Healing Rose

130 thoughts on “Healing Rose”

    1. Dearest Takami, tears pool in my eyes as I write this to you. If your week was anything like mine, I would classify it straight from hell. My Heart so goes out to you, and I pray for the both of us, that these brutal situations stop, and Peace, and only Peace, is seen. BIG (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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      1. Thank you so much Amy. I don’t want to hijack your comments section (and don’t want to spill over tears on my keyboard) so please just let me say: Thank you! And God bless you. People like you give me hope for humanity.

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      2. Tears on my end as well! BLESS you for saying this, for what I have witnessed in the race called humans, has been brutal. Thank you. Love, Amy ❤


      3. PS Please don’t ever consider yourself as hijacking my comments. It is those like you I reach out the most to. When in need, I really am here and I pray I really do make a difference! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


    1. Dearest One, you of anyone would know and understand just how rocky the “energy” has been lately. I have been buffeted one way from another way and again hit while I am still spinning. Sending Many Blessings to you, my Brother of Light. Hang on tight and pray that Life settles down. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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  1. Every time I see a rose, I think of my mother, whose name, of course, was Rosalie. Your photo is exceptionally beautiful and brought a little sunshine into my life this morning. I don’t know what’s going on in your life at the moment, but I hope things have gotten a little better for you.

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    1. My friend, somehow I overlooked your comment yesterday and for this I do apologize. Your words brought smiles to my face, because my Rose brought memories to you of your Mom. Rosalie … what an absolute gorgeous name! This Rose’s name is Princess Diana and is in memory of one of my cats, Princess. This is probably why I had my meltdown as I was capturing one of the Blooms, for Her Beauty struck me so deeply that it took my breath away. In that moment, all of what had transpired last week came to the surface and I wept. May your weekend be wonderful! I had planned on going to parks but I see it is still overcast, looking like rain. Perhaps I will still go. Who knows? I just follow my Heart. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


      1. You’re in WNY, aren’t you (well, I know you’ve taken photos of Niagara Falls and other local areas, so I just assumed)? I would love at some point to bring Teddy Rosalie over and photograph her in your gardens, if you were wiling to let me do so.


    1. Lisa, I know you are sensitive to the energies. Just hang in there and seek a way to bring Balance back in, (11:11 as I write this! 🙂 ), and a way for you to regain your stance. I Love you!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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  2. Well, not so much emotional toil but commuting kids back and forth from camp, having my son finish his last week of homeschooling an jury duty have certainly taken it’s toll. I’m glad this week is over!! Well, Amy, they do say misery loves company so not sure if that was any consolation, ha, ha!! Hope things are looking up for you. That rose, by the way, looks like it’s doing anything but healing, more like flourishing and showing the world all it’s beauty. May it be an inspiration to you as I’m sure your photography often is.

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    1. Marissa, I do not know how I overlooked your comment yesterday. I do apologize! As for having a stressful week, I am glad it is now over and hopefully we both can relax some over the weekend. This Rose is very special to me, being planted in the memory of one of my cats whose name was Princess. As I looked upon her Beauty, I broke, or rather the damn broke, and all the circumstances that rocked my world came flooding in with tears and sobs. I plan on using my camera and tripod this weekend in parks, but it is overcast and looks like rain again. We have been so dry here, and now it has done nothing but rain for the last week or so. I’ve been running out in between showers to get flower pictures, this Rose being one. I hope you have a wonderful weekend and get some relaxation in!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


      1. How lovely that this rose has a special meaning to you and I can think of nothing better than one life dedicated to another. It must be painful for you but it’s wonderful that you keep a reminder of Princess. As for myself, just running kids around and jury duty…seems trite in comparison!!

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      2. Marissa, I’m learning to let go. I have so many to care for that if I clung to those that are no longer here, I would be a basket case. Princess gave me quite the Gift. She got me to begin doing my research regarding vaccines. Why? She died from a vaccine. Today, due to what I have learned, I do not vaccinate my cats. Long story there ….. Love, Amy ❤


    1. When all HOPE fails, that is when we all are in trouble. I really don’t know what to hang on anymore, except to my camera. All means of me staying Centered in the course of a storm, no longer seem to make a difference. My ONE Source of Love found through Mother, heals me in so many ways. Bless you for your encouragement, Mary. There have been times of late I really don’t know if I can make it. It has just been that tough. And believe me, I am strong. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


      1. Thank you again, Mary. My blog is such a Blessing in my Life because it is my source where I do allow the feelings to flow. My Truthfulness is not well accepted in real life … by some, yes, but most, no. I again am turning to my camera later for more therapy. Bless you for your kindness!!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


    1. I’m getting there, Erika. Part of the difficulty is my husband. I am encouraging him to change his way of managing Life so that he can stay in a Calm place. It just poured this past week, yet …. MANY Blessings are now coming out of it. As for those who really hurt me DELIBERATELY, what you do unto others, that is what shall be done onto you. What IS is. And so I move forward! Later this afternoon I am taking my tripod and camera back to a park I know to capture water at slow shutter speeds. Keeping my fingers crossed the light will be right. Love, Amy ❤

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      1. I see, Amy! You know, there is a wonderful quote of Wayne Dyer: “How other people treat me, is their path – how I react, is mine!” We cannot control others but how we think and act. It also is not up to us to control others. Like us they are always at the right place. We don’t know why they do what they do. But one thing is for sure. Whatever someone does is a radiation of what is going on inside of that person… it is not about you.

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      2. Oh, I know this, Erika, to a T. A cold empty Heart is what was reflected to me, yet the barbs spoken to me were so unexpected and such a shock, I just about keeled over. And that is no exaggeration. My character was debased so badly, I did not even recognize the person that was being described as me. Truth is not embraced easily in this world, my friend, especially when a wrong is pointed out, which I pointed out. That was not taken well.
        Thank you for saying this was not about me. Again, I really know this, yet my sensitive soul was shocked. >3

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      3. Although we know sometimes it needs a little break-out when too much hidden stuff has to be released. And sometimes we simply don’t want to remember… 😉 Big hugs to you, Amy ❤

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    1. Oh, Melissa, you’ve got the tears flowing again. Thank you from the bottom of my Heart for your kindness. This week was just brutal and I for one, am very glad the weekend is upon us. I plan on using my tripod and camera and getting out in Mother a lot. I saw some creeks that I would love to do some slow shutter shots on. Right now, Mother and my camera are my Healers. Bless you, my friend! Love, Amy ❤


    1. Thank you, Kathy!! Bless you, my friend! This week was as about as tough as it gets. I’m taking my camera and tripod with my headphones and head out to a park later this afternoon. I hope to get some slow shutter speeds of water. Come to think of it, darn! It rained last night so the water will probably be muddy. I’ll have to find something else to shoot then. And I will!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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      1. Sounds like a good plan. We went out and played hooky today and went fishing. Got a few pics taken of one of the lakes. When I post next will show them. Bet you will find something to shoot. Love you and hope next week is better ❤

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      2. Kathy, keep me in your prayers because I am really trying to encourage hubby to walk away from the “work” and take breaks. He gets in the modes that he is obsessed literally with all that must be done around here, and tunnel vision is a result. I am really going to try to get him to come with me to a park this weekend. He is in “soldier mode” right now, which means march march march and do not stop. I’m so happy for you that you and hubby got some R&R in. We all need it!!! Have a great weekend! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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      3. Amy, will keep you in my prayers, Does sound really hard and hope you can talk him into going to the park with you. Sending extra HUGS also and only imagine what you are going through, Much LOVE ❤

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      4. Thank you for the prayers, Kathy. Hubby has returned to “right mind” and there is hope that he will come with me this evening (late afternoon) to a park. 🙂 ❤

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    1. Thank you, Tiny!! I am just so relieved this week is over and the energy seems to be settling down. I will be using my camera and tripod a lot today and this weekend just to get away and get lost in Mother. Hope your weekend is good one!!! Love, Amy ❤


  3. This is a beautiful image Amy, I am sorry you have had a rough week, and I hope things get better for you. What you have written, always seems true for me too, and I have been thinking that exact same thing this week.

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    1. Karen, the really odd thing is that when I post work like this, so many step forward and say they too have been having a tough patch. It is as though the Universe is allowing things to unfold in my Life which my Heart then urges me to write about, because it is all about reaching out to others who are hurting. I pray that Life lets up for you and for me, and we can both get back to Balance and Calm. The “energy” of late has been very rocky, so if you are a “sensitive” like me, you will not only feel it, but you will experience the dark raising its ugly head. At least that is how it usually happens with me. Hang in there …. A Rainbow is about to shine! 🙂 Love, Amy ❤

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    1. Raewyn, that is wonderful about your group!! My camera truly is my savior right now, and Mother speaks to me and touches me like no one else can. Much healing has occurred and more will be coming forth. Consider yourself very fortunate to have this group of women!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


    1. Thank you, YellowCable. This is actually a Rose called Princess Diana and was bought in memory of one of my cats whose name was Princess. This Rose means much to me, and that is probably why her Beauty got the tears going. I am so glad you admired Her. Thank you! Love, Amy ❤

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      1. Honey, you I carry with me all the time and pray for. Healing will not be easy, and as I go through my own for my Dad, again, I will be with you in spirit. God BE with you, my sweet friend. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


      2. I am still praying for YOU also Amy. You are always so comforting for other people and it warms my heart to know there are some who can comfort you also. I hope I am one of those. I love you also, and I KNOW God is with us both, always helping in times like this. HE will get us both thru, even when the hard times sneak up on us. The days are easier, but the nights are long and hard to get thru. HUGS. Angie

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  4. Dear Amy, I am sorry that your tears spilled over this week.. Yes you are right the dark often comes to try to extinguish our light.. But the brighter we are the more truth we hold, and Truth and Light shall always win over deceit and greed..

    I can feel the light and love poured forth from this rose Amy.. and I am sure Mother Earth soaked up your tears to transmute them into her joy of giving such delights for you to share..

    Love and healing thoughts your way my sister.. Hugs Sue xxx


    1. Dearest Sue, the heaviness is already lifting and now I am able to pray for those who deliberately hurt me and send them LOVE. Mother did transmute my pain so that I am once again able to stand stable and do my work. This entire week was an onslaught of dark after dark being seen and the shock was tremendous to my mind, body and spirit. I plan on spening much time with my camera this weekend just to get lost in the beauty of Mother. That is my True place in this world. Bless you for your Love and healing thoughts. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤

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      1. I have been out taking photo’s myself this morning Amy.. And came across a couple of families of Canada Geese with their young… I only had my mobile phone with me but got a few good shots.. I am sending Amy.. And know that love and healing will be given from our Mother to fill up your heart so that it expels all sadness.. Love to you my friend Enjoy! your day xx ❤

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      2. Enjoy your day as well, my friend!!! The sun is just coming out so it is beginning to look like my plan on going to a park today is going to manifest! 🙂 YAY!!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


  5. Oh my angel, yes, how difficult are these days 🙂 I weep with you, I weep for joy, i feel/see your love your light, with me in the darkest of places.
    x x x x
    thank you little rose

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    1. The energies are lifting a bit today, my BELoved Friend. Get immersed in Mother, and slip into the Zone of Now. Get recharged, renewed, Balanced, as the Sun once again does shine. Hang in there, Niki. Last week was a really tough one!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


    1. I am thrilled you are enjoying my work. May my work assist you on your Life Journey, and may you keep enjoying what I create!!! Bless you for commenting! Love, Amy ❤

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      1. Thank you for ur kind consideration..as im new to the wordpress …and i dnt knw much about it…my name is sneha.. Professionally an ayurvedic doctor..,31 yrs old ,have a kid her name meenakshi..now residing in UAE.. Thats all about me… Im so much excited for ur replay … Thank u very much… May god bless you… Actually i dnt knw much about u and ur location…yes love to be here with u bcz i felt some soul connection … We had been in usa for about 3 years.. From there i started reading habits.. Quite njoying now.. Thank u once again

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      2. An ayurvedic doctor ….. NICE!!!! I wish we had more of you here in the states because medicine as it is today is in big trouble. I believe in alternative medicine for both myself and husband, and our cats. We focus on Homeopathy and herbs with some truly exceptional results. I am going to write your name down, Sneha, for it is very unusual for me. I really try to remember everyone’s name who comes to Petals. I am thrilled you “feel” my energy and are able to connect with me. This is how I function as well. I sense energy. Please enjoy Petals as much as you can. It is my honor that you do so. Thank you for telling me about yourself. Bless you! I live in New York State near Buffalo on the eastern portion of the United States.
        God bless you this day!!! May your day be wonderful! Love, Amy ❤

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  6. Sorry to hear you’ve had a hard time, Amy. Been absent myself for a similar reason – a fortnight ago we lost our lovely little dog, Ziggy. He was getting treatment, vet thought he’d be okay and he just laid down, put his head on Bryan’s feet and passed away, quietly and peacefully. Still distraught, I miss the bright, bubbly, loving, kind little larrikin, so quiet without him, the other three dogs have been much quieter too. Hugs to you, Darl xxxx

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    1. I am so sorry to hear about your great loss, Darl. Be glad that your Ziggy went peacefully and you did not have to make the horrendous decision of euthanasia. My hard times have passed, and a Great Peace has descended which I fully embrace. I also see somehow my follow on your blog disappeared, so I rechecked the follow today. That WP ghost is up to mischief again.
      I hope your Heart heals quickly and that in time, you can remember your Ziggy with smiles and fond memories. I understand when one of our family leaves, how devastating it is. Bless you!!!! (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


    1. Sriram, I am most honored you visited me here at Petals. Now you see my Heart. Mother is a part of my Blood. The Bond I have I cannot explain but it is my Source of Life. You of anyone, I do believe, understands. ❤


    2. Please excuse me. I just realized after the fact, your name is Sri Amjanak. It has been a while since I studied within the Self-Realization Fellowship program under the guidance of Paramahansa Yogananda. So that terminology has not been used by me in years. (((HUGS))) Amy ❤


      1. Hehehehehe Well, as per usual lately, foot in mouth via hands. LOL I’ve been doing that a lot. Gee. It’s a good thing I am taking some days off from WP. Immerse head which contains mouth in Mother and keep hands busy with camera. 🙂 ❤ *giggling*

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  7. Thanks for dropping by my DOOR challenge, Amy. As usual, you have proved once again that you and the rose are one. I’m sorry you had such a bad week but glad you have such an outlet as this that can take you past it. I tried liking this post, but for some reason, I’m not able to like on this computer. I appreciate yours, though. 🙂

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