Perspective (5 IMAGES)

61 thoughts on “Perspective (5 IMAGES)”

    1. Aw, Van, thank you so much! This journey has been surreal for lack of a better word. Through it though, new resolve and strength are emerging which are very good thins because I am so determined to change my very DNA that says dysfunction. I am very happy you enjoyed this post. May you have a really good day today, dear friend! 💕🍁💕

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    1. Oh my goodness, Ben, I really don’t know what to say to you. Thank you somehow seems inadequate. Bless you for your wonderful comment that encouraged me in more ways than you can possibly know. May you have a glorious day today! 💕🍁💕


  1. Good morning Amy 🙂 Beautiful kitty cat and photos! Thank you for the sunshine and the flowers. 🙂 I love the bright vibrant colors.<3 It has gotten cold here. There were little bits of frozen precipitation in the air yesterday although not enough to stick around. Tomorrow morning, I am going to brave the cold and go out to watch the sunrise at the park. I hope you have wonderful weekend! Love and blessings to you. ❤ ❤ ❤

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    1. You are so very welcome, Sarah! I cannot get enough of these brilliant colors and all that my eyes do see this year. I have fallen so hard in LOVE with Mother Nature it is just not even funny. Every single time I walk in a forest the colors that surround me have my mouth hanging open in absolute awe. And with this blessed color so much heartache is released and in that releasing my heart once again is beating with joy. May you have a glorious day, dear friend. Much Love to you! 💕🍁💕

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    2. Sarah, are you okay? You have been very quiet of late and so I am concerned. This is my way of letting you know that I have noticed how quiet you are and that yeah I really am concerned. 💕

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      1. Good evening Amy 🙂 You are sweet. ❤ Thank you for asking. I am doing alright. 🙂 I'm just tired. I decided to change up how I am eating and it has required some reading, thinking, and learning how to prepare some new things like the chicken broth. The weekend before this last one, I was sitting up in bed looking up vitamin B12 on the web using my phone because I was unable to sleep due to trying some nutritional yeast in my salad. My nose was stuffy which is a sure sign my body isn't pleased. I ran across a video by Dr. Axe talking about B12 and in that video he also talked about Bone Broth as a way to heal the intestines. I have done quite a lot of reading about nutrition over the years, but I haven't recently. New things get discovered. This was the first time I had heard about the usefulness of bone broth (in my case chicken broth). Since it is easy enough to make, I decided to try it. It seems like I need to make it 2 times a week in order to have enough for one or two servings a day. I have also made some other changes. This kind of thing reminds me of how many habits I have. Change up a few things and chaos ensues at least for a while. 🙂 It is too early to tell if the broth and other changes are helping. The broth tastes good so that's a plus. 🙂 On a lighter note, I got some fun photos and videos of the elk last week. They were in a place where I could see them. I have been keeping an eye on them with the hope they would move to the field with easier viewing. I will probably try for some more photos and videos if possible. One of my rules of thumb is never pass up a good photo opportunity! I also watched a Nature video this week which I thought was both fun and interesting. It is PBS Nature "An Original DUCKumentary." If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it. 🙂 I don't have a TV so I don't see PBS Nature regularly. I bought this one for entertainment last winter when it was too snowy to go outside. It is the kind of thing I can watch over and over again. 🙂 Right now, I am about to turn off the computer and read in bed for a while. Early nights and lots of sleep are on the list of changes to make as well. 🙂 Thank you again for asking. ❤ I hope you have a good night's sleep and an inspiring Sunday. 🙂 Love and blessings for you and sweet dreams. ❤ ❤ ❤

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      2. Oh, Sarah, I know only too well what it is like to change diet. It is a slow progress of eliminating and adding. I’ve gotten so sensitive that I must read every label as does hubby before I can eat something. All foods that cause inflammation in me I have eliminated. I eat mostly whole natural foods but even they I must be aware of how they react to this body. Be careful with B12 because it can cause too much energy which again is not good. Through my research I’ve come to understand that health begins in the gut. In other words if you don’t have a healthy digestive system you won’t have health. My nose is always stuffed probably due to my stress I’ve been under and because I live with so many cats. Whenever I go walking/hiking my nose becomes clear and OH I can breathe through my nose again! And as for those nature shots … totally agree. I’ve been OD’ing on taking shots … LOL I’ve become “obsessive” lately taking so many shots because everywhere I look there is magic. Nature is doing a huge work in me right now, healing the immense hole in my Heart and in its place, Peace and Joy settle in. I too go to bed early and rise early. Some days, like yesterday though, I was up late tending to a cat that was ill. I dropped into bed not even feeling the pillow. Bam. Asleep in two seconds. And today …. I believe I will be going to one of my favorite forests. I have to get serious about exercise again which truth be told I’ve been putting off because I do not like going to the gym anymore. I like the effects, don’t get me wrong, but I’d rather get my exercise outside. That’s a little hard to do when it is cold and damp and wet and snowing. The more you improve on yourself the more you come to realize how important Balance is. Have a wonderful day today!! It was good to see one of your “books”. (smile) (((HUGS))) Amy 💞

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      3. Hi Amy 🙂 I hope the kitty is feeling better and you have been out walking in one of your favorite forests today! ❤ It's a good way to spend a Sunday: peaceful, relaxing, and inspiring. ❤ Like you, Nature is my remedy and salvation. 🙂 I feel most connected to Spirit there. It is harder when I am inside. This year, I started setting aside time for prayer and pray through out the day both Please Help Me and Thank You prayers. I find this helps a lot. I tried meditation, but found it to be too cold and abstract. I need the warmth I find in Nature and in prayer. Up to a couple of years ago, I was running almost every day since the age of 16 with a few breaks. Camera time and running time are the same time for me and running lost out. To be honest, I now feel intimidated by trying to start running again. I get exercise when I am out with the camera, but not the kind which raises heartbeat and makes me sweat. This winter, my focus is on finding a way to eat that my body can manage. Next year, I will probably see if I can run again. I purchased a mini trampoline. So far, it has been sitting folded up in the kitchen. I haven't figure out how to arrange my day in a way it works right now because I changed a bunch of things. My mind is in a bit of a muddle trying to figure out how to make things work. I am sure it will sort itself out eventually. I was going to go out with the camera this morning, but decided I needed to go to the grocery store and then come up with a strategy for the week. I also have all kind of sensitivities to food and chemicals. I have been eating whole foods for quite a while. This current trouble started because four years ago when I decided to take a new path in terms of how I spend my time and energy, I fell back into a habit from my 20s of drinking coffee and not sleeping enough. It was a response to fear and anxiety about not being able to survive doing what I decided to do. I am sure you can imagine how well That went over with my body and my mind. Anxiety and fear went up. The health of my body went down. I stopped the coffee over a year ago although I am still drinking tea. My body is having a hard time recovering from the insult of those 2 to 3 years. Emotionally, I am doing lots better because of all the outdoor time. I was intrigued to read about the success people have had using bone broth to heal their digestive system. I am going to try this current plan for at least a month and more likely through the winter and see what happens. I am sure it will become a habit and my weeks will be more productive again. Last week was a jumble! I live in a small one bedroom apartment. My living room is my office and I can see the computer monitor from the kitchen. I like to put on one of my small collection of Nature DVDs when I am working on things in the kitchen or folding laundry on the kitchen island table. I am in a state of constant amazement at the intricacy, beauty and magnificence of nature. This afternoon, I am going to watch the PBS Nature "Yellowstone at Christmas" DVD while I do stuff in the kitchen. Yellowstone is a place I would like to visit. I haven't figure out how yet, but I will. I hope you enjoy the rest of your Sunday. 🙂 Love, hugs, and blessings for you! ❤ ❤ ❤

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      4. Sarah, this I know. The older one gets the longer it takes the body to get back to healthy once imbalance is known. Listen at all times to your Heart’s Guidance and even in those times you are not sure of something, you’ll never know unless you at least try. You have no idea how many times I flew blindly not knowing and yes, fell on my butt, BUT, I also discovered things I would not have unless I at least tried. It has taken me more then 2 decades to get this body healthy from decades of eating wrong, drinking too much, not caring about how much rest I got, and then the big one, my back injury which left me not walking for two years. I had to teach myself how to walk again and from there to get this body strong. The stories I could tell you …. But they all boil down to one thing. Don’t stop. No matter what the naysayers say, don’t stop. And when you are ready to step out to try new again, you’ll do it. Let me know how you do on that bone marrow. I’ve read a lot about it and I should “incorporate” it into my diet along with my cats. You’ve given me something to think about and I thank you!!! Have a great and healthy day! ☺️

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      5. Hi Amy 🙂 I am proud of you for making your body healthy!! ❤ Thanks for the encouragement. 🙂 I will let you know how the chicken bone broth experiment goes. The recipe I saw on Dr. Axe's web site said to cook the broth for longer than I am. I would need a slow cooker to cook it longer. I am not sure how I feel about leaving something cooking overnight while I am sleeping or when I go out of the house. For now, I am going to stick with cooking it on the stove for as long as I can on the days that I make it. This morning, I went to the park to see the sunrise. The clouds turned out to be too thick on the horizon to turn colors. It was good to get some fresh air. I hope you have a wonderful day. 🙂 Love and blessings for you. ❤ ❤ ❤

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  2. Beautiful photos and clear communication (and not surprising). I would suggest some of the gallery options for the photos, but my guess is that you’re a bit too particular about the look you want to achieve. I don’t mean that in a bad way.

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    1. The trouble with a gallery option, Dan, is I have words that go along with each picture so that would not work. I’ve been trying the other options regarding picture size that WordPress has to offer me and it goes from large to middle-sized and the middle sized is just way too small. There seems nothing in between these two extremes. So I’m scratching my head and trying to figure out how to resize my photos in order to have each photo on the screen so that the person does not have to scroll. Right now I am editing each photo 4 by 6 which you would think would be okay but evidently it is not. A puzzle I must work upon and work upon I will. So happy you enjoyed this post! You dear friend, have a wonderful day! 💕🍁💕

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      1. You can always choose “Custom” and, if you drag the corners to scale the image, the size option will automatically switch to custom. Of course, I’m should add that I don’t know if that still works in the modern editor.

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      2. Me neither. I know you can resize to custom size in the old editor. I do that all the time to keep the photo in the upper right from forcing the top sentence of the next paragraph to wrap. All the other options apply (right-left-center)

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      3. I fiddled around, Dan, and found out there are a couple of different ways to resize but I chose the easier one. All I have to do is click right on the picture and using the arrows at each corner, I resize. Easy peasy. I cannot thank you enough for heading me in the right direction. The answer was in front of me all this time only I didn’t know it. LOL Have a great Sunday!!!

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  3. It truly needs a lot of life experience and practice to step back and see the situation from a higher perspective or at least from a distance. Agreeing to disagree is a real breakthrough. It means, you see what is not fitting but still respect that it is what it is. In the end, we are all angels inside….
    Beautiful how you put this all in your thoughtful words, Amy 💖

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    1. Words that have been patiently waiting for the “right time” to be birthed are now beginning to press themselves to be known, giving my fingers no other option but to catch them and type them. I’m very happy you could relate to this post. Thank you, Erika, and may your Sunday be special! 💞🍁💞

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  4. Your post talks about a tremendous skill that takes continuous honing of perspectives. I can relate to not being understood by people around, as if they were unhappy about my acceptance and regard to most people and behaviors. Also yes, it takes so much courage and patience to not entertain certain behaviors, yet not give up on the relationship until we can sit together and smile 🙂

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    1. Living life a certain way certainly does take practice I do agree. I’ve had a small occurrence of slipping back behavior (not many as compared to years ago) but when it does happen, it feels terrible. Yet there are so many Lessons to learn even in this, namely firstly self-forgiveness. There are also some relationships that are just not open in having mutual and equal respect for both myself and they, so those people I say quietly goodby to. Perhaps sometime in the future when they have grown to learn how to open their hearts and to live from a perspective of Unconditional Love (NOT easy!), perhaps then we can renew our relationship. In the meantime I keep focusing on myself and those who are in my life, and I understand that those people who I’ve said goodbye to are only in a place that they require to be in for their own learning Lessons. And as for not being understood …. LOL. In spades on that one! The good news however is, I’m meeting people who “get me” and don’t appear startled or scared around me. Oh yes … progress! (smile) Much Love to you this day! 💞🍁💞

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      1. I can relate again with all you say. The initial realizations and choices of distancing from people are painful. Tremendous self compassion required as part of this continual skill building of unconditional love. And oh the relief and pleasure of finding people not shocked at what I Be 🙂 I am in awe of the web of support that is being created here, the more we let go of our conditioned selves. Much love and gratitude.

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    1. You sure got that right, Mark, that love is simple and very complex at the same time. And now you have me scratching my head asking myself am I unraveling and is this a good thing? What say you? 😉

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      1. Your unraveling the knots young lady, those complicated by ways that our fears hold us in 😀
        It makes for much smoother sailing through life young lady. After all you have been through you will find yourself smiling…for no reason at all…because the ‘knots’ are no longer blocking ‘life’ ❤

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      2. Ohhhhhh … now that makes sense! Why thank you!! Life just gets so much easier in “some” ways when fear no longer holds us prisoners. Way cool! And thank YOU for noticing! ❤ ❤ ❤

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  5. Wonderful perspectives Amy and yes its ok to agree to disagree.. something I have done all of my life..Yet have respect and love for another point of view. IF we were all the same it would led us to a boring world. 😀
    So love your Cat in the first image, so reminds me of my Dandy, whom I had many years ago including the markings..
    Wishing you a beautiful rest of your weekend Amy.. Happy to have caught up again… Loved reading ALL your post even though I did not comment upon a couple . I read them.
    And sending continued hugs.. LOVE and Blessings.. ❤ xxx 💕😍🎃😊

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    1. Humbly I thank you for stopping by and catching up, Sue. It seems a gate has been opened which is releasing millions of words, all leading me to health and freedom from past bondage. Sending you Much Love and a Happy Halloween to you!! 🎃☺️

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