The Way

63 thoughts on “The Way”

  1. It is the diagonal lines that flow through the piece that got my attention. The grass, the trees, everything is on the same slant, from lower left to upper right.

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    1. Wow, your observation skills are a delight! Yes there are diagonal lines, very faint at that, which I added in Photoshop. I purposely created them that way so they do not detract from the overall picture itself. Fantastic observation!! I’m impressed!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

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      1. So that’s it! I was wondering…
        There is a certain skill that the native Americans cultivate that I’ve always found fascinating since I heard of it. They are always aware of their natural periphery. In this way, they catch many things in the landscape that the average person is unaware of.
        I guess I’ve kind of taken that to heart. I do like to really look into things. 😉

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      2. Hmmmmmm ….. I have often wondered if somewhere in my family tree there is some Native American that I am unaware of because I am extremely observant regarding Nature. In other words I tend to see things that most people do not. I just like you really like to look at things and discover all the Mysteries within what I am seeing. It’s a fascinating way to look at Nature and life as well. 😊

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      3. Definitely! It is quite the rabbit hole, but one I enjoy entering, personally.
        Speaking of going deeper, my new site is If you go there, I recommend the Welcome at the top of the home page and the first blog post on The Job Blog page.
        Lemme know what you think!

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      4. I LOVE this blog!!! I tried to leave a comment but I was told I was blocked because I was a bot. Huh. I’m pretty sure I am not a bot, at least not the last time I checked. And I don’t know how to follow either or get notifications. Help here! LOL

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      1. And so I heard! Thank goodness! One good thing about this cold snap I know it has killed a lot of insects. That is one good thing about the cold. 😉


    1. Thank you so much, Holly! As I stood on that path looking into the sun and saw how that sun really illuminated the ski tracks I knew that I had to at least try to photograph this scene that was before my eyes. I found it very mysterious as well because it’s called an infinity shot leading the viewer to a place where you don’t know because it just disappears. I find it intriguing and yes very thought-provoking as well. I am thrilled dear friend, that you enjoyed this post as much as I enjoyed creating it. Much Love to you this day! 💕💖💕

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      1. Aw, Holly. Bless your heart! As you can tell life, especially Mother Nature, holds such Intrigue for me and it always has. Now you will probably really think about Infinity as in a photograph or what you see with your eyes. I challenge you to look about in Nature for Infinity to be seen through your eyes. Once you get the knack for doing this your eye will automatically look for an Infiniti scene. It’s quite exciting! 😊

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  2. Hi Amy!
    Lovely shot! It looks just like a painting, even the diagonal lines could be the stuff painters put on a finished painting to protect it. Can I hang it in my living room!! Hope you are well!! xxx Love and hugs, Donna

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    1. I would love to see this hanging on one of my walls, Donna! One of my goals when I am more up to it is to take down the old pictures I have up now and replace them with my newer work. I have not the patience to do this now due to many reasons. So glad you enjoyed this today! Much Love to you! 💞

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      1. I have and it is a ton of fun! Now mind you if you are going up hills it tends to get very challenging. I have been thinking about getting back on skis and doing it all over again. It’s got to be like riding a bike. Once you know how to you don’t forget. LOL

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  3. Very pretty! Some of the most interesting and surprising pictures I took were pointing into the sun, and sometimes it was so bright I just took pictures without looking. I have pictures of flying pelicans and sea gulls I took blindly and into the sun — sometimes “rules” don’t matter! 🙂

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    1. Nice!! Someone else who does what she wants to! I know some photographers who are so rigid with rules they miss out on the beauty around them. There have been times when I had been using my cell as a camera I couldn’t see a thing as I shot. Yes sometimes rules don’t matter especially when you just HAVE to get that shot! I totally understand!! ☺️

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    1. LOL I actually had to go back and look at my photograph to ask what in the heck is he talking about? If you see anything orange in that photo those are bushes that still are retaining Colour. If you’re trying to be funny then I laughed. And yeah it really was peaceful as I stood there taking this photograph. I stood there for quite a while in fact just soaking up what my eyes were seeing. This is one of my favorite places in this whole park right on this path. I couldn’t even begin to tell you how many pictures I have taken there. Much Love to you this day. 💕💖💕

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      1. It was orange with a yellow center…it’s either a flower which in those conditions is amazing…or it’s a faerie making an appearance to show you/me something. Maybe in the coldest/bleakest places there is still color…if we but look ❤ 😀
        Either that or it's time for an optometrist appointment 😀 ❤
        May your photo's always hold wonder kind lady, for us all ❤ 😀

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      2. Now you really have my curiosity piqued. I’m going to sit down this morning blow up that photograph, and look for what you see. You saw something I did not or perhaps you are seeing something that only you are supposed to be seeing. I’ll keep you updated on my progress… 😉

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      3. I know I will be rambling but I don’t care. I know this is off subject but I don’t care about that either. Last night one of my cats Doodles was curled up on the Afghan that Rocky slept on towards the end and during the night countless times I used to wake up reach over and just comfort him asking Rocky, how you doing, Honey? I LOVE you! And then I would go back to sleep. I did this last night and even though it was Doodles I still said Rocky knowing in my heart that it was Doodles. Now my rambling gets to the point… Orange and yellow something signifies to me New Creation based on Joy, though tiny, has emerged. And for some odd reason it has everything to do with Rocky. What? That I do not know yet. But everything is connected and if we have but eyes to see and a Heart to understand we will catch on. Thank you from the bottom of my Heart, Mark, for pointing out this beautiful light to me. Like I said in my other comment I will be thinking about this all day long. Bless you! 💥

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      4. Now I do see what you are describing! I have NO idea what that is. I went back to look at the original with the intention of blowing that up (more pixels) but I did not see this orange and yellow something. Huh. Magic? Something obviously was there that was not seen yet with processing in the editing room, it emerged. I did not play around with colors so again I am really baffled. A Light flickering on the side of the Path to illumine my way perhaps? Orange and yellow and bright cheerful colors … are they meant to bring me hope in an otherwise very painful time of my life? I really cannot make out the exact shape or detail of this something …. again that adds to the mystic. THANK YOU for pointing this out to me! I honestly thought you were “joking” yet it now seems your powers of observation are incredible! Wow! I’ll be thinking about this now all day long! 😉

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      5. I kid you not Amy, it literally jumped out at me, it was the first thing I saw as I looked at the picture. It was meant to speak whatever it needed to pass on. I think Rocky wanted you to know he was very ok. A friend of mine had to put down her two very, very old dogs a couple of weeks ago and that afternoon they showed themselves to me very happy, running around and looking so young and free. It made such an impact on me I had to ring her to let her know. I have never had anything like that happen to me before with animals. I think I had to ‘see’ something within myself too 😀
        Thank you for showing me your magic Amy, it has lessons for us all ❤

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      6. I think you give me too much credit, dear friend. My magic is just me being me that is all it is. It is wonderful what is happening to you for your sensitivity and your compassion is going ever deeper. Those people you gave so much hope to and I know exactly how they feel right now. Bless you! Bless you! And I know Rocky is okay beyond a shadow of a doubt and I will tell you how I know. I know just by touch what cat is who. Even though my mind said it was Doodles I was touching last night I felt Rocky, a healthy Rocky, with my hands. So yes I know he is okay. That is the gift you gave to those precious people. 👏

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      7. Credit is where it is due Amy. Just by being you, you are being magic…it is the love and empathy you have found in yourself that you now give out to others by just being you. It is the creation of that self love by going through the many hardships (and good times) that this life brings, and I think you are creating very strongly at the moment with all that you are experiencing ❤

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      8. You leave me more or less Breathless with your comment. As I was saying just today that with each loss that I experience, that loss is more profound and so much deeper because, I am learning to Love on a deeper level. And as my Heart expands Evermore as I keep learning how to Love even more, the depth of my loss is even more profound than that of the last. Within all this LOVE and with this Heartache I don’t even know how I am putting one foot in front of the other yet, seemingly what is unfolding is doing so in a very powerful way. There is no way to explain this for it is mind-boggling just to experience it. All I do know is to listen to my Heart and to share that with others. I really thank you very humbly for your words, dear friend. I have been moved to tears. 💖

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      9. You are now beginning to ‘see’ what I see on a daily basis. (And that is not meant as a brag). Once the fears are removed we begin to truly ‘see’ what has always been there. Your lenses are being cleared of the fog of fear. It is there for us all ❤
        Enjoy the journey Amy, the view will amaze you ❤

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  4. I love the color tone and the pattern treatment you gave to this picture. They bring a completely different mood to the scene!

    I think one reason they do not want to shoot directly into the Sun is for protection to your eyes and the equipment – camera sensor and lens, I believe. I think that should be directly to the full sun. I just shot one with sun shined behind trees in the morning (light still soft). I think that should be ok.

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    1. I thank you, YellowCable, for this fantastic comment that has encouraged me to keep on trying “new”. As for shooting into the sun I normally only do so when the sun is low in the sky. I agree about the sun being soft. I LOVE twilight light especially in the Spring when I shoot macro with the sun lighting towards the camera. It’s fun to experiment with a camera. Hope you are having a really good day! 💖

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  5. Hi Amy 🙂 Very pretty and sparkly photo and a sweet poem!! 🙂 ❤ It is good to get outside and follow nature's path whether you are on foot or skis. Breath in the clear crisp air. Drink in the sunshine. 🙂 Love and blessings for you. ❤ ❤ ❤

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    1. The way I heal is through Mother and by being in the outdoors. I have a ways to go yet before I acquire equilibrium from the multiple BIG hurts I have experienced. Much Love to you, Sarah! 💖💖💖

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    1. Thank you, Lisa! I was fascinated when I turned a corner and saw this scene before me. I just stood there making my mind up to shoot into the sun or not while I was just drinking this sight in. SO glad you enjoyed this post! Thank you! 💖

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      1. Oh wow! I had no idea you moved. I’ve been so busy here that I have not had much time for anything except being with those who are dying. If you didn’t know I’ve had too many losses in a very brief time, and adjusting to all of them. Which I am. 😇


    1. Michele, I have so many pictures I would LOVE to frame and get up on my walls. I have this professional printer that when hooked up to my Apple is just SO hard to understand in order for the pictures to turn out right. I’m in no mood to fight with technology right now but … a lot in my life has slowed down so yes I do have time now to get those prints up. I have all the supplies required. Thank YOU for encouraging me to do this. (((HUGS))) Amy 💖

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