Beauty To Create (2 IMAGES)

69 thoughts on “Beauty To Create (2 IMAGES)”

    1. Both were taken in the woods, Irene. The second one I had to walk through thorny bushes and yes got snagged in order to shoot as I did. The way the light caught this scene drew me immediately and no matter the cost to my legs … Scratches … I went for it. As for the first one I brought my lens in close and tight making it look like I was shooting between trees when in actuality I was standing on the path. I am having so much fun with my new camera!! 🙂 ❤

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  1. The energy is quite high in them both Amy…the first a darkness before a storm, a holding pattern…but the second, I think may be the photographers heart opening like a flower in the rain, a sparkle and peace descending to her skill after the rain has passed ❤

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    1. You’ve given me goosebumps. I had not even thought about your perspective about these two images, but know this, Mark, you are spot on. My heaviness has just lifted after so many storms. I am walking in Peace again, dear friend, and it feels so so so good!!! Bless you for “seeing”. You are amazing!!! Much Love, ❤

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      1. I just heard today the Farmers’ Almanac is calling for a very cold November with a lot of snow. Happy now? OH I am immersing myself in this heat while I have it! We are also supposed to get a very bad storm in February. Lots of snow landscapes photography this year, or at least it is looking that way. SO glad I have the clothes for this!!! *sigh* Must I do this????

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    1. You are very welcome, Jet. There have been many times I wish I had someone whose passion for photography equals mine walking next to me in these forests. I Love to share for it makes the experience that much more meaningful to me. Sharing here at Petals is the next best thing to me. The Light is turning Gold here on account of the leaves beginning to change … So soft and Divine. I plan on going out on many shoots. The hard part about this is what images to choose to show here out of hundreds. If I had the time I would show many more then I do. The Beauty is astounding!!! So glad you enjoyed this today!!! Much Love, ❤

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    1. Go for it!!! I was lost in a land of wonder yesterday! And remember me telling the story about how frightening an experience I had at Hunter’s Creek Park? When I got lost and went into a panic? I ran into a man yesterday in the park I was in and he too when at this Hunter’s Creek felt a bad energy and noticed how everything looked like death. Goosebumps!! I coudln’t believe he said that! I wasn’t imagining things!
      As for you on a hike … Oh yes please do it, Laura. There is no other place like a serene and beautiful forest. (((HUGS))) ❤


    1. I deliberately edited the second photo to make the grasses look creamy and dreamy. I fell in Love with both of these scenes. I have scratches on my legs from thorns so I could get into postion to shoot the second picture. All worth it!! No biggie. All in the day of the life of me. 🙂 ❤


    1. They SING to me as well, Morgirl!! Wait until you see what I shot yesterday. The second photo is from yesterday and OOH OH OH I really really walked into magic. The golden light everywhere had me entranced!! Goosebumps!!! ❤

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      1. Tomorrow with comments closed. (I think) I want to alert everyone I am having major issues with WP. I am having trouble getting my posts posted in the reader and comments that people make on my posts are not being seen in my notifications. What a hassle. I’ve had to go directly to my posts in order to answer comments. Some like yours right now do appear in my notifications. Most do not however. WP. What can I say????


    1. It is still very hot here, Sreejith, and believe me I am drinking it all in for as long as I can. I heard the temps are supposed to be dropping soon and in November we are supposed to be getting extremely lower then normal temps and a lot of snow. I’m not sure if I am ready for this but, hey, I live where I do and snow is part of the equation. (smile) Thank you for the compliment! Much Love, ❤

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  2. Mellow and soft —– lovely!

    On 22 September 2016 at 08:35, Petals Unfolding wrote:

    > AmyRose[image: 🌹] posted: ” When Heart pain consumes Beauty does beckon > for that breaking Heart Beauty to create for pain to lessen with time ~~~~ > I really hope this post “spoke” to you whose very Lives are strewn with > Heart pain in this present Moment. May Peace be kno” >

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  3. Wow, Amy! Two gorgeous images, both presenting a ‘fairy forest’ in their own way. No wonder you are floating after visiting the latter scene! Love it. And your message is equally touching ❤

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    1. Aw, thank you, Tiny!!! I’ve begun to literally walk into Golden Light here, so soft, dreamy and Divine. I LOVE the light this time of year! I’m Blessed my message spoke to you. Thank you for telling me. Much Love, ❤


    1. Thank you, Charlie, for expressing to me your observations. When my eyes saw this that is exactly what I felt … intrigue. Who would think fallen wood could be so darn beautiful? 🙂 ❤


    1. That day felt as if I entered the Enchanted Forest, Dan. The lighting was just so golden and Mother showed me one after the other views that stopped my feet and my Heart. Thank you for viewing these special images. ❤

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    1. Thank you, YellowCable!! I really felt as if I literally walked into magic. The lighting was just incredible! And the way I edited these I added to the magic. SO glad you enjoyed them!!! ❤


    1. You are so welcome, JoHanna. My Love affair is going strong and I couldn’t be happier. I’m trying right now to figure out when the best time will be to get these fall colors. This is not a normal year and to try to call it is so not easy. I’m thinking next week the leaves just might peak. Things are moving mighty fast now that the temps have dropped. More to come about this on my next post …. ❤

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  4. Amy both are such beautiful images.. both speak.. As you know the woods do to me.. 🙂
    We see many ‘moods’ of various shades around the world right now.. may we all find a glimpse of that Golden Light within the Hearts of all we meet..
    Love to you my friend.. ❤ Sue xxx


  5. May that Peace continue for you Sweet Amy. I pray you will always find it, always in a lovely place like the photos show. You are Special, and you are LOVED! ❤ ❤ ❤

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