From Me To You

102 thoughts on “From Me To You”

  1. Bravo well said and well done my sweet friend. You look awesome and hopefully I am walking – slowly but surely – in your footprints. Thank you for sharing this very encouraging post today. I really needed it! And about the litter box – Hemi’s potty is in the corner of our dining room/kitchen. We don’t eat in there either! Have a great day dear one! XOXO – Bacon

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    1. Aw, Bacon, it is comments like yours that send my Heart so many smiles. *snort* Thank you! I have consistently worked on me for decades so this is no overnight event that took place. It takes time as you well know so I encourage you especially when no else does, to continue on. I say GOOD for you! You made me laugh when you told me Hemi’s potty is in the dining room too. So I’m not alone which makes me feel a whole lot better. With as many fur feet under this roof I have to do what I must. You know. (wink!) YOU have a great day too or what is left of it! LOL XOXO Love, ❤

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  2. Amy, you are glowing, my friend! It certainly pays off to take care of yourself – which I know you always have! Vain… no way! You should be proud ❤

    Have a wonderful weekend, my friend. Enjoy the break and speak to you soon!

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    1. Bless you, Amanda. I was taught growing up it is vain to even stare at yourself in the mirror so you could say that vain thought is a left over from those years. Yes I am proud of myself for I have worked darn hard staying in shape. That doesn’t happen sitting on a couch and eating chocolate. Most of my day I’m running, on my feet, taking care of my babes and keeping up with this house. Then my photography has me running aka hiking/walking. In Spring/Summer/Fall my gardening. And now the gym with working out with free weights. Yummy!! Throw in there good diet and a happy Heart and voila! I look the way I do for a reason. YOU have a wonderful weekend too! I will probably get a walk in perhaps with toy (camera) in tow and Sunday IF my sore muscles say OK I’ll go back to the gym this time to work legs. Thank YOU for your support. It really means a lot to me!!! (((HUGS))) ❤

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      1. Check you out! You’re putting me to shame, girl! (Adds “must go to gym” to her ‘to do’ list) You’re much more active than I am, honestly. I’d break a sweat trekking up those hills you climb!

        And you are so welcome, Amy. And right back at ya – thanks for all of your support too! *BIG HUGS*

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    1. Just had to follow up … I really stopped and became emotional by your words. It’s not been easy to be an “example” and to hear what you said, grabbed a hold of my Heart knowing all my discipline and hard work touched you today. Bless you! ❤

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      1. Thanks for sharing your comment with me. I really appreciated you today. You gave me inspiration. I got up with more energy and looked forward to my day after reading your post. You are a power of example. My words to you were real and true. Be well. Peace & blessings to you too.☺

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    1. Aw, thank you, Marissa! I’ve worked years and years to maintain my health on all levels and sometimes even I am stunned to see the face and body I see in the mirror. As for those pants, I wasn’t sure if I like them but now I LOVE them and plan to wear them more often. I’ll think of you every time I do. I’ll strut my stuff at that gym! I’ll show those young’s how it’s done. LOL 🙂 ❤


    1. *blushing* Thank you, Van. I was a bit nervous to post this but no longer. I’ve really been consistent to stay in shape and keep my health after loosing it twice. And that glow … you’ve got that right. I really do have a Happy Heart!!! Have a great weekend!! ❤

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  3. Wow! What a beautiful picture, dear Amy. And you’re right. Your face is glowing. I am so happy to see you like that, my dear friend. You deserve it.
    No, you do not look like a women at 60. You look much younger and this is wonderful. I wish you all the best, my Amy!
    Mo-hugs and kisses ❤

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    1. Hi, Monica!!! I will be 60 in April … 🙂 And I thank you for your kind compliment. It really pays off to live right. When we are young we don’t usually think about getting older but because of my back incident and then my Thyroid quitting, I had to fight to get my health back. Once fighting I didn’t stop. I wish you all the very best too!! Am-hugs and kisses!!! 🙂 ❤

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    1. Thank you so very kindly, Vishal. I have worked very hard and consistently for decades to be healthy and I don’t plan anytime soon to quit. I really hope I have inspired all those who read this today to either continue on the Road to Health or to start. Have a great weekend! ❤

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      1. You surely have inspired me to start taking care of myself and believe me I too have started it form last months. Keep us posted and motivated. Have a great life!!!

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    1. LOL Kathy, my birthday is not until April. Almost 60. I’ll excuse you because you have been ill. LOL Speaking of, I hope you are feeling much better and that you commenting today is a sign you are. Thank you for your gracious compliment! It made me grin!! (((HUGS))) ❤

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  4. Wow Amy, you are looking soooo good 😀
    You are right, it is much more easy to maintenance ourselves, when we don’t need to start from scratch every time.
    I would like to know, where you found these litter boxes in stainless steel? I have never seen this kind in Europe, we do only have them in plastic in different shapes.
    Nice to see your house and where you live.
    Much love ❤

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    1. Ah!!! Good observation!!! They are not kitty litter boxes but stainless steel catering bins that catering companies use for buffets at weddings and things like that. To my knowledge no one sells stainless steel pans for cats. Plastics break down and I became concerned about it so much so that I put my thinking cap on. I thought about these food bins and found a company that sells them online. We’ve had them for years so they really do hold up and they stay so much cleaner then the plastic ones.
      As for me, I’ve worked darn hard to get in shape and stay that way and to be conscious about my diet. My house is very kitty proofed take my word for it. It has to be. LOL Email me if you have any more questions about the litter pans. I’m not sure if I still have the link where we bought ours. Hubby might on his computer. (((HUGS))) ❤

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  5. The inside defines the outside. I think looking at yourself and being so content and happy with what you find is definitely a mirror from what is inside! Enjoy Super Bowl Sunday and thanks for leaving the comments open!

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    1. Aw, your welcome about the comments, Erika. I’ve really been trying to keep up and be better at my blogging, which some days is not easy for me. Bless you for your glorious comment about me. I saw a beautiful woman at the gym yesterday but something troubled me about her. I overheard a conversation she had with two young men and in her words was hardness, superiority, and she talked down to those men. In that instant she was no longer beautiful but ugly. I know I made her insecure because she made sure she walked by me several times with a attitude that said, “I’m sexy and I know it and eat your heart out, Lady!” Nope, sorry. All I saw was an empty heart. Sad. YOU enjoy Super Bowl Sunday. I’ll be at the gym. LOL Love to you, dear friend! ❤

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      1. Lol, I don’t think I will be watching the Super Bowl since it starts at 1:30 am over here… lol! But my son took Monday of in order to watch it!
        Yes, the outside may appear beautiful at first sight but pretty quickly you can feel if it is only a construct, a layer to cover something foul. The problem is that at one point this layer gets cracks whatever you try to do!

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  6. Such a lovely message. I always say,”Practice what you preach!” I think if you take care of you first, you have room to take care of others! You look amazing. Inspiring! Those kitties are lucky. Have a wonderful Super Bowl weekend!!! ❤️​❤️​❤️​

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    1. Aw, thank you, Ipuna! I lost my health twice, three times if you count the drug detox. I’ve worked consistently for years starting as a teenager with the exercise. The last I’d say 10 years have been really focused on diet and getting things right inside to bring the glow to my Heart. You are absolutely right … it begins with self if you intend to reach out to others. If you don’t have it right with yourself you aint gonna be able to help others. My cats … I’m the lucky one! Yes much work involved yet the LOVE I receive is like no other. I will have a great Super Weekend and you do the same!! BIG SMILES here as I extend BIG (((HUGS))) to you!! ❤ ❤ ❤

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      1. AmyRose,
        You glow from the heart and externally. ❤️​ That’s wonderful. I love it. So glad your cats bring you so much joy! So glad your health is on the right track. Big Hugs! I’ll take it and give it right back. 😀​

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    1. Thank YOU, Mark, for taking the time in reading this post today and for commenting. Sharing and reaching out bring no greater Joy to me other then having a purring cat snuggle with me. And oh let me not forget about my Beloved toy, my camera. 😉 SO much to be grateful for but above all else is my health which I lost twice, three times counting the drug detox. Much Love to you and have a great weekend!!! ❤

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  7. You are Gorgeous Lady…inside and out. It is not at all vain to acknowledge yourself. I…too…turn 60 in a few months and do not look my age because I have taken care too. I still get up at 6am every morning to work out and live by Love…and you are right…it does show. Shine on…it spreads around and is good! Much Love! 🙂

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    1. You do better then I! I’m up early too but not at 6, at 7-7:30. I don’t work out every day for in the caring that goes into what I do I am on the move for hours … to the point by 1pm I’m ready for a nap! LOL I work out when my body tells me to and I combine that with walking/hiking. AND if you tell me your birthday is in April, I’ll just fall over! Mine is April FYI. You shine on too, Mar. I’m shocked by who I have seen walk by Peace and Love fall to hatred and anger over this Presidency. Prayer is so in need! These people are feeding at a frenzy that has been ignited by lies and deceptions. The greatest way to overcome the dark is to LIVE in LOVE. Shine on, dear friend. We’ve got much to do! Much Love ❤️!!


      1. LOL! I am just an early riser! And no, my birthday is in July…but my daughter’s is in April. I went into labor on April 1st…April Fool’s Day!…but the joke was on me as I had a long labor and did not have her until late on the 2nd. My greatest gift ever in her! We will keep Shining and Living in Love and we will overcome, no matter who or what. I Believe! Love and Hugs! 🙂

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    1. Thank you ever so kindly, YellowCable. Every day counts yes even those I feel tired so I rest. That is so important. I Love what I do and that is obvious, dear friend. May you have a great weekend!!! (((HUGS))) ❤

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  8. Hello from France
    U helping for practice my english reading
    U absolutely right
    Food, soft sport, lifestyle, and love is the solution
    Even i can’t walk (damn MS)
    But my changement of alimentation Will help me with à love style too
    Have a wonderful WE too 😊

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    1. Oh, Eric! How sad you have MS but yet with an attitude of Love and Peace, life still can be wonderful. Oui? I’m happy to be of service to you to practice your English which is very good. I understood everything you wrote! May you have a really wonderful weekend!!! (((HUGS))) ❤

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  9. Not vain at all, Amy. Love the selfie and I have to say I love your outfit. Those space tights are amazing and look very flattering on you. Ha, I hope to own a pair like that some day. Just have to find it in the shops 🙂

    “really walk your talk, it shows.” That, is confidence and a heart full of self-love and love ready to give away to the world. It definitely shows in your face. Thank you for sharing a bit about where you work, write, blog, edit and all that you do. It all looks so neat, so organised. Keep doing what you do and take care of those kittens. They need you. Take care and stay safe ❤

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    1. Thank you so much, Mabel, for your wonderful comment. Those space pants I really didn’t know if I liked but since you are the second person who has voted yes I will wear them more often and strut my stuff while wearing them! (smile) As for organized, I have to be with all I have in my Life. I need to know exactly where I can find something when I need it. I live with someone who wastes so much time looking for something he has misplaced. Ugh. No thank you! I believe in a neat environment for that too reflects the inner. And yes, dear friend, I truly do walk my talk. I’m not about to change either. I lived too many years in bitterness and anger and oh yes it showed on my face. No longer true. (smile) Much Love to you this day!!! ❤


      1. Very nice to hear that you will wear the space pants more 😀 I like your attitude of being organised and I need to do it more. So nice to see that your heart is so full, full of love and positivity and thank you for sharing it all round ❤

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