In The Silence (5 MACROS)

125 thoughts on “In The Silence (5 MACROS)”

    1. Thank you, Line. These words are very prominent in my Mind today and when I say them, a sense of floatiness comes over me, and my soul sighs ahhhhhhhh……. Have a beautiful day, Sweetie! Love, Amy


    1. Mark, that it is. Every day before my feet hit the floor, I pray for help with my day. To stay in “light” versus “dark” each day, is some days very challenging. It is a choice and when I “feel” the heaviness in this world, I struggle to stay “light”. I hope you have a very peaceful day with your wife, Karen. With Love, Amy


      1. It’s Mind over Matter, Richard, and a concentrated focus on what you are photographing to the point, nothing exists. You forget your hands are shaking. It takes a lot of core strength to hold that still, I will be truthful with you. And years of Yoga taught me how to hold a pose without wobbling. Some days are easier then others. When I am tired, my hands do shake, and it is NOT easy to stop them from doing so. Even my hubs, who is a photographer, cannot believe the images I get by hand holding my camera. He says it is not possible. So, what I am doing, the usual photographer does not. My life has given me strength beyond that of which I can describe, and that is the very strength I pull on when I shoot. I would begin by strengthening your core. Sit-ups, Richard, in crunch style. That is having your knees bent, feet on floor, hands behind the neck (don’t pull on your neck) and bring your upper body up towards your knees. There you go. I just gave you one of my secrets. (smile) xx

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I do three hundred sit-ups every night. I could stand on one leg all day, but my hands won’t obey the rest of me. I don’t think I could ever take pictures like you do. I wish I could.


      3. OMG! Richard! That’s incredible about the sit-ups! Mind is VERY strong, much more so than you know. Keep trying. The whole key is to focus so much on what you are photographing, getting lost in what you see, that you forget all about those hands. I make like a tripod with my arm holding the camera with that elbow firmly resting on my stomach, and then the top portion of the camera is steadied on my forehead. This only works when I am close to the ground. When I am free standing, it becomes more challenging. I also know the right editing techniques to bring in the clarity on my images. I have Photoshop Elements 6, and with the help of a book, I am learning how to bring in that sharp focus. Some of my images need very little sharpening. Others need work. If you can do 300 sit-ups, you can surely get your hands to stop shaking. I also hold the barrel of the camera in the palm of my left hand … with that elbow resting on my stomach, or on the left side of my abdomen. At times I hold my breath to stop any movement in my body. Hope this info helps. I have every confidence in you!!! xx Amy


      4. Yes!! You made my day. Remember to use as much as you can to brace that camera. The elbow, the hand under the barrel, the top part of the camera resting on your forehead, and steady with legs wide apart, and stop the breath. You can do it, Richard! Focus intently on what you are photographing and just get lost. (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. I wrote what it is on the top of the post. Off the top of my head, it begins with a G, and I would have to run outside to see the tag. It’s a new flower. It will time for me to remember. Go and read at the top of the post what this flower is. (smile) xx Amy


      1. OH I didn’t even recognize the name thats why I asked 🙂 yeah, Im doing a little too much at once today I think!


      2. OH I didn’t even recognize the name thats why I asked 🙂 yeah, Im doing a little too much at once today I think!


      3. Ill tell you, when Im at work and also doing wordpress, tweeting, facebook, email, notifications, and OH yeah…actually working…yeah, I miss a few things LOL 🙂


    1. Thank you, Laura. You can thank the book I am reading for I am really learning how to get that detail honed in. And you can thank the little 2-year who lives next door to me for picking my flowers, giving me in return, a new perspective in how I take an image. [GRIN] Thank you SO much for your compliment. That means SO much to me! Love, Amy


      1. you’re welcome Amy 🙂 I’m hoping to get a macro lens at the end of this year. And a new 2.8 wide 17-55mm (which is best for my DX over the 20-70). Anyway, have a great day!!


      2. I highly recommend the 2.8 17-55mm. I have it. And when you get your macro, notice I said WHEN, make sure it is a 2.8 as well. You will be stunning at it! OH boy! Something to look forward to from you! Yippee! xx


      3. I use the 60mm lens, but it is a Canon. You see the results I get and this lens, believe it or not, does not have image stabilizer on it. I guess you are supposed to use a tripod *giggling* when you use a macro, so Canon is selling this macro without IM, which you don’t use when you use a tripod/unipod. Tee hee. I’ve become the human tripod. Yep, you keep focusing on that WHEN. I have ONE more lens in mind, one in the L-Series, and it is WHEN with me too. [GRIN] xx


  1. These are so beautiful and what a excellent photographer you are. Especially without a tripod.Will have to try that technique with the elbow on the stomach that you mentioned above. The words also fit the flower perfect. Love, Kathy xoxo


    1. Thank you, Kathy! When I read this post after it all came together, I felt my soul sigh. Yes, another perfectly inspired post from Divinity. Bless you, Love, Amy


      1. You know I love your work and the way you send messages of encouragement and love. You are my angel…love always Lora


    1. Katelon, thank you for telling me. I have 6 more flowers to put in the ground, and I shall be praying on my knees for you while I am planting them. Peace IS yours, my friend. BREATHE just BREATHE and BE. (((HUGS))) Amy


      1. Thanks so much sweetie. I’m working with my spiritual friend to clear long standing interference with my good/health/peace, etc.

        I miss planting and tending flowers!
        Love, katelon


      2. All is good, Katelon. Leave all that in the past and live for the moment, feeling the Love that is all around you. When you focus on the past “too” much, that interferes with your present. I purposely focus on Beauty and I am accused by hubs I am too cheery. If you read the post that is up right now, “Brave Heart”, you will understand that there is a lot that I could get dragged down about. I choose Love. It is not easy, Luv, but yet, with daily practice it is possible. I am living proof. Love and (((HUGS))) Amy


      3. Amy…you misunderstand what I am saying. I am not focusing on the past, I am working on clearing what is in the way of my NOW present moment of health, finances, etc. so that I can move forward and shine ALL my light and love to the world and fully claim the bigger mission that is mine to do.

        I agree that focusing on the past can drag one down, but in my 36 year alternative healing practice I have learned that without clearing what is keeping us from fully living in our fullness now, we remain stuck. I have helped thousands of people throughout the years, clearing away the dross that is covering that shiny diamond of their being. Yes, people CAN get stuck in their past, but to just say focus on the love that is now, I believe is naive, as our subconscious, our being is wired from all our past lives and this lifetime, so it is helpful to clear that stuff SO that people can feel the love now, be the love now, be whole now.

        I have always been proactive in my healing process. it was necessary. Without it, I would have been dead 30 + years ago from asthma. But I took charge then to start healing what needed to be healed in order to reclaim the truth of me. It also led me to the healing work I have done to help so many.


      4. My apologies, Katelon. I did misunderstand. And now I do fully understand, because when things come up with me, and oh believe me they do, I must go through more purification and healing. In order for me to keep shining my Light, I must be with a pure Heart. Sending you Much Love, and (((HUGS))) Amy


  2. Lovely flowers! Daisy style flowers and old cabbage roses are my favorites. Your words are the topic of discussion on Aisha’s blog. Philip and several others have been speaking much about bathing in the silence. I myself have been in silence for a while now too. Even preferring natures music to the radio. Love to you Amy!
    ❤ Denise


    1. Hmmmmm……the Language of Spirit is heard by many and the ONE. I haven’t even read any messages from the pond, and here I am writing about Silence. Interesting, I would say. I have been listening to Baltimore Oreoes singing, so HAPPY this year! I even caught one with my camera which I plan on showing I think tomorrow. No music on as well. Just listening the Winds, and the Birds and the Leaves. Denise, this is what I miss SO much in winter … the Sounds of Life. I am envisioning a way for us to BE in warm climate during the winter months, able to afford two homes. I hope you are well and all in your life are well. With Love and (((HUGS))) Amy


      1. Yes, all are one in spirit. 🙂 The birds have been very boisterous this spring! My soul sings with them! A warm climate for winter with birds and green to keep the spirit soaring does sound wonderful, but even in Atlanta where we got some real cold this winter the bugs in summer are awful. Further south is even buggier. Ha! Warm thoughts of and for you Amy. ❤ ((HUGS)) too! Denise


    1. Why thank you, Professor. That one was NOT easy to get. When I get in that close, my camera does not want to focus plus my hands really begin to shake. It was worth it. C’est le vie! (smile) (((HUGS))) LadyP


  3. Amy, your light shines in everything you do and say. You are the perfect embodiment of what I dream and write about, which is the balance of every aspect of our existence so that from the dark we never lose sight of the light. You show us that light in every brilliant image and with every soothing and wise word. Thank you seems so inadequate. If you’ll accept a hug instead, I left it here -> *Huuuug* with *face obscuring smile* 🙂


    1. Daniel, I’m in tears. And shaking. Your words mean so much to me. I’ve worked so hard at overcoming those patterns that were forced upon me, learning how to walk in Love, and in Peace, and sharing that with everyone here. Bless you for being a part of my life. I am so touched and so honored. Thank you and (((HUGS))) Amy


      1. Please know, you have helped resurrect that crushed little boy, whose body I carried in my soul these many years. I couldn’t bear to part with him, and now I know why. He was waiting for another chance to live and laugh, to be carefree. He wanted a place to live where hate could never touch him again and now, he’s free. I should stop there because I’ve run out of tissue. If you catch a glimpse of something running in your garden, chased by a wee dragon, its me and Willy, being carefree.


      2. OMG! I can’t stop crying! This is the honest to God’s truth. When I have been outside, I have seen something from the corner of my eye, yet every time I turn to look, it is gone. It is YOU! YOU have come to play in my gardens. Oh, Willy, you are SO welcome here any time. There are SO many cats and that is another thing … go easy there, cause you are scaring some of them. Now I know why Molly jumped clear out of the blue with her tail all bushy. And there were a few other times I kept asking my cats what do you see? They are very shy, so let them come to YOU. Have you heard the Baltimore Oreo that is singing his heart out? Never have I heard this before. He is celebrating your freedom! Yes, come and play in my gardens with faeries and cats and hummingbirds and butterflies and Oreoes who sing just for you. And so many beautiful flowers. I am creating a Paradise for little boys and girls to come and play in. As I will play too! OMG! I am sobbing …. (((HUGS))) Amy


      3. Ha, Willy loves cats and birds but they don’t always want to play right away. Also, Willy likes to chase butterflies. He pops up out of the tall grass or flower beds when they flitter by. That can be a little shocking the first few times it happens. We’ll behave 🙂 If you hear the hummingbirds let out a sound like a small bark, it’s because they saw Willy and they are warning the butterflies. He won’t harm them, he just wants to play chase. *Reflecto-Hugs*


      4. I know he won’t harm them, I know. It is just my cats are not used to people much less a little boy. My cats have been abused too, Willy, or most of them have, and they don’t trust easily. They do love to play and they love to chase things that move. They’ll get used to you and I really thank you for bringing excitement into their lives. I’m so busy most of the time, I don’t get to play with them. This summer is going to be so much fun. (((HUGS))) Amy


  4. This is so true and so beautifully said. Beauty enjoyed in silence is truly seen and brings such peace.
    The photos you share here are so beautiful and make my heart smile.


  5. So wonderful, I make checking your blog part of my morning routine now, lol. Today I was in my moms garden and I was watching the bees do their bee business. Really quite amazing, they’ve got their own little system of doing things. Then one flew inot my mouth, lol. *cringe*


    1. *mouth agape* OMG! I BEE flew into your mouth! I would have cringed as well. Whoa! Yes bees are fascinating which I am thrilled you are seeing, but next time keep your mouth closed. You must have been gaping in amazement. *giggling* Oh this is funny, Michelle. I can’t help but laugh about this. I am also very happy you were with your Mom today. Lucky lady! Love and (((HUGS))) Amy


      1. Haha, I made my mom laugh too! My arms flailing all over and through my hair, tongue out asking if I got stung. I didn’t lol. But it was a very animated moment for me to say the least :p


      2. OH OH OH! I am laughing SO hard! I don’t mean to but just the image of you flailing about is too funny. Thank you for sharing this moment. Next time when you admire the bees, please keep your mouth shut. Tee hee xxxx


      3. Hehehe, omg yes, I will be definitely keeping my mouth shut next time! 😛 By the way I did nominate you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. I know you normally don’t accept those, but how could I not nominate you for that one? 😉
        Love and *Hugs*


      4. GROAN! Michelle! I have like THREE awards MORE that I plan on putting on my awards page. All from people who mean a lot to me, but I just cannot do the requirements. Leave the link to that one on my About Page, OK, so I can get to it easily. I really do thank you, honest. Love, Amy


      5. Hehe, No rush, I just immediately thought of you, even if you don’t have time for it. lol you know me, I like to go fast 😛 I will drop you a reminder on your about page, for sure! And you are so welcome. ❤


      6. You definitely are a speedster! LOL I am as well but it involves so much from here. I was told today I am about 3 people rolled into 1. Yep, that would be me. xx 💞🌹💞


      7. Michelle, frankly there are some days I hit that pillow and ask if I need to have my head examined. Between my blog and all I do, running around to everyone’s blogs as well (at least I try), take care of all the animals that I do, take care of hubs, do all my gardening, my photography …. (YAWN) … I just did for real!!!! I have a huge Heart and some days it just isn’t enough! I LOVE you, Michelle, MORE! Hehehehehe Love, Amy


      8. Hehe, time flies when you’re having fun. You sound like me on some days. I’m just everywhere all day… then crash! lol. *Hugs*


      9. I would swear I fly in between time, Michelle. Hehehehehe I don’t know how I do all I do. I just do it. Hubs on the other hand *eye roll* TALKS about what he is GOING TO DO and it never gets done. I have to set a firecracker under his butt to get him to DO. Hehehehehe Try pouring those passions into something you Love. I KNOW where your energy wants to go. Feel that energy and with concentration raise it to your Heart level and keep it there. I call it my “elevator”. It really works. It takes practice to first of all feel this “tube of energy” called the Prana Tube which is very real. If you keep your energy where it wants to stay, you’ll be moping all over the place yearning to be with your boyfriend in a physical manner. You are very Gifted. Take it from one who has lived a lot more life then you. Don’t waste one minute in your life NOT focusing on what you LOVE to do. Before you know it, time passes, your passions cease and you are living in a way that you really don’t like. It happens to most people. Gosh! I am very philosophical this morning! Hmmm….. Gotta get my meager ration of chatty in before I shut this computer off for the weekend. Tee Hee. (((HUGS))) Amy


      10. Hehehe, your hubby sounds like my dad, lol! He’s in desperate need of procrastinators anonymous! Maybe if I dangle a beer above his head like a carrot it might be sufficient motivation, lol. I will do exactly that, or well I am trying. This weekend is workout weekend and my sister plans on kicking my ass, so I’ll have no choice but to focus, lol. Enjoy yours I hope the weather is nice. It’s clear skies and sunny here 🙂


  6. Beautiful words and marvelous pictures my dear friend…I have to go, but I wanted to stop by and wish you a great week-end Amy Sunshine, I’ll see you soon…love Delvi.


    1. Wow. Thank you, Sreejith. I am discovering “light” with my flowers. These were taken on my window sill, not outside, so the light was in the back of them. The detail that came out is stunning on these. I agree about the last one. When I see it, my soul just sighs. I have SO many awesome photos, if I started printing them out and putting them on my walls, I would run out of wall space. LOL Love, Amy


    1. Were not the photos on these just breathtaking? Every time I read it, my soul sighs. The color and the texture and the words that were given to me … who could possibly ask for more? Love you! Amy


    1. (smiling) I just came on here to send one comment and there you are! Hi, Alexander! And thank you for the lovely and kind comment. I photographed these flowers on my window sill, so the light IS different from the way I ususally photograph. This opportunity has given me some ideas about lighting in the gardens. Have a wonderful day, and I will see you on Monday. I’m taking off the weekend. I have worked SO hard in my gardens and this weekend I am going to relax. How about that? Love, Amy


      1. I shall have a glorious weekend, Alexander! It is such a gorgeous day here and with most of my “work” caught up, both in the house and out, I think I will go to buy a nice seat swing to put up in our backyard. We had one but it fell apart so it got thrown out. A nice walk sounds glorious. Hugs as well, told me about a beautiful water falls that I want to photograph. Perhaps I will do that this weekend as I wait for my gorgeous Peonies to open. Hope your weekend is a good one, too. With Love, Amy


    1. Linda!! How are you! I haven’t seen you around lately. It is SO good to see your gravatar. I really thank you for your kind words and even though I am not officially on here, I am going to your site. I am hoping I haven’t see you is because I got unfollowed from your blog. That has been happening a lot to me. Well, I am going over to see you. I will find out! Love, Amy


      1. Hi Amy, I have just been out of blogland for a while! Getting ready for my artshow season. Got caught up, and now I’m back. I love your blog! Will always follow it.


      2. OH, Linda! Whew! I thought it was WP. Anyways, I unfollowed you then followed you again just in case. NOW you should be in my reader!!!! (((HUGS))) Amy


    1. Tell your human it is OK to have them fur her wallpaper on her phone. If I know you, you would find a way to eat them. I have confidence in you. Much LOVE, Mom Bonzo


      1. Shrimp, ya can’t pull the “wool” over my eyes. I see right through your um happiness for your human. Now you will have your own personal supply of goodies to munch on every time you can steal your human’s phone. MOL! xx MB


    1. Thank you, Jane!!! I could not read all of your other comment GRRRRRRRR….. but I am still having issues. This is one of the reasons why I am not blogging full time right now. (((HUGS))) Amy


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