What Will It Take? (4 MACROS)

108 thoughts on “What Will It Take? (4 MACROS)”

    1. Thank you very much, Richard. Some of the fern pictures I have are SO cool. I’ve been having a blast with my camera, not wanting to miss anything. Like a kid in a candy shot.


      1. Oh, Richard, tears spring to my eyes. Thank you. I just spoke my Truth to someone yesterday about how much I LOVE what I do and how I refuse to step into the professional arena because I refuse to allow my wings to be clipped, and I could feel the anger. I just want to be me, and do what I am doing, working towards a dream of someday publishing a book of my work … my photography with the words I write to them. I don’t want anyone tearing my work apart and that is exactly what would happen if I did step into the world. I won’t do it. I will just keep on doing what I am, and see where my wings take me. And you will see it. xx Amy


      2. Hmmmm…… oh boy. That is the very reason why a book from me might not be published. I won’t let someone tell me what to do. (sigh) I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it, and you stick to who YOU are. (((HUGS))) Amy


      3. I might publish my own poetry. I even got the software to do it recently, but I want to see my books in a kids hand and know that they are dreaming about it the same way I used to.


      4. Never curse those that write the beautiful words you write, Richard. I could shake you right now. LOVE those fingers, for through them, you bring such wonder and beauty to many! Love, Amy


    1. I’m no longer stepping aside and shying away from the strong messages, Neha. For this reason, I have been shunned all my life and for me to step forward and say I draw the line here by saying what I know, takes a lot of courage. People don’t want to hear these things, and they hurt me because I do say them. In fact, this post was created because of a person judging me for who I am. And I turned around, refusing to even interact with this person with closed ears, and wrote this post. May all who have ears HEAR and may all those who have EYES see this Truth today!!! I’m fired up today, my friend. I’ve really drawn the line and saying NO MORE judgment! I also have a story to tell how I am seeing, really seeing, what goes around comes around. It has to do with a cat who I know is the reincarnation of my Tigger. That’s a story for another day, though! In other words, how you judge another, and how you treat another, so shall you be judged and treated. I just wrote another one of my small sayings. BLESS you for being in my life! Love you! Amy


      1. I REALLY LOVE this energy and the message today Amy! so glad that you are taking this step and moving forward to spread the love ❤ your little sayings are deep and true and should be spread around this globe 🙂


      2. My messages have gained strength, and I am not hiding behind fear to prevent them from being seen. Thank you for your support, your friendship, and your Love. May you be blessed this day!!!! Love, Amy


    1. Good morning, Don. I shall I shall. I spent many a LONG hour going to blogs yesterday and today I am out in my gardens. I need to buy some more plants. 🙂 Oh goody! xx


  1. Mark, I am very confused here. First, I am not a Kansas graduate, and second I never saw WW2 because I was never born. I have tried to go to the reblog of this post, but I cannot find that either. Crossed wires today, my friend. Love, Amy


    1. Sorry, Amy. WP cross-up. I was attempting to reblog Kerbey’s piece, which included all the information described. I deleted the erroneous reblog, therefore … it’s not there. Thanks and sorry, my friend. Mark


    1. Bless you, Laura. These words are an example why so many have pushed me away in my life. I will no longer step away from my Truth because of my past experiences. And so I speak strong words at my Petals. Those with ears will hear, and those with eyes will see. Have a wonderful day, my friend. Love, Amy

      Liked by 1 person

      1. *tears to my eyes* Laura, someday I may write a book telling the story of what I have gone through to get to the place in life I am today. Even I look back and am amazed I am still alive. Yes, I have paid dearly. I am so humbled and at the same time full of JOY that you come to Petals, Laura. May you be Blessed for it. Peace today is yours. Love, Amy


    1. Thank you, Amy. Most of mine made it through the winter. Some bushes did not and must be attended to. But otherwise I am looking good here!!! (((HUGS))) Amy


  2. Oh dear,oh dear Amy … I am so very sorry your plants are a bit withered today ; it seems somebody has tried to harm them,to harm their sweet and soft petals.Bless them their heart ; the power of your love prevails and thorns have no place in a well cultivated garden,the garden of your heart where only blossoms have place.Your tender caring love is the best antidote for all the weeds…
    Your last floral photo,with the wonderful silken petals,cries out loudly that …
    ” All are One ” … ,all are one …
    Big hugs and cheers , Doda 🙂 ♥~~♥


    1. The first plant is actually in my neighbor’s garden, and her flowers are not loved like mine are. The two ferns are baby ferns just coming out of the ground, and that is why they look like they do. Tomorrow’s post will have flowers all over the place in it. I took a walk today and OH did I find treasure. Not to worry, my friend, petals are alive and kicking here!!! I love the way you saw the last photo. This is how I saw it too! Not just the buds, but the shape, form and color and how the whole image just sang ONE!! Love, Amy


    1. Yes, it is a powerful message. It came about when someone again would not accept me for me. These words came forth. I came under the eye of judgment (again) and instead of talking to deaf ears, I did not continue the conversation. Instead I wrote this post. Bless you for all the red hearts you left for me. I LOVE every one of them! xx MB


      1. Some humans are truly stupid… and then it’s best to just walk away… they wouldn’t understand anyway… Your post is truly powerful! You’re such an amazing artist! It’s an honor and a pleasure to know you, dear Mom BonZo! Sending you more hearts… ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ We HEART you! 🙂 xx Roxy & Tigerlino 🙂 ❤


      2. Oh, wow, I do not even know what to say. You guys tear me up. (my eyes water) Thank you from the bottom of my Heart. (((HUGGIES))) Amy


  3. I like what you posted and the stem that looks sort-of closed off in its rolled tight shape- sort of like nature’s way of “being in a box” and then blossoming and loosening 🙂 lovely~!


  4. You know Amy, I have long since let go of trying to figure out those with narrow views.. .. They will always be those confined in their little boxes with labels attached.. It took a long while in understanding we can only point a way by example.. I can only lead a horse to water, I can not make him drink! 🙂

    I have found all play a part… those who hold shadow do so, so we can find the light.. Without the Negative we wouldn’t know the Positive…

    So Bless them anyway… for each are playing their part within the scheme of Life.. as we learn sometimes the greatest lessons from our worst enemies ….

    Loved your thoughts and photos Amy.. and many thanks for you visits xoxox Hugs to you.. xxx Love


    1. Sue, due to a “shadow” this beautiful post was created. So yes, GOOD does exist in all. All DO play a part in the Whole, so no one has the right to say anything regarding who a person is. I came under the eye of judgment for being who I am, and instead of forcing the issue, I quietly walked away and wrote these words. So, I rejoice for this circumstane that happened. I do! Love, Amy


      1. I thought so, and I feel so sorry for the Shadow whose light wilts in your brightness 🙂 .. Would that they could see it from their narrow perspective! 😉 xxxx Hugs back xxx


      2. I have Compassion for those who shrink from me, yet I pray for them as well, that what they do see, will be embraced instead of pushed away again. You are very perceptive. No surprise there. Love, Amy


    1. Mother is the Greatest Healer, Michelle. When you tap into Her Magnificence and Power, all things are truly possible. I know this holds true for me. I managed to go for a walk today, and I literally got lost in the beauty around me. I did more picture taking then actual sustained walking. I cared not for what anyone thought … kneeling on the street, kneeling on someone’s grass, gawking in awe at a flowering tree, talking to a flower, taking picture after picture after picture. The neighborhood I walk in will get to know me, OH yes I can tell you. I’ll be known as that “flower lady”. LOL Love, Amy


    1. Karen, I have fought too. And now I refuse to be put back in anything that resembles a box. Some people are seriously afraid of this. They just don’t know how to “react”. xx Amy


      1. Yes, Karen, it is. Those who are in boxes do not know this, though. We just keep on bringing Truth and Love to the forefront with the Hope that those who are trapped in the cages of their own making, will learn how to set themselves. free. And so it is! Thank you! Love, Amy


    1. I think so too, YellowCable. Each of us is walking a unique and individual path, learning lessons speciifically tailored for that person. It takes some deep thought I think to be truthful with ourselves in each of our lives. With Love, Amy


  5. It does feel sad when this happens, but I am learning to just send them love. They are in fear, insecure. Just keep shining sweetie!


    1. Thank you, Katelon. You are so right! The fear is all about them seeing something they would prefer not to see. I am not about to shut my Light off, and at this point, not able to. So instead of tangling with deaf ears, I wrote these words. Blessings do come from every situation. Love, Amy


      1. Sometimes I am, Alexander. I fly in between what I do in my life. If you knew how much I do in one day, you wouldn’t believe me. I was just talking to a friend about cutting back on blogging a bit. I love what I do, yet I need time for me too. Perhaps I go down to posting 3 times a week instead of once per day. I am taking weekends off now, so that is something new. I sometimes wish I had the friends that I do have in WP in my life. Now that would be heavenly! xx Amy


      1. My pleasure Amy! I have been busy in the last few days..so glad that finally can drop by and say hello to you..Looking at your wonderful flower photos were helping me relaxing… ♥♥♥


    1. Jude, I just found this comment in my spam file. Thank you for taking the time to view my blog, and I will check you other blog out when I can. Thank you!!! Love, Amy


      1. Thanks for rescuing me Amy. Possibly went in because of the link, or maybe not 😦 WP has a habit of dumping us Brits into spam folders.


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