been so engrossed in moving, packing, unpacking, new job, yada, yada, that I have over 500 emails just chillaxing in my inbox with sad looks on their faces.
    I feel ya on all points you expressed here. I say show that big ole sweetie just how you can lift that weight (maybe you’ll both be surprised 😂). I’ve said it before and will say it again. Our husbands must be cut from the same mold. We have more clippies and ziplocs for securing and double encasing all manner of possible food that can go stale or attract undesirable living things who might be hungry. If the tables are turned, however, and he leaves something unsecured, there will be a wild race inside his head to find the right excuse or way to turn it back on me. If it weren’t maddening, it would be laughable!
    Your PCP…..erggggghhhh..don’t get me started. Your photos are so beautiful. Hugs, my friend!

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    1. I did enjoy my holiday yesterday, Cheryl, thank you! I finally lifted my embargo on Christmas music and played it. As I cooked dinner, I sang and danced and by the time dinner was ready, all my cats were gathered in the living room digging the Christmas tunes. THAT made my day!
      Gym …. I have to be careful regarding how much weight I lift on account of my back. Soon, very soon, I’m incorporating free form squats into my routine which is a huge step for me. Shrugging 140 pounds …. nope. I’m playing safe.
      Husbands …. just shaking my head. If it’s not one thing it’s another. I just be like a duck with water flowing off its back ….. and go on with my day with a genuine smile.
      GP …. Advice from another follower I am taking. As was said, she when she goes on her yearlies, nods her head, smiles, bites her tongue (LOL!) and when she walks back out she goes back to what she has been doing. Trying to “educate” an MD in most cases will not happen, unfortunately. So from now on, my mouth is shut.
      Big hugs back!!! Much love to you! xo

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    1. Isn’t that beauty page filled with glorious tips, Julie? I too have been going to it to refresh my memory. Hmmmmm ….. Perhaps I should do things like that more often as in asking my followers to leave their “tips” about certain subjects. Something to think about.
      Yeah, interesting conversation with my GP. What I didn’t say I was furious that she discounted and has in the past all of my efforts to find ways to help my body heal. I’m done trying. I’m keeping my mouth shut from now on. Her loss IMO. Much love to you!! xo

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    1. I agree with you, Michele, that something that is so vitally important as nutrition is not even addressed in Western medicine. It’s shocking to me to say the least, that doctors don’t even consider nutrition, or when one is having trouble, refer that one to a specialist. I must be independent and educate myself in order to maintain the health I do have. Best wishes back to you and much love as well!! Thank you, dear friend!! xo

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