The Litany (4 IMAGES)

73 thoughts on “The Litany (4 IMAGES)”

  1. Amazing green photos, Amy 🙂
    This tunnel vision, I use to call “No multitasking possible” and mostly men, as I know use the excuse, Sorry I’m only man and can’t multitask.
    Take good care of yourself, dear Amy ❤

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    1. (((HUGS))), Irene!! May the “green” I’ve shown here bring healing to your soul and body. And yes, men have difficulties in multitasking while we women on the other hand are masters at it. Take good care, dear friend!!! 💞🐾🌹🐾💞

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  2. Very beautiful shots Amy, a pleasure to behold…as is your husbands heart. It has been damaged way more than we can ever know, and it allows some ‘anal’ to stand forth in his way to cover the scars within.
    Yes, it can be quite…um…frustrating, but his journey can only be done in that way. That is why his other half is also a lady with a very beautiful heart who is going to help him mend, and heal the scars in both your journeys.
    Laugh…that is good, because the empathy for each other, created from the wisdom of ‘knowing’ the heart of the other, will bring those fears to bay, and a beauty not unlike those magical shots above.
    A bridge to cross over from the dark to the light, and be embraced by the healing of natures green beauty.
    May both your journeys always find that path Amy ❤

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    1. Dearest Mark, I did not mention why hubby acts like this but you saw right through it. He really believes if he controls what is around him then his world remains safe and in order. For me, a free spirit, to live like this at times, is very very difficult yet I have learned to see the why behind the behavior. Bless you for your kind words, dear friend. Bless you. Frustrating is putting it mildly when these instances and more occur. I honestly don’t know if this man’s heart will heal yet that just will not stop me from loving him in the way he can accept. And yes I deliberately chose that bridge as a symbol and by golly you got that too. You’re right on today! Much Love to you this day!!! 💞🌹💞

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      1. It is a difficult journey kind lady, for you both. They are the coping strategies we all put in place to ‘live’ in this world. But with those same hearts you will find an answer, and touch the beauty underneath it all…I promise ❤
        Just keep being you, that love is just what the doctor ordered 😀 ❤

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  3. I know the feeling right? I just roll my eyes and write my poetry in my head while pretending to listen to hubby going on and on about something as simple as teaching me how to lay/make beds. At my age! 🙂

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    1. SO glad you related and now you don’t feel so alone. Yep, I do believe men in general especially as they age become more tunnel visioned thinking that they and they alone know all. My favorite thing to say in exasperation when all patience is gone is … What exactly did I do without you in my life before I married you? Tee hee ….. Too funny!! Have a great day!! ❤


    1. No you are not the ony one, Holly. Probably more people then would like to admit can relate to what I wrote. Tee hee …. And thank you about my photography. The lighting in that park that day and what was surrounding me made me feel as if I walked into a another world. Have a great day today! I’ll be on over later. I’m in the middle of Cat Care right now. 🙂 ❤

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  4. Oh these sweet delicious greens 🙂 I love to look and see how many different shades of green I can see. I’ve heard it said the human eye can detect more shades of green than any other colour. After all the OCD-ness, this soothing place was probably a Godsend 😉 LOL

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    1. Actually the OCD-ness happened after the greenness. And yes, I am astounded by not only the many shades of green but the textures as well. The tapestry that is created leaves me just standing there knowing I’m surounded by Divinity. Much Love to you, Morgan! ❤

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    1. Hi, Donna!! Cute what you said. LOL I never shoot the “same” shot twice. It’s just not possible. I can and do shoot in the same area but what pulls my eyes and heart in the Moment, that is what I photograph. Yes you will see this park in the fall and others too. I’ve shot thousands and thousands of images and to my knowledge no two are exactly the same. Mark my words you won’t be disappointed. 😉🌹🌸

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    1. Oh, yes, Jet, this park is like stepping into another world. The beauty found there and the quiet … my soul just drinks and drinks. The same goes for another park but in a different way. Thank you for your kind words about my photography. ☺️😘

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    1. Thank you! And another thank you about my ability to write. I’ve really been focused on improving my writing so your confirmation I’m doing well is so appreciated. SO happy you enjoyed my post today! ☺️🌹💝

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  5. I love how laughter got you in the end 😀 I’m glad you were able to return the bottles to the store, that must have been SOOOOO difficult given the amount of accomplishment in your life 😉
    In this way, I know people like your husband, and I think always how hard it must be to accomplish a great list of tasks. I always wonder if they’re drowning in minutiae!

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    1. Joey, these people are drowning believe me because they just don’t get it that when you allow trust to transform life actually begins to flow. I’m not saying some tasks are not difficult because they are, but taking empty water bottles back? I feel bad for this guy because his brain is on overload all the time always thinking thinking thinking in order to control everything around him. Another side effect of Nam. SO glad you enjoyed this post today!! I’m giggling softly as I write these words. 😘😉💞

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  6. OMG, I am glad you could laugh about it. I can imagine how annoying it can become over the years. But you found your way to deal with it… lol!
    What a wonderful park. I love this. Thank you for sharing the photos, dear 💖

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    1. Erika, annoying is putting things mildly. I could scream sometimes when he gets like this. He loops going round and round as he must control everything and everyone around him. One can thank Nam for this. It’s either get upset or step back, see the Truth, laugh later and yes pray. It’s awful to witness someone in a prison of their own making based on fear. It’s such joy to see this man be free of fear. I’ve chosen humor to get me through to the other side of exasperation. 😉💖

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      1. I think you can only keep your peace when taking it with humor and I know what you mean watching him circling in his own prison. The crazy thing is that they think the others are the unknowing people who need to be educated and don’t realize that they are victims of a compulsion! 💖

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  7. You’ve got some beautiful and plentiful shades of green today, Amy. I love the bridge. We give our bottles to the Cub Scouts, avoids the whole lecture series. Now, as for those cans in the recycle bin…

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    1. I love that bridge too, Dan. It’s got character, doesn’t it? And yeah the green is mouthwatering gorgeous. We only do water bottles in this house so no can headaches here! Thank goodness! ❤ ❤ ❤

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    1. This is the green I miss with all I am when it is winter here, Marissa. As for humor it is a must. Hubby has such a huge heart but his soul is fractured due to the war. He lives in fear all the time and must try to control everything to keep everything around him safe. Imagine living like that …. war sucks the big one as to what it does to the young who blindly think they can handle battle. But that’s another post …. Much Love to you! ❤


  8. And here I thought I had the only one of those! After 27 yrs of marriage, and cooking, he is retired and recently tried to “eduacte” me on his newly discovered foolproof way to boil and egg……😳🤗Lovely photos!

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    1. Men! Do ya believe it? Honestly, Cheryl, the longer I’m married the more bizarre at times hubby gets. Same scenario. Once retired the crazies began. Boil an egg? That’s about as ludicrous as what my hubby put me through. You do have my sympathies!! LOL And thank you on the photography! 😜🌹


  9. Hehehe, bit of a hilarious write up today, Amy. As someone who is OCD and like things to be put into proper places, I can empathise with your hubby. It did sound like he took his time with the bottles and getting them ‘right’. Your comment above about being in-control resonates with me. Some of us like the neat and tidy because we know we’ll be safe and we’ll be okay because of it – it can make us feel like we’re ready to tackle anything. It’s sort of like how I like to arrange the pens on my desk at work at the end of the day – and so each day I come to work to a neat desk, knowing what to expect and get through at work. You do make things so much simpler like just taking the bottles out…just get on and do it. I like that – get things done and moving on to better things ahead. As usual, brilliant photos and amazing photography ❤

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    1. Hi, Mabel! LOVED your comment! Hubby goes above and beyond OCD believe you me! There is nothing wrong with being orderly and having things in their rightful place. I do that all the time and with age that has become more important to me. Yes it is my safety net … being in control of what I can be in control of … Besides I like to be able to reach for something knowing it will be there. My motto is put back what you took when you finish with it where it was originally. I’m real good at that. Before all these cats came into my life my house looked like something out of a magazine. Now? Nope. VERY lived in. I’ve had to let go of my control of wanting things a certain way. It was either that or get a bleeding ulcer. LOL Thank you regarding your compliment on my photography. I LOVE what I do and it shows. Much Love to you!! ❤ ❤ ❤


      1. Haha, I was wondering if my comment made sense. Glad you got it 😀 ‘beyond OCD’ It sounds like really likes things in place alright and creating his own safety net. Sometimes our minds can be a bit scatterbrained and if we don’t put back something, we may never find it. Good to hear that you are able to live the way you live and respecting hubby for who he is. Much love to you as well ❤

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  10. You certainly have patience to keep letting him go on and on about the bottles, Amy 😉 After listening though you likely needed the serenity of the nature in those beautiful photos!

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    1. Christy, I’m not sure if you understand the “history” regarding hubs. He is a Vietnam Vet and has PTSD and OCD and a whole lot of other problems. I’ve been in his life to show him mostly how to live life in LOVE and Joy versus fear as he does. Let me just say it’s been a slow progressive journey with him. And yes, I honestly DO need the serenity of Mother. That is why I make sure I hike at least once a week, more if I am not riding my bike. Mother keeps me Balanced as does my photograpy. Much Love to you! ❤ ❤ ❤


    1. Green IS my favorite color and is so missed during the winter months. I do try to soak that color up as much as I can when it is here, believe me. This park is gorgeous and it never fails I always walk away with incredible images. 💖

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