Happy New Year 2017

106 thoughts on “Happy New Year 2017”

  1. That is such a beautiful Picture Amy.. Sending Lots of Love, Peace and Happy Thoughts your way as you embark upon another New Year.. May you and yours be blessed with Happiness, Health and Peace..
    Love and Blessings always.. Sue xxx ❤

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    1. Wishing you and Craig the very best New Years, Kathy!!! Thank you for your well wishes. I’m still experiencing my “dip” yet my Guidance spoke this morn telling me to ignore the dip and just to start creating and by doing so, the dip will be left behind. 🙂 Ahhhhh … “She” speaks Truth! Love ya! ❤

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      1. I’m “getting” there, Kath. It’s a frame of mind. I awoke this morn still feeling “down and empty” and today I said NO! I will NOT feel this way! Today hubby and I are going for a walk both of us with our cameras. No clue what we are going to shoot cause it’s quite blah out. No snow. Now this calls for REAL creativity to create when it is ugly out. 😉 ❤

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      1. Bless you, dear friend!!! 2016 was one rough year with multiple losses for us. I pray our babies remain in good health this whole year long. And of course the same holds true for me and hubby. ❤ ❤ ❤

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  2. I can’t thank you enough for giving me so much support! Your comments motivated and inspired me.It keeps me going and helps me to try to do better. Thank you, my dear friend! ❤ ❤

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  3. Wonderful shot as always Amy! Great job. If we learned nothing else in 2016 may it be that we finally understand that it is WE TOGETHER who will change the world for the better. No more waiting for somebody else to do it. Time to roll up our sleeves and get dirty making peace! Wishing the best for you and my thanks for all you give out to others…Sending love and peace your way for 2017 and beyond! VK<3

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    1. Thank you, VK! You are the second confirmation that what my Guidance is telling me I will be doing at Petals. It’s different and it involves all who view my work. Yes WE TOGETHER and it begins now. I’ve had this philosophy for years yet it is now I really step up to the plate. First live it then teach others. Huge transition and I have steel nerves, no butterflies. WE will change this world. It begins with US. Happy New Year!! This year shall be a Hallmark Year for Love and Peace and more!! I know it!! Much Love to you!! 💕

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    1. HI!!! Oh my gosh!!! What a beautiful message and of course I’m on my laptop not on my iPad and cannot give you all kinds of emoticons. Boo hoo!!! Happy New Year to you two and to your family!! May this one be the very best one yet for you all!! Much Love, Mom BonZo ❤ ❤ ❤

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